Joe Biden, a President for the New Cold War

Hitler went after neighboring nations in a different situation. The nations involved here have always been within Russia's sphere of influence. There are many people who are Russian or mixed with Russian DNA in these nations. Russia needs access to areas of the world in the seaways. At least understand their agendas. As for the people living in the areas affected, I understand. Would you accept nuclear weapons used in this conflict? Would a limited nuclear conflict with us losing a few cities be acceptable? I gotta say, the Deplorables know your views on them and will not be sympathetic to that happening.
Kuwait was once a province of Iraq and Kuwaitis also speak Arabic. Justifying Putin takes some real mental gymnastics.
Didn’t age well.
Putin just couldn't keep ignorinig the US acts of war against his country and so the US has what it wants.
Another country beside itself invading a smaller country.

It didn't work well for the Crimea for America and it's not going to work out very well this time either.
Putin just couldn't keep ignorinig the US acts of war against his country and so the US has what it wants.
Another country beside itself invading a smaller country.

It didn't work well for the Crimea for America and it's not going to work out very well this time either.
What acts of war against Russia? The ruple is crashing.
What acts of war against Russia? The ruple is crashing.
That's the result of the acts of war surada. It's been a concentrated effort by America to destroy Russia's economy that's been ongoing by US presidents ever since the formation of Nato, the tool of US aggression.

I think that Russia's leadership has concluded that their country needs to realign with China and the other countries that will remain non-Nato.

This bold move by Russia is signalling that Russia is not going to be pushed anymore. None of the world's countries should be unaware of what's happening after the Iraq war in which the facts were exposed.

There's no way that the facts can't be acknowledged by Americans, but still support their country's ventures and their troops. Especially now that Russia/China will become just as ambitious.

The match has kicked off for the remaining world resources! It will most likely be decided by effective propaganda as opposed to military power that's crippled by the M.A.D. factor.
Praise from a rightwing Opinion columnist at the rightwing Wall Street Journal.

No paywall on this article.

Joe Biden, a President for the New Cold War

In one way, the 79-year-old NATO adherent is the right man for his times.​

Mr. Biden has a few flaws but he was a child of the Cold War and, unless I’m mistaken, has surprised and discombobulated Vladimir Putin with his un-Obama-like response to renewed tensions over Ukraine, including, on Monday, whipping a German chancellor into line. By sending military supplies to Ukraine, by deploying troops to Eastern Europe, by preparing sanctions, the Biden administration has orchestrated a set of signals that even Mr. Putin can’t misinterpret.


Mr. Biden hasn’t committed U.S. troops to Ukraine itself, but this I now think would smack of desperation, and seems unnecessary. The U.S. and NATO don’t need to lift so many fingers to make Mr. Putin realize he can’t afford the risk.

Whatever the Russian leader is thinking, he hoped to find the U.S. and its allies weak and divided. This is proving a bad bet so far. From a larger perspective, it’s easier to say what Mr. Putin wants than how he hopes to get it. He wants to be a U.S. client, spared any too-fervent support for democratic forces in Russia or its neighborhood. He could play the equal while, in truth, being a nuclear-armed Mobutu whose insecurities and vanity we patronize because it’s less trouble than not patronizing them.

When he finally broke his silence on Ukraine last week, Mr. Putin’s key words, which he repeated for French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday, concerned the strategic but awkwardly situated peninsula his forces seized from Ukraine in 2014.

For a short-term boost in patriotic rah-rah, for a simulated victory for Russia’s “historic” interests, he created a headache for himself that can only get worse. He all but admitted as much: “Let’s imagine Ukraine is a NATO state and they start this operation [to retake Crimea]. So now do we have to start a war against the NATO alliance? Did anyone think about that? I don’t think so.”

The person who forgot to think was Mr. Putin.
This ain't no COLD war.
Putin just couldn't keep ignorinig the US acts of war against his country and so the US has what it wants.
Another country beside itself invading a smaller country.

It didn't work well for the Crimea for America and it's not going to work out very well this time either.
Which “ acts of war “ are those?
Putin just couldn't keep ignorinig the US acts of war against his country and so the US has what it wants.
Here's where I ask you to demonstrate that the US committed acts of war against Russia, and you respond by tucking your tail and running away form the challenge put to you.
As always.
The reason why the Ukrainians are unable to stop the Russians, according to the US military, is that they are not trained well enough in Diversity and CRT, like American troops are.
Thing about the left you have to depreciate is they sing praises before the game is played, and when they lose as they always do they blame others for it.
Here's where I ask you to demonstrate that the US committed acts of war against Russia, and you respond by tucking your tail and running away form the challenge put to you.
As always.
Economic sanctions that have been ongoing since the end of WW2, against Russia, is a declaration of war that can be sold to Americans and US sympathizers.
And here's where you turn to childish insults and more spamming.
Which “ acts of war “ are those?
Acts of economic war against Russia and military war against about 40 small countries since WW2 ended.

Is the invasion of ukraine more egregious an act of unjustified war than the Iraq wars, or less egregious?

Can we judge on the number of innocents murdered, for now at least?

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