Joe Biden is a "Well Meaning Elderly Man"

A "well-meaning elderly man" with a failing memory?

Sure beats an ignorant, arrogant, autocratic, malevolent, graceless power-mad elderly man with a slightly better memory.

It is not just about memory.”Diminished faculties” was also mentioned. Obviously diminished to a point where he couldn’t stand trial or be held responsible and yet he can be elected to be President? Ok.
A "well-meaning elderly man" with a failing memory?

Sure beats an ignorant, arrogant, autocratic, malevolent, graceless power-mad elderly man with a slightly better memory.

Nobody trusts the Orange Baboon-God to surrender executive power when his term is over, so...
The carrion crow once again sides with the demented LEFT.
Pathetic shit-bird sure loves him some democrat road kill.
It is not just about memory.”Diminished faculties” was also mentioned. Obviously diminished to a point where he couldn’t stand trial or be held responsible and yet he can be elected to be President? Ok.
The Republic can survive a fool for four more years.

The Republic cannot survive a hedonistic narcissistic misogynistic vengeful malevolent spirit like Rump's for four more years.
With all the TDS sufferers out there, the Democrats could replace him with a complete left-wing nut lIke Newsom and he very well could legitimately win. Anyone taking control from the Democratic side that is currently in the mix is a very scary thought. Biden, Harris or Newsom. Yikes.
Legitimately win? Physically impossible!!
The Republic can survive a fool for four more years.

The Republic cannot survive a hedonistic narcissistic misogynistic vengeful malevolent spirit like Rump's for four more years.

What it truly cannot survive is the TDS mentality that puts personal feelings over practicality. Like him or not, Trump’s policies were by far and away better for our country than Biden. That is what people should be focusing on, not the color of his skin, his combover or his personality. Sure, some would actually buy into Biden policies, but not nearly enough to elect the man.
TOO FUNNY: the double standard of injustice rises again--- they just couldn't find a thing to charge Hillary or Obumma or Biden with, but they can find enough stuff to charge Trump with for 700 years with a line of still more running out the door.
Um, yeah, because Trump doesn't respect the law or the process.

Kind of like if you are very polite to an officer during a traffic stop, he might let you off with a warning.

If you say, "Fuck you, Pig!!!", he's probably going to slam you over the trunk while his partner looks for drugs or dead hookers in your trunk.
What it truly cannot survive is the TDS mentality
There is a very good reason why that "TDS" mentality exists.
that puts personal feelings over practicality.
No... it puts the long-term survivability of the Republic over short-term gains.
Like him or not, Trump’s policies were by far and away better for our country than Biden.
Agreed. Give us Trump's polices without Trump and you've got a ball game.
That is what people should be focusing on,
No. The trains can always be made to run on time. The Republic cannot be fixed once a tyranny has been established.
not the color of his skin, his combover or his personality.
Americans have a right to expect a certain measure of grace and thoughtfulness and respect from their Presidents.

That's not what they get when your boy has his hand on the wheel.

Sure, some would actually buy into Biden policies, but not nearly enough to elect the man.
In 2020, people did not vote for Joe Biden... they voted against Donald Trump.
What it truly cannot survive is the TDS mentality that puts personal feelings over practicality. Like him or not, Trump’s policies were by far and away better for our country than Biden. That is what people should be focusing on, not the color of his skin, his combover or his personality. Sure, some would actually buy into Biden policies, but not nearly enough to elect the man.

One million dead from Covid.
25 million jobs lost
265,000 businesses lost
Riots in the streets
Wildfires burning out of control in the west.

I guess Trump looks good if you ignore everything he fucked up, the level of toxicity he's injected into our politics, and if you give him credit for the good economy Obama left him.
I'm fully aware of this, and I'd say the vast majority of Americans would agree with me in dearly wishing it were not this way.

Where is this "vast majority"? Republicans overwhelmingly voted for for Trump in the Nevada caucus yesterday.
One million dead from Covid.
25 million jobs lost
265,000 businesses lost
Riots in the streets
Wildfires burning out of control in the west.

I guess Trump looks good if you ignore everything he fucked up, the level of toxicity he's injected into our politics, and if you give him credit for the good economy Obama left him.
Fauci funded GAIN OF FUNCTION $$$$$ in fucking CHINA, and you go all TDS over THAT????????????????
Go.Fuck. Yourself!!!!!!
It's not the prosecutor's place to determine the criminal's fitness to stand trial. It is the judiciary that determines fitness.

Prosecutor made exactly zero direct comment about competency to stand trial.

Prosecutor implicitly says that in fact Biden WAS competent by talking about how jury would perceive Biden DURING TRIAL.

You fools are full of bs.
Bullshit, what the prosecutor said was that Biden would be FOUND NOT GUILTY BY JURY at trial.
You ignorant little twit.
“Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen,” the report states, including “documents about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan” and “handwritten entries about issues of national security and foreign policy implicating sensitive intelligence sources and methods” that he kept in an unlocked drawer.

He goes on to say Biden is too old and senile to stand trial because his memory is shot!

Yet here you are using the talking points provided to you to defend the dementia riddled pedophile.
Shame on you and all who defend this double standard of justice.
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He goes on to say Biden is too old and senile to stand trial because his memory is shot!

Except that's not what he said. He said Biden had trouble remembering dates during an interview when he was taking time out from dealing with the Gaza crisis.

"Gee, I'm sorry I can't remember who I talked to 8 years ago, but I'm kind of trying to keep World War III from breaking out."

The reality is, Dur didn't have enough to make a referral for impeachment, and he knows it. So let's take a cheap swipe over not remembering dates.

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