John McCain - We have a "grudge" to maintain!!!!



Watching John McCain on Morning Joe just now. What a trip.

He said he couldn't support Obama's nominee because Hagel said Bush was the worst president since Hoover and Iraq was a worse disaster than Vietnam. (Can either be seriously argued?)

Ted Cruz, without a shred of proof, questioned whether Hagel took money from Iran and North Korea. Huh?

The first time a Cabinet nominee has been filibustered ever? I don't know. I can't seem to remember any others. Am I wrong?

Benghazi? Huh? And that involves Hagel? How?

To do this to a sitting president while the country is still at war? You think Democrats won't use this in the next election?

Don't you wonder how much of this nonsense would just go away if we had a "draft" with NO exceptions? And if they can't fight for fear or religious reasons, teach the fuckers to cook or perform some type of national service. But dammit, everyone should be included. Republicans need to be taught what it means to be a "patriot" and not just send the children of those they despise off to war.

With a draft, there would be no Iraq, no leaving the military without a Secretary of Defense, no drive to cut veterans benefits, and way less racism.
He(mccain) is a damn fool. We are at war for Christ sake. I am not saying he is a good choice, but surely we need SOMEONE in there
The problem with a draft is that draft boards tend to be extremely classist.

All those blueblood scions you hope will learn what its like to rub shoulders with us untermench, end up with terible cases tennis elbows or bum knees so that the poor things cannot serve.
This was really a no brainer.

The guy has the chops as an ex vet..and is a Republican.

Funny thing is..even if McCain had been chosen..the same thing would have happened.

I'm pretty sure of that.

In any's now set a precedent. And not a good one.

Cabinet picks should not be "rubber stamped" but parliamentary shennigans really just increases this disfunctional course that's being taken.
The problem with a draft is that draft boards tend to be extremely classist.

All those blueblood scions you hope will learn what its like to rub shoulders with us untermench, end up with terible cases tennis elbows or bum knees so that the poor things cannot serve.

Then they can pull weeds and peel potatoes. No exceptions.
awww what?, the troll who hates Republicans is now whining because one wasn't rubber stamped through for the Dear Leader by the Republican he hates..

you can't make this shit up folks
awww what?, the troll who hates Republicans is now whining because one wasn't rubber stamped through for the Dear Leader by the Republican he hates..

you can't make this shit up folks

This is a first Steph..

It's never ever happened before.
Dems wish Uncle Saddam was still running Iraq

smart people actually know he was what kept iran in check.

and what was the upside of dumping him?

Republicans will say because those people are now "free" and we got rid of a tyrant, losing all matter of perspective.

No one wants a tyrant. But look at the results. Women are now in burkas. Iraq hates our guts. They threw shoes at our president and built a monument to the guy who threw the shoes which the supposedly FREE government tore down.
Iran is subverting the region.

Worse, those Republicans who insist they "care" stood by and watched the Christians, who were there BEFORE the Muslims, get murdered or driven out of their country, and their churches were blown up. Republicans did nothing. Worse, how many of them were "allowed" to come here? How many Iraqi Christians were brought to America? Why, because this was the most secretive war in history. No one even knows how it was "funded". Until Obama. Then the cost was blamed on him.

In the Republican world of black and white, we got rid of Saddam so it must be "all good". That's all it can be. It's either this or that. Nothing else. No shades of gray.
Hagel is supposed to destroy the military. Then obama can say a republican destroyed the military.
Hagel is supposed to destroy the military. Then obama can say a republican destroyed the military.

Oh, so that's how it works.

So Republicans want to destroy the government so they block Obama on everything then say a Democrat destroyed the country?

Those Republicans. Sneaky bastards.
Dems wish Uncle Saddam was still running Iraq

smart people actually know he was what kept iran in check.

and what was the upside of dumping him?

Republicans will say because those people are now "free" and we got rid of a tyrant, losing all matter of perspective.

No one wants a tyrant. But look at the results. Women are now in burkas. Iraq hates our guts. They threw shoes at our president and built a monument to the guy who threw the shoes which the supposedly FREE government tore down.
Iran is subverting the region.

Worse, those Republicans who insist they "care" stood by and watched the Christians, who were there BEFORE the Muslims, get murdered or driven out of their country, and their churches were blown up. Republicans did nothing. Worse, how many of them were "allowed" to come here? How many Iraqi Christians were brought to America? Why, because this was the most secretive war in history. No one even knows how it was "funded". Until Obama. Then the cost was blamed on him.

In the Republican world of black and white, we got rid of Saddam so it must be "all good". That's all it can be. It's either this or that. Nothing else. No shades of gray.

Make no mistake, Saddam Hussein was a murderous bastard and a tyrant. But often times when dictators are toppled, the power vacuum is filled by some pretty ugly factions that result in things being even worse than before. Like him or not, Saddam Hussein was the glue that held Iraq together. As long as the common people didn't question his hold on power, they could pretty much just live their lives without worrying about being killed in their own neighborhoods. Now, without that steadying force, you have Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds all trying to kill each other. A resurgence in Islamic influence whereas under Saddam, it was fairly secular. Women's rights have pretty much disappeared. Christians are now persecuted. When you factor in all the lives lost, the millions of displaced Iraqis, the destroyed or damaged infrastructure, etc. The Iraqi people are far worse off now than before.

We would be far better off too if we had never invaded Iraq. Thousands of troops would still be alive. Tens of thousands of troops would be healthy in mind and body. We would have saved trillions of dollars too. Iraq was a monumental blunder like Viet Nam.
Dems wish Uncle Saddam was still running Iraq

smart people actually know he was what kept iran in check.

and what was the upside of dumping him?

awww what?, the troll who hates Republicans is now whining because one wasn't rubber stamped....
No....because it's John McCain (who'd spent his time, in 'Nam, SITTIN' ON HIS ASS), who's sabotaging Hagel's nomination!!!!
And Paul is holding up the CIA appointee ...

If Republicans don't want to be seen as putting partisan politics ahead of national security, why ?????
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