Joe Biden denied Holy Communion at Florence church

Proof God is a conservative

Ecclesiastes 10:2 The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.
God is damn sure not a baby killing Democrat so your assertion is bullshit on its face.
Gee and why would catholic priests want lots of extra babies around?

Maybe why the Groper Biden hangs around
Catholic priests are a whole lot worse than Biden.

Anyone touching a child is bad you partisan shitstain
That’s true. And priests have been jailed for it. Joe hasn’t done that kind of touching...

Bite Me is very well connected, too. Guys like him and Al Franken, can get involved in all kinds of sexual assaults, but they usually get to slide.

I remember when Ultraliberal Gerry Studds came out before the cameras with the child he was molesting in Congress. He not only wasn't arrested, he got a standing O.
Gee and why would catholic priests want lots of extra babies around?

Maybe why the Groper Biden hangs around
Catholic priests are a whole lot worse than Biden.

Anyone touching a child is bad you partisan shitstain
That’s true. And priests have been jailed for it. Joe hasn’t done that kind of touching...

Bite Me is very well connected, too. Guys like him and Al Franken, can get involved in all kinds of sexual assaults, but they usually get to slide.

I remember when Ultraliberal Gerry Studds came out before the cameras with the child he was molesting in Congress. He not only wasn't arrested, he got a standing O.
Repubs have plenty of molesting. Al Franken did nothing worse than trump. But repubs made him president.
Maybe why the Groper Biden hangs around
Catholic priests are a whole lot worse than Biden.

Anyone touching a child is bad you partisan shitstain
That’s true. And priests have been jailed for it. Joe hasn’t done that kind of touching...

Bite Me is very well connected, too. Guys like him and Al Franken, can get involved in all kinds of sexual assaults, but they usually get to slide.

I remember when Ultraliberal Gerry Studds came out before the cameras with the child he was molesting in Congress. He not only wasn't arrested, he got a standing O.
Repubs have plenty of molesting. Al Franken did nothing worse than trump. But repubs made him president.

There are PICTURES of what Al Franken actually did, brain. Not just "accusations".

What I find peculiar about the accusations against Trump, there were no accusations for 40 years that he served our nation as an A-List Celebrity and his entrance music was the song "Money".

But as soon as he steps out and gets the Republican nomination, suddenly everyone is accusing him.

Doesn't pass the smell test.
Catholic priests are a whole lot worse than Biden.

Anyone touching a child is bad you partisan shitstain
That’s true. And priests have been jailed for it. Joe hasn’t done that kind of touching...

Bite Me is very well connected, too. Guys like him and Al Franken, can get involved in all kinds of sexual assaults, but they usually get to slide.

I remember when Ultraliberal Gerry Studds came out before the cameras with the child he was molesting in Congress. He not only wasn't arrested, he got a standing O.
Repubs have plenty of molesting. Al Franken did nothing worse than trump. But repubs made him president.

There are PICTURES of what Al Franken actually did, brain. Not just "accusations".

What I find peculiar about the accusations against Trump, there were no accusations for 40 years that he served our nation as an A-List Celebrity and his entrance music was the song "Money".

But as soon as he steps out and gets the Republican nomination, suddenly everyone is accusing him.

Doesn't pass the smell test.
We have a confession on tape of what trump has done.
My point is anti-abortion people spend most of their time trying to make abortion illegal and not enough time working on taking care of kids after they are born. Your response on children being abused is typical of people of your mind set. Not Christians but you. Your first action is punish the abuser. A good Christian considers taking care of the child first and punishing the abuser second,
Anti-abortion advocates focus on the the person wanting the abortion much more than how to take care of children that are born but are in great need and life could be in danger as a result.

Christians are the biggest faction donating time and money to the less fortunate.

That's just a fact
I am a Christian, my wife and I have set up a giving fund committing monies for only charities. I do not give as a Christian, I give as an individual who happens to be Christian. I know many non-Christians who donate more than my Christian friends,

The fact is.... Christians donate more than any other faction

Good on you but facts are facts
The highest donation per capita by religion goes to the Jewish faith. Like any Trump supporter, you make facts up.
America’s Jewish Community Leads in Per Capita Giving

Stuff it Elmer... I'm well versed in this

Catholic Church: Worlds biggest charitable organization

That's just Catholics...the Baptist, Methodist and others are right there beside us helping[/QUOTE
Do you think Jesus Christ would be trying to put another religion or person down because they do not donate as much as he or his religion. No he would not. He would be open to all and appreciate all giving. You are very un-Christ like.

The fact being it is hard to determine who gives the most. It is important to give to give not to put yourself above others. You are very un-Christ like.
What's the largest charitable donation Warren Buffett ever made?
Here's who gave away the most money in 2017
Giving Statistics : Charity Navigator
Anyone touching a child is bad you partisan shitstain
That’s true. And priests have been jailed for it. Joe hasn’t done that kind of touching...

Bite Me is very well connected, too. Guys like him and Al Franken, can get involved in all kinds of sexual assaults, but they usually get to slide.

I remember when Ultraliberal Gerry Studds came out before the cameras with the child he was molesting in Congress. He not only wasn't arrested, he got a standing O.
Repubs have plenty of molesting. Al Franken did nothing worse than trump. But repubs made him president.

There are PICTURES of what Al Franken actually did, brain. Not just "accusations".

What I find peculiar about the accusations against Trump, there were no accusations for 40 years that he served our nation as an A-List Celebrity and his entrance music was the song "Money".

But as soon as he steps out and gets the Republican nomination, suddenly everyone is accusing him.

Doesn't pass the smell test.
We have a confession on tape of what trump has done.

Actually all we have for President Trump is a chat with Billy Bush, where he was trying to be entertaining telling the young man a bawdy tale or two.
Christians are the biggest faction donating time and money to the less fortunate.

That's just a fact
I am a Christian, my wife and I have set up a giving fund committing monies for only charities. I do not give as a Christian, I give as an individual who happens to be Christian. I know many non-Christians who donate more than my Christian friends,

The fact is.... Christians donate more than any other faction

Good on you but facts are facts
The highest donation per capita by religion goes to the Jewish faith. Like any Trump supporter, you make facts up.
America’s Jewish Community Leads in Per Capita Giving

Stuff it Elmer... I'm well versed in this

Catholic Church: Worlds biggest charitable organization

That's just Catholics...the Baptist, Methodist and others are right there beside us helping[/QUOTE
Do you think Jesus Christ would be trying to put another religion or person down because they do not donate as much as he or his religion. No he would not. He would be open to all and appreciate all giving. You are very un-Christ like.

The fact being it is hard to determine who gives the most. It is important to give to give not to put yourself above others. You are very un-Christ like.
What's the largest charitable donation Warren Buffett ever made?
Here's who gave away the most money in 2017
Giving Statistics : Charity Navigator

Elmer learn to quote and deal with facts
That’s true. And priests have been jailed for it. Joe hasn’t done that kind of touching...

Bite Me is very well connected, too. Guys like him and Al Franken, can get involved in all kinds of sexual assaults, but they usually get to slide.

I remember when Ultraliberal Gerry Studds came out before the cameras with the child he was molesting in Congress. He not only wasn't arrested, he got a standing O.
Repubs have plenty of molesting. Al Franken did nothing worse than trump. But repubs made him president.

There are PICTURES of what Al Franken actually did, brain. Not just "accusations".

What I find peculiar about the accusations against Trump, there were no accusations for 40 years that he served our nation as an A-List Celebrity and his entrance music was the song "Money".

But as soon as he steps out and gets the Republican nomination, suddenly everyone is accusing him.

Doesn't pass the smell test.
We have a confession on tape of what trump has done.

Actually all we have for President Trump is a chat with Billy Bush, where he was trying to be entertaining telling the young man a bawdy tale or two.
Quite the gentleman. You sure are delusional.
I am a Christian, my wife and I have set up a giving fund committing monies for only charities. I do not give as a Christian, I give as an individual who happens to be Christian. I know many non-Christians who donate more than my Christian friends,

The fact is.... Christians donate more than any other faction

Good on you but facts are facts
The highest donation per capita by religion goes to the Jewish faith. Like any Trump supporter, you make facts up.
America’s Jewish Community Leads in Per Capita Giving

Stuff it Elmer... I'm well versed in this

Catholic Church: Worlds biggest charitable organization

That's just Catholics...the Baptist, Methodist and others are right there beside us helping[/QUOTE
Do you think Jesus Christ would be trying to put another religion or person down because they do not donate as much as he or his religion. No he would not. He would be open to all and appreciate all giving. You are very un-Christ like.

The fact being it is hard to determine who gives the most. It is important to give to give not to put yourself above others. You are very un-Christ like.
What's the largest charitable donation Warren Buffett ever made?
Here's who gave away the most money in 2017
Giving Statistics : Charity Navigator

Elmer learn to quote and deal with facts
Do you think Jesus Christ would be trying to put another religion or person down because they do not donate as much as he or his religion. No he would not. He would be open to all and appreciate all giving. You are very un-Christ like.

The fact being it is hard to determine who gives the most. It is important to give to give not to put yourself above others. You are very un-Christ like.
What's the largest charitable donation Warren Buffett ever made?
Here's who gave away the most money in 2017
Giving Statistics : Charity Navigator
Anyone touching a child is bad you partisan shitstain
That’s true. And priests have been jailed for it. Joe hasn’t done that kind of touching...

Bite Me is very well connected, too. Guys like him and Al Franken, can get involved in all kinds of sexual assaults, but they usually get to slide.

I remember when Ultraliberal Gerry Studds came out before the cameras with the child he was molesting in Congress. He not only wasn't arrested, he got a standing O.
Repubs have plenty of molesting. Al Franken did nothing worse than trump. But repubs made him president.

There are PICTURES of what Al Franken actually did, brain. Not just "accusations".

What I find peculiar about the accusations against Trump, there were no accusations for 40 years that he served our nation as an A-List Celebrity and his entrance music was the song "Money".

But as soon as he steps out and gets the Republican nomination, suddenly everyone is accusing him.

Doesn't pass the smell test.
We have a confession on tape of what trump has done.
The fact is.... Christians donate more than any other faction

Good on you but facts are facts
The highest donation per capita by religion goes to the Jewish faith. Like any Trump supporter, you make facts up.
America’s Jewish Community Leads in Per Capita Giving

Stuff it Elmer... I'm well versed in this

Catholic Church: Worlds biggest charitable organization

That's just Catholics...the Baptist, Methodist and others are right there beside us helping[/QUOTE
Do you think Jesus Christ would be trying to put another religion or person down because they do not donate as much as he or his religion. No he would not. He would be open to all and appreciate all giving. You are very un-Christ like.

The fact being it is hard to determine who gives the most. It is important to give to give not to put yourself above others. You are very un-Christ like.
What's the largest charitable donation Warren Buffett ever made?
Here's who gave away the most money in 2017
Giving Statistics : Charity Navigator

Elmer learn to quote and deal with facts
Do you think Jesus Christ would be trying to put another religion or person down because they do not donate as much as he or his religion. No he would not. He would be open to all and appreciate all giving. You are very un-Christ like.

The fact being it is hard to determine who gives the most. It is important to give to give not to put yourself above others. You are very un-Christ like.
What's the largest charitable donation Warren Buffett ever made?
Here's who gave away the most money in 2017
Giving Statistics : Charity Navigator

Ever made Vs ongoing, Elmer

Think hard.... you're being demolished
40 percent of Catholics consider abortion to be morally acceptable

Abortion and the Catholic Church in the United States - Wikipedia

Is the church going to deny them communion?

When you violate the rules of an exclusive club, you usually get kicked out or at least denied privileges.

The exclusive club has many, many rules that it’s members don’t follow

Divorce, birth control, celibacy of priests

That's all certainly true. But Vice President Biden is a well known individual who is really hot-to-trot for promoting Abortions.

Since he is so well know it would be scandalous in the opinion of the priest.

I'm sure that if Joe Trojan, the president of the prophylactic company were well known, he'd turned away too.

Or if Herbert Tareyton or Joe Camel appeared at an anti-tobacco based church, well known characters like them would also be shunned.
Actually, Biden says he opposes abortion but as an elected official, follows the law
That just makes him a hypocrite. Biden broke no law. He is not being punished. He voluntarily subjected himself to the rules of the Church as have millions of others.
This a good example of why the history of Christianity is division and subdivision, which obviously is continuing. The guys who run the Catholic Church (and they are all guys) decided to make abortion some sort of litmus test, which is absurd. There are all sorts of beliefs, theories, and conclusions on the subject, among both individuals and religious organizations, both Christian and not. And abortion is not the only subject on which opinions differ widely.

There is always a problem when one gets involved in an authoritarian organization. A small group of hand-picked individuals gets to make decisions for everyone. I have never regretted leaving the RC Church, which I did years before Roe v. Wade was decided. It is important to note here, before any posters go crazy that I have some obligation to continue as an RC, that I did not choose the RC Church, my parents enrolled me from birth. A close friend of mine switched not long ago from RC to Unitarian, and she is so happy she did.

As Biden has held a public office twice, and could again, I think that he is smart enough to know that a public official must exercise his/her duties on behalf of all the people, not just those of his/her own faith, even if the RCs want to reel him in.
we don't kill humans. ever hear of thou shall not kill ?
Golly gee...that sure worked, didn't it?
When you violate the rules of an exclusive club, you usually get kicked out or at least denied privileges.

The exclusive club has many, many rules that it’s members don’t follow

Divorce, birth control, celibacy of priests

But the priest followed this one with the Groper...and was perfectly correct doing so

If the priest had thrown away his prepared sermon and delivered a 2 hour diatribe against Sleepy Joe, that wouldn't be proper IMHO.

But he didn't do that, and Biden had to know about the rules against abortion in the Catholic Church before he decided to attend a mass in Florence.

Pretty much. I've only seen one person denied Communion and I have no idea why she was but evidently the priest did
The priest should ask every person requesting communion their stance on abortion. They should also ask every priest who requests communion if they are a pedophile or do they have knowledge of a pedophile priest who they did not turn in.

The priest is not an arbiter of who lies to God. He just refuses to give communion to those who have made their sins commonly known and not repented and asked forgiveness.

Not receiving communion is not the same as excommunication.
I'm sure if he heads over to Obama's church and recites 10 "God Damn Americas" they'll give him all the wafers he can eat....
The exclusive club has many, many rules that it’s members don’t follow

Divorce, birth control, celibacy of priests

But the priest followed this one with the Groper...and was perfectly correct doing so

If the priest had thrown away his prepared sermon and delivered a 2 hour diatribe against Sleepy Joe, that wouldn't be proper IMHO.

But he didn't do that, and Biden had to know about the rules against abortion in the Catholic Church before he decided to attend a mass in Florence.

Pretty much. I've only seen one person denied Communion and I have no idea why she was but evidently the priest did
The priest should ask every person requesting communion their stance on abortion. They should also ask every priest who requests communion if they are a pedophile or do they have knowledge of a pedophile priest who they did not turn in.

The priest is not an arbiter of who lies to God. He just refuses to give communion to those who have made their sins commonly known and not repented and asked forgiveness.

Not receiving communion is not the same as excommunication.

It's close...the sacrament is very important
Would it be the right thing if he were to deny politicians the Sacrament if they support Trumps inhumane immigration policies? Or that support policies that hurt the poor and suffering?

Liberal clergy would not only deny sacraments but would openly denounce any conservatives who entered their sanctuaries if they failed to toe the line on any tenet of liberalism. Not just the demand for Open Borders.

If President Trump went into a leftist church, he would be turned away for being Pro-Life and pro-Family
Protecting a child's life does not stop at the time of birth.
To abuse and mistreat children and prevent them from having the necessities of life, aft yer they are born, is worse than abortion. That is the hypocrisy of anti-abortion advocates. Once the child is born, they do not have concern what happens to them.

Where did you get the mistaken idea that Pro-Life people abuse or starve their children?

Actually, most Christians have no problem at all with beating the crap out of people who are abusive to kids.
My point is anti-abortion people spend most of their time trying to make abortion illegal and not enough time working on taking care of kids after they are born. Your response on children being abused is typical of people of your mind set. Not Christians but you. Your first action is punish the abuser. A good Christian considers taking care of the child first and punishing the abuser second,
Anti-abortion advocates focus on the the person wanting the abortion much more than how to take care of children that are born but are in great need and life could be in danger as a result.
Anti abortion people would love to take children from abusive and neglectful households and send them to live with loving Catholic families. The law sayd no. Every effort must be made to keep children in abusive homes.
Anyone touching a child is bad you partisan shitstain
That’s true. And priests have been jailed for it. Joe hasn’t done that kind of touching...

Bite Me is very well connected, too. Guys like him and Al Franken, can get involved in all kinds of sexual assaults, but they usually get to slide.

I remember when Ultraliberal Gerry Studds came out before the cameras with the child he was molesting in Congress. He not only wasn't arrested, he got a standing O.
Repubs have plenty of molesting. Al Franken did nothing worse than trump. But repubs made him president.

There are PICTURES of what Al Franken actually did, brain. Not just "accusations".

What I find peculiar about the accusations against Trump, there were no accusations for 40 years that he served our nation as an A-List Celebrity and his entrance music was the song "Money".

But as soon as he steps out and gets the Republican nomination, suddenly everyone is accusing him.

Doesn't pass the smell test.
We have a confession on tape of what trump has done.
This a good example of why the history of Christianity is division and subdivision, which obviously is continuing. The guys who run the Catholic Church (and they are all guys) decided to make abortion some sort of litmus test, which is absurd. There are all sorts of beliefs, theories, and conclusions on the subject, among both individuals and religious organizations, both Christian and not. And abortion is not the only subject on which opinions differ widely.

There is always a problem when one gets involved in an authoritarian organization. A small group of hand-picked individuals gets to make decisions for everyone. I have never regretted leaving the RC Church, which I did years before Roe v. Wade was decided. It is important to note here, before any posters go crazy that I have some obligation to continue as an RC, that I did not choose the RC Church, my parents enrolled me from birth. A close friend of mine switched not long ago from RC to Unitarian, and she is so happy she did.

As Biden has held a public office twice, and could again, I think that he is smart enough to know that a public official must exercise his/her duties on behalf of all the people, not just those of his/her own faith, even if the RCs want to reel him in.
we don't kill humans. ever hear of thou shall not kill ?
Golly gee...that sure worked, didn't it?
Golly g is it or isn’t it?
That’s true. And priests have been jailed for it. Joe hasn’t done that kind of touching...

Bite Me is very well connected, too. Guys like him and Al Franken, can get involved in all kinds of sexual assaults, but they usually get to slide.

I remember when Ultraliberal Gerry Studds came out before the cameras with the child he was molesting in Congress. He not only wasn't arrested, he got a standing O.
Repubs have plenty of molesting. Al Franken did nothing worse than trump. But repubs made him president.

There are PICTURES of what Al Franken actually did, brain. Not just "accusations".

What I find peculiar about the accusations against Trump, there were no accusations for 40 years that he served our nation as an A-List Celebrity and his entrance music was the song "Money".

But as soon as he steps out and gets the Republican nomination, suddenly everyone is accusing him.

Doesn't pass the smell test.
We have a confession on tape of what trump has done.
The highest donation per capita by religion goes to the Jewish faith. Like any Trump supporter, you make facts up.
America’s Jewish Community Leads in Per Capita Giving

Stuff it Elmer... I'm well versed in this

Catholic Church: Worlds biggest charitable organization

That's just Catholics...the Baptist, Methodist and others are right there beside us helping[/QUOTE
Do you think Jesus Christ would be trying to put another religion or person down because they do not donate as much as he or his religion. No he would not. He would be open to all and appreciate all giving. You are very un-Christ like.

The fact being it is hard to determine who gives the most. It is important to give to give not to put yourself above others. You are very un-Christ like.
What's the largest charitable donation Warren Buffett ever made?
Here's who gave away the most money in 2017
Giving Statistics : Charity Navigator

Elmer learn to quote and deal with facts
Do you think Jesus Christ would be trying to put another religion or person down because they do not donate as much as he or his religion. No he would not. He would be open to all and appreciate all giving. You are very un-Christ like.

The fact being it is hard to determine who gives the most. It is important to give to give not to put yourself above others. You are very un-Christ like.
What's the largest charitable donation Warren Buffett ever made?
Here's who gave away the most money in 2017
Giving Statistics : Charity Navigator

Ever made Vs ongoing, Elmer

Think hard.... you're being demolished
Irishlass is a CINO, Christian In Name Only

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