Jon Stewart Hammers Ed Schultz for Race-Baiting Deceptive Edit

NBC is inciting so much hate & violence. When or if something bad happens,their hosts should be held accountable. These types of despicable lies can lead to very dangerous incidents. Painting Perry as an "Evil Racist" is just wrong.
Who is Jon Stewart ?

Who is Ed (Sgt.) Schultz ?

So far down in the shitter/ratings, can't seem to locate them

I knew Stewart but never heard of Schultz until that bit and had to look him up.

Stewart it seems is a comedian, so he should be compared to people like Don Rickles and the Three Stooges. This Schultz (Seig Heil!) dude appears to be some sort of "news" pundit - however, quite moronic.

The very best thing about Stewart is that he actually mocks liberals - and they don't get it. Now that is funny.:lol:
Who is Jon Stewart ?

Who is Ed (Sgt.) Schultz ?

So far down in the shitter/ratings, can't seem to locate them

I knew Stewart but never heard of Schultz until that bit and had to look him up.

Stewart it seems is a comedian, so he should be compared to people like Don Rickles and the Three Stooges. This Schultz (Seig Heil!) dude appears to be some sort of "news" pundit - however, quite moronic.

i would compare him to dennis miller...only stewart can be funny....miller lost that talent
The question I have is just what it was that MSNBC and Ed Schultz thought they were going to accomplish with that sleazy editing job and the rather pathetic attempt at character assassination? They ended up looking completely pathetic...having to go on air and make an apology.

Seriously, did they think they were going to get away with it? Are the folks over at MSNBC really that stupid? Or is Schultz that desperate? I mean, hey...I guess if you've got his's not like you've got a lot to lose.
Four pages.

Four pages and not one single comment from Truthmatters. Nothing. Zip, zero, nada.

Isn't this the sort of thing she claims Fox does all the time? The sort of thing she rails against to no end? Isn't this sort of thing the reason she hates Fox News? Why is she not denouncing the same practice over at MSNBC?

I am shocked, shocked I tell you, that TM is not in here declaring her hatred for Ed and MSNBC...

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