John McCain, American hero or otherwise?

Anyone who is not loyal to Donald Trump is a loser. McCain is a major loser; he can't even handle being tortured. What kind of American hero can't handle being tortured?
I would like to say that I question the 'conservative/libertarian' credentials of those who are saying unnecessary hateful things about Senator McCain. That is what we expect, and what we got, from the left when he was running against Obama. It is unworthy of those who should know better now. I somewhat suspect a few internet moles among us maybe?

The man is a human being who is good sometimes, bad sometimes, smart sometimes, off base sometimes, magnanimous sometimes, petty sometimes. He did serve his country in war time and for better or worse he had the trust of the people of Arizona for a quarter century and he has done some good things over all that time.

Does John McCain deserve criticism for some of his actions and policy positions and statements? Yes he does.

But is he the scum of the Earth deserving the schoolyardish hateful contempt some are putting out here? No he does not.

The man is almost certainly dying and is highly unlikely to ever return to Washington DC. The least we can do is be respectful.
But is he the scum of the Earth deserving the schoolyardish hateful contempt some are putting out here? No he does not.

All that matters is what Trump says. And Trump says McCain is a loser. His base does not need to know anything more. The details of McCain's life have become meaningless.
I would like to say that I question the 'conservative/libertarian' credentials of those who are saying unnecessary hateful things about Senator McCain.

Why does rational thought give you pause?
On the eve of McCain's departure from Congress, I see a lot of articles about McCain and his military and Congressional service.

So what say you? Is McCain an American hero, or otherwise?

I was reading an article form the Huffington Post back in the day when he was running for President, so this was back when the Left as trying to trash McCain because he was running against Obama for President instead of praising him like they do today because he hates Trump.

McCain's Secret, Questionable Record | HuffPost

The Article points out that McCain lived a life of privilege. He was at the bottom 1% of the class in Annapolis, but was inexplicably chosen to be a pilot anyway. Why? Cuz his daddy and grand daddy was a 4 star Admiral. Then he was shot down and captured as a POW. When he was released, there was some talk that he was given preferential treatment to be released over other POW's because of who his daddy was. Then it was rumored that McCain would never become an Admiral, despite his daddies influence, so he decided to become a US Congressman instead.

This article paints McCain as someone who is driven to try and live up to his father's success, someone who is more concerned about wealth and power and personal success than about service to his country.

Who here agrees?
Completely tame, compared to what conservatives have said about him. Such a crutch for the idiots on the left, trying to adhere to facts and decency.

Maybe it is because Democrats believe in decency.

I have disagreed with McCain many times, admired him when he refused to kill Health care for millions while having the best himself.

Yes,John is a Hero,so Otis John Kerry. After serving he fought to end the misguided Vietnam War. That did not stop Republicans from Swift boating him.

As I said,decency works.

There is a reason he had the nickname Johnny Wet start.

That is the point.

I'm unfamiliar with that term and probably would not use it re Senator McCain. Or call him any other names for that matter. Several of the Vietnam POWs nicknamed him 'song bird', also used by the Democrats somewhat in the 2008 campaign when they made him into the most stupid, incompetent, dishonest, and unscrupulous asshole in the history of the world up to that point as they sought to destroy him so their candidate could be elected.

But now he hates the President as much as they do, so he's their knight in shining armor. It's hard to get away from "hypocritical" in such cases, but oh well. Such is the intellectually dishonest world of politics that we live with these days.

He is acting digracefully right now. Throwing shade at Palin, undermining the president every chance he gets. He has turned into a disgrace.

The disgrace is in the WHITEHOUSE. He is the one wgphat said he did not like his hero’s to be captured! Old bone spurs himself.
MaryAnne11, let me guess you are a high school drop out! No offense. But you seem intellectually impaired as are 99% of anti-Donald folks. :p Sad but true!
On the eve of McCain's departure from Congress, I see a lot of articles about McCain and his military and Congressional service.

So what say you? Is McCain an American hero, or otherwise?

I was reading an article form the Huffington Post back in the day when he was running for President, so this was back when the Left as trying to trash McCain because he was running against Obama for President instead of praising him like they do today because he hates Trump.

McCain's Secret, Questionable Record | HuffPost

The Article points out that McCain lived a life of privilege. He was at the bottom 1% of the class in Annapolis, but was inexplicably chosen to be a pilot anyway. Why? Cuz his daddy and grand daddy was a 4 star Admiral. Then he was shot down and captured as a POW. When he was released, there was some talk that he was given preferential treatment to be released over other POW's because of who his daddy was. Then it was rumored that McCain would never become an Admiral, despite his daddies influence, so he decided to become a US Congressman instead.

This article paints McCain as someone who is driven to try and live up to his father's success, someone who is more concerned about wealth and power and personal success than about service to his country.

Who here agrees?
The question should be..."Does anyone care?"
On the eve of McCain's departure from Congress, I see a lot of articles about McCain and his military and Congressional service.

So what say you? Is McCain an American hero, or otherwise?

I was reading an article form the Huffington Post back in the day when he was running for President, so this was back when the Left as trying to trash McCain because he was running against Obama for President instead of praising him like they do today because he hates Trump.

McCain's Secret, Questionable Record | HuffPost

The Article points out that McCain lived a life of privilege. He was at the bottom 1% of the class in Annapolis, but was inexplicably chosen to be a pilot anyway. Why? Cuz his daddy and grand daddy was a 4 star Admiral. Then he was shot down and captured as a POW. When he was released, there was some talk that he was given preferential treatment to be released over other POW's because of who his daddy was. Then it was rumored that McCain would never become an Admiral, despite his daddies influence, so he decided to become a US Congressman instead.

This article paints McCain as someone who is driven to try and live up to his father's success, someone who is more concerned about wealth and power and personal success than about service to his country.

Who here agrees?
The question should be..."Does anyone care?"

I sure as hell don't. Any more than I care who slept with who 10 years ago or whether somebody used a politically incorrect word in a private discussion or interprets a passage of scripture differently than I do.

I do care when the feckless and mean spirited media and those like them on message boards will spend endless hours on stuff like that and give maybe a maximum of 10 to 30 seconds, if that, on great news that should be celebrated and/or that does affect the lives of many/most Americans.

And I don't see it as cool to drag a dying's man name through the mud about stuff that happened more than a half century ago.
Anyone who is not loyal to Donald Trump is a loser. McCain is a major loser; he can't even handle being tortured. What kind of American hero can't handle being tortured?
So Trump could handle torture?
Anyone who is not loyal to Donald Trump is a loser. McCain is a major loser; he can't even handle being tortured. What kind of American hero can't handle being tortured?
So Trump could handle torture?

As all Christians already know Satin picked Obama to become president, so God picked Trump to become president.

Yes trump could handle all torture because God would protect him.

If McCain was so great, why did God allow our enemies shoot him down, and why didn't God protect McCain while he was being tortured to the point where he is permanently disabled. God didn't protect McCain because McCain is not worth of God's protection.God has even given McCain brain cancer, while President Trump is in perfect health.

God is on Trump's team, God is loyal to Trump, and everything Trump does has God's blessing. Trump is made of God's steel that can never be penetrated.
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On the eve of McCain's departure from Congress, I see a lot of articles about McCain and his military and Congressional service.

So what say you? Is McCain an American hero, or otherwise?

I was reading an article form the Huffington Post back in the day when he was running for President, so this was back when the Left as trying to trash McCain because he was running against Obama for President instead of praising him like they do today because he hates Trump.

McCain's Secret, Questionable Record | HuffPost

The Article points out that McCain lived a life of privilege. He was at the bottom 1% of the class in Annapolis, but was inexplicably chosen to be a pilot anyway. Why? Cuz his daddy and grand daddy was a 4 star Admiral. Then he was shot down and captured as a POW. When he was released, there was some talk that he was given preferential treatment to be released over other POW's because of who his daddy was. Then it was rumored that McCain would never become an Admiral, despite his daddies influence, so he decided to become a US Congressman instead.

This article paints McCain as someone who is driven to try and live up to his father's success, someone who is more concerned about wealth and power and personal success than about service to his country.

Who here agrees?
Well, more or less ,that could anyone here. Trying to live up to their mother/father's influence.
Personally, I tend to limit my idea of a military hero are those that go far above the call of duty and because of their actions, are awarded the Medal of Honor.
All the rest in the military are great individuals who are doing a very dangerous and dirty job at great peril to their lives and in so doing, are highly respected, but I prefer to limit the term hero for those rare individuals like, John Basilone, Alvin York, Audie Murphy, et cetera.
Na, He’s a spineless career politician
Do you think he is lying in that video? Can you show that anything McCain said in that YouTube video is demonstrably untrue?

In his recorded confession he said that he came to Vietnam as an aggressor and bombed their villages, towns and cities.


"To the Vietnamese people and the government of the DRVN:

From John Sidney McCain, 624787, Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy, born 29 August, 1936, Panama, home state Oregon. Shot down 26 October, 1967, A-4E aircraft.

"I, as a U.S. airman, am guilty of crimes against the Vietnamese country and people. I bombed their cities, towns and villages and caused many injuries, even deaths, for the people of Vietnam.

I was captured in the capital city of Hanoi, while attacking it. After I was captured, I was taken to the hospital in Hanoi, where I received very good medical treatment. I was given an operation on my leg, which allowed me to walk again, and a cast on my right arm, which was badly broken in three places.

The doctors were very good and they knew a great deal about the practice of medicine. I remained in the hospital for some time and regained much of my health and strength. Since I arrived in the camp of detention, I received humane and lenient treatment.

I received this kind treatment and food even though I came here as an aggressor and the people who I injured have much difficulty in their living standards. I wish to express my deep gratitude for my kind treatment and I will never forget this kindness extended to me.


Seems like a legit confession to me. Like John Kerry, he is an admitted war criminal.
Anyone who is not loyal to Donald Trump is a loser. McCain is a major loser; he can't even handle being tortured. What kind of American hero can't handle being tortured?
So Trump could handle torture?

As all Christians already know Satin picked Obama to become president, so God picked Trump to become president.

Yes trump could handle all torture because God would protect him.

If McCain was so great, why did God allow our enemies shoot him down, and why didn't God protect McCain while he was being tortured to the point where he is permanently disabled. God didn't protect McCain because McCain is not worth of God's protection.God has even given McCain brain cancer, while President Trump is in perfect health.

God is on Trump's team, God is loyal to Trump, and everything Trump does has God's blessing. Trump is made of God's steel that can never be penetrated.

Oh Please. The really true christains know President "666" Trump is the Beast from Revolutions.

Why else would you think God was helping the North Vietnamese? I mean you probably think your a good person but you need to turn from your evil ways to save you immortal soul. You've been hoodwinked by the Devil himself.
Yes yes . He’s an example of white mans affirmative action.

I never cared for him , other than to laugh when he fights wh other GOP.

BUT, it’s disgusting how the self proclaimed pro troop patriot righties have turned on this guy because he rightfully has beef wh Trump .

And once again you prove you know nothing.
Conservatives have had issues with McCain as long as I can remember.
The left are the ones that love him or hate him one day to the next depending on what he is saying that day.

He is just another corrupt politician who unfathomably wins year after year despite his long record of mediocrity and apparent "flip of the coin" politics.
Yes yes . He’s an example of white mans affirmative action.

I never cared for him , other than to laugh when he fights wh other GOP.

BUT, it’s disgusting how the self proclaimed pro troop patriot righties have turned on this guy because he rightfully has beef wh Trump .

And once again you prove you know nothing.
Conservatives have had issues with McCain as long as I can remember.
The left are the ones that love him or hate him one day to the next depending on what he is saying that day.

He is just another corrupt politician who unfathomably wins year after year despite his long record of mediocrity and apparent "flip of the coin" politics.

Oh yeah . Cons hated him so much he won the Gop prez nomination.
Yes yes . He’s an example of white mans affirmative action.

I never cared for him , other than to laugh when he fights wh other GOP.

BUT, it’s disgusting how the self proclaimed pro troop patriot righties have turned on this guy because he rightfully has beef wh Trump .

And once again you prove you know nothing.
Conservatives have had issues with McCain as long as I can remember.
The left are the ones that love him or hate him one day to the next depending on what he is saying that day.

He is just another corrupt politician who unfathomably wins year after year despite his long record of mediocrity and apparent "flip of the coin" politics.

Oh yeah . Cons hated him so much he won the Gop prez nomination.

Which these days really means nothing,
He who raises the most money, and willingness to accept it readily, is who wins.
Trump is the exception to this.

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