Jon Voight : This is War

Jon Voight on Twitter

I am so proud of Jon Voight.... thank you ....may you be blessed

(you have to click on the sound)

anyone who thinks trump is "the highest noble man" is an idiot.
Trump had to sell his agenda to the people. He was vetted by the people before the election. Many did not like him. His agendas which were not extreme were of sense to us all. At worst a delay to your communist takeover. Which the EC did its job in. A circuit breaker in the constitution. The original currency was also. As was the appointment of federal senators by state legislatures. But they were removed by Progs. So we have lifetime Senators and a massive income tax using a fake currency printed here but owned by foreign interests. Those foreign interests get a cut of every dollar and interest created. That currency will fail someday as it is slowly doing now. Everyday we get all of the noble entertainers telling us how noble they are while playing vile characters as role models or producing shows of the same way. The blasphemy to Christians is so bad you would think we are living in Red China or the Soviet Union. There is no actor who is a Christian who would take any role that does that. But it is easy to pick on them. For they do not fight back in real terms. Left wing secular people producing and starring in this tripe are abominable. And many will have their own Prog groups turn on them someday while they run to the deplorables for safety. So i see noble everyday. And that is just one issue.
I think trying to smear Voight's political message by bringing in tales of what a remiss husband and father he used to be
is a typically low and cheap blow from pricks who follow the Alinsky playbook whether they know it or not.

Che Gueverra and Martin Luther King (to name just two examples) were not exactly exemplary human beings but I bet you'll never hear some low life troll try to drag them down due to their personal lack of character.

We expect no less from the left. They play by any means necessary.
He is a deadbeat Dad.
It's nice to hear positive things about the Administration coming out of Hollywood but don't get all mushy about the opinion of an actor.
Trump’s defense lawyers for the Senate trial will have wide latitude to call witnesses and subpoena documents. That could lead to devastating blows damaging Democrats for years to come, which possibility they would be foolhardy not to ponder seriously, given Trump’s love of political fisticuffs.

Assessing the Most Dangerous ‘What Ifs’ of the Democrats’ Impeach Trump Frenzy

The impeachment trial will become a cross-examination of Democrats. The trial rules are the exclusive province of the Senate majority, including the standards of evidence to be applied in determining the admissibility of evidence.
  • Trump is the final arbiter of what remains classified and what is declassified.
The president has been saying for months that he is declassifying “everything” regarding the Russia hoax. He could do the same thing with regard to former Vice President Joe Biden’s dealings with China, and with Ukraine, and regarding his son, Hunter.

Trump can also declassify documents on as-yet-unexamined aspects of Hillary Clinton’s years as secretary of state, and Obama’s whereabouts during the Benghazi crisis, and what Obama knew and when on official surveillance of Trump. Each of these possibilities opens up countless additional “what ifs” with consequences nobody can know.

Everybody would be well-advised to heed John Jay’s observation in Federalist 64 in a discussion of Senate powers that has a particular application to the present controversy:

“They who have turned their attention to the affairs of men, must have perceived that there are tides in them; tides very irregular in their duration, strength, and direction, and seldom found to run twice exactly in the same manner or measure.”​

I'm not sure the House ever takes a vote on impeachment articles as that vote ends their control of the process and turns it over to the Senate.

They may use the "inquiry" to give them more power to constantly badger Trump, making him disclose information in response to their never-ending conspiracy theories.
You know that democrats will cry for unity. All join and be good democrats together.

Even if they lose. There must be a price that democrats must pay.
Trump’s defense lawyers for the Senate trial will have wide latitude to call witnesses and subpoena documents. That could lead to devastating blows damaging Democrats for years to come, which possibility they would be foolhardy not to ponder seriously, given Trump’s love of political fisticuffs.

Assessing the Most Dangerous ‘What Ifs’ of the Democrats’ Impeach Trump Frenzy

The impeachment trial will become a cross-examination of Democrats. The trial rules are the exclusive province of the Senate majority, including the standards of evidence to be applied in determining the admissibility of evidence.
  • Trump is the final arbiter of what remains classified and what is declassified.
The president has been saying for months that he is declassifying “everything” regarding the Russia hoax. He could do the same thing with regard to former Vice President Joe Biden’s dealings with China, and with Ukraine, and regarding his son, Hunter.

Trump can also declassify documents on as-yet-unexamined aspects of Hillary Clinton’s years as secretary of state, and Obama’s whereabouts during the Benghazi crisis, and what Obama knew and when on official surveillance of Trump. Each of these possibilities opens up countless additional “what ifs” with consequences nobody can know.

Everybody would be well-advised to heed John Jay’s observation in Federalist 64 in a discussion of Senate powers that has a particular application to the present controversy:

“They who have turned their attention to the affairs of men, must have perceived that there are tides in them; tides very irregular in their duration, strength, and direction, and seldom found to run twice exactly in the same manner or measure.”​

I'm not sure the House ever takes a vote on impeachment articles as that vote ends their control of the process and turns it over to the Senate.

They may use the "inquiry" to give them more power to constantly badger Trump, making him disclose information in response to their never-ending conspiracy theories.

The people who are conspiracy fanatics don't need any excuse or reason to believe everything from Elvis was abducted by aliens to LBJ killed JFK. Reasoning with them is hopeless under any circumstances.

As for dirt on Obama and Hillary, that is a waste of time. Neither of them are ever going to be an elected official again. The "...but Hillary...." arguments that Trumpettes throw out on this board all the time does not work in the grown up world.
Trump’s defense lawyers for the Senate trial will have wide latitude to call witnesses and subpoena documents. That could lead to devastating blows damaging Democrats for years to come, which possibility they would be foolhardy not to ponder seriously, given Trump’s love of political fisticuffs.

Assessing the Most Dangerous ‘What Ifs’ of the Democrats’ Impeach Trump Frenzy

The impeachment trial will become a cross-examination of Democrats. The trial rules are the exclusive province of the Senate majority, including the standards of evidence to be applied in determining the admissibility of evidence.
  • Trump is the final arbiter of what remains classified and what is declassified.
The president has been saying for months that he is declassifying “everything” regarding the Russia hoax. He could do the same thing with regard to former Vice President Joe Biden’s dealings with China, and with Ukraine, and regarding his son, Hunter.

Trump can also declassify documents on as-yet-unexamined aspects of Hillary Clinton’s years as secretary of state, and Obama’s whereabouts during the Benghazi crisis, and what Obama knew and when on official surveillance of Trump. Each of these possibilities opens up countless additional “what ifs” with consequences nobody can know.

Everybody would be well-advised to heed John Jay’s observation in Federalist 64 in a discussion of Senate powers that has a particular application to the present controversy:

“They who have turned their attention to the affairs of men, must have perceived that there are tides in them; tides very irregular in their duration, strength, and direction, and seldom found to run twice exactly in the same manner or measure.”​

I'm not sure the House ever takes a vote on impeachment articles as that vote ends their control of the process and turns it over to the Senate.

They may use the "inquiry" to give them more power to constantly badger Trump, making him disclose information in response to their never-ending conspiracy theories.

The people who are conspiracy fanatics don't need any excuse or reason to believe everything from Elvis was abducted by aliens to LBJ killed JFK. Reasoning with them is hopeless under any circumstances.

As for dirt on Obama and Hillary, that is a waste of time. Neither of them are ever going to be an elected official again. The "...but Hillary...." arguments that Trumpettes throw out on this board all the time does not work in the grown up world.
An Impeachment without High Crimes, oh, that's not going to go well for you folks.
D-list actor says what?!?
Huh? You are an idiot if you're counting on no one recalling that Jon Voight has been nominated for many awards and won the Oscar for Best Actor at the 1978 Academy Awards and was nominated 4 other times, which in and of itself amazing. He won four Golden Globe Awards, and never mind all the rest.

Are you sure you're not the D-list critic, sir or madam? :rolleyes:
The way I see it, with my far seeing eye; it's been a witch hunt from the word go.

Hillary still deludes herself she won. She even "explained" it to English people. On TeeVee.

Notice how wingnuts secretly love Hollywood?
We're Americans, Synth. Hollyweird dominates the television screen, and our family and friends see what everybody else sees. It's funny how you pull total bullshit straight outta yer butt and apply it to regular American citizens who disagree with your fomenting false narratives with which the projecting left disgraces itself. And it's not a case of secret love, it's a disenchantment with humuslike hubris leftist Hollyweirdos smear on the right. :rolleyes: And the crux of this matter is that you know how deep that hubris is, because you helped put it there.
I’d bet there are more Republican voters in Hollywood than Liberal. You wingnuts like to focus on the visible actors, but they’re a tiny minority. Studio execs, VC investing in films, highly paid technical people aren’t flaming liberals.
I’d bet there are more Republican voters in Hollywood than Liberal. You wingnuts like to focus on the visible actors, but they’re a tiny minority. Studio execs, VC investing in films, highly paid technical people aren’t flaming liberals.


They are left you.

Liberals are not left wingers.
Trump’s defense lawyers for the Senate trial will have wide latitude to call witnesses and subpoena documents. That could lead to devastating blows damaging Democrats for years to come, which possibility they would be foolhardy not to ponder seriously, given Trump’s love of political fisticuffs.

Assessing the Most Dangerous ‘What Ifs’ of the Democrats’ Impeach Trump Frenzy

The impeachment trial will become a cross-examination of Democrats. The trial rules are the exclusive province of the Senate majority, including the standards of evidence to be applied in determining the admissibility of evidence.
  • Trump is the final arbiter of what remains classified and what is declassified.
The president has been saying for months that he is declassifying “everything” regarding the Russia hoax. He could do the same thing with regard to former Vice President Joe Biden’s dealings with China, and with Ukraine, and regarding his son, Hunter.

Trump can also declassify documents on as-yet-unexamined aspects of Hillary Clinton’s years as secretary of state, and Obama’s whereabouts during the Benghazi crisis, and what Obama knew and when on official surveillance of Trump. Each of these possibilities opens up countless additional “what ifs” with consequences nobody can know.

Everybody would be well-advised to heed John Jay’s observation in Federalist 64 in a discussion of Senate powers that has a particular application to the present controversy:

“They who have turned their attention to the affairs of men, must have perceived that there are tides in them; tides very irregular in their duration, strength, and direction, and seldom found to run twice exactly in the same manner or measure.”​

I'm not sure the House ever takes a vote on impeachment articles as that vote ends their control of the process and turns it over to the Senate.

They may use the "inquiry" to give them more power to constantly badger Trump, making him disclose information in response to their never-ending conspiracy theories.

The people who are conspiracy fanatics don't need any excuse or reason to believe everything from Elvis was abducted by aliens to LBJ killed JFK. Reasoning with them is hopeless under any circumstances.

As for dirt on Obama and Hillary, that is a waste of time. Neither of them are ever going to be an elected official again. The "...but Hillary...." arguments that Trumpettes throw out on this board all the time does not work in the grown up world.
An Impeachment without High Crimes, oh, that's not going to go well for you folks.

Yeah, kind of like an impeachment for a blow job.

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