Joe Biden denied Holy Communion at Florence church

Would it be the right thing if he were to deny politicians the Sacrament if they support Trumps inhumane immigration policies? Or that support policies that hurt the poor and suffering?

Liberal clergy would not only deny sacraments but would openly denounce any conservatives who entered their sanctuaries if they failed to toe the line on any tenet of liberalism. Not just the demand for Open Borders.

If President Trump went into a leftist church, he would be turned away for being Pro-Life and pro-Family
Protecting a child's life does not stop at the time of birth.
To abuse and mistreat children and prevent them from having the necessities of life, aft yer they are born, is worse than abortion. That is the hypocrisy of anti-abortion advocates. Once the child is born, they do not have concern what happens to them.

Where did you get the mistaken idea that Pro-Life people abuse or starve their children?

Actually, most Christians have no problem at all with beating the crap out of people who are abusive to kids.
My point is anti-abortion people spend most of their time trying to make abortion illegal and not enough time working on taking care of kids after they are born. Your response on children being abused is typical of people of your mind set. Not Christians but you. Your first action is punish the abuser. A good Christian considers taking care of the child first and punishing the abuser second,
Anti-abortion advocates focus on the the person wanting the abortion much more than how to take care of children that are born but are in great need and life could be in danger as a result.
Anti abortion people would love to take children from abusive and neglectful households and send them to live with loving Catholic families. The law sayd no. Every effort must be made to keep children in abusive homes.
My daughter is a CASA advocate for kids, and she can’t save the kids she represents. They’re going back to the father who is abusive the judge will tell the kids they must go with him.
Bite Me is very well connected, too. Guys like him and Al Franken, can get involved in all kinds of sexual assaults, but they usually get to slide.

I remember when Ultraliberal Gerry Studds came out before the cameras with the child he was molesting in Congress. He not only wasn't arrested, he got a standing O.
Repubs have plenty of molesting. Al Franken did nothing worse than trump. But repubs made him president.

There are PICTURES of what Al Franken actually did, brain. Not just "accusations".

What I find peculiar about the accusations against Trump, there were no accusations for 40 years that he served our nation as an A-List Celebrity and his entrance music was the song "Money".

But as soon as he steps out and gets the Republican nomination, suddenly everyone is accusing him.

Doesn't pass the smell test.
We have a confession on tape of what trump has done.
Stuff it Elmer... I'm well versed in this

Catholic Church: Worlds biggest charitable organization

That's just Catholics...the Baptist, Methodist and others are right there beside us helping[/QUOTE
Do you think Jesus Christ would be trying to put another religion or person down because they do not donate as much as he or his religion. No he would not. He would be open to all and appreciate all giving. You are very un-Christ like.

The fact being it is hard to determine who gives the most. It is important to give to give not to put yourself above others. You are very un-Christ like.
What's the largest charitable donation Warren Buffett ever made?
Here's who gave away the most money in 2017
Giving Statistics : Charity Navigator

Elmer learn to quote and deal with facts
Do you think Jesus Christ would be trying to put another religion or person down because they do not donate as much as he or his religion. No he would not. He would be open to all and appreciate all giving. You are very un-Christ like.

The fact being it is hard to determine who gives the most. It is important to give to give not to put yourself above others. You are very un-Christ like.
What's the largest charitable donation Warren Buffett ever made?
Here's who gave away the most money in 2017
Giving Statistics : Charity Navigator

Ever made Vs ongoing, Elmer

Think hard.... you're being demolished
Irishlass is a CINO, Christian In Name Only
What else is there
Would it be the right thing if he were to deny politicians the Sacrament if they support Trumps inhumane immigration policies? Or that support policies that hurt the poor and suffering?

Liberal clergy would not only deny sacraments but would openly denounce any conservatives who entered their sanctuaries if they failed to toe the line on any tenet of liberalism. Not just the demand for Open Borders.

If President Trump went into a leftist church, he would be turned away for being Pro-Life and pro-Family
Protecting a child's life does not stop at the time of birth.
To abuse and mistreat children and prevent them from having the necessities of life, aft yer they are born, is worse than abortion. That is the hypocrisy of anti-abortion advocates. Once the child is born, they do not have concern what happens to them.

Where did you get the mistaken idea that Pro-Life people abuse or starve their children?

Actually, most Christians have no problem at all with beating the crap out of people who are abusive to kids.
My point is anti-abortion people spend most of their time trying to make abortion illegal and not enough time working on taking care of kids after they are born. Your response on children being abused is typical of people of your mind set. Not Christians but you. Your first action is punish the abuser. A good Christian considers taking care of the child first and punishing the abuser second,
Anti-abortion advocates focus on the the person wanting the abortion much more than how to take care of children that are born but are in great need and life could be in danger as a result.
Anti abortion people would love to take children from abusive and neglectful households and send them to live with loving Catholic families. The law sayd no. Every effort must be made to keep children in abusive homes.
What about a Jewish home or an Episcopalian home or loving agnostic home.
Liberal clergy would not only deny sacraments but would openly denounce any conservatives who entered their sanctuaries if they failed to toe the line on any tenet of liberalism. Not just the demand for Open Borders.

If President Trump went into a leftist church, he would be turned away for being Pro-Life and pro-Family
Protecting a child's life does not stop at the time of birth.
To abuse and mistreat children and prevent them from having the necessities of life, aft yer they are born, is worse than abortion. That is the hypocrisy of anti-abortion advocates. Once the child is born, they do not have concern what happens to them.

Where did you get the mistaken idea that Pro-Life people abuse or starve their children?

Actually, most Christians have no problem at all with beating the crap out of people who are abusive to kids.
My point is anti-abortion people spend most of their time trying to make abortion illegal and not enough time working on taking care of kids after they are born. Your response on children being abused is typical of people of your mind set. Not Christians but you. Your first action is punish the abuser. A good Christian considers taking care of the child first and punishing the abuser second,
Anti-abortion advocates focus on the the person wanting the abortion much more than how to take care of children that are born but are in great need and life could be in danger as a result.
Anti abortion people would love to take children from abusive and neglectful households and send them to live with loving Catholic families. The law sayd no. Every effort must be made to keep children in abusive homes.
What about a Jewish home or an Episcopalian home or loving agnostic home.

I don't know about Strict Agnostic Households, and how healthy they are for kids

A Strict Agnostic Household
Liberal clergy would not only deny sacraments but would openly denounce any conservatives who entered their sanctuaries if they failed to toe the line on any tenet of liberalism. Not just the demand for Open Borders.

If President Trump went into a leftist church, he would be turned away for being Pro-Life and pro-Family
Protecting a child's life does not stop at the time of birth.
To abuse and mistreat children and prevent them from having the necessities of life, aft yer they are born, is worse than abortion. That is the hypocrisy of anti-abortion advocates. Once the child is born, they do not have concern what happens to them.

Where did you get the mistaken idea that Pro-Life people abuse or starve their children?

Actually, most Christians have no problem at all with beating the crap out of people who are abusive to kids.
My point is anti-abortion people spend most of their time trying to make abortion illegal and not enough time working on taking care of kids after they are born. Your response on children being abused is typical of people of your mind set. Not Christians but you. Your first action is punish the abuser. A good Christian considers taking care of the child first and punishing the abuser second,
Anti-abortion advocates focus on the the person wanting the abortion much more than how to take care of children that are born but are in great need and life could be in danger as a result.
Anti abortion people would love to take children from abusive and neglectful households and send them to live with loving Catholic families. The law sayd no. Every effort must be made to keep children in abusive homes.
What about a Jewish home or an Episcopalian home or loving agnostic home.
Why not?
Liberal clergy would not only deny sacraments but would openly denounce any conservatives who entered their sanctuaries if they failed to toe the line on any tenet of liberalism. Not just the demand for Open Borders.

If President Trump went into a leftist church, he would be turned away for being Pro-Life and pro-Family
Protecting a child's life does not stop at the time of birth.
To abuse and mistreat children and prevent them from having the necessities of life, aft yer they are born, is worse than abortion. That is the hypocrisy of anti-abortion advocates. Once the child is born, they do not have concern what happens to them.

Where did you get the mistaken idea that Pro-Life people abuse or starve their children?

Actually, most Christians have no problem at all with beating the crap out of people who are abusive to kids.
My point is anti-abortion people spend most of their time trying to make abortion illegal and not enough time working on taking care of kids after they are born. Your response on children being abused is typical of people of your mind set. Not Christians but you. Your first action is punish the abuser. A good Christian considers taking care of the child first and punishing the abuser second,
Anti-abortion advocates focus on the the person wanting the abortion much more than how to take care of children that are born but are in great need and life could be in danger as a result.
Anti abortion people would love to take children from abusive and neglectful households and send them to live with loving Catholic families. The law sayd no. Every effort must be made to keep children in abusive homes.
What about a Jewish home or an Episcopalian home or loving agnostic home.
They need Jewish, Episcopalian or agnostic child snatchers to remove children on their behalf. It is mostly agnostics or atheist that are family advocates who work to keep families together. Ever hear of that one? Let's keep families together.
Whether or not someone receives communion is clearly no one's business. It is an entirely private matter.
Whether or not someone receives communion is clearly no one's business. It is an entirely private matter.

I see your point for most Americans, but the reason for Vice President Biden to receive communion is to push forward the idea that he is an ordinary God Fearing American who is religious and not a heathenistic secularist.

That's why he appeared in Florence, not for a matter of private devotion. If it was indeed an "entirely private matter", it wouldn't have made the news.
Joe Biden denied Holy Communion at Florence church

FLORENCE, S.C. — Former Vice President Joe Biden, a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 presidential race, was denied Holy Communion on Sunday morning at a Florence church.

Father Robert E. Morey of Saint Anthony Catholic Church confirmed Monday afternoon that he had denied the presidential candidate Holy Communion because of his stance on abortion. Biden, a lifelong Catholic, had attended the church’s 9 a.m. Mass.
Joe Biden denied Holy Communion at Florence church

You know you are vile when you own faith turns its back on you
Democrats are a godless party and why you truly cant be a Christian and a democrat
So Father Moron denied Communion to Biden. Did Biden ever have an abortion? No. Did he ever counsel anyone to get an abortion? No. So his crime is thinking that the decision should be left to the prospective parents instead of the State or the Church.
God is not a republican and you do not speak for him. It's the evangelical right that is killing christianity in America. No one since the inqusition has set a worse example of what a christian should be.
You are historically retarded. I'm not religious at all but the Evangelicals are not burning people at the stake.
Bite Me is very well connected, too. Guys like him and Al Franken, can get involved in all kinds of sexual assaults, but they usually get to slide.

I remember when Ultraliberal Gerry Studds came out before the cameras with the child he was molesting in Congress. He not only wasn't arrested, he got a standing O.
Repubs have plenty of molesting. Al Franken did nothing worse than trump. But repubs made him president.

There are PICTURES of what Al Franken actually did, brain. Not just "accusations".

What I find peculiar about the accusations against Trump, there were no accusations for 40 years that he served our nation as an A-List Celebrity and his entrance music was the song "Money".

But as soon as he steps out and gets the Republican nomination, suddenly everyone is accusing him.

Doesn't pass the smell test.
We have a confession on tape of what trump has done.
Stuff it Elmer... I'm well versed in this

Catholic Church: Worlds biggest charitable organization

That's just Catholics...the Baptist, Methodist and others are right there beside us helping[/QUOTE
Do you think Jesus Christ would be trying to put another religion or person down because they do not donate as much as he or his religion. No he would not. He would be open to all and appreciate all giving. You are very un-Christ like.

The fact being it is hard to determine who gives the most. It is important to give to give not to put yourself above others. You are very un-Christ like.
What's the largest charitable donation Warren Buffett ever made?
Here's who gave away the most money in 2017
Giving Statistics : Charity Navigator

Elmer learn to quote and deal with facts
Do you think Jesus Christ would be trying to put another religion or person down because they do not donate as much as he or his religion. No he would not. He would be open to all and appreciate all giving. You are very un-Christ like.

The fact being it is hard to determine who gives the most. It is important to give to give not to put yourself above others. You are very un-Christ like.
What's the largest charitable donation Warren Buffett ever made?
Here's who gave away the most money in 2017
Giving Statistics : Charity Navigator

Ever made Vs ongoing, Elmer

Think hard.... you're being demolished
Irishlass is a CINO, Christian In Name Only

Hey Elmer, two weeks ago we received our fourth, count them, Dud, fourth adopted child. She's precious.

Now you idiot left tard asshole tell me how many adopted children you have

You're a clown, dude...a lowly leftist asshole clown. Nothing more and probably much less

And why would you call yourself Elmer? Good grief
Joe Biden denied Holy Communion at Florence church

FLORENCE, S.C. — Former Vice President Joe Biden, a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 presidential race, was denied Holy Communion on Sunday morning at a Florence church.

Father Robert E. Morey of Saint Anthony Catholic Church confirmed Monday afternoon that he had denied the presidential candidate Holy Communion because of his stance on abortion. Biden, a lifelong Catholic, had attended the church’s 9 a.m. Mass.
Joe Biden denied Holy Communion at Florence church

You know you are vile when you own faith turns its back on you
Democrats are a godless party and why you truly cant be a Christian and a democrat
So Father Moron denied Communion to Biden. Did Biden ever have an abortion? No. Did he ever counsel anyone to get an abortion? No. So his crime is thinking that the decision should be left to the prospective parents instead of the State or the Church.

Actually, Mr. Biden is actively advocating for the Abortion Industry, even pushing to FORCE taxpayers under penalty of penal servitude to subsidize this Racket.
There is too much stupidity about religion today and religion aligning itself (really themselves given the multitude of views that can be deemed "religious") with political views. Who cares what some individual's beliefs are? All this fighting among Christian groups, between some Christian groups and people of other faiths, between faith groups and people who don't believe anything and those who are unsure? How was this nonsense ever allowed to invade public political discourse?

The group of males who run the RC church have their own particular views and Biden has his. So what? The whole history of Christianity is continuous division. This is not to say that this does not occur in other faiths. I don't know why Biden didn't bail a long time ago, as I did, but it's his private business.
There is too much stupidity about religion today and religion aligning itself (really themselves given the multitude of views that can be deemed "religious") with political views. Who cares what some individual's beliefs are? All this fighting among Christian groups, between some Christian groups and people of other faiths, between faith groups and people who don't believe anything and those who are unsure? How was this nonsense ever allowed to invade public political discourse?

The group of males who run the RC church have their own particular views and Biden has his. So what? The whole history of Christianity is continuous division. This is not to say that this does not occur in other faiths. I don't know why Biden didn't bail a long time ago, as I did, but it's his private business.
Christianity is a faith not a religion dumbass
There is too much stupidity about religion today and religion aligning itself (really themselves given the multitude of views that can be deemed "religious") with political views. Who cares what some individual's beliefs are? All this fighting among Christian groups, between some Christian groups and people of other faiths, between faith groups and people who don't believe anything and those who are unsure? How was this nonsense ever allowed to invade public political discourse?

The group of males who run the RC church have their own particular views and Biden has his. So what? The whole history of Christianity is continuous division. This is not to say that this does not occur in other faiths. I don't know why Biden didn't bail a long time ago, as I did, but it's his private business.
Christianity is a faith not a religion dumbass

There is no difference, dumbass. All I'm saying is that Christians have always divided up and walked away, or fought wars with each other. One can always stay in Christianity, but change clubs.
I don't see what all the garbage about other religions is all about, though, or the yapping about "atheists," "agnostics," "secularists," etc. Civic life involves all, regardless of where each stands in the spectrum of personal belief.
There is too much stupidity about religion today and religion aligning itself (really themselves given the multitude of views that can be deemed "religious") with political views. Who cares what some individual's beliefs are? All this fighting among Christian groups, between some Christian groups and people of other faiths, between faith groups and people who don't believe anything and those who are unsure? How was this nonsense ever allowed to invade public political discourse?

The group of males who run the RC church have their own particular views and Biden has his. So what? The whole history of Christianity is continuous division. This is not to say that this does not occur in other faiths. I don't know why Biden didn't bail a long time ago, as I did, but it's his private business.
Christianity is a faith not a religion dumbass

There is no difference, dumbass. All I'm saying is that Christians have always divided up and walked away, or fought wars with each other. One can always stay in Christianity, but change clubs.
I don't see what all the garbage about other religions is all about, though, or the yapping about "atheists," "agnostics," "secularists," etc. Civic life involves all, regardless of where each stands in the spectrum of personal belief.
Religion is 100% man-made… Christianity is not in the least bit man-made
There is too much stupidity about religion today and religion aligning itself (really themselves given the multitude of views that can be deemed "religious") with political views. Who cares what some individual's beliefs are? All this fighting among Christian groups, between some Christian groups and people of other faiths, between faith groups and people who don't believe anything and those who are unsure? How was this nonsense ever allowed to invade public political discourse?

The group of males who run the RC church have their own particular views and Biden has his. So what? The whole history of Christianity is continuous division. This is not to say that this does not occur in other faiths. I don't know why Biden didn't bail a long time ago, as I did, but it's his private business.
Christianity is a faith not a religion dumbass

There is no difference, dumbass. All I'm saying is that Christians have always divided up and walked away, or fought wars with each other. One can always stay in Christianity, but change clubs.
I don't see what all the garbage about other religions is all about, though, or the yapping about "atheists," "agnostics," "secularists," etc. Civic life involves all, regardless of where each stands in the spectrum of personal belief.
Religion is 100% man-made… Christianity is not in the least bit man-made

In your opinion. I also suspect that you don't allow for the multiple variations of it, just your own, one that I think is violent, arrogant, and lacking in support for the teachings of Jesus.
Christianity is a faith not a religion dumbass

Christianity is clearly a religion...

Definition of religion |
Definition of christianity |

Joe Biden denied Holy Communion at Florence church

FLORENCE, S.C. — Former Vice President Joe Biden, a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 presidential race, was denied Holy Communion on Sunday morning at a Florence church.

Father Robert E. Morey of Saint Anthony Catholic Church confirmed Monday afternoon that he had denied the presidential candidate Holy Communion because of his stance on abortion. Biden, a lifelong Catholic, had attended the church’s 9 a.m. Mass.
Joe Biden denied Holy Communion at Florence church

You know you are vile when you own faith turns its back on you
Democrats are a godless party and why you truly cant be a Christian and a democrat
You cannot be a Christian and a Democrat because Democrats are better than that.

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