Zone1 John Henrik Clarke


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Mar 11, 2015
Here is a legend, the great John Henrik Clarke. This man is credited with being a creator of Pan African studies. His discoveries show the factual roots of history.


John Henrik Clarke Interview (1973)​

A Black Paper on White Racism Part 1 (1971)​

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At around minute mark 10 in the first video, they both conclude, what we have told you over and over again, there is no such thing as race, and most of us don't even see race, so your constant obsession with it is stoopid.

At around minute mark 10 in the first video, they both conclude, what we have told you over and over again, there is no such thing as race, and most of us don't even see race, so your constant obsession with it is stoopid.

I know there is no such thing as race, but what you don't seem to get is how whites like you use race while trying to tell us how there is no such thing and we should not obsess over it. You see race, so stop lying about it.

Let me put this to you as nicey as I can, do not ever come in my threads with this when you don't EVER do the same thing to whites. I don't see you taking your punk ass into threads whites make about race trying to tell them what you said here. In fact you go along with their racism. So never try this again.

So he went beyond that 10 minute mark and talked about racism, so don't post this disingenous bullshit. And in the secod video they talk about white racism. So again, shut the fuck up with your dishonest garbage white boy.
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Seems that there is always one who wants to try white washing everything with denials So perhaps its time for some of us to learn more about Dr. John Henrik Clarke.

Dr John Henrik Clarke Global White Supremacy​


I don't need to engage with you if you are just going to make up shit about me or others.



I don't make anything up. Your denials are sickening. Blacks have known race was fake since slavery. Whites are the ones with the problem and you teling me how raceis fake in a country built on race is bs. Do not tell me how whites here don't see race, that's a lie, so if you don't have anything better to say than to lie, don't respond to me trying to lecture me with those lies.
I know there is no such thing as race, but what you don't seem to get is how whites like you use race while trying to tell us how there is no such thing and we should not obsess over it. You see race, so stop lying about it.

Let me put this to you as nicey as I can, do not ever come in my threads with this when you don't EVER do the same thing to whites. I don't see you taking your punk ass into threads whites make about race trying to tell them what you said here. In fact you go along with their racism. So never try this again.

So he went beyond that 10 minute mark and talked about racism, so don't post this disingenous bullshit. And in the secod video they talk about white racism. So again, shut the fuck up with your dishonest garbage white boy.
I DGAF if you disagree Beale. Because I doubt if you watched both videos and yu triedtaing a few seconds out of the first video in order to try gaslighting.
Seems that there is always one who wants to try white washing everything with denials So perhaps its time for some of us to learn more about Dr. John Henrik Clarke.

Dr John Henrik Clarke Global White Supremacy​

Watch the video Beale.
I DGAF if you disagree Beale. Because I doubt if you watched both videos and yu triedtaing a few seconds out of the first video in order to try gaslighting.

I'm not into historical revisionism.

Claiming that the historical Israel and Ancient Egypt were black is the height of absurd.

Watch the video Beale.

I have watched snippets of them. They are communists using race to divide and conquer. They don't give a shit about people, just their own power.
Post something current, not shit that is thirty, forty and fifty years old and has been thoroughly debunked by modern scholarship.

Colonizer religion has destroyed African belief system Dr. Henrik Clarke.​

“Racists will always call you a racist when you identify their racism. To love yourself now - is a form of racism. We are the only people who are criticized for loving ourselves. and white people think when you love yourself you hate them. No, when I love myself they become irrelevant to me.”
― John Henrik Clarke

I dunno exactly when this quote is from but it was obviously a much different time. Clark died in 1998, quarter of a century before the ignorance of the woke CRT Marxism we have today. Today you can’t even say “it’s okay to be white” without being accused of racism. Funny how times have changed….
Here is a legend, the great John Henrik Clarke. This man is credited with being a creator of Pan African studies. His discoveries show the factual roots of history.

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John Henrik Clarke Interview (1973)​

A Black Paper on White Racism Part 1 (1971)​

"I only debate with my equals, others I teach". What a pompous ass no wonder you admire him.

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