John McCain, American hero or otherwise?

Anyone who is not loyal to Donald Trump is a loser. McCain is a major loser; he can't even handle being tortured. What kind of American hero can't handle being tortured?
So Trump could handle torture?

As all Christians already know Satin picked Obama to become president, so God picked Trump to become president.

Yes trump could handle all torture because God would protect him.

If McCain was so great, why did God allow our enemies shoot him down, and why didn't God protect McCain while he was being tortured to the point where he is permanently disabled. God didn't protect McCain because McCain is not worth of God's protection.God has even given McCain brain cancer, while President Trump is in perfect health.

God is on Trump's team, God is loyal to Trump, and everything Trump does has God's blessing. Trump is made of God's steel that can never be penetrated.

Oh Please. The really true christains know President "666" Trump is the Beast from Revolutions.

Why else would you think God was helping the North Vietnamese? I mean you probably think your a good person but you need to turn from your evil ways to save you immortal soul. You've been hoodwinked by the Devil himself.
plus it's a pretty silly thing to say when Kushner owns a property at number 666:
Senators, Ask Jared Kushner About 666 Fifth Avenue

You've been hoodwinked by the Devil himself.

God picked Donald Trump to be our savor and protect us.

Most people don't know it yet, but Donald Trump will be president for the rest of his life, so that will be at least for the next 20 years. After that one of his sons will be appointed president by Trump with God's Blessing.

If Donald Trump says it, it is the word of God
If Donald Trump does it, it is the word of God in action.
To be against Donald Trump, is to be against God.
Yes, he's a hero. He's a plain spoken patriot that can't abide this fascist shit stain that is growing in the underpants of this fine country.
Yes, he's a hero. He's a plain spoken patriot that can't abide this fascist shit stain that is growing in the underpants of this fine country.

Who is a fascist? If you are talking about President Trump, he is a Christian sent by God to save us.

It is the End Times as predicted in The Bible. Looked at all the sudden upheaval in Jerusalem just today. Its no coincidence that it is happening now so that President Trump can save the world.
John McCain is a great American Fighter pilot who refused to leave other prisoners behind. The man had major heart and balls .:bowdown:
Having served 30 years in military service to my country I feel I can ask a few

Which one makes him the hero? being shot down or tortured? Do they both make him a hero?

Does being shot down make you a hero, a bad pilot, or just unlucky?

Does being tortured make you a hero or the people torturing you a bunch of animals?

If you served in the military, never got shot down, and never got tortured, are you a hero or still be considered one?

If McCain signing up to serve his country makes him a hero, why did John Kerry insinuate that only stupid, uneducated Americans are in the military?
- "You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

God bless McCain for serving his country and for all he went through while in service to his country. The moment he put on a suit and walked into the halls of Congress, John McCain stopped being an American Military Hero' - that may be who he WAS, but at that moment all he was at that moment and every moment after was a different than any other politician, to be judged by what he did as a politician.

And for the record, 'heroes' will tell you they aren't heroes.
Trumpbots are so pathetic.

Just a few years ago - when McCain was their candidate for POTUS...they could not praise him and his war record enough.

Now that Hitle - er - Trump is in power and has decreed that McCain is to be insulted? The National Socialists - er - Trumpbots, are condemning McCain like never before.

You people are absolutely disgusting.

Well, by January 2021, you losers will be relegated back to the wilderness.

And since many of you are old, you will soon be dead who cares what you think?
Trumpbots are so pathetic.

Just a few years ago - when McCain was their candidate for POTUS...they could not praise him and his war record enough.
Pulled that out of yer rectum, didja? No one I knew was praising McCain. Like Trump in the last election, he was just the lesser of 2 'evils'...and it did not work out for him...
Prediction. President Trump will refuse to go the McCain funeral because McCain is not worthy. So what if Obama and Bush go to McCain's funeral, they're not loyal to President Trump, so they are losers.

President Trump will spend the day playing golf instead, you know, a symbolic FU to McCains dead corpse.

God is on President Trump's team, so you better be on President Trump's side too. We can all see what happens to those who are no longer part of President Trump's team. God gave McCain cancer, so who knows what God will do to others who are not 100% loyal to President Trump.
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Prediction. President Trump will refuse to go the McCain funeral because McCain is not worthy. So what if Obama and Bush go to McCain's funeral, they're not loyal to President Trump, so they are losers.

President Trump will spend the day playing golf instead, you know, a symbolic FU to McCains dead corpse.

God is on President Trump's team, so you better be on President Trump's side too. We can all see what happens to those who are no longer part of President Trump's team. God gave McCain cancer, so who knows what God will do to others who are not 100% loyal to President Trump.

Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...time for your meds, I think.
Prediction. President Trump will refuse to go the McCain funeral because McCain is not worthy. So what if Obama and Bush go to McCain's funeral, they're not loyal to President Trump, so they are losers.

President Trump will spend the day playing golf instead, you know, a symbolic FU to McCains dead corpse.

God is on President Trump's team, so you better be on President Trump's side too. We can all see what happens to those who are no longer part of President Trump's team. God gave McCain cancer, so who knows what God will do to others who are not 100% loyal to President Trump.

Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...time for your meds, I think.

We'll see who is crazy when Obama and Hillary are put on trial for conspiracy and obstruction of Justice. They are the true criminals.

And we'll see who is crazy when President Donald Trump issue orders to round up all the illegal dreamers and ship them to Gitmo for the rest of their lives. And when he does, crime rate will drop to almost zero.

President Donald Trump is cleaning up the world and God his helping him all the way.

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