Johns Hopkins University: “Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19..."

We are well over 300,000 deaths compared to same period last year.

When you factor in the growth rate, the year-on-year US deaths are right where they should be. Apparently,' The Great Viral Apocalypse' (tm) didn't occur.
YearDeath RateGrowth Rate

China should have hired some Spanish scientists...

Maybe they thought the whole country is one big New York.

Obviously. When you do the numbers, the state of NY has a 5.6% death rate among the cases of COVID-19, the majority of which were in NYC. That's compared to the US average of 2.0%.

Between their Governor and NYC's Mayor, someone screwed the pooch big time.

Coronavirus in New York City
We are well over 300,000 deaths compared to same period last year.

When you factor in the growth rate, the year-on-year US deaths are right where they should be. Apparently,' The Great Viral Apocalypse' (tm) didn't occur.
YearDeath RateGrowth Rate

China should have hired some Spanish scientists...

Maybe they thought the whole country is one big New York.

Obviously. When you do the numbers, the state of NY has a 5.6% death rate among the cases of COVID-19, the majority of which were in NYC. That's compared to the US average of 2.0%.

Between their Governor and NYC's Mayor, someone screwed the pooch big time.

Coronavirus in New York City

Looking at death statistics for NY of April 41,554... four times that of last year.

Yes, in some places covid deaths are well above the normal/expected variation. A total fuck up, and they have determined they need to tell the rest of us how to live.

After the fuck up the leaders won't take any responsibility, but want more freedoms taken away to advance political agenda. The NYC populace sure isn't smart to stand such idiots as leaders.
Next time he should start with "We at NYC fucked up very badly."


You yourself post a chart demonstrating the fuck up...

No I didn't, stfu Norm.

New York was ground zero for the pandemic, we took the first hit in this country, before much was known about the virus.

Stop being naive and gullible and listen to the New Yorkers , whistleblowers who expose the fucking scam.
We are well over 300,000 deaths compared to same period last year.

When you factor in the growth rate, the year-on-year US deaths are right where they should be. Apparently,' The Great Viral Apocalypse' (tm) didn't occur.
YearDeath RateGrowth Rate

Bullshit, I already provided clear as day total excessive death counts.


If you can't see something seriously extraordinary going on in 2020 you need to go get your eyes checked.
Last edited:
Next time he should start with "We at NYC fucked up very badly."


You yourself post a chart demonstrating the fuck up...

No I didn't, stfu Norm.

New York was ground zero for the pandemic, we took the first hit in this country, before much was known about the virus.

Stop being naive and gullible and listen to the New Yorkers , whistleblowers who expose the fucking scam.
We are well over 300,000 deaths compared to same period last year.

When you factor in the growth rate, the year-on-year US deaths are right where they should be. Apparently,' The Great Viral Apocalypse' (tm) didn't occur.
YearDeath RateGrowth Rate

Bullshit, 2020 is not even over and I provided clear as day total excessive death counts.

You did no such thing. You hand picked places like New York and then claimed that other places where the deaths are well within normal variation are somehow unusual. Then other people, myself included actually provided the by state death numbers which immediately debunk your bullshit story. As with the election what you did is a selection and not a fair representation.

New York is more or less the only outlier where it is clear something went completely wrong.
Next time he should start with "We at NYC fucked up very badly."


You yourself post a chart demonstrating the fuck up...

No I didn't, stfu Norm.

New York was ground zero for the pandemic, we took the first hit in this country, before much was known about the virus.

Stop being naive and gullible and listen to the New Yorkers , whistleblowers who expose the fucking scam.
We are well over 300,000 deaths compared to same period last year.

When you factor in the growth rate, the year-on-year US deaths are right where they should be. Apparently,' The Great Viral Apocalypse' (tm) didn't occur.
YearDeath RateGrowth Rate

Bullshit, I already provided clear as day total excessive death counts.


If you can't see something seriously extraordinary going on in 2020 you need to go get your eyes checked.

I can see plenty of things wrong... for starters the expected death rate is going down when the population is aging and increasing. Someone who is not competent made your chart, I wonder if even the data is correct.

Meanwhile we already provided the statistics from the CDC. That said, I would not be surprised if that spike was real - what is left out is that it's all New York. Reduce the 10K NY deaths and it's the same spike as the last time.

So there goes that BS theory... even if your BS chart is real.
Next time he should start with "We at NYC fucked up very badly."


You yourself post a chart demonstrating the fuck up...

No I didn't, stfu Norm.

New York was ground zero for the pandemic, we took the first hit in this country, before much was known about the virus.

Stop being naive and gullible and listen to the New Yorkers , whistleblowers who expose the fucking scam.
We are well over 300,000 deaths compared to same period last year.

When you factor in the growth rate, the year-on-year US deaths are right where they should be. Apparently,' The Great Viral Apocalypse' (tm) didn't occur.
YearDeath RateGrowth Rate

Bullshit, I already provided clear as day total excessive death counts.


If you can't see something seriously extraordinary going on in 2020 you need to go get your eyes checked.


I already provided the Atlantic Article showing that the Fauci Crime Syndicate is lying like a rug
Next time he should start with "We at NYC fucked up very badly."


You yourself post a chart demonstrating the fuck up...

No I didn't, stfu Norm.

New York was ground zero for the pandemic, we took the first hit in this country, before much was known about the virus.

Stop being naive and gullible and listen to the New Yorkers , whistleblowers who expose the fucking scam.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
He can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is after this latest ass beating.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301: His handlers at the dnc are going to have think up some lie to tell him to post to try and get around this
It would be pointless trying to explain to the RWNJs that, the majority of elderly deaths from COVID-19 occur in nursing homes and other types of assisted living providers.

However, the air in these facilities cannot be filtered so the virus is easily spread to every room. Staff members cannot change their rubber gloves and uniforms often enough, after all, these are not hospitals, so this also spreads the disease from patient to patient.

In most areas, there are waiting lists of the elderly needing beds in these facilities, and with their budgets already strained, no bed is permitted to remain empty for long.

So, no one should be surprised the elderly are dying from COVID-19 at a consistent rate. In fact, with the RWNJs' self-professed "innate-knowledge-of-all-subjects", what is surprising is, not one of the RWNJs explained this to the Johns Hopkins team. Perhaps the RWNJs' "knowledge-of-everything" isn't as great as they have claimed these many decades. The RWNJs' constant contradictions of learned professionals might not show the great intelligence of which they consistently boast, but, instead prove their far-reaching ignorance and stupidity.

As a whole, the RWNJs are definitive proof of the Dunning–Kruger effect.


Although the people who conducted this study find the results “surprising,” I myself do not.

Anyway, this is proof that the panic and hysteria over COVID-19, as well as the lockdowns, closures, cancellations, restrictions, and other authoritarian actions on the part of political leaders, were all completely unjustified.

Johns Hopkins University has just reported the following:

“Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19. Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups. However, this increase is not seen from the CDC data. In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same.”

Source: A closer look at U.S. deaths due to COVID-19
Strangely that article doesn't seem to be available from the actual website of the johns hopkins newsletter.
After Covid-19? This must be an article from the furture or one of them rightwinger fantasies.

We are well over 300,000 deaths compared to same period last year. If it's not mostly older people then who the f is it?

For reasonable person the virus has been mostly a non issue since it was discovered that it's one hundredth as lethal as it was thought to be at the start by many. It's rapidly becoming a bad flu - and for most people not even that.

No black death...

Norman, let get real, you don't know anything about reasonable.

Overall deaths are well above normal and thats true EVERYWHERE with Covid-19 outbreaks.

Absolute bullshit. It's clear you have not paid ANY attention to the statistics. In most places it's completely impossible to tell that anything out of ordinary is going on - that's because there isn't.

Source for your claim?

There is none, because it's bullshit. Covid's effects on death rates are EASILY spotted.


In New York deaths data you can easily spot the two mass casualty events in the last 20 years - 9/11 and Covid-19, second one being far more deadly.

same as the ordinary flu season --sorry--you lose
Although the people who conducted this study find the results “surprising,” I myself do not.

Anyway, this is proof that the panic and hysteria over COVID-19, as well as the lockdowns, closures, cancellations, restrictions, and other authoritarian actions on the part of political leaders, were all completely unjustified.

Johns Hopkins University has just reported the following:

“Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19. Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups. However, this increase is not seen from the CDC data. In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same.”

Source: A closer look at U.S. deaths due to COVID-19
Strangely that article doesn't seem to be available from the actual website of the johns hopkins newsletter.

Yep, "strange" :rolleyes-41:

Next time he should start with "We at NYC fucked up very badly."


You yourself post a chart demonstrating the fuck up...

No I didn't, stfu Norm.

New York was ground zero for the pandemic, we took the first hit in this country, before much was known about the virus.

Stop being naive and gullible and listen to the New Yorkers , whistleblowers who expose the fucking scam.
We are well over 300,000 deaths compared to same period last year.

When you factor in the growth rate, the year-on-year US deaths are right where they should be. Apparently,' The Great Viral Apocalypse' (tm) didn't occur.
YearDeath RateGrowth Rate

Bullshit, 2020 is not even over and I provided clear as day total excessive death counts.

You did no such thing. You hand picked places like New York

Wrong, wrong again, the graphed death data is for the entire United States.

You can clearly see death increases since covid began at every level, local and national.

here it is AGAIN, for the third time:

Although the people who conducted this study find the results “surprising,” I myself do not.

Anyway, this is proof that the panic and hysteria over COVID-19, as well as the lockdowns, closures, cancellations, restrictions, and other authoritarian actions on the part of political leaders, were all completely unjustified.

Johns Hopkins University has just reported the following:

“Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19. Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups. However, this increase is not seen from the CDC data. In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same.”

Source: A closer look at U.S. deaths due to COVID-19
Strangely that article doesn't seem to be available from the actual website of the johns hopkins newsletter.

Yep, "strange" :rolleyes-41:

Next time he should start with "We at NYC fucked up very badly."


You yourself post a chart demonstrating the fuck up...

No I didn't, stfu Norm.

New York was ground zero for the pandemic, we took the first hit in this country, before much was known about the virus.

Stop being naive and gullible and listen to the New Yorkers , whistleblowers who expose the fucking scam.
We are well over 300,000 deaths compared to same period last year.

When you factor in the growth rate, the year-on-year US deaths are right where they should be. Apparently,' The Great Viral Apocalypse' (tm) didn't occur.
YearDeath RateGrowth Rate

Bullshit, 2020 is not even over and I provided clear as day total excessive death counts.

You did no such thing. You hand picked places like New York

Wrong, wrong again, the graphed death data is for the entire United States.

You can clearly see death increases since covid began at every level, local and national.

here it is AGAIN, for the third time:


We already showed the death data from CDC and there is nothing out ordinary. That graph is particularly fake because they assume the deaths for this year would be less than the last year.

Again, New York and few others screwed up, elsewhere it's normal. My claim was that in most places there is nothing out of ordinary going on, that's a fact.

It's particularly sick and twisted how far leftists are trying to hold their own failures as a reason to strip others of their freedoms and conduct the same insane policies that lead to colossal failure. Instead they should be asking for help, perhaps get tips on how to not send elderly people to their deaths and so on.
We are well over 300,000 deaths compared to same period last year.

When you factor in the growth rate, the year-on-year US deaths are right where they should be. Apparently,' The Great Viral Apocalypse' (tm) didn't occur.
YearDeath RateGrowth Rate

China should have hired some Spanish scientists...

Maybe they thought the whole country is one big New York.

Obviously. When you do the numbers, the state of NY has a 5.6% death rate among the cases of COVID-19, the majority of which were in NYC. That's compared to the US average of 2.0%.

Between their Governor and NYC's Mayor, someone screwed the pooch big time.

Coronavirus in New York City

Horsecrap. New York got hit first, BEFORE COVID TESTS WERE EVEN WIDELY AVAILABLE. Antibody tests in June showed about 20% of population previously infected, many times higher than confirmed case count.

Me and my wife were in the walk-in center at the end of February and tested negative for Flu. I asked if then perhaps the debilitating symptoms which included loss of smell and taste were from Covid-19 and they of course said - oh no no of course not, even though in retrospect it's highly likely that it was exactly what we had.

Now you go ahead explain wtf Governor and Mayor did not do that you would have.
National death statistics and others from CDC.

YearMonthNumber of Live BirthsNumber of DeathsNumber of Infant Deaths12 Month-ending Number of Live Births12 Month-ending Number of Deaths12 Month-ending Number of Infant Deaths

As can be seen April does stick out from last year - but then when you look closer - it's the damn New Yorkers! In addition, the 12 month numbers are as projected.

Covid is a leftist failure, yet they feel confident on lecturing those who did not fail on it.

And what they are doing now? Concentrating on stripping people of their religious rights and advancing an agenda - not giving a toss about deaths as usual. Agenda first, and agenda only. Where are the remedies to stop elderly people and other risk groups from succumbing? Nowhere, they are not even trying... make it as bad as possible to justify as draconian actions as possible in the name of a stupid, anti-American agenda.
Although the people who conducted this study find the results “surprising,” I myself do not.

Anyway, this is proof that the panic and hysteria over COVID-19, as well as the lockdowns, closures, cancellations, restrictions, and other authoritarian actions on the part of political leaders, were all completely unjustified.

Johns Hopkins University has just reported the following:

“Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19. Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups. However, this increase is not seen from the CDC data. In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same.”

Source: A closer look at U.S. deaths due to COVID-19
Strangely that article doesn't seem to be available from the actual website of the johns hopkins newsletter.

Yep, "strange" :rolleyes-41:

Next time he should start with "We at NYC fucked up very badly."


You yourself post a chart demonstrating the fuck up...

No I didn't, stfu Norm.

New York was ground zero for the pandemic, we took the first hit in this country, before much was known about the virus.

Stop being naive and gullible and listen to the New Yorkers , whistleblowers who expose the fucking scam.
We are well over 300,000 deaths compared to same period last year.

When you factor in the growth rate, the year-on-year US deaths are right where they should be. Apparently,' The Great Viral Apocalypse' (tm) didn't occur.
YearDeath RateGrowth Rate

Bullshit, 2020 is not even over and I provided clear as day total excessive death counts.

You did no such thing. You hand picked places like New York

Wrong, wrong again, the graphed death data is for the entire United States.

You can clearly see death increases since covid began at every level, local and national.

here it is AGAIN, for the third time:


We already showed the death data from CDC and there is nothing out ordinary. That graph is particularly fake because they assume the deaths for this year would be less than the last year.

Moron this graph is FROM CDC.

It assumes NOTHING, it simply shows total death counts for United States.

You are seriously fucking nuts.
Although the people who conducted this study find the results “surprising,” I myself do not.

Anyway, this is proof that the panic and hysteria over COVID-19, as well as the lockdowns, closures, cancellations, restrictions, and other authoritarian actions on the part of political leaders, were all completely unjustified.

Johns Hopkins University has just reported the following:

“Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19. Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups. However, this increase is not seen from the CDC data. In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same.”

Source: A closer look at U.S. deaths due to COVID-19
Strangely that article doesn't seem to be available from the actual website of the johns hopkins newsletter.

Yep, "strange" :rolleyes-41:

Next time he should start with "We at NYC fucked up very badly."


You yourself post a chart demonstrating the fuck up...

No I didn't, stfu Norm.

New York was ground zero for the pandemic, we took the first hit in this country, before much was known about the virus.

Stop being naive and gullible and listen to the New Yorkers , whistleblowers who expose the fucking scam.
We are well over 300,000 deaths compared to same period last year.

When you factor in the growth rate, the year-on-year US deaths are right where they should be. Apparently,' The Great Viral Apocalypse' (tm) didn't occur.
YearDeath RateGrowth Rate

Bullshit, 2020 is not even over and I provided clear as day total excessive death counts.

You did no such thing. You hand picked places like New York

Wrong, wrong again, the graphed death data is for the entire United States.

You can clearly see death increases since covid began at every level, local and national.

here it is AGAIN, for the third time:


We already showed the death data from CDC and there is nothing out ordinary. That graph is particularly fake because they assume the deaths for this year would be less than the last year.

Moron this graph is FROM CDC.

It assumes NOTHING, it simply shows total death counts for United States.

You are seriously fucking nuts.

"Predicted number of deaths"

But the chart assumed nothing...

You are so full of shit, it's laughable.

And as has been now explained billion times, those deaths are driven by New York, and NJ. Without them there is no difference to the last spike.
Can antontoo as a New Yorker explain, what went so extremely wrong in New York that they QUADRUPLED their death rates, while elsewhere the situation has more or less been unchanged.

Further, can he explain why we should be listening New Yorkers after such a COLOSSAL failure?
Although the people who conducted this study find the results “surprising,” I myself do not.

Anyway, this is proof that the panic and hysteria over COVID-19, as well as the lockdowns, closures, cancellations, restrictions, and other authoritarian actions on the part of political leaders, were all completely unjustified.

Johns Hopkins University has just reported the following:

“Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19. Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups. However, this increase is not seen from the CDC data. In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same.”

Source: A closer look at U.S. deaths due to COVID-19

Fucks Sake read your Article first... You look like a Word class idiot

This is the raw data that Article was based on... More people died than expected...

Otherwise you explain the mystery of 300k extra deaths...

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