****Joe Biden State Of The Union Show Thread*****

Sorry Skippy

Not playing your game, been there, done that
You demand proof and then when it is given, you either deny it or move the goalpost

You provided no such link. Your link said one in six food industry workers. That would include management, Simp.
I never take your word for anything, liar.

You provided no such link. Your link said one in six food industry workers. That would include management, Simp.

"Workers" are not management. If you had a job you'd know that Fuck Boi.

Why would you start a thread about the SOTU and then not even watch the speech? You work so hard to remain stupid, uninformed and unemployed.
You provided no such link. Your link said one in six food industry workers. That would include management, Simp.

We have all seen your act.
Demand proof and then either deny the proof or demand new proof

You have burned your bridges
Not playing Skippy
I don't know who is worse. The shitheads from New York that we get here in Florida or the shitheads from California they are getting from Texas.

The problem with the shitheads is that they leave because of the destruction of the Democrats but they always forget who caused the destruction when they go to vote.

Of the 1 million plus people who have moved to Florida in the past 2 years, only 17,000 are registered Dems….so that is promising.
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Which makes it all the more embarrassing for Trump. It happened. So one of two things were the reason they never told Trump (supposedly).

1) Trump's incompetence. He really didn't know more than the generals and didn't have the right people in place to notify him.
2) Trump ignorance. They didn't want to bother a man who couldn't be bothered with details that were longer than a 15 second soundbite.

Either way, it looks bad for Trump. :)
Bidenregime fantasies only make the Biden regime look bad.
Of course they are going to deny it. It's HIGHLY EMBARRASSING. And a breach of national security. But it happened. Not surprising the three amigos would deny it. They had nothing to say about much..until it was time to sell their books.

What a rube you are.:cuckoo::laugh2::itsok:
We have all seen your act.
Demand proof and then either deny the proof or demand new proof

You have burned your bridges
Not playing Skippy
Your link provided no proof some kid on a register at McDonalds has to sign a non compete contract.
What was the threat?
The threat is China knowing where our military items are located, precisely.
China has been buying up land around US military assets. Why?
Maybe China wants to deploy missiles in case the US launches?
Maybe China wants to deploy nukes nearby in case they want to launch a first strike?
Maybe China wants to practice dropping airborne germ warfare capsules over US military bases?

Maybe I don't want to say any more threats, but you get the idea. Biden's inaction was traitorous. He was bought and is owned by Xi.
More Bullshit. If they didn't detect them, how do they know it happened? No one saw them. No photos. No sightings. More fake news.

From your link:
“I will tell you that we did not detect those [previous] threats. And that’s a domain awareness gap that we have to figure out.”

We didn't see them, period.
Weird how they didn’t detect them when it happened, only years later right after Chicom Joe let’s China fly a spy balloon across the entire US and right over our nuke sites.

Anyone buying this bullshit is a waste of oxygen.
The threat is China knowing where our military items are located, precisely.
China has been buying up land around US military assets. Why?
Maybe China wants to deploy missiles in case the US launches?
Maybe China wants to deploy nukes nearby in case they want to launch a first strike?
Maybe China wants to practice dropping airborne germ warfare capsules over US military bases?

Maybe I don't want to say any more threats, but you get the idea. Biden's inaction was traitorous. He was bought and is owned by Xi.
The US Military evaluated the threat and determined shooting down the balloon over populated areas was a bigger threat.

Biden gave orders to shoot down the balloon when it was safe.
They did
A balloon. You get your panties in a wad....over a ballon.
Again, it happened three times in the last guy's administration...and wasn't picked up because of "domain awareness"???
That what we're sticking with? Embarrassing. :auiqs.jpg:
So you are saying the Chinese military spent a week embarrassing Chicom Joe.

Got it.
No fun here. I watched just enough of it to realize ONE THING:
That if Donald Trump is a bit of an egocentric playboy billionaire New York Real Estate and resort developer, that Joe Biden is one motherfucker of a crazy old dangerous, senile kook, more so that despite even the wishes of 68% of his own party, that he intends to run again, go much farther, and win. Also proving once again that our elections are nothing but a game, and a lie. A friend of mine tried to tell me that years ago and I wouldn't believe him.​

I tried to watch Joe Biden up to the point where:
  • Joe told us of how he had assured the oil industry that they should still keep reinvesting in drilling and refining because the USA would need oil "for at least another ten years!" For one thing, that tells us that Joe Biden has driven the vital oil industry to STOP reinvesting in drilling and refining! After all, we are being lead by a madman who thinks that after ten years from now, we will no longer need clothing, fuels, cleansers, tools, plastics, sports equipment, safety gear, medicines, electronics, toiletries, construction materials, home furnishings, computers, toilet seats, plungers, greases, lubricants, bathtubs, shower stalls and curtains, plastic pipes, laundry baskets, linoleum, caulking, computer chips, aspirin, bandages, cortisone, antihistamines, rubber, nylon, plastic soda and food container bottles, trash bags, tires, delrin gears, toys, and 6,000 other things!
  • That is when I started to really get sick. But the breaker where I had to turn the lying bastard off was when he started railing about the rich "paying their fair share" and not paying enough taxes! TO THE VERY ROOM OF PEOPLE WHO WRITE THE FUCKING TAX CODE IN THE FIRST PLACE WHICH THE RICH (like them) ARE ONLY FOLLOWING TO THE LETTER OF THE LAW WHICH THEY WRITE. Worse, the democrat fucking useless lying party has controlled the congress for years and years and years and never lifted a finger about it. Because it SUITS THEM.
Fuck the old asshole.
The US Military evaluated the threat and determined shooting down the balloon over populated areas was a bigger threat.
Biden gave orders to shoot down the balloon when it was safe.
They did
That balloon should have been shot down BEFORE it reached Alaska.
Letting it fly across the US getting intel is traitorous.
There was more than enough empty space to bring it down.

Why did you ignore my threats list?
The US Military evaluated the threat and determined shooting down the balloon over populated areas was a bigger threat.

Biden gave orders to shoot down the balloon when it was safe.
They did
Entered our airspace over the ocean by the Aleutian islands, Simp.

shoulda been shot down there.

Instead Chicom Joe let the Chinese Military fly across the entire US and over our most sensitive military sites.
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LOL. Now you're rationalizing? :auiqs.jpg:

Honestly, do you have a shrine with his picture bathed in a soft, 40 watt light bulb by your bed?

Again, at least Biden's military saw the balloon. It didn't go undetected.
Again, probably got some good intel out of it.
Billions of dollars of Biden's military was left in Afghanistan, and the Taliban are now selling that equipment to raise cash. Yes .. Biden's military.
I've lurked on this gossipboard for about two years now...and I gotta tell ya, this thread has been one of the most illuminating. It's been goshdarn fun too. I kinda sorta suspect that the POTUS trolled the MAGA-Q world and boy! ....it shows in this thread. There's been a bit of shrillness and screechiness in many of the MAGAQ's postings here.

Let's just take several posts out for a spin....some by our Qistan contributors, and some by real-deal posters with gravitas. You pick which is which.

a line used to say that we're eventually going to be rid of fossil fuels.
"Eventually".....well, duh!
If it takes 10 million years for the earth and natural forces to create a gallon of oil which then produces something near half a gallon of gasoline......and you just used all of that half-gallon to go get a Dairy Queen Brown Cow, well................

Joe's LIE didn't fly.
Joe backpedaled, duh.
Poster kyzr is referencing Joe's remark about the GOP'rs advancing the idea of reducing Social Security and Medicare.
And...'No'........ Joe didn't backpedal.
He trolled 'em. He baited 'em.
And they bit.
Snap!! went the Conibear.


I got news for Joe, we will be using fossil fuels 100 years from now.
Could be. But to the degree we are now?
I'll let you know in a 100 years. Or poster Angus will.

Dont I know it. I am in Florida. We have lots of refugees from the Northeast.
Col. Angus.....that is sort of a 'Duh!' revelation, doncha think? A Captain Obvious thingy.
They call 'em 'snowbirds'. Or more respectfully....'Seasonals'.
Lemme give you a hint: Buffalo, New York this morning = 36-degrees ......and snow accumulation in December of 64".
Sarasota right now = 70. Snow accumulation this winter = 0
Draw your own conclusions.

a 10th grade computer-integrated manufacturing student Kate Foley. Foley is from Arlington Heights, Illinois, and studies at Rolling Meadows High School in Illinois High School District 214.
Based on the transcript of the speech he did not say Trump once, did not say MAGA once and said "my predecessor" just once.

Thank you GG. That is informative. You are a 'value-added' poster here.

Go fuck yourself, Jack.
And then, we have the MAGA/QAnon contribution to our discussion this morning.
All who are surprised by 2bfreak's articulate response....raise your hand.
Profane & Vulgar.........seem to be required to be MAGA-Q.
That is, judging by some of the MAGA-Q's who post here.
It may be different in the real world of responsible educated adults.
You be the judge.

He didn’t mention the white doctor the black guy ran over and then stabbed to death.
That’s why I believe he’s trying to promise the blacks in his state $200,000 apiece.

Now good poster Lisa has offered some intriguing fare there for the forum to seriously consider.
But first, before we dive too deep into any controversies, let us ask good poster Lisa to explain herself.

First, Lisa, are your suggesting the dead motorist, Tyree Nichols, killed a white doctor? Ran him over and then got out of his car and stabbed him to death?
I had not heard or read that.
Where did you?
Can you share your source with us.

And that $200,000 'belief' of yours. Well, gurlfriend, explain yourself.
This is Adult Swim. There are expectations for a level of responsibility in one's postings.

I am mildly convinced you should know that.
So, saddle up, Skinnyjeans. Show us.
No, but he honored the parents of the poor black guy the cops beat to death and made it out as the cops needing massive reform. He didn’t mention the white doctor the black guy ran over and then stabbed to death.
Of course Potatohead wouldn't mention anything about the massive Negro crime in this country.

These filthy Democrats always ignore it.

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