Joe Biden denied Holy Communion at Florence church

Would it be the right thing if he were to deny politicians the Sacrament if they support Trumps inhumane immigration policies? Or that support policies that hurt the poor and suffering?

Liberal clergy would not only deny sacraments but would openly denounce any conservatives who entered their sanctuaries if they failed to toe the line on any tenet of liberalism. Not just the demand for Open Borders.

If President Trump went into a leftist church, he would be turned away for being Pro-Life and pro-Family
Protecting a child's life does not stop at the time of birth.
To abuse and mistreat children and prevent them from having the necessities of life, aft yer they are born, is worse than abortion. That is the hypocrisy of anti-abortion advocates. Once the child is born, they do not have concern what happens to them.

Where did you get the mistaken idea that Pro-Life people abuse or starve their children?

Actually, most Christians have no problem at all with beating the crap out of people who are abusive to kids.
When you violate the rules of an exclusive club, you usually get kicked out or at least denied privileges.

The exclusive club has many, many rules that it’s members don’t follow

Divorce, birth control, celibacy of priests

But the priest followed this one with the Groper...and was perfectly correct doing so

If the priest had thrown away his prepared sermon and delivered a 2 hour diatribe against Sleepy Joe, that wouldn't be proper IMHO.

But he didn't do that, and Biden had to know about the rules against abortion in the Catholic Church before he decided to attend a mass in Florence.

Pretty much. I've only seen one person denied Communion and I have no idea why she was but evidently the priest did
The priest should ask every person requesting communion their stance on abortion. They should also ask every priest who requests communion if they are a pedophile or do they have knowledge of a pedophile priest who they did not turn in.

I doubt they would do that, as it would really make the entire "Mass" experience a lot more tiresome as it would be expend a lot of energy and time to interview everyone.

So what they will probably just do is deny political photo-ops with notorious Pro-Abort characters.
Would it be the right thing if he were to deny politicians the Sacrament if they support Trumps inhumane immigration policies? Or that support policies that hurt the poor and suffering?

Liberal clergy would not only deny sacraments but would openly denounce any conservatives who entered their sanctuaries if they failed to toe the line on any tenet of liberalism. Not just the demand for Open Borders.

If President Trump went into a leftist church, he would be turned away for being Pro-Life and pro-Family
Protecting a child's life does not stop at the time of birth.
To abuse and mistreat children and prevent them from having the necessities of life, aft yer they are born, is worse than abortion. That is the hypocrisy of anti-abortion advocates. Once the child is born, they do not have concern what happens to them.

Where did you get the mistaken idea that Pro-Life people abuse or starve their children?

Actually, most Christians have no problem at all with beating the crap out of people who are abusive to kids.
My point is anti-abortion people spend most of their time trying to make abortion illegal and not enough time working on taking care of kids after they are born. Your response on children being abused is typical of people of your mind set. Not Christians but you. Your first action is punish the abuser. A good Christian considers taking care of the child first and punishing the abuser second,
Anti-abortion advocates focus on the the person wanting the abortion much more than how to take care of children that are born but are in great need and life could be in danger as a result.
God kills babies everyday with disease and starvation. This supposedly omnipotent being sits on his non-existent ass while misery kills children by the thousands and you so-called Christians refuse to do anything either. So fucking concerned with the fate of the unborn but don't give a damn after they exit the womb. Get off your high horse, there are babies suffering terribly right now somewhere. do something about that and then I might believe you care about something other than putting women back in their place.

First you assert God in not a Republican and Evangelicals are killing Christianity then assert God doesn't exist.

A little advise, don't join a college debate team.
The total disconnect between how you want to treat the unborn versus how you want to treat children lost you that debate long ago.

Hillaryous. Christians provide more humanitarian assistance than any other organization on this planet.
This unholy alliance the Christian right has made with republican politics makes you seem schizophrenic. There is practically nothing on the republican platform that reflects christian values. War, racism, capital punishment, "let them die"? The Christian right has only one mission: to create moral justifications for being horrible people.

The unholy alliance would be murdering babies being part of the democrat platform. God or no God it's just wrong
It's cooler to molest them when they are young.....but at least born by then.......
My point is anti-abortion people spend most of their time trying to make abortion illegal and not enough time working on taking care of kids after they are born. Your response on children being abused is typical of people of your mind set. Not Christians but you. Your first action is punish the abuser. A good Christian considers taking care of the child first and punishing the abuser second,
Anti-abortion advocates focus on the the person wanting the abortion much more than how to take care of children that are born but are in great need and life could be in danger as a result.

The general thought among Christians is that they are responsible to take care of their own children, and by punishing child abusers, people will do the right thing.

In any event, in the church in Florence, Bite Me shouldn't have attended. The Vice President should have known that the Catholic Church is opposed to the Abortion Racket. The fact he was ignorant of the beliefs of such an important demographic groups tells me that he really isn't qualified. You don't see Crazy Bernie or Crooked Hillary making that kind of faux pas.
Would it be the right thing if he were to deny politicians the Sacrament if they support Trumps inhumane immigration policies? Or that support policies that hurt the poor and suffering?

Liberal clergy would not only deny sacraments but would openly denounce any conservatives who entered their sanctuaries if they failed to toe the line on any tenet of liberalism. Not just the demand for Open Borders.

If President Trump went into a leftist church, he would be turned away for being Pro-Life and pro-Family
Protecting a child's life does not stop at the time of birth.
To abuse and mistreat children and prevent them from having the necessities of life, aft yer they are born, is worse than abortion. That is the hypocrisy of anti-abortion advocates. Once the child is born, they do not have concern what happens to them.

Where did you get the mistaken idea that Pro-Life people abuse or starve their children?

Actually, most Christians have no problem at all with beating the crap out of people who are abusive to kids.
My point is anti-abortion people spend most of their time trying to make abortion illegal and not enough time working on taking care of kids after they are born. Your response on children being abused is typical of people of your mind set. Not Christians but you. Your first action is punish the abuser. A good Christian considers taking care of the child first and punishing the abuser second,
Anti-abortion advocates focus on the the person wanting the abortion much more than how to take care of children that are born but are in great need and life could be in danger as a result.

Christians are the biggest faction donating time and money to the less fortunate.

That's just a fact
My point is anti-abortion people spend most of their time trying to make abortion illegal and not enough time working on taking care of kids after they are born. Your response on children being abused is typical of people of your mind set. Not Christians but you. Your first action is punish the abuser. A good Christian considers taking care of the child first and punishing the abuser second,
Anti-abortion advocates focus on the the person wanting the abortion much more than how to take care of children that are born but are in great need and life could be in danger as a result.

The general thought among Christians is that they are responsible to take care of their own children, and by punishing child abusers, people will do the right thing.

In any event, in the church in Florence, Bite Me shouldn't have attended. The Vice President should have known that the Catholic Church is opposed to the Abortion Racket. The fact he was ignorant of the beliefs of such an important demographic groups tells me that he really isn't qualified. You don't see Crazy Bernie or Crooked Hillary making that kind of faux pas.
You cannot punish many adults in doing what they should for their children. Fact. So what do you do with the abandoned and mistreated children. There are too many and need to be taken care of.
Many Catholic priests would have given Biden communion. There is not a uniform belief within the church on how to handle.
Many Catholic priests would have given Biden communion. There is not a uniform belief within the church on how to handle.

Maybe you're right on this.

I don't know, as I haven't paid that close attention to his campaign.

However, didn't Biden realize in South Carolina that they don't put up with this abortion shit? Personally, I don't think he even had his underlings visit the Florence church to ask them if they think Abortion is hunky-dory there. Shows, if nothing else, that his campaign is falling apart.
Would it be the right thing if he were to deny politicians the Sacrament if they support Trumps inhumane immigration policies? Or that support policies that hurt the poor and suffering?

Liberal clergy would not only deny sacraments but would openly denounce any conservatives who entered their sanctuaries if they failed to toe the line on any tenet of liberalism. Not just the demand for Open Borders.

If President Trump went into a leftist church, he would be turned away for being Pro-Life and pro-Family
Protecting a child's life does not stop at the time of birth.
To abuse and mistreat children and prevent them from having the necessities of life, aft yer they are born, is worse than abortion. That is the hypocrisy of anti-abortion advocates. Once the child is born, they do not have concern what happens to them.

Where did you get the mistaken idea that Pro-Life people abuse or starve their children?

Actually, most Christians have no problem at all with beating the crap out of people who are abusive to kids.
My point is anti-abortion people spend most of their time trying to make abortion illegal and not enough time working on taking care of kids after they are born. Your response on children being abused is typical of people of your mind set. Not Christians but you. Your first action is punish the abuser. A good Christian considers taking care of the child first and punishing the abuser second,
Anti-abortion advocates focus on the the person wanting the abortion much more than how to take care of children that are born but are in great need and life could be in danger as a result.

Christians are the biggest faction donating time and money to the less fortunate.

That's just a fact
I am a Christian, my wife and I have set up a giving fund committing monies for only charities. I do not give as a Christian, I give as an individual who happens to be Christian. I know many non-Christians who donate more than my Christian friends,
Liberal clergy would not only deny sacraments but would openly denounce any conservatives who entered their sanctuaries if they failed to toe the line on any tenet of liberalism. Not just the demand for Open Borders.

If President Trump went into a leftist church, he would be turned away for being Pro-Life and pro-Family
Protecting a child's life does not stop at the time of birth.
To abuse and mistreat children and prevent them from having the necessities of life, aft yer they are born, is worse than abortion. That is the hypocrisy of anti-abortion advocates. Once the child is born, they do not have concern what happens to them.

Where did you get the mistaken idea that Pro-Life people abuse or starve their children?

Actually, most Christians have no problem at all with beating the crap out of people who are abusive to kids.
My point is anti-abortion people spend most of their time trying to make abortion illegal and not enough time working on taking care of kids after they are born. Your response on children being abused is typical of people of your mind set. Not Christians but you. Your first action is punish the abuser. A good Christian considers taking care of the child first and punishing the abuser second,
Anti-abortion advocates focus on the the person wanting the abortion much more than how to take care of children that are born but are in great need and life could be in danger as a result.

Christians are the biggest faction donating time and money to the less fortunate.

That's just a fact
I am a Christian, my wife and I have set up a giving fund committing monies for only charities. I do not give as a Christian, I give as an individual who happens to be Christian. I know many non-Christians who donate more than my Christian friends,

A lot of people would label you a heretic for your love of Abortion and your devout belief that Almighty God put Adam and Steve into the Garden and they were our first parents.

Some might even say you aren't a Christian due to that high percentage of deviation.
Protecting a child's life does not stop at the time of birth.
To abuse and mistreat children and prevent them from having the necessities of life, aft yer they are born, is worse than abortion. That is the hypocrisy of anti-abortion advocates. Once the child is born, they do not have concern what happens to them.

Where did you get the mistaken idea that Pro-Life people abuse or starve their children?

Actually, most Christians have no problem at all with beating the crap out of people who are abusive to kids.
My point is anti-abortion people spend most of their time trying to make abortion illegal and not enough time working on taking care of kids after they are born. Your response on children being abused is typical of people of your mind set. Not Christians but you. Your first action is punish the abuser. A good Christian considers taking care of the child first and punishing the abuser second,
Anti-abortion advocates focus on the the person wanting the abortion much more than how to take care of children that are born but are in great need and life could be in danger as a result.

Christians are the biggest faction donating time and money to the less fortunate.

That's just a fact
I am a Christian, my wife and I have set up a giving fund committing monies for only charities. I do not give as a Christian, I give as an individual who happens to be Christian. I know many non-Christians who donate more than my Christian friends,

A lot of people would label you a heretic for your love of Abortion and your devout belief that Almighty God put Adam and Steve into the Garden and they were our first parents.

Some might even say you aren't a Christian due to that high percentage of deviation.
I do not love abortion. My goal is to have as few abortions as possible. That goal is not reached by just outlawing abortions. Some say that outlawing abortions may end up with an increase in abortions.
Where did you get the mistaken idea that Pro-Life people abuse or starve their children?

Actually, most Christians have no problem at all with beating the crap out of people who are abusive to kids.
My point is anti-abortion people spend most of their time trying to make abortion illegal and not enough time working on taking care of kids after they are born. Your response on children being abused is typical of people of your mind set. Not Christians but you. Your first action is punish the abuser. A good Christian considers taking care of the child first and punishing the abuser second,
Anti-abortion advocates focus on the the person wanting the abortion much more than how to take care of children that are born but are in great need and life could be in danger as a result.

Christians are the biggest faction donating time and money to the less fortunate.

That's just a fact
I am a Christian, my wife and I have set up a giving fund committing monies for only charities. I do not give as a Christian, I give as an individual who happens to be Christian. I know many non-Christians who donate more than my Christian friends,

A lot of people would label you a heretic for your love of Abortion and your devout belief that Almighty God put Adam and Steve into the Garden and they were our first parents.

Some might even say you aren't a Christian due to that high percentage of deviation.
I do not love abortion. My goal is to have as few abortions as possible. That goal is not reached by just outlawing abortions. Some say that outlawing abortions may end up with an increase in abortions.

Vice President BIden loves abortions, in fact he is in favor of repeal of the Hyde Amendment and having the taxpayers throw countless millions at the abortion mills. Under those circumstances, you can certainly understand why Pro-Life people have such a problem with this extremist.
Liberal clergy would not only deny sacraments but would openly denounce any conservatives who entered their sanctuaries if they failed to toe the line on any tenet of liberalism. Not just the demand for Open Borders.

If President Trump went into a leftist church, he would be turned away for being Pro-Life and pro-Family
Protecting a child's life does not stop at the time of birth.
To abuse and mistreat children and prevent them from having the necessities of life, aft yer they are born, is worse than abortion. That is the hypocrisy of anti-abortion advocates. Once the child is born, they do not have concern what happens to them.

Where did you get the mistaken idea that Pro-Life people abuse or starve their children?

Actually, most Christians have no problem at all with beating the crap out of people who are abusive to kids.
My point is anti-abortion people spend most of their time trying to make abortion illegal and not enough time working on taking care of kids after they are born. Your response on children being abused is typical of people of your mind set. Not Christians but you. Your first action is punish the abuser. A good Christian considers taking care of the child first and punishing the abuser second,
Anti-abortion advocates focus on the the person wanting the abortion much more than how to take care of children that are born but are in great need and life could be in danger as a result.

Christians are the biggest faction donating time and money to the less fortunate.

That's just a fact
I am a Christian, my wife and I have set up a giving fund committing monies for only charities. I do not give as a Christian, I give as an individual who happens to be Christian. I know many non-Christians who donate more than my Christian friends,

The fact is.... Christians donate more than any other faction

Good on you but facts are facts
God is not a republican and you do not speak for him. It's the evangelical right that is killing christianity in America. No one since the inqusition has set a worse example of what a christian should be.

God is damn sure not a baby killing Democrat so your assertion is bullshit on its face.
Gee and why would catholic priests want lots of extra babies around?
God is not a republican and you do not speak for him. It's the evangelical right that is killing christianity in America. No one since the inqusition has set a worse example of what a christian should be.

God is damn sure not a baby killing Democrat so your assertion is bullshit on its face.
Gee and why would catholic priests want lots of extra babies around?

Maybe why the Groper Biden hangs around
God is not a republican and you do not speak for him. It's the evangelical right that is killing christianity in America. No one since the inqusition has set a worse example of what a christian should be.

God is damn sure not a baby killing Democrat so your assertion is bullshit on its face.
Gee and why would catholic priests want lots of extra babies around?

Maybe why the Groper Biden hangs around
Catholic priests are a whole lot worse than Biden.
Protecting a child's life does not stop at the time of birth.
To abuse and mistreat children and prevent them from having the necessities of life, aft yer they are born, is worse than abortion. That is the hypocrisy of anti-abortion advocates. Once the child is born, they do not have concern what happens to them.

Where did you get the mistaken idea that Pro-Life people abuse or starve their children?

Actually, most Christians have no problem at all with beating the crap out of people who are abusive to kids.
My point is anti-abortion people spend most of their time trying to make abortion illegal and not enough time working on taking care of kids after they are born. Your response on children being abused is typical of people of your mind set. Not Christians but you. Your first action is punish the abuser. A good Christian considers taking care of the child first and punishing the abuser second,
Anti-abortion advocates focus on the the person wanting the abortion much more than how to take care of children that are born but are in great need and life could be in danger as a result.

Christians are the biggest faction donating time and money to the less fortunate.

That's just a fact
I am a Christian, my wife and I have set up a giving fund committing monies for only charities. I do not give as a Christian, I give as an individual who happens to be Christian. I know many non-Christians who donate more than my Christian friends,

The fact is.... Christians donate more than any other faction

Good on you but facts are facts
The highest donation per capita by religion goes to the Jewish faith. Like any Trump supporter, you make facts up.
America’s Jewish Community Leads in Per Capita Giving
Where did you get the mistaken idea that Pro-Life people abuse or starve their children?

Actually, most Christians have no problem at all with beating the crap out of people who are abusive to kids.
My point is anti-abortion people spend most of their time trying to make abortion illegal and not enough time working on taking care of kids after they are born. Your response on children being abused is typical of people of your mind set. Not Christians but you. Your first action is punish the abuser. A good Christian considers taking care of the child first and punishing the abuser second,
Anti-abortion advocates focus on the the person wanting the abortion much more than how to take care of children that are born but are in great need and life could be in danger as a result.

Christians are the biggest faction donating time and money to the less fortunate.

That's just a fact
I am a Christian, my wife and I have set up a giving fund committing monies for only charities. I do not give as a Christian, I give as an individual who happens to be Christian. I know many non-Christians who donate more than my Christian friends,

The fact is.... Christians donate more than any other faction

Good on you but facts are facts
The highest donation per capita by religion goes to the Jewish faith. Like any Trump supporter, you make facts up.
America’s Jewish Community Leads in Per Capita Giving

Stuff it Elmer... I'm well versed in this

Catholic Church: Worlds biggest charitable organization

That's just Catholics...the Baptist, Methodist and others are right there beside us helping
God is not a republican and you do not speak for him. It's the evangelical right that is killing christianity in America. No one since the inqusition has set a worse example of what a christian should be.

God is damn sure not a baby killing Democrat so your assertion is bullshit on its face.
Gee and why would catholic priests want lots of extra babies around?

Maybe why the Groper Biden hangs around
Catholic priests are a whole lot worse than Biden.

Anyone touching a child is bad you partisan shitstain
God is not a republican and you do not speak for him. It's the evangelical right that is killing christianity in America. No one since the inqusition has set a worse example of what a christian should be.

God is damn sure not a baby killing Democrat so your assertion is bullshit on its face.
Gee and why would catholic priests want lots of extra babies around?

Maybe why the Groper Biden hangs around
Catholic priests are a whole lot worse than Biden.

Anyone touching a child is bad you partisan shitstain
That’s true. And priests have been jailed for it. Joe hasn’t done that kind of touching...

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