Joe Biden Says He Is Open To ‘Cash Payments’ For Slavery Reparations

OK. I am going to show you once again what the cost of your racism is to this country.

“It will end up costing the U.S. economy as much as $1 trillion between now and 2028 for the nation to maintain its longstanding black-white racial wealth gap, according to a report released this month from the global consultancy firm McKinsey & Company. That will be roughly 4 percent of the United States GDP in 2028—just the conservative view, assuming that the wealth growth rates of African Americans will outpace white wealth growth at its current clip of 3 percent to .8 percent annually, said McKinsey. If the gap widens, however, with white wealth growing at a faster rate than black wealth instead, it could end up costing the U.S. $1.5 trillion or 6 percent of GDP according to the firm.”

Your racism will end up costing this country between 4-6 percent of our GDP. That's on top of the percentage of GDP your racism has cost this country since it's founding.

So let me again say this:

Racists are very good at instructing everyone as to the percentage of blacks in the population. And they reach hard to extrapolate exaggerated numbers about crime, often conflating murder with total crime. But somehow, and really it's done on purpose because we are dealing with racists, other important statistical data is not discussed.

Blacks are 13 percent of the American population but have 2.6 percent of the wealth. This did not happen because of laziness. Indeed, the historical records shows that blacks have consistently worked as hard or harder than whites and for far less money, including over 230 years for free. Equality in a capitalist system means we have 13 percent of the wealth. We have 1/5 the wealth we should have in proportion to our population.

Let me break down what white racism has done to this nation. While certain whites gloat about how successful they have been as a race and lecture others about how they have failed, facts show they have created the problems being complained about today. If not for racism everyone would be better off economically, fewer people would be on the public dime, tax revenues would increase at every level with possibly no national deficit or debt. Crime and unemployment would be reduced. More than likely the increased tax revenue could help provide free education and health care to all American citizens. Study after study shoes us that virtually every economic problem we have as a country stems from denying opportunities for people of color due to racism.

So keep on talking stupid white racists. You WILL pay what you owe, or you WILL lose what you got.

It's hard to gain any wealth when you start having kids at 16 and want three or four of them working a menial job. It's also hard to have a chance at any wealth being a single mother with multiple baby daddies.

The failure is not because of the rich white man, the failures are your own.
Hilarious watching you always lying for your Commie masters.

BIDEN: "I support us going out and doing a study ... whether there should be cash payments, what should happen."

Yes, he supports a study, not the payments.

Why do you feel the need to lie so much?
Joe Biden would study a black asshole before he licked it. Common bastard is beholden to black voters. He is the candidate of "black America " not "all Americans"

That's why I'm expecting him to run with Harris. Trump is gaining more favorability with minorities these days. Biden needs to win them back.

Trump's favorability with minorities falls well below that of either Biden or Bernie. I don't think they are concerned with Trump in that area.
Another fake news title from the king of fake news.
Hilarious watching you always lying for your Commie masters.

BIDEN: "I support us going out and doing a study ... whether there should be cash payments, what should happen."

Yes, he supports a study, not the payments.

Why do you feel the need to lie so much?
Joe Biden would study a black asshole before he licked it. Common bastard is beholden to black voters. He is the candidate of "black America " not "all Americans"

That's why I'm expecting him to run with Harris. Trump is gaining more favorability with minorities these days. Biden needs to win them back.

Trump's favorability with minorities falls well below that of either Biden or Bernie. I don't think they are concerned with Trump in that area.

However Trump is way above what Republicans usually get. Even if the Democrats lose a fraction of that base, they have zero chance at the presidency no matter who takes it.
Another fake news title from the king of fake news.
Hilarious watching you always lying for your Commie masters.

BIDEN: "I support us going out and doing a study ... whether there should be cash payments, what should happen."

Yes, he supports a study, not the payments.

Why do you feel the need to lie so much?
Joe Biden would study a black asshole before he licked it. Common bastard is beholden to black voters. He is the candidate of "black America " not "all Americans"

That's why I'm expecting him to run with Harris. Trump is gaining more favorability with minorities these days. Biden needs to win them back.

Why Harris instead of that gal from Georgia who lost the governorship? Or Warren for that matter?

Warren is not a minority. She only thinks she is.
Hilarious watching you always lying for your Commie masters.

BIDEN: "I support us going out and doing a study ... whether there should be cash payments, what should happen."

Yes, he supports a study, not the payments.

Why do you feel the need to lie so much?
Joe Biden would study a black asshole before he licked it. Common bastard is beholden to black voters. He is the candidate of "black America " not "all Americans"

That's why I'm expecting him to run with Harris. Trump is gaining more favorability with minorities these days. Biden needs to win them back.

Trump's favorability with minorities falls well below that of either Biden or Bernie. I don't think they are concerned with Trump in that area.

However Trump is way above what Republicans usually get. Even if the Democrats lose a fraction of that base, they have zero chance at the presidency no matter who takes it.
Dems know they’ve lost a huge chunk of the black votes, that’s why the pathetic pandering.
OK. I am going to show you once again what the cost of your racism is to this country.

“It will end up costing the U.S. economy as much as $1 trillion between now and 2028 for the nation to maintain its longstanding black-white racial wealth gap, according to a report released this month from the global consultancy firm McKinsey & Company. That will be roughly 4 percent of the United States GDP in 2028—just the conservative view, assuming that the wealth growth rates of African Americans will outpace white wealth growth at its current clip of 3 percent to .8 percent annually, said McKinsey. If the gap widens, however, with white wealth growing at a faster rate than black wealth instead, it could end up costing the U.S. $1.5 trillion or 6 percent of GDP according to the firm.”

Your racism will end up costing this country between 4-6 percent of our GDP. That's on top of the percentage of GDP your racism has cost this country since it's founding.

So let me again say this:

Racists are very good at instructing everyone as to the percentage of blacks in the population. And they reach hard to extrapolate exaggerated numbers about crime, often conflating murder with total crime. But somehow, and really it's done on purpose because we are dealing with racists, other important statistical data is not discussed.

Blacks are 13 percent of the American population but have 2.6 percent of the wealth. This did not happen because of laziness. Indeed, the historical records shows that blacks have consistently worked as hard or harder than whites and for far less money, including over 230 years for free. Equality in a capitalist system means we have 13 percent of the wealth. We have 1/5 the wealth we should have in proportion to our population.

Let me break down what white racism has done to this nation. While certain whites gloat about how successful they have been as a race and lecture others about how they have failed, facts show they have created the problems being complained about today. If not for racism everyone would be better off economically, fewer people would be on the public dime, tax revenues would increase at every level with possibly no national deficit or debt. Crime and unemployment would be reduced. More than likely the increased tax revenue could help provide free education and health care to all American citizens. Study after study shoes us that virtually every economic problem we have as a country stems from denying opportunities for people of color due to racism.

So keep on talking stupid white racists. You WILL pay what you owe, or you WILL lose what you got.
Perhaps black people better get motivated, value education, and clean up their neighborhoods before they go asking for another hand-out.(ex. Public housing, food stamps, free medical care, free school lunches)

Actually, a lot of black people are doing very well indeed. The ones who aren't tend to be the ones sitting on their asses waiting for their reparations checks to come in the mail. Lebron is an ultraliberal, but he does go out and earns a living. Ditto with other black folks like Mike Tyson, the Rock, Kanye, etc.

But if you stand out in front of a liquor store all day looking for handouts, waiting for your ship to come in, you're going to be broke
I hear at Biden's next rally he's gonna let Al Sharpton tea bag him in front of the crowd and national television while at the same time gurgling "Thank you for South Carolina."

OK. I am going to show you once again what the cost of your racism is to this country.

“It will end up costing the U.S. economy as much as $1 trillion between now and 2028 for the nation to maintain its longstanding black-white racial wealth gap, according to a report released this month from the global consultancy firm McKinsey & Company. That will be roughly 4 percent of the United States GDP in 2028—just the conservative view, assuming that the wealth growth rates of African Americans will outpace white wealth growth at its current clip of 3 percent to .8 percent annually, said McKinsey. If the gap widens, however, with white wealth growing at a faster rate than black wealth instead, it could end up costing the U.S. $1.5 trillion or 6 percent of GDP according to the firm.”

Your racism will end up costing this country between 4-6 percent of our GDP. That's on top of the percentage of GDP your racism has cost this country since it's founding.

So let me again say this:

Racists are very good at instructing everyone as to the percentage of blacks in the population. And they reach hard to extrapolate exaggerated numbers about crime, often conflating murder with total crime. But somehow, and really it's done on purpose because we are dealing with racists, other important statistical data is not discussed.

Blacks are 13 percent of the American population but have 2.6 percent of the wealth. This did not happen because of laziness. Indeed, the historical records shows that blacks have consistently worked as hard or harder than whites and for far less money, including over 230 years for free. Equality in a capitalist system means we have 13 percent of the wealth. We have 1/5 the wealth we should have in proportion to our population.

Let me break down what white racism has done to this nation. While certain whites gloat about how successful they have been as a race and lecture others about how they have failed, facts show they have created the problems being complained about today. If not for racism everyone would be better off economically, fewer people would be on the public dime, tax revenues would increase at every level with possibly no national deficit or debt. Crime and unemployment would be reduced. More than likely the increased tax revenue could help provide free education and health care to all American citizens. Study after study shoes us that virtually every economic problem we have as a country stems from denying opportunities for people of color due to racism.

So keep on talking stupid white racists. You WILL pay what you owe, or you WILL lose what you got.
We all pay -Frank Regan, Blue Bloods
Hilarious watching you always lying for your Commie masters.

BIDEN: "I support us going out and doing a study ... whether there should be cash payments, what should happen."
Kind of a cheap comment for political effect by Joe. He knows darn well, no appropriations bill of that nature will ever make it through both houses of congress.
Yes, he supports a study, not the payments.

Why do you feel the need to lie so much?
Joe Biden would study a black asshole before he licked it. Common bastard is beholden to black voters. He is the candidate of "black America " not "all Americans"

That's why I'm expecting him to run with Harris. Trump is gaining more favorability with minorities these days. Biden needs to win them back.

Trump's favorability with minorities falls well below that of either Biden or Bernie. I don't think they are concerned with Trump in that area.

However Trump is way above what Republicans usually get. Even if the Democrats lose a fraction of that base, they have zero chance at the presidency no matter who takes it.
Dems know they’ve lost a huge chunk of the black votes, that’s why the pathetic pandering.

What "huge chunk" are you referring to?
Hilarious watching you always lying for your Commie masters.

BIDEN: "I support us going out and doing a study ... whether there should be cash payments, what should happen."

Yes, he supports a study, not the payments.

Why do you feel the need to lie so much?
Joe Biden would study a black asshole before he licked it. Common bastard is beholden to black voters. He is the candidate of "black America " not "all Americans"

That's why I'm expecting him to run with Harris. Trump is gaining more favorability with minorities these days. Biden needs to win them back.

Trump's favorability with minorities falls well below that of either Biden or Bernie. I don't think they are concerned with Trump in that area.

However Trump is way above what Republicans usually get. Even if the Democrats lose a fraction of that base, they have zero chance at the presidency no matter who takes it.

Is he? Based on what?
Joe Biden would study a black asshole before he licked it. Common bastard is beholden to black voters. He is the candidate of "black America " not "all Americans"

That's why I'm expecting him to run with Harris. Trump is gaining more favorability with minorities these days. Biden needs to win them back.

Trump's favorability with minorities falls well below that of either Biden or Bernie. I don't think they are concerned with Trump in that area.

However Trump is way above what Republicans usually get. Even if the Democrats lose a fraction of that base, they have zero chance at the presidency no matter who takes it.
Dems know they’ve lost a huge chunk of the black votes, that’s why the pathetic pandering.

What "huge chunk" are you referring to?
Hilarious watching you always lying for your Commie masters.

BIDEN: "I support us going out and doing a study ... whether there should be cash payments, what should happen."
Kind of a cheap comment for political effect by Joe. He knows darn well, no appropriations bill of that nature will ever make it through both houses of congress.
That's makes him a bullshit artist and not presidential.
That's why I'm expecting him to run with Harris. Trump is gaining more favorability with minorities these days. Biden needs to win them back.

Trump's favorability with minorities falls well below that of either Biden or Bernie. I don't think they are concerned with Trump in that area.

However Trump is way above what Republicans usually get. Even if the Democrats lose a fraction of that base, they have zero chance at the presidency no matter who takes it.
Dems know they’ve lost a huge chunk of the black votes, that’s why the pathetic pandering.

What "huge chunk" are you referring to?

Trump's favorability with minorities falls well below that of either Biden or Bernie. I don't think they are concerned with Trump in that area.

However Trump is way above what Republicans usually get. Even if the Democrats lose a fraction of that base, they have zero chance at the presidency no matter who takes it.
Dems know they’ve lost a huge chunk of the black votes, that’s why the pathetic pandering.

What "huge chunk" are you referring to?

Why? You live in denial.
If Biden wins, then A) I expect unicorns and flying pigs, or B) Civil war.

The worst thing is he will reopen that southern flood gate and let all these third-worlders in with God knows what diseases.

Good point. Must continue policy of child abuse at the border.

Can't abuse children that don't make it here. Would you like me to post that picture of kids in cages that took place under DumBama, and they tried to sell it off as if happened under Trump?
If Biden wins, then A) I expect unicorns and flying pigs, or B) Civil war.

The worst thing is he will reopen that southern flood gate and let all these third-worlders in with God knows what diseases.

Good point. Must continue policy of child abuse at the border.

Can't abuse children that don't make it here. Would you like me to post that picture of kids in cages that took place under DumBama, and they tried to sell it off as if happened under Trump?

Just love your false moral equivalency. How many kids died under Obama's policies? How many under Trump's? Who made the rule of 100% separation? Ya, you guys just love to excuse child abuse don't you?

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