Joe Biden Says He Won’t Pardon Trump if Elected

Trump is No. 3, the 3rd POTUS to be impeached and the FIRST POTUS to be impeached in his first term.

He's terrified of losing the election in November because the Southern District of NY and the Eastern District of Virginia are holding indictments just ready to be served after November 3rd: abuse of power, obstruction of justice, obstruction of Congress, illegal use of campaign and inauguration funds, for starters.

For the life of me, I will never understand why you leftists keep prattling about, "Impeached! He was impeached!" as though you actually expect that to mean something to people who watched your little kabuki theatre.

"He's terrified of losing the election"? It's fucking MAY, you moron. He's not terrified of jack shit at the moment, and he's CERTAINLY not terrified of the sterling and impressive potted plant the left finally settled for as a candidate.

And don't even get me started on how anyone can be proud and bragging about "We invented some criminal charges to use as a political weapon; you can tell what a pile of shit they are by the fact that we're holding them until November, because they're so serious and important that there's no need to file them now like REAL charges".

I can see why people like you are supporting Joe Biden: you guys probably have similar-looking leaves and use the same type of fertilizer.

It should mean something that a POTUS is impeached, but you're just another frog who started out in a pot of water and don't have the intelligence or awareness to see that it's starting to boil.

It SHOULD mean something. Unfortunately, the left's blatantly partisan and frankly laughable use of impeachment for naked political gain guaranteed that it means nothing whatsoever.

You are a life-size diorama of the moral death of the Democrat Party.

You are a life-sized diorama of the destruction of this country.
Crawl back up Trump's ass where you belong.
Biden's crimes are catching up to him Trump might not pardon Joey

Why then hasn't he been indicted and charged yet?
Are the Republicans so incompetent that they can't pull it off or is there nothing to charge Biden with?
Just answer the question.
It's either/or.
Too funny.

You show no outrage over Biden getting asked about pardoning Trump, but went apoplectic about Trump getting asked about pardoning Barry.

You are a clown.

I see you can't answer a simple question.
You're the one who's got foam around his mouth.
Either you're apoplectic or you're sucking your own dick.
You never asked me a question, Mouth Breather.

Then why did you respond to the post, shithead?
Biden's crimes are catching up to him Trump might not pardon Joey

Why then hasn't he been indicted and charged yet?
Are the Republicans so incompetent that they can't pull it off or is there nothing to charge Biden with?
Just answer the question.
It's either/or.
Too funny.

You show no outrage over Biden getting asked about pardoning Trump, but went apoplectic about Trump getting asked about pardoning Barry.

You are a clown.

I see you can't answer a simple question.
You're the one who's got foam around his mouth.
Either you're apoplectic or you're sucking your own dick.

"I see you can't answer my question about when you stopped beating your wife. That means I WIN!!!"

Were you actually the best sock puppet the DNC could send us? They should just send me whatever money they're paying you, and I'll get my dog to post a paw print, and it will be more intelligent and insightful than any post you've ever had.

You can't answer the question either.
It's just so much easier to attack the messenger instead of the message, isn't it, coward?
Why hasn't Biden been indicted?
Is it because the Republicans are chasing their tails like they did with Benghazi??

I did answer the question. You just didn't like the fact that the answer was, "Buy a brain and learn to ask real questions."

It's just so much easier to demand that other people accept your worldview as a debate parameter than to have to think and make real arguments, isn't it, moron?

Biden hasn't been indicted because the investigation just started. And feel flattered that I bothered to repeat that for people like you who are too fucking stupid to understand it the first time. Did you get it THIS time, Spanky, or do I need to break out the Crayolas and draw you a picture while humming the "Barney" theme song?

I agree that trying to get leftists to show an ounce of intelligence, decency, and patriotism IS chasing one's tails, but the fact that you're all puddles of shit is not something you should be proud of.
Biden's crimes are catching up to him Trump might not pardon Joey

Why then hasn't he been indicted and charged yet?
Are the Republicans so incompetent that they can't pull it off or is there nothing to charge Biden with?
Just answer the question.
It's either/or.
Too funny.

You show no outrage over Biden getting asked about pardoning Trump, but went apoplectic about Trump getting asked about pardoning Barry.

You are a clown.

I see you can't answer a simple question.
You're the one who's got foam around his mouth.
Either you're apoplectic or you're sucking your own dick.

"I see you can't answer my question about when you stopped beating your wife. That means I WIN!!!"

Were you actually the best sock puppet the DNC could send us? They should just send me whatever money they're paying you, and I'll get my dog to post a paw print, and it will be more intelligent and insightful than any post you've ever had.

You can't answer the question either.
It's just so much easier to attack the messenger instead of the message, isn't it, coward?
Why hasn't Biden been indicted?
Is it because the Republicans are chasing their tails like they did with Benghazi??

I did answer the question. You just didn't like the fact that the answer was, "Buy a brain and learn to ask real questions."

It's just so much easier to demand that other people accept your worldview as a debate parameter than to have to think and make real arguments, isn't it, moron?

Biden hasn't been indicted because the investigation just started. And feel flattered that I bothered to repeat that for people like you who are too fucking stupid to understand it the first time. Did you get it THIS time, Spanky, or do I need to break out the Crayolas and draw you a picture while humming the "Barney" theme song?

I agree that trying to get leftists to show an ounce of intelligence, decency, and patriotism IS chasing one's tails, but the fact that you're all puddles of shit is not something you should be proud of.

"Biden hasn't been indicted because the investigation just started."""

Obamagate isn't an investigation.
It's a collective masturbatory exercise by idiots like yourself incited by Donald, otherwise known as YOUR Pavlov.
Roll over, sit, stay.
I love the way Fox buries the obvious shit way down where their sockpuppets won't read:

" Trump’s interview on Fox News and his accusation against the former vice president come the day after the House Intelligence Committee released long-awaited transcripts with dozens of witnesses that took part in their probe of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and whether the then-Trump presidential campaign colluded with Moscow.

The transcripts indicated that top Obama officials said they knew of no “direct” evidence of collusion involving the Trump campaign, despite their concerns and suspicions.

However, Biden is not typically a figure who has been linked to the origins of that probe, and it's unclear what Trump was referring to with his comments Friday.""

Trump is No. 3, the 3rd POTUS to be impeached and the FIRST POTUS to be impeached in his first term.

He's terrified of losing the election in November because the Southern District of NY and the Eastern District of Virginia are holding indictments just ready to be served after November 3rd: abuse of power, obstruction of justice, obstruction of Congress, illegal use of campaign and inauguration funds, for starters.

For the life of me, I will never understand why you leftists keep prattling about, "Impeached! He was impeached!" as though you actually expect that to mean something to people who watched your little kabuki theatre.

"He's terrified of losing the election"? It's fucking MAY, you moron. He's not terrified of jack shit at the moment, and he's CERTAINLY not terrified of the sterling and impressive potted plant the left finally settled for as a candidate.

And don't even get me started on how anyone can be proud and bragging about "We invented some criminal charges to use as a political weapon; you can tell what a pile of shit they are by the fact that we're holding them until November, because they're so serious and important that there's no need to file them now like REAL charges".

I can see why people like you are supporting Joe Biden: you guys probably have similar-looking leaves and use the same type of fertilizer.

It should mean something that a POTUS is impeached, but you're just another frog who started out in a pot of water and don't have the intelligence or awareness to see that it's starting to boil.

It SHOULD mean something. Unfortunately, the left's blatantly partisan and frankly laughable use of impeachment for naked political gain guaranteed that it means nothing whatsoever.

You are a life-size diorama of the moral death of the Democrat Party.

You are a life-sized diorama of the destruction of this country.
Crawl back up Trump's ass where you belong.

It's so much easier to dismiss any disagreement as "Oh, you're just a Trump fan" than it is to think and make an argument, isn't it, Sock Boy?

Seriously, how do you go around thinking it's "the destruction of the country" not to cheer for the Democrats' naked power grab, and still look at yourself in the mirror without wanting to drink bleach?
Trump is No. 3, the 3rd POTUS to be impeached and the FIRST POTUS to be impeached in his first term.

He's terrified of losing the election in November because the Southern District of NY and the Eastern District of Virginia are holding indictments just ready to be served after November 3rd: abuse of power, obstruction of justice, obstruction of Congress, illegal use of campaign and inauguration funds, for starters.

For the life of me, I will never understand why you leftists keep prattling about, "Impeached! He was impeached!" as though you actually expect that to mean something to people who watched your little kabuki theatre.

"He's terrified of losing the election"? It's fucking MAY, you moron. He's not terrified of jack shit at the moment, and he's CERTAINLY not terrified of the sterling and impressive potted plant the left finally settled for as a candidate.

And don't even get me started on how anyone can be proud and bragging about "We invented some criminal charges to use as a political weapon; you can tell what a pile of shit they are by the fact that we're holding them until November, because they're so serious and important that there's no need to file them now like REAL charges".

I can see why people like you are supporting Joe Biden: you guys probably have similar-looking leaves and use the same type of fertilizer.

It should mean something that a POTUS is impeached, but you're just another frog who started out in a pot of water and don't have the intelligence or awareness to see that it's starting to boil.

It SHOULD mean something. Unfortunately, the left's blatantly partisan and frankly laughable use of impeachment for naked political gain guaranteed that it means nothing whatsoever.

You are a life-size diorama of the moral death of the Democrat Party.

You are a life-sized diorama of the destruction of this country.
Crawl back up Trump's ass where you belong.

It's so much easier to dismiss any disagreement as "Oh, you're just a Trump fan" than it is to think and make an argument, isn't it, Sock Boy?

Seriously, how do you go around thinking it's "the destruction of the country" not to cheer for the Democrats' naked power grab, and still look at yourself in the mirror without wanting to drink bleach?

Ah! Drinking bleach. Isn't that your Dear Leader's advice to his sheeple?
Naked power grab? LOL. Ever heard of Moscow Mitch or Butt Boy Billy?
Now that's called abuse of power.
You must have taken down all of your mirrors a lonnnnnng time ago.
Biden's crimes are catching up to him Trump might not pardon Joey

Why then hasn't he been indicted and charged yet?
Are the Republicans so incompetent that they can't pull it off or is there nothing to charge Biden with?
Just answer the question.
It's either/or.

Because Repubs are spineless and massively afraid of the rogue progressive media..

Lucky for you..

That's the ONLY reason a rabid, inept, useless Dem party could get away with the SPYING and LYING about Russia Russia Russia and IGNORE all the ruined innocent lives...,. AND get away with PAYING FOR completely bullshit Russian DISinformation THEMSELVES and using that to JUSTIFY most of this..

Seems like your party "interfered in an election" and a legitimate administration in a way that just makes PUTIN feel small and wimpy.... He thanks you for your useful idiot performance..
Biden's crimes are catching up to him Trump might not pardon Joey

Why then hasn't he been indicted and charged yet?
Are the Republicans so incompetent that they can't pull it off or is there nothing to charge Biden with?
Just answer the question.
It's either/or.
Too funny.

You show no outrage over Biden getting asked about pardoning Trump, but went apoplectic about Trump getting asked about pardoning Barry.

You are a clown.

I see you can't answer a simple question.
You're the one who's got foam around his mouth.
Either you're apoplectic or you're sucking your own dick.

"I see you can't answer my question about when you stopped beating your wife. That means I WIN!!!"

Were you actually the best sock puppet the DNC could send us? They should just send me whatever money they're paying you, and I'll get my dog to post a paw print, and it will be more intelligent and insightful than any post you've ever had.

You can't answer the question either.
It's just so much easier to attack the messenger instead of the message, isn't it, coward?
Why hasn't Biden been indicted?
Is it because the Republicans are chasing their tails like they did with Benghazi??

I did answer the question. You just didn't like the fact that the answer was, "Buy a brain and learn to ask real questions."

It's just so much easier to demand that other people accept your worldview as a debate parameter than to have to think and make real arguments, isn't it, moron?

Biden hasn't been indicted because the investigation just started. And feel flattered that I bothered to repeat that for people like you who are too fucking stupid to understand it the first time. Did you get it THIS time, Spanky, or do I need to break out the Crayolas and draw you a picture while humming the "Barney" theme song?

I agree that trying to get leftists to show an ounce of intelligence, decency, and patriotism IS chasing one's tails, but the fact that you're all puddles of shit is not something you should be proud of.

"Biden hasn't been indicted because the investigation just started."""

Obamagate isn't an investigation.
It's a collective masturbatory exercise by idiots like yourself incited by Donald, otherwise known as YOUR Pavlov.
Roll over, sit, stay.

If you bothered to engage more than one brain cell at a time, you wouldn't have so much trouble telling your Obama administration scandals apart (although there ARE a lot of them, admittedly). Obamagate would be the entrapment and railroading of Michael Flynn for political purposes; the Biden investigation would be about him getting the Russian prosecutor investigating his son fired.

Bad dog! Go lie down!
Trump is No. 3, the 3rd POTUS to be impeached and the FIRST POTUS to be impeached in his first term.

He's terrified of losing the election in November because the Southern District of NY and the Eastern District of Virginia are holding indictments just ready to be served after November 3rd: abuse of power, obstruction of justice, obstruction of Congress, illegal use of campaign and inauguration funds, for starters.

For the life of me, I will never understand why you leftists keep prattling about, "Impeached! He was impeached!" as though you actually expect that to mean something to people who watched your little kabuki theatre.

"He's terrified of losing the election"? It's fucking MAY, you moron. He's not terrified of jack shit at the moment, and he's CERTAINLY not terrified of the sterling and impressive potted plant the left finally settled for as a candidate.

And don't even get me started on how anyone can be proud and bragging about "We invented some criminal charges to use as a political weapon; you can tell what a pile of shit they are by the fact that we're holding them until November, because they're so serious and important that there's no need to file them now like REAL charges".

I can see why people like you are supporting Joe Biden: you guys probably have similar-looking leaves and use the same type of fertilizer.

It should mean something that a POTUS is impeached, but you're just another frog who started out in a pot of water and don't have the intelligence or awareness to see that it's starting to boil.

It SHOULD mean something. Unfortunately, the left's blatantly partisan and frankly laughable use of impeachment for naked political gain guaranteed that it means nothing whatsoever.

You are a life-size diorama of the moral death of the Democrat Party.

You are a life-sized diorama of the destruction of this country.
Crawl back up Trump's ass where you belong.

It's so much easier to dismiss any disagreement as "Oh, you're just a Trump fan" than it is to think and make an argument, isn't it, Sock Boy?

Seriously, how do you go around thinking it's "the destruction of the country" not to cheer for the Democrats' naked power grab, and still look at yourself in the mirror without wanting to drink bleach?

Ah! Drinking bleach. Isn't that your Dear Leader's advice to his sheeple?
Naked power grab? LOL. Ever heard of Moscow Mitch or Butt Boy Billy?
Now that's called abuse of power.
You must have taken down all of your mirrors a lonnnnnng time ago.

No, that would be what amoeba-brains like you with more Trump derangement than literacy "think" he said.

Yes, I've heard of them. And I stand by my statement. Your ability to hate and vilify people doesn't make them guilty. Since it's you doing it, it actually makes them look more innocent.

I have nothing to be ashamed of. That is in direct contradiction to you, who just has no shame. Learn the difference.
Biden's crimes are catching up to him Trump might not pardon Joey

Why then hasn't he been indicted and charged yet?
Are the Republicans so incompetent that they can't pull it off or is there nothing to charge Biden with?
Just answer the question.
It's either/or.
Too funny.

You show no outrage over Biden getting asked about pardoning Trump, but went apoplectic about Trump getting asked about pardoning Barry.

You are a clown.

I see you can't answer a simple question.
You're the one who's got foam around his mouth.
Either you're apoplectic or you're sucking your own dick.

"I see you can't answer my question about when you stopped beating your wife. That means I WIN!!!"

Were you actually the best sock puppet the DNC could send us? They should just send me whatever money they're paying you, and I'll get my dog to post a paw print, and it will be more intelligent and insightful than any post you've ever had.

You can't answer the question either.
It's just so much easier to attack the messenger instead of the message, isn't it, coward?
Why hasn't Biden been indicted?
Is it because the Republicans are chasing their tails like they did with Benghazi??

I did answer the question. You just didn't like the fact that the answer was, "Buy a brain and learn to ask real questions."

It's just so much easier to demand that other people accept your worldview as a debate parameter than to have to think and make real arguments, isn't it, moron?

Biden hasn't been indicted because the investigation just started. And feel flattered that I bothered to repeat that for people like you who are too fucking stupid to understand it the first time. Did you get it THIS time, Spanky, or do I need to break out the Crayolas and draw you a picture while humming the "Barney" theme song?

I agree that trying to get leftists to show an ounce of intelligence, decency, and patriotism IS chasing one's tails, but the fact that you're all puddles of shit is not something you should be proud of.

"Biden hasn't been indicted because the investigation just started."""

Obamagate isn't an investigation.
It's a collective masturbatory exercise by idiots like yourself incited by Donald, otherwise known as YOUR Pavlov.
Roll over, sit, stay.

If you bothered to engage more than one brain cell at a time, you wouldn't have so much trouble telling your Obama administration scandals apart (although there ARE a lot of them, admittedly). Obamagate would be the entrapment and railroading of Michael Flynn for political purposes; the Biden investigation would be about him getting the Russian prosecutor investigating his son fired.

Bad dog! Go lie down!

Blaine reminds me of the hapless know nothings our daughters slap around in debates
Trump is No. 3, the 3rd POTUS to be impeached and the FIRST POTUS to be impeached in his first term.

This is true. It's also the first impeachment with no impeccable offenses. The first impeachment with no crime committed. The first impeachment using Thought Police from your favorite book. You must be so proud of your Nazi comrades.
Trump is No. 3, the 3rd POTUS to be impeached and the FIRST POTUS to be impeached in his first term.

He's terrified of losing the election in November because the Southern District of NY and the Eastern District of Virginia are holding indictments just ready to be served after November 3rd: abuse of power, obstruction of justice, obstruction of Congress, illegal use of campaign and inauguration funds, for starters.

For the life of me, I will never understand why you leftists keep prattling about, "Impeached! He was impeached!" as though you actually expect that to mean something to people who watched your little kabuki theatre.

"He's terrified of losing the election"? It's fucking MAY, you moron. He's not terrified of jack shit at the moment, and he's CERTAINLY not terrified of the sterling and impressive potted plant the left finally settled for as a candidate.

And don't even get me started on how anyone can be proud and bragging about "We invented some criminal charges to use as a political weapon; you can tell what a pile of shit they are by the fact that we're holding them until November, because they're so serious and important that there's no need to file them now like REAL charges".

I can see why people like you are supporting Joe Biden: you guys probably have similar-looking leaves and use the same type of fertilizer.

It should mean something that a POTUS is impeached, but you're just another frog who started out in a pot of water and don't have the intelligence or awareness to see that it's starting to boil.

It SHOULD mean something. Unfortunately, the left's blatantly partisan and frankly laughable use of impeachment for naked political gain guaranteed that it means nothing whatsoever.

You are a life-size diorama of the moral death of the Democrat Party.

You are a life-sized diorama of the destruction of this country.
Crawl back up Trump's ass where you belong.

It's so much easier to dismiss any disagreement as "Oh, you're just a Trump fan" than it is to think and make an argument, isn't it, Sock Boy?

Seriously, how do you go around thinking it's "the destruction of the country" not to cheer for the Democrats' naked power grab, and still look at yourself in the mirror without wanting to drink bleach?

Ah! Drinking bleach. Isn't that your Dear Leader's advice to his sheeple?
Naked power grab? LOL. Ever heard of Moscow Mitch or Butt Boy Billy?
Now that's called abuse of power.
You must have taken down all of your mirrors a lonnnnnng time ago.

No, that would be what amoeba-brains like you with more Trump derangement than literacy "think" he said.

Yes, I've heard of them. And I stand by my statement. Your ability to hate and vilify people doesn't make them guilty. Since it's you doing it, it actually makes them look more innocent.

I have nothing to be ashamed of. That is in direct contradiction to you, who just has no shame. Learn the difference.

You're so fucking lazy, never providing sources for your opinions.

Maybe you should just learn.

Attorney General Barr Says He Doesn't Envision Investigations of Joe Biden or Barack Obama
May 18, 2020

In a huge blow to Trump, the DOJ watchdog found no evidence to support the claim that the FBI spied on his 2016 campaign
Nov 27, 2019
What about the Russian money laundering by Trump? What about the 13 year old girl Trump raped (allegedly)?

Trump never raped a thirteen year girl and both times the cases was tossed.

Let be clear and anyone hanging their Hope's on Trump being convicted on raping a child is going to be one upset person when they discover it never happened...
Trump is No. 3, the 3rd POTUS to be impeached and the FIRST POTUS to be impeached in his first term.

This is true. It's also the first impeachment with no impeccable offenses. The first impeachment with no crime committed. The first impeachment using Thought Police from your favorite book. You must be so proud of your Nazi comrades.

Impeccable offenses?
Another one of Trump's beloved under-educated....
Biden's crimes are catching up to him Trump might not pardon Joey

Why then hasn't he been indicted and charged yet?
Are the Republicans so incompetent that they can't pull it off or is there nothing to charge Biden with?
Just answer the question.
It's either/or.
Too funny.

You show no outrage over Biden getting asked about pardoning Trump, but went apoplectic about Trump getting asked about pardoning Barry.

You are a clown.

I see you can't answer a simple question.
You're the one who's got foam around his mouth.
Either you're apoplectic or you're sucking your own dick.

"I see you can't answer my question about when you stopped beating your wife. That means I WIN!!!"

Were you actually the best sock puppet the DNC could send us? They should just send me whatever money they're paying you, and I'll get my dog to post a paw print, and it will be more intelligent and insightful than any post you've ever had.

You can't answer the question either.
It's just so much easier to attack the messenger instead of the message, isn't it, coward?
Why hasn't Biden been indicted?
Is it because the Republicans are chasing their tails like they did with Benghazi??

I did answer the question. You just didn't like the fact that the answer was, "Buy a brain and learn to ask real questions."

It's just so much easier to demand that other people accept your worldview as a debate parameter than to have to think and make real arguments, isn't it, moron?

Biden hasn't been indicted because the investigation just started. And feel flattered that I bothered to repeat that for people like you who are too fucking stupid to understand it the first time. Did you get it THIS time, Spanky, or do I need to break out the Crayolas and draw you a picture while humming the "Barney" theme song?

I agree that trying to get leftists to show an ounce of intelligence, decency, and patriotism IS chasing one's tails, but the fact that you're all puddles of shit is not something you should be proud of.

"Biden hasn't been indicted because the investigation just started."""

Obamagate isn't an investigation.
It's a collective masturbatory exercise by idiots like yourself incited by Donald, otherwise known as YOUR Pavlov.
Roll over, sit, stay.

If you bothered to engage more than one brain cell at a time, you wouldn't have so much trouble telling your Obama administration scandals apart (although there ARE a lot of them, admittedly). Obamagate would be the entrapment and railroading of Michael Flynn for political purposes; the Biden investigation would be about him getting the Russian prosecutor investigating his son fired.

Bad dog! Go lie down!

Blaine reminds me of the hapless know nothings our daughters slap around in debates

It's a pity you were allowed to breed.
Biden's crimes are catching up to him Trump might not pardon Joey

Why then hasn't he been indicted and charged yet?
Are the Republicans so incompetent that they can't pull it off or is there nothing to charge Biden with?
Just answer the question.
It's either/or.

Because Repubs are spineless and massively afraid of the rogue progressive media..

Lucky for you..

That's the ONLY reason a rabid, inept, useless Dem party could get away with the SPYING and LYING about Russia Russia Russia and IGNORE all the ruined innocent lives...,. AND get away with PAYING FOR completely bullshit Russian DISinformation THEMSELVES and using that to JUSTIFY most of this..

Seems like your party "interfered in an election" and a legitimate administration in a way that just makes PUTIN feel small and wimpy.... He thanks you for your useful idiot performance..

(drop the mic)
From May 18:

Barr said: ".....the Justice Department would not be swayed by political pressure to investigate the president’s opponents and that the “criminal justice system will not be used for partisan political ends.”

Barr’s comments come as Democrats and some former law enforcement officials have accused the attorney general of politicizing decisions and doing Trump’s bidding at the Justice Department. That criticism was stepped up two weeks ago when the department moved to dismiss charges against Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who had pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.

Looks like Barr is looking out for his own ass now, instead of Donald's.

That will get him fired....Just ask Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions.

Biden's crimes are catching up to him Trump might not pardon Joey

Why then hasn't he been indicted and charged yet?
Are the Republicans so incompetent that they can't pull it off or is there nothing to charge Biden with?
Just answer the question.
It's either/or.

Because Repubs are spineless and massively afraid of the rogue progressive media..

Lucky for you..

That's the ONLY reason a rabid, inept, useless Dem party could get away with the SPYING and LYING about Russia Russia Russia and IGNORE all the ruined innocent lives...,. AND get away with PAYING FOR completely bullshit Russian DISinformation THEMSELVES and using that to JUSTIFY most of this..

Seems like your party "interfered in an election" and a legitimate administration in a way that just makes PUTIN feel small and wimpy.... He thanks you for your useful idiot performance..

(drop the mic)

WTFuck does that mean? You blaming the Fins now for interfering with Dem Party interfering in OUR OWN elections???

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