Jon Voight : This is War

Trump’s defense lawyers for the Senate trial will have wide latitude to call witnesses and subpoena documents. That could lead to devastating blows damaging Democrats for years to come, which possibility they would be foolhardy not to ponder seriously, given Trump’s love of political fisticuffs.

Assessing the Most Dangerous ‘What Ifs’ of the Democrats’ Impeach Trump Frenzy

The impeachment trial will become a cross-examination of Democrats. The trial rules are the exclusive province of the Senate majority, including the standards of evidence to be applied in determining the admissibility of evidence.
  • Trump is the final arbiter of what remains classified and what is declassified.
The president has been saying for months that he is declassifying “everything” regarding the Russia hoax. He could do the same thing with regard to former Vice President Joe Biden’s dealings with China, and with Ukraine, and regarding his son, Hunter.

Trump can also declassify documents on as-yet-unexamined aspects of Hillary Clinton’s years as secretary of state, and Obama’s whereabouts during the Benghazi crisis, and what Obama knew and when on official surveillance of Trump. Each of these possibilities opens up countless additional “what ifs” with consequences nobody can know.

Everybody would be well-advised to heed John Jay’s observation in Federalist 64 in a discussion of Senate powers that has a particular application to the present controversy:

“They who have turned their attention to the affairs of men, must have perceived that there are tides in them; tides very irregular in their duration, strength, and direction, and seldom found to run twice exactly in the same manner or measure.”​

I'm not sure the House ever takes a vote on impeachment articles as that vote ends their control of the process and turns it over to the Senate.

They may use the "inquiry" to give them more power to constantly badger Trump, making him disclose information in response to their never-ending conspiracy theories.

The people who are conspiracy fanatics don't need any excuse or reason to believe everything from Elvis was abducted by aliens to LBJ killed JFK. Reasoning with them is hopeless under any circumstances.

As for dirt on Obama and Hillary, that is a waste of time. Neither of them are ever going to be an elected official again. The "...but Hillary...." arguments that Trumpettes throw out on this board all the time does not work in the grown up world.
An Impeachment without High Crimes, oh, that's not going to go well for you folks.

Yeah, kind of like an impeachment for a blow job.
Yup, and that sure BLEW UP on the GOP. And they had actual crimes. Lying under oath, arranging for false testimony, helping to procure a false affidavit to the court, clearly obstruction of justice, and the Nation looked, saw no crimes that had anything to do with anything other than sex, and damn near threw the GOP majority out of both Houses.

But, yes, your comparison is right on point. Well, except that you guys don't even have sex crimes. You have nothing. But hey, let 'er rip!
I’d bet there are more Republican voters in Hollywood than Liberal. You wingnuts like to focus on the visible actors, but they’re a tiny minority. Studio execs, VC investing in films, highly paid technical people aren’t flaming liberals.
The reason I know that is a few bricks short of a load, Mr. or Ms. Synthaholic, is because righties are leaving California for its discrimination against conservatives. Famous people in the entertainment domain are refusing to work with anyone who doesn't pave their highnesses with obsequious behavior that honors leftists only, unless it is someone very, very famous and can do things for them. And the snits of famous leftists are not unknown. Ex-Californians are living anywhere but in the Golden State so they can enjoy normal human life.
I’d bet there are more Republican voters in Hollywood than Liberal. You wingnuts like to focus on the visible actors, but they’re a tiny minority. Studio execs, VC investing in films, highly paid technical people aren’t flaming liberals.
The reason I know that is a few bricks short of a load, Mr. or Ms. Synthaholic, is because righties are leaving California for its discrimination against conservatives. Famous people in the entertainment domain are refusing to work with anyone who doesn't pave their highnesses with obsequious behavior that honors leftists only, unless it is someone very, very famous and can do things for them. And the snits of famous leftists are not unknown. Ex-Californians are living anywhere but in the Golden State so they can enjoy normal human life.
Well, the weather is awful nice in CA. Lots of folks are moving from the Blue Areas to the Red Areas too. In fact, there are more Republicans in CA than in any other state outside of Texas. Previous to this cycle, there was no gain in their turning out because not only can they not carry the vote for President, but, the last election the choice for Senate was two democrats! So they stayed home and although Hillary lost the Popular vote in the other 49 states, she ran up the score so high in CA that with CA, she won the national popular vote.

2020 is different, While California Republican voters cannot directly award CA's 55 ECV to Trump, they can indirectly by turning out and ensuring that The Trumpster carries the Popular Vote. That will add 196 votes to Trump's total including CA, New York, ILL, all those little tiny states in the North East.

That would fix their wagon, but good, and they deserve it!
I’d bet there are more Republican voters in Hollywood than Liberal. You wingnuts like to focus on the visible actors, but they’re a tiny minority. Studio execs, VC investing in films, highly paid technical people aren’t flaming liberals.
The reason I know that is a few bricks short of a load, Mr. or Ms. Synthaholic, is because righties are leaving California for its discrimination against conservatives. Famous people in the entertainment domain are refusing to work with anyone who doesn't pave their highnesses with obsequious behavior that honors leftists only, unless it is someone very, very famous and can do things for them. And the snits of famous leftists are not unknown. Ex-Californians are living anywhere but in the Golden State so they can enjoy normal human life.
Link? Or do you just “know” this?
I’d bet there are more Republican voters in Hollywood than Liberal. You wingnuts like to focus on the visible actors, but they’re a tiny minority. Studio execs, VC investing in films, highly paid technical people aren’t flaming liberals.
The reason I know that is a few bricks short of a load, Mr. or Ms. Synthaholic, is because righties are leaving California for its discrimination against conservatives. Famous people in the entertainment domain are refusing to work with anyone who doesn't pave their highnesses with obsequious behavior that honors leftists only, unless it is someone very, very famous and can do things for them. And the snits of famous leftists are not unknown. Ex-Californians are living anywhere but in the Golden State so they can enjoy normal human life.
Link? Or do you just “know” this?
It's known.
I’d bet there are more Republican voters in Hollywood than Liberal. You wingnuts like to focus on the visible actors, but they’re a tiny minority. Studio execs, VC investing in films, highly paid technical people aren’t flaming liberals.
The reason I know that is a few bricks short of a load, Mr. or Ms. Synthaholic, is because righties are leaving California for its discrimination against conservatives. Famous people in the entertainment domain are refusing to work with anyone who doesn't pave their highnesses with obsequious behavior that honors leftists only, unless it is someone very, very famous and can do things for them. And the snits of famous leftists are not unknown. Ex-Californians are living anywhere but in the Golden State so they can enjoy normal human life.
Link? Or do you just “know” this?
Oh, thank you for asking, Synthie, sir or ma'am. It's well known by anyone like me who employed an ex-cal person who moved to a small town in Wyoming and signed up for quilt classes, although she was an expert in no time. I hired her, and she now runs the place. She loves her new state, and hated the political climate of the my-way-or-the-highway control freak folk of the Bay area. Her husband loved the change too. They're in seventh heaven, and I adore them, was glad she could take over when I got sick and had to retire in a warmer climate.
Hey Democrats, Impeach This!

“On the one hand, it’s bad because this impeachment garbage is bad for the country. The damage it is doing to our institutions – really, that our institutions are doing to themselves in their shameful service of the liberal elite’s power grabs – is incalculable. Remember 10 years ago when we conservatives trusted and respected the FBI and our intelligence community? Good times. Well, that’s over. It will be decades before a woke Republican is stupid enough to trust them again.”​

Have you noticed how the people who tell us Trump is crazy and has no respect for American institutions keep acting crazy, and showing no respect for American institutions?
Hey Democrats, Impeach This!

“On the one hand, it’s bad because this impeachment garbage is bad for the country. The damage it is doing to our institutions – really, that our institutions are doing to themselves in their shameful service of the liberal elite’s power grabs – is incalculable. Remember 10 years ago when we conservatives trusted and respected the FBI and our intelligence community? Good times. Well, that’s over. It will be decades before a woke Republican is stupid enough to trust them again.”​

Have you noticed how the people who tell us Trump is crazy and has no respect for American institutions keep acting crazy, and showing no respect for American institutions?
Correct, and here's the Shiftless one being Shifty, talking to foreigners about our President.

I’d bet there are more Republican voters in Hollywood than Liberal. You wingnuts like to focus on the visible actors, but they’re a tiny minority. Studio execs, VC investing in films, highly paid technical people aren’t flaming liberals.
The reason I know that is a few bricks short of a load, Mr. or Ms. Synthaholic, is because righties are leaving California for its discrimination against conservatives. Famous people in the entertainment domain are refusing to work with anyone who doesn't pave their highnesses with obsequious behavior that honors leftists only, unless it is someone very, very famous and can do things for them. And the snits of famous leftists are not unknown. Ex-Californians are living anywhere but in the Golden State so they can enjoy normal human life.
Link? Or do you just “know” this?
It's known.
Just like you “know” Trump is a Christian.
I’d bet there are more Republican voters in Hollywood than Liberal. You wingnuts like to focus on the visible actors, but they’re a tiny minority. Studio execs, VC investing in films, highly paid technical people aren’t flaming liberals.
The reason I know that is a few bricks short of a load, Mr. or Ms. Synthaholic, is because righties are leaving California for its discrimination against conservatives. Famous people in the entertainment domain are refusing to work with anyone who doesn't pave their highnesses with obsequious behavior that honors leftists only, unless it is someone very, very famous and can do things for them. And the snits of famous leftists are not unknown. Ex-Californians are living anywhere but in the Golden State so they can enjoy normal human life.
Link? Or do you just “know” this?
It's known.
Just like you “know” Trump is a Christian.
Again, the leftist tards bring Christianity into politics.

Whatever happend to "separation of church and state. Do you want a theocracy or not? Or do you just want to bitch?
I’d bet there are more Republican voters in Hollywood than Liberal. You wingnuts like to focus on the visible actors, but they’re a tiny minority. Studio execs, VC investing in films, highly paid technical people aren’t flaming liberals.
The reason I know that is a few bricks short of a load, Mr. or Ms. Synthaholic, is because righties are leaving California for its discrimination against conservatives. Famous people in the entertainment domain are refusing to work with anyone who doesn't pave their highnesses with obsequious behavior that honors leftists only, unless it is someone very, very famous and can do things for them. And the snits of famous leftists are not unknown. Ex-Californians are living anywhere but in the Golden State so they can enjoy normal human life.
Link? Or do you just “know” this?
It's known.
Just like you “know” Trump is a Christian.
Again, the leftist tards bring Christianity into politics.

Whatever happend to "separation of church and state. Do you want a theocracy or not? Or do you just want to bitch?
You’re THAT stupid, to take that message from my post?
I’d bet there are more Republican voters in Hollywood than Liberal. You wingnuts like to focus on the visible actors, but they’re a tiny minority. Studio execs, VC investing in films, highly paid technical people aren’t flaming liberals.
The reason I know that is a few bricks short of a load, Mr. or Ms. Synthaholic, is because righties are leaving California for its discrimination against conservatives. Famous people in the entertainment domain are refusing to work with anyone who doesn't pave their highnesses with obsequious behavior that honors leftists only, unless it is someone very, very famous and can do things for them. And the snits of famous leftists are not unknown. Ex-Californians are living anywhere but in the Golden State so they can enjoy normal human life.
Link? Or do you just “know” this?
It's known.
Just like you “know” Trump is a Christian.
If you are going to make up lies, take credit for them, don't try to attribute your bullshit to me.

Back to topic:

The inquiry surrounds the July 25 call, in which Trump asked Zelensky to help Trump's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, to investigate potential corruption surrounding Hunter Biden. Joe Biden was the Obama administration's point person with Ukraine, and the Ukrainian gas company Burisma hired Hunter despite the VP's son lacking any experience in the energy sector. Biden also pressured Ukraine to fire a prosecutor amid an investigation into Burisma, explicitly using a quid pro quo, threatening military aid. Hunter Biden also cashed out in China.

Unlike with Joe Biden, Trump did not use a quid pro quo to ask Zelensky to investigate Hunter Biden. The president released the transcript of the call, and the whistleblower complaint about the call has also been released. The transcript did not support Democrats' hyperbolic complaints about Trump enlisting a foreign power in the U.S. election.

Worse for Democrats, three Democratic senators sent a letter last year asking Ukraine to keep investigating Trump in the Robert Mueller probe, suggesting military aid was on the line. For Democrats to turn around and accuse Trump of doing what they essentially did undermines their narrative entirely.

Americans see political motives behind Democrats' impeachment inquiry. Most said the Democrats' goals are to "politically damage Donald Trump's presidency and his reelection" (53 percent) rather than to "protect U.S. interests and investigate what happened" (47 percent). Most Independents saw political motives driving the inquiry (59 percent to 41 percent).

Impeachment is a drastic action, and it seems utterly hypocritical for Democrats to pursue it, given their own recent history with Ukraine.

Poll: Most Americans Support Inquiry, But Not Impeachment
Trump’s defense lawyers for the Senate trial will have wide latitude to call witnesses and subpoena documents. That could lead to devastating blows damaging Democrats for years to come, which possibility they would be foolhardy not to ponder seriously, given Trump’s love of political fisticuffs.

Assessing the Most Dangerous ‘What Ifs’ of the Democrats’ Impeach Trump Frenzy

The impeachment trial will become a cross-examination of Democrats. The trial rules are the exclusive province of the Senate majority, including the standards of evidence to be applied in determining the admissibility of evidence.
  • Trump is the final arbiter of what remains classified and what is declassified.
The president has been saying for months that he is declassifying “everything” regarding the Russia hoax. He could do the same thing with regard to former Vice President Joe Biden’s dealings with China, and with Ukraine, and regarding his son, Hunter.

Trump can also declassify documents on as-yet-unexamined aspects of Hillary Clinton’s years as secretary of state, and Obama’s whereabouts during the Benghazi crisis, and what Obama knew and when on official surveillance of Trump. Each of these possibilities opens up countless additional “what ifs” with consequences nobody can know.

Everybody would be well-advised to heed John Jay’s observation in Federalist 64 in a discussion of Senate powers that has a particular application to the present controversy:

“They who have turned their attention to the affairs of men, must have perceived that there are tides in them; tides very irregular in their duration, strength, and direction, and seldom found to run twice exactly in the same manner or measure.”​

I'm not sure the House ever takes a vote on impeachment articles as that vote ends their control of the process and turns it over to the Senate.

They may use the "inquiry" to give them more power to constantly badger Trump, making him disclose information in response to their never-ending conspiracy theories.

The people who are conspiracy fanatics don't need any excuse or reason to believe everything from Elvis was abducted by aliens to LBJ killed JFK. Reasoning with them is hopeless under any circumstances.

As for dirt on Obama and Hillary, that is a waste of time. Neither of them are ever going to be an elected official again. The "...but Hillary...." arguments that Trumpettes throw out on this board all the time does not work in the grown up world.
An Impeachment without High Crimes, oh, that's not going to go well for you folks.

Yeah, kind of like an impeachment for a blow job.
Yup, and that sure BLEW UP on the GOP. And they had actual crimes. Lying under oath, arranging for false testimony, helping to procure a false affidavit to the court, clearly obstruction of justice, and the Nation looked, saw no crimes that had anything to do with anything other than sex, and damn near threw the GOP majority out of both Houses.

But, yes, your comparison is right on point. Well, except that you guys don't even have sex crimes. You have nothing. But hey, let 'er rip!

You are telling me that Clinton lied to the people of America? I want to make sure I have this straight, from someone who obviously supports a GOP president who lies about everything every day, including the weather.
It seems that all the TDS parasites can do is fail much like their Democratic Party leadership.

Jon Voight has the right to free speech, that's what mostly infuriates the lefties...

Not at all! I will defend his right to make a complete fool of himself while he is politicking with Jane Fonda this week, and Trump next week! Hell, I not only support his right to do so, I encourage him to do so!

Your Democrats have been making complete asses of themselves for 3!years. Guess what. Get use to it. You Assholes got a whole lot more coming.

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I’m not a Democrat. Far from it. I voted for Trump and think the Democrats are scumbags.

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Jon Voight is like Clint Eastwood. Old school actors who actually have a backbone and say what they believe instead of bowing to the Hollywood Communists.
Old actors who disgrace themselves in their old age. You got that one right. Clint Eastwood lost a debate to an empty chair.

Clint Eastwood is one of the few in Hollywood who has balls to tell Democrats to go screw themselves. He told Hollywood too kiss his ass when they told him not to film his new movie Atlanta because of the abortion laws. Guess what. He’s filming in Atlanta.

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Jon Voight on Twitter

I am so proud of Jon Voight.... thank you ....may you be blessed

(you have to click on the sound)

You people are totally out of control.

You have no problem with a president who uses our tax dollars to shake down a nation to get that nation to reopen a long since closed case to find any dirt they can for trump to use against his opponent in the election. You have no problem with him cheating to stay in the White House. Well you had no problem with the cheating in 2016 so you would have no problem with him cheating for the 2020 election.

You people have no problem with that call being improperly put on a secret server so no one can know about it. Essentially cover the whole crime up.

What trump has done is a crime. Yet you want to go to war because he's been busted and the American people want justice.

Funny, no one ever threatened war or murder when you people were trying to get Clinton thrown out of office.

No one was screaming for violence or retribution against the people who were impeaching Clinton. No one called anyone a traitor and insinuated that the person be persecuted and killed.

You people are going way too far for a man who is a criminal and liar. He doesn't belong in our White House yet you want to go to war with the people who disagree with you,.

Do you understand how down right bat crap crazy you all are?

Ok. Biden paid them off to fire the prosecutor so his son didn’t get arrested.

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