Joel Osteen


Arrogance is hard to see in the mirror.

I don’t know that those who have spoken from arrogance would apologize or recognize their error – but I’m hoping that you, the reader, will be more aware of what is appropriate and Christ-like.

Christians – Please!! Don’t follow this example and criticize publically those ministers whose methods you don’t agree with or understand.

Leaders – this has got to stop. Please, Please – it’s NOT your job to judge everyone publically.

Let’s encourage each other, let’s pray for one another and teach those you influence to have more grace.

It is difficult enough to be a minister because of the challenges we face – the spiritual warfare we encounter! We don’t need our own Christian brothers needlessly attacking.

We need to preach about what we are FOR not what we are AGAINST.
Excellent article, and makes a point that I have been making over and over for the past many years.

Christians, publicly scream from the top of your lungs. False preachers have the capability of losing thousands on thousands of souls.

Here is how they do it:

This is why they are so prevalent:

This is how you discern:

How to test:

^ Not judging the man but using righteous judgement< scripture, to recognize false doctrine, or scripture that has been added to or taken away from, exposes a false teacher.

And what to do when you hear one:

2 John 1:10-11
If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting, for whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works.
Our role:
Ephesians 5:11
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.
And you had better know your Bible when you do it, because I guarantee you, they do. Pray for discernment. You'll get it in abundance :eusa_angel:

Has Osteen ever said that Jesus did not come in the flesh? If not, why the fuck are you ranting about false teachers?
Joel Osteen was born in Texas and has an estimated net worth of $40 million dollars. A pastor, author, and televangelist, Joel Osteen is the pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. He took over his father's role as a pastor and televangelist, despite having very little formal religious training, in 1999. Since then, the Lakewood Church broadcast has grown exponentially and can be seen in 100 different countries.

Joel Osteen Net Worth | Celebrity Net Worth

He hasn't drawn a salary from his ministry, or his church, in years. All his income comes from his writing. Since the core of his message is that God does not want people to be poor, something for which there is significant evidence in the Scripture, I see no reason to criticize him for being rich.

The Bakkers, on the other hand, drew a salary, and used the ministry to support their expensive lifestyle while preaching that God wanted people to sacrifice their last dime to support His work.

And he saves, and apparently invests wisely.

I'm not going to appoint him a saint or anything. I just think he maybe has a snowball's chance of drawing me back into the fold.

edited to add; he is very specific. He is not just talking about wealth, money. He is talking about mental, emotional, spiritually-fed, having ALL your needs met through Christ, not just 'blab it and grab it, name it and claim it' b.s.

I know I am not going to get you back in, so I see no reason to criticize someone who has a chance.
He hasn't drawn a salary from his ministry, or his church, in years. All his income comes from his writing. Since the core of his message is that God does not want people to be poor, something for which there is significant evidence in the Scripture, I see no reason to criticize him for being rich.

The Bakkers, on the other hand, drew a salary, and used the ministry to support their expensive lifestyle while preaching that God wanted people to sacrifice their last dime to support His work.

And he saves, and apparently invests wisely.

I'm not going to appoint him a saint or anything. I just think he maybe has a snowball's chance of drawing me back into the fold.

edited to add; he is very specific. He is not just talking about wealth, money. He is talking about mental, emotional, spiritually-fed, having ALL your needs met through Christ, not just 'blab it and grab it, name it and claim it' b.s.

I know I am not going to get you back in, so I see no reason to criticize someone who has a chance.

I will talk to you, the Ram is deaf.

Everybody in the fundamentalist system lives in fear. That they are not doing enough, not trying hard enough, doing too many of the don'ts, not doing enough of the do's. Our salvation is ALWAYS up for grabs. Why else have alter calls to the usual sheep attending (that is NOT a sheeple crack) Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night?

I can't believe in the God they preach. The God I was created in the image of is loving, and compassionate. John 3:16. Who gives their only begotten to save unless he loves?!

For now, that's all I know. I will not go back down that legalistic road. I'm not even willing to engage in the legalistic discussion.
And he saves, and apparently invests wisely.

I'm not going to appoint him a saint or anything. I just think he maybe has a snowball's chance of drawing me back into the fold.

edited to add; he is very specific. He is not just talking about wealth, money. He is talking about mental, emotional, spiritually-fed, having ALL your needs met through Christ, not just 'blab it and grab it, name it and claim it' b.s.

I know I am not going to get you back in, so I see no reason to criticize someone who has a chance.

I will talk to you, the Ram is deaf.

Everybody in the fundamentalist system lives in fear. That they are not doing enough, not trying hard enough, doing too many of the don'ts, not doing enough of the do's. Our salvation is ALWAYS up for grabs. Why else have alter calls to the usual sheep attending (that is NOT a sheeple crack) Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night?

I can't believe in the God they preach. The God I was created in the image of is loving, and compassionate. John 3:16. Who gives their only begotten to save unless he loves?!

For now, that's all I know. I will not go back down that legalistic road. I'm not even willing to engage in the legalistic discussion.

While I do believe it is possible to lose one's salvation, it isn't something that is easy to do. It would have to be a deliberate decision to reject God. Getting upset with people, even Christians, and walking away from them, is not rejecting God.

By the way, next time a legalistic jerk gets on your case, ask them about 1 John 3:9.
I know I am not going to get you back in, so I see no reason to criticize someone who has a chance.

I will talk to you, the Ram is deaf.

Everybody in the fundamentalist system lives in fear. That they are not doing enough, not trying hard enough, doing too many of the don'ts, not doing enough of the do's. Our salvation is ALWAYS up for grabs. Why else have alter calls to the usual sheep attending (that is NOT a sheeple crack) Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night?

I can't believe in the God they preach. The God I was created in the image of is loving, and compassionate. John 3:16. Who gives their only begotten to save unless he loves?!

For now, that's all I know. I will not go back down that legalistic road. I'm not even willing to engage in the legalistic discussion.

While I do believe it is possible to lose one's salvation, it isn't something that is easy to do. It would have to be a deliberate decision to reject God. Getting upset with people, even Christians, and walking away from them, is not rejecting God.

By the way, next time a legalistic jerk gets on your case, ask them about 1 John 3:9.

I most certainly will.

Excellent article, and makes a point that I have been making over and over for the past many years.

Christians, publicly scream from the top of your lungs. False preachers have the capability of losing thousands on thousands of souls.

Here is how they do it:

This is why they are so prevalent:

This is how you discern:

How to test:

^ Not judging the man but using righteous judgement< scripture, to recognize false doctrine, or scripture that has been added to or taken away from, exposes a false teacher.

And what to do when you hear one:

Our role:
Ephesians 5:11
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.
And you had better know your Bible when you do it, because I guarantee you, they do. Pray for discernment. You'll get it in abundance :eusa_angel:

Has Osteen ever said that Jesus did not come in the flesh? If not, why the fuck are you ranting about false teachers?

Because they are tempting, and charismatic, and worldly, and all about self service instead of being in the service of the Lord. They lure sheep away from the Shepherd.

What Joel has said is that a personal relationship with Christ is important, while he denies that the blood of Christ is the only way to the Father.
A personal relationship with Christ has nothing to do with salvation through Christ.

Same God, different name, is false and misleading. But it is politically correct, and lukewarm. Just what the times we are living in demands......
I've always liked Joel Osteen.

As others have mentioned, his income is strictly from his books.
Even though other clergy are critical of his methods, he never returns judgement on them.
He'll just say something like "They have their way, and I have mine."

When I was going thru a period of soul crushing depression, it was messages of Joel's that kept me from totally withdrawing...and then I was slowly getting better.
I do not trust big pharma in the psychotropic drug department, so no anti-depressants for me. I knew I had to find my own way back from the worst of it.
And Joel was a big part of that.

If someone doesn't like him.....Then Don't Watch Him, and mind your own business.
Joel Osteen was born in Texas and has an estimated net worth of $40 million dollars. A pastor, author, and televangelist, Joel Osteen is the pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. He took over his father's role as a pastor and televangelist, despite having very little formal religious training, in 1999. Since then, the Lakewood Church broadcast has grown exponentially and can be seen in 100 different countries.

Joel Osteen Net Worth | Celebrity Net Worth

He hasn't drawn a salary from his ministry, or his church, in years. All his income comes from his writing. Since the core of his message is that God does not want people to be poor, something for which there is significant evidence in the Scripture, I see no reason to criticize him for being rich.

The Bakkers, on the other hand, drew a salary, and used the ministry to support their expensive lifestyle while preaching that God wanted people to sacrifice their last dime to support His work.

I think after inhereting his father's ministry and possibly money, he already has a t.v. audience to sell his books. He never has to work again so but the fact is he is still getting fame which may be his motivation.

Excellent article, and makes a point that I have been making over and over for the past many years.

Christians, publicly scream from the top of your lungs. False preachers have the capability of losing thousands on thousands of souls.

Here is how they do it:

This is why they are so prevalent:

This is how you discern:

How to test:

^ Not judging the man but using righteous judgement< scripture, to recognize false doctrine, or scripture that has been added to or taken away from, exposes a false teacher.

And what to do when you hear one:

Our role:
Ephesians 5:11
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.
And you had better know your Bible when you do it, because I guarantee you, they do. Pray for discernment. You'll get it in abundance :eusa_angel:

Has Osteen ever said that Jesus did not come in the flesh? If not, why the fuck are you ranting about false teachers?

That was a test for gnosticism. Many false teachers believe Jesus came in the flesh and false teachers can lie.
I've always liked Joel Osteen.

As others have mentioned, his income is strictly from his books.
Even though other clergy are critical of his methods, he never returns judgement on them.
He'll just say something like "They have their way, and I have mine."

When I was going thru a period of soul crushing depression, it was messages of Joel's that kept me from totally withdrawing...and then I was slowly getting better.
I do not trust big pharma in the psychotropic drug department, so no anti-depressants for me. I knew I had to find my own way back from the worst of it.
And Joel was a big part of that.

If someone doesn't like him.....Then Don't Watch Him, and mind your own business.

i dont watch him....i responded to the thread...sorry that upsets you ...i am glad you found help from him...many people do...i see him as a totally false teacher...who does not use the bible.....with his 40 much does he give to his god?
lol but i will give his ass this...when it comes to money...he is all about quoting the scriptures....

he is just like benny hinn.....okay a bit shrewder in his delivery and TAKE
I know I am not going to get you back in, so I see no reason to criticize someone who has a chance.

I will talk to you, the Ram is deaf.

Everybody in the fundamentalist system lives in fear. That they are not doing enough, not trying hard enough, doing too many of the don'ts, not doing enough of the do's. Our salvation is ALWAYS up for grabs. Why else have alter calls to the usual sheep attending (that is NOT a sheeple crack) Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night?

I can't believe in the God they preach. The God I was created in the image of is loving, and compassionate. John 3:16. Who gives their only begotten to save unless he loves?!

For now, that's all I know. I will not go back down that legalistic road. I'm not even willing to engage in the legalistic discussion.

While I do believe it is possible to lose one's salvation, it isn't something that is easy to do. It would have to be a deliberate decision to reject God. Getting upset with people, even Christians, and walking away from them, is not rejecting God.

By the way, next time a legalistic jerk gets on your case, ask them about 1 John 3:9.

There is a faith and a said faith.
I think 1 John 3:16 is a verse that gives assurance.
One verse isn't proof for me because there are whole books on that you cannot lose your salvation.
One can still be legalistic and believe you cannot lose your salvation.
Their argument would change from "lose" to never was a christian because the person had a said faith.
One verse may not be enough to win a debate.
lol but i will give his ass this...when it comes to money...he is all about quoting the scriptures....

he is just like benny hinn.....okay a bit shrewder in his delivery and TAKE

My God doesn't need your money.
Unless you study, you don't even know if his asking for money is biblical.
For example, you are supposed to give to your home church first and tv land isn't your church as far as tithing is concerned. I don't believe in tithing. I believe in giving.
Christians, publicly scream from the top of your lungs. False preachers have the capability of losing thousands on thousands of souls.

Here is how they do it:

This is why they are so prevalent:

This is how you discern:

How to test:

^ Not judging the man but using righteous judgement< scripture, to recognize false doctrine, or scripture that has been added to or taken away from, exposes a false teacher.

And what to do when you hear one:

Our role:
And you had better know your Bible when you do it, because I guarantee you, they do. Pray for discernment. You'll get it in abundance :eusa_angel:

Has Osteen ever said that Jesus did not come in the flesh? If not, why the fuck are you ranting about false teachers?

Because they are tempting, and charismatic, and worldly, and all about self service instead of being in the service of the Lord. They lure sheep away from the Shepherd.

What Joel has said is that a personal relationship with Christ is important, while he denies that the blood of Christ is the only way to the Father.
A personal relationship with Christ has nothing to do with salvation through Christ.

Same God, different name, is false and misleading. But it is politically correct, and lukewarm. Just what the times we are living in demands......

Do you know this because you have listened to his sermons, or because you have listened to people that are trashing him? Because I have listened to his sermons, and, while he does preach prosperity, he teaches that prosperity comes from serving God, not from serving yourself. I do disagree with some of the things he teaches, but I haven't read his books, or attended his discipleship classes, which are the core of his ministry.

I have never heard him utter a single word that would cause me to condemn him as a false teacher, even if I disagree with a portion of his message.
Christians, publicly scream from the top of your lungs. False preachers have the capability of losing thousands on thousands of souls.

Here is how they do it:

This is why they are so prevalent:

This is how you discern:

How to test:

^ Not judging the man but using righteous judgement< scripture, to recognize false doctrine, or scripture that has been added to or taken away from, exposes a false teacher.

And what to do when you hear one:

Our role:
And you had better know your Bible when you do it, because I guarantee you, they do. Pray for discernment. You'll get it in abundance :eusa_angel:

Has Osteen ever said that Jesus did not come in the flesh? If not, why the fuck are you ranting about false teachers?

That was a test for gnosticism. Many false teachers believe Jesus came in the flesh and false teachers can lie.

The Scriptural criteria for false teachers is clear.

  • Matt 5:19 Breaking a commandment and teaching others to do the same.
  • Matt 15:2-20 Honoring tradition over Scripture.
  • Matt 23:2-33 Preaching legalism and not living it.
  • Luke 11:38-52 Burdening believers with so many legalistic rules that they cannot hear the message.
If I were you I would take that last one to heart.
I will talk to you, the Ram is deaf.

Everybody in the fundamentalist system lives in fear. That they are not doing enough, not trying hard enough, doing too many of the don'ts, not doing enough of the do's. Our salvation is ALWAYS up for grabs. Why else have alter calls to the usual sheep attending (that is NOT a sheeple crack) Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night?

I can't believe in the God they preach. The God I was created in the image of is loving, and compassionate. John 3:16. Who gives their only begotten to save unless he loves?!

For now, that's all I know. I will not go back down that legalistic road. I'm not even willing to engage in the legalistic discussion.

While I do believe it is possible to lose one's salvation, it isn't something that is easy to do. It would have to be a deliberate decision to reject God. Getting upset with people, even Christians, and walking away from them, is not rejecting God.

By the way, next time a legalistic jerk gets on your case, ask them about 1 John 3:9.

There is a faith and a said faith.
I think 1 John 3:16 is a verse that gives assurance.
One verse isn't proof for me because there are whole books on that you cannot lose your salvation.
One can still be legalistic and believe you cannot lose your salvation.
Their argument would change from "lose" to never was a christian because the person had a said faith.
One verse may not be enough to win a debate.

One can be legalistic, like the Pharisees, and still be a false teacher because they, like the Pharisees, think that rules about behavior matter more than the message.

I studied theology at the seminary level, and have multiple degrees in it. I can run you around all day, but that is not what this thread is about. If you want to know why you are wrong, start a thread and ask me to participate. I won't be responding to you in this thread again unless you use it to attack someone else.
While I do believe it is possible to lose one's salvation, it isn't something that is easy to do. It would have to be a deliberate decision to reject God. Getting upset with people, even Christians, and walking away from them, is not rejecting God.

By the way, next time a legalistic jerk gets on your case, ask them about 1 John 3:9.

There is a faith and a said faith.
I think 1 John 3:16 is a verse that gives assurance.
One verse isn't proof for me because there are whole books on that you cannot lose your salvation.
One can still be legalistic and believe you cannot lose your salvation.
Their argument would change from "lose" to never was a christian because the person had a said faith.
One verse may not be enough to win a debate.

One can be legalistic, like the Pharisees, and still be a false teacher because they, like the Pharisees, think that rules about behavior matter more than the message.

I studied theology at the seminary level, and have multiple degrees in it. I can run you around all day, but that is not what this thread is about. If you want to know why you are wrong, start a thread and ask me to participate. I won't be responding to you in this thread again unless you use it to attack someone else.

So what.

Jesus told you to listen to the scribes and pharisees in Matthew 23:2-3.
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