John Kerry to Sky News Arabia: all America's cars will be electric within 12 years


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
i can translate the best parts of the interview if you want. you can hear some of it in english when the translator takes a break. LEARN ARABIC, PEOPLE!

does he include jets?

He means that all cars sold in the United states will be EV's by that point and it seems like that is what is happening people. Too bad you don't know what the hell is going on just garbage stupid idiotic propaganda. Everybody in the world knows global warming is real except for big oil brainwashed Republicans.... Also the only people in the world that believe in election fraud and all your ridiculous conspiracies about pedophilia hunter and emails etcetera etcetera. Poor America.
We lack the infrastructure.
After 40 years of Reagan top tax rates and ridiculous giveaway to the rich, we are lacking basically everything, brainwashed functional moron, except for the modern world's worst inequality, upward mobility, homelessness, stupid brainwashed voters et cetera etc. Oops brainwashed functionally stupid voters.... Tax the rich again and invest in America and Americans again, ignoramus. Biden's infrastructure law has a lot of this infrastructure and all we have to do is do it instead of being a bunch of idiots like you. Oops. Change the damn channel for crying out loud...
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Biden will have to give up his stingray....
Nobody is coming to take away your guns or your cars, brainwashed functional moron. He's talking about all sales of cars will be EV's by that time at, and it looks like he is right. If you had any clue what is going on in the real world, change the damn channel
Thanks for the *******, but I will go with science and journalism....

Really? You think journalism equates to science? And where is the science that shows that our going electric EVs will actually improve the global climate?!

I want to see and test your "science." Because, countries the world over are still pumping out smog left and right, more so every year, and by the time you subtract out all of the carbon footprint and pollution of MAKING the EV car and MAKING the battery (EVs rely on TONS of mined precious metals much of which is mined using slave and child labor), and recycling them, and add in all the carbon footprint of generating the electricity FOR the car, then all the carbon footprint of updating and maintaining the grid to carry the electricity, your EV fucking POS is no greener or hardly no greener than my gas car is.

i can translate the best parts of the interview if you want. you can hear some of it in english when the translator takes a break. LEARN ARABIC, PEOPLE!

He's smoking Hunter Biden's Crack. There is not enough Lithium, Cobalt etc. to make all of these Electric Vehicles.

Lithium alone which is toxic btw, in order for us to have enough we have to dig 400 new Pit mines.

We also do not have enough electricity and The Power Grid cannot supply it at all presently.

We'd have to build near 4,000 new Nuclear or Coal powered power plants to supply it.

I thought this Earth Worshipping Religion and their Global Warming Fairy Tale were supposed to reduce energy usage not increase it by 4,000 percent and bottle neck it into a singular source of energy?
Nobody is coming to take away your guns or your cars, brainwashed functional moron. He's talking about all sales of cars will be EV's by that time at, and it looks like he is right. If you had any clue what is going on in the real world, change the damn channel
You should pay closer attention to what your human Gods are saying.... because they say otherwise....

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