joni Ernst family received 1/2 million dollars in government handouts

Is old news no longer accurate?
It's old. It doesnt matter anymore. Nothign to see here.

you've been quoted .. "' It's old. It doesnt matter anymore. Nothign to see here"

how long can you last?
Benghazi, dude. IRS scandal. Remember those?
Yeah - over 40 hearings and they came up with ZILCH.
You're so easily distracted by shiny objects.
From Forbes:

Family Of New GOP Senate Pork Buster Joni Ernst Pocketed Almost Half A Million In Government Assistance

Anyone who tuned in to hear the GOP response to the State of the Union address was treated to an introduction to the GOP’s newest freshman Senate star, Joni Ernst of Iowa.

You may recall Ms. Ernst’s legendary campaign commercial where she informed us all that she had grown up castrating pigs and was, therefore, uniquely qualified to cut the pork from bloated federal spending. You may also recall that, in the castration commercial, she told us about how her family had taught Ernst what she needed to know about the importance of living within one’s means—a lesson, Ernst argued, that has been lost on the federal government.

Turns out, the Senator’s family has a somewhat unusual concept of what “living within one’s means” actually involves as we now know that her father and uncle have been the beneficiaries of some of that good old government pork that the newly minted Senator has sworn to snip from the body of the federal budget.

Apparently, living within their means, inside the Senator’s family, involves including some of your tax dollars and mine as a part of the family budget.

An examination by the Washington DC based District Sentinel website reveals that Ernst’s father, Richard Culver, pocketed $38,395 in taxpayer money in the guise of corn subsidies.

But then, Ernst’s dad can’t hold a candle to his brother when it comes to receiving government redistribution of wealth as Senator Joni’s Uncle Dallas has pocketed a cool $370,000 in government subsidies.

That's awful! Maybe Obama should fund his latest spending schemes by ending farm subsidies?
Congress has changed it to where it is more like insurance...

Building a new bridge = pork!
Investing in our childrens education = pork!
Funding our science programs that keep us ahead of the rest of the world! = PORK!! OIK!!! You scream!!!

You fucking worthless backstabbing treasonness losertrian, pieces of shit make me sick. Probably the only mother fuckers that make me more sick are the radical race baiters and man haters of the left.
I support science investment
I support investing in our countries infrastructure
I support investing in our children

The only people the far right care about is little iraqi's!!!!
Farm subsidies are a Democrat Party invention. Why shouldn't the Ernst family take the tax break along with Hollywood stars taking subsidies for a few potted planted on their ranch?
From Forbes:

Family Of New GOP Senate Pork Buster Joni Ernst Pocketed Almost Half A Million In Government Assistance

Anyone who tuned in to hear the GOP response to the State of the Union address was treated to an introduction to the GOP’s newest freshman Senate star, Joni Ernst of Iowa.

You may recall Ms. Ernst’s legendary campaign commercial where she informed us all that she had grown up castrating pigs and was, therefore, uniquely qualified to cut the pork from bloated federal spending. You may also recall that, in the castration commercial, she told us about how her family had taught Ernst what she needed to know about the importance of living within one’s means—a lesson, Ernst argued, that has been lost on the federal government.

Turns out, the Senator’s family has a somewhat unusual concept of what “living within one’s means” actually involves as we now know that her father and uncle have been the beneficiaries of some of that good old government pork that the newly minted Senator has sworn to snip from the body of the federal budget.

Apparently, living within their means, inside the Senator’s family, involves including some of your tax dollars and mine as a part of the family budget.

An examination by the Washington DC based District Sentinel website reveals that Ernst’s father, Richard Culver, pocketed $38,395 in taxpayer money in the guise of corn subsidies.

But then, Ernst’s dad can’t hold a candle to his brother when it comes to receiving government redistribution of wealth as Senator Joni’s Uncle Dallas has pocketed a cool $370,000 in government subsidies.

That's awful! Maybe Obama should fund his latest spending schemes by ending farm subsidies?
Yes. I recommend Democrats get behind ending farm subsidies.
Why shouldnt they take subsidies? Was there anything illegal about it?
They are as legal as food stamps, welfare, and Obamaphones.
OK. Has anyone ever denounced someone for taking advantage of any of those things? Even while maintaining they were bad policies.
Stop being obtuse.

Ernst campaigned on castrating government pork. Her family sucked up nearly half a million dollars of government pork. That's rank hypocrisy.

She should be castrating her father and her uncle.
So she campaigned on ending a practice that she personally benefitted from. That's not hypocrisy. That's honor and self-sacrifice. If she came in and wanted to end it for everyone but her that would be hypocrisy.
Libs are so quick to throw out the hypocrisy card.
Of course! It 'a just like Clarence Thomas and affirmative action.! That govt money made her ashamed!

Now I understand personal responsibility! Gimme some!
From Forbes:

Family Of New GOP Senate Pork Buster Joni Ernst Pocketed Almost Half A Million In Government Assistance

Anyone who tuned in to hear the GOP response to the State of the Union address was treated to an introduction to the GOP’s newest freshman Senate star, Joni Ernst of Iowa.

You may recall Ms. Ernst’s legendary campaign commercial where she informed us all that she had grown up castrating pigs and was, therefore, uniquely qualified to cut the pork from bloated federal spending. You may also recall that, in the castration commercial, she told us about how her family had taught Ernst what she needed to know about the importance of living within one’s means—a lesson, Ernst argued, that has been lost on the federal government.

Turns out, the Senator’s family has a somewhat unusual concept of what “living within one’s means” actually involves as we now know that her father and uncle have been the beneficiaries of some of that good old government pork that the newly minted Senator has sworn to snip from the body of the federal budget.

Apparently, living within their means, inside the Senator’s family, involves including some of your tax dollars and mine as a part of the family budget.

An examination by the Washington DC based District Sentinel website reveals that Ernst’s father, Richard Culver, pocketed $38,395 in taxpayer money in the guise of corn subsidies.

But then, Ernst’s dad can’t hold a candle to his brother when it comes to receiving government redistribution of wealth as Senator Joni’s Uncle Dallas has pocketed a cool $370,000 in government subsidies.

Let me see if I got this straight. Joni was supposed to control what her father and uncle did? The amount her father took is less than the benefits the average welfare recipient receives and the left loves giving away money to people for nothing. Some farmers would be in trouble if not for subsidies, but others rake it in and it can be nothing but a scheme. Looks like her uncle might be one of those who abused the program to make bank. There are many people fighting over farmland just for the subsidies. There have been lawsuits over wills because people know that some farmland is the gift that keeps giving.

I have a liberal brother that lives off the tax payers. I have no control over him. Joni has no control over her uncle.

This is one of the rare times that a liberal bitched about anyone leeching off tax payers. And it's not even Joni. I'm sure her uncle will be pissed if these subsidies stop.

Really, does Joni have to check with all her family members before giving her opinion? Just because everyone on the left shares a brain doesn't mean that other people do that.
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The more acreage you have the larger the subsidies were......Other nations subsidies agriculture. we have one of the worlds best farming products in the world, because of subsidies,,,now it is gone and the dairy farmers are going to go bust...
Can you believe these people. It took billions of our taxpayer monies to set up that insurance scam, called ObamaCare and Obama lied right in your face and won LIE of the year even by Politifact

and here they are wailing about someone receiving monies from a "legitimate" program set up by, Your dear leaders in government

You people can't be taken seriously anymore

this stuff is why you helped your party become the Minority. thank gawd for that
From Forbes:

Family Of New GOP Senate Pork Buster Joni Ernst Pocketed Almost Half A Million In Government Assistance

Anyone who tuned in to hear the GOP response to the State of the Union address was treated to an introduction to the GOP’s newest freshman Senate star, Joni Ernst of Iowa.

You may recall Ms. Ernst’s legendary campaign commercial where she informed us all that she had grown up castrating pigs and was, therefore, uniquely qualified to cut the pork from bloated federal spending. You may also recall that, in the castration commercial, she told us about how her family had taught Ernst what she needed to know about the importance of living within one’s means—a lesson, Ernst argued, that has been lost on the federal government.

Turns out, the Senator’s family has a somewhat unusual concept of what “living within one’s means” actually involves as we now know that her father and uncle have been the beneficiaries of some of that good old government pork that the newly minted Senator has sworn to snip from the body of the federal budget.

Apparently, living within their means, inside the Senator’s family, involves including some of your tax dollars and mine as a part of the family budget.

An examination by the Washington DC based District Sentinel website reveals that Ernst’s father, Richard Culver, pocketed $38,395 in taxpayer money in the guise of corn subsidies.

But then, Ernst’s dad can’t hold a candle to his brother when it comes to receiving government redistribution of wealth as Senator Joni’s Uncle Dallas has pocketed a cool $370,000 in government subsidies.

Leftist hypocrites like you always go to the extremes. With the subsidy system the way it is now-a-days, farmers MUST take subsidies or fold! I don't blame them one bit for it, nor do I view Ernst as a hypocrite for wanting to cut spending!
Maybe you'd View her as A hypocrite because she doesn't cut spending only says she is for it?
The more acreage you have the larger the subsidies were......Other nations subsidies agriculture. we have one of the worlds best farming products in the world, because of subsidies,,,now it is gone and the dairy farmers are going to go bust...
Actually the US has among the worst farming products in the world most of it is chicken and pig feed which in the US gets turned into microwavable TV dinners And sold to fat people as diet food.

Shut your trap you don't know what you're Talking about and are dangerous to the people's health.
The more acreage you have the larger the subsidies were......Other nations subsidies agriculture. we have one of the worlds best farming products in the world, because of subsidies,,,now it is gone and the dairy farmers are going to go bust...
No, subsidies did not create American agriculture. Good land, good technology, and hard work created American agriculture. Subsidies are absurd payoffs to corporate interests that libs say they oppose. Get rid of them.
The more acreage you have the larger the subsidies were......Other nations subsidies agriculture. we have one of the worlds best farming products in the world, because of subsidies,,,now it is gone and the dairy farmers are going to go bust...
Actually the US has among the worst farming products in the world most of it is chicken and pig feed which in the US gets turned into microwavable TV dinners And sold to fat people as diet food.

Shut your trap you don't know what you're Talking about and are dangerous to the people's health.
I'd ask for evidence but someone as obviously stupid as you are never has any. In any case, why is animal feed a bad product?
The more acreage you have the larger the subsidies were......Other nations subsidies agriculture. we have one of the worlds best farming products in the world, because of subsidies,,,now it is gone and the dairy farmers are going to go bust...
No, subsidies did not create American agriculture. Good land, good technology, and hard work created American agriculture. Subsidies are absurd payoffs to corporate interests that libs say they oppose. Get rid of them.
Don't forGet the outright communist land policy America had from 1790 to 1890.
From Forbes:

Family Of New GOP Senate Pork Buster Joni Ernst Pocketed Almost Half A Million In Government Assistance

Anyone who tuned in to hear the GOP response to the State of the Union address was treated to an introduction to the GOP’s newest freshman Senate star, Joni Ernst of Iowa.

You may recall Ms. Ernst’s legendary campaign commercial where she informed us all that she had grown up castrating pigs and was, therefore, uniquely qualified to cut the pork from bloated federal spending. You may also recall that, in the castration commercial, she told us about how her family had taught Ernst what she needed to know about the importance of living within one’s means—a lesson, Ernst argued, that has been lost on the federal government.

Turns out, the Senator’s family has a somewhat unusual concept of what “living within one’s means” actually involves as we now know that her father and uncle have been the beneficiaries of some of that good old government pork that the newly minted Senator has sworn to snip from the body of the federal budget.

Apparently, living within their means, inside the Senator’s family, involves including some of your tax dollars and mine as a part of the family budget.

An examination by the Washington DC based District Sentinel website reveals that Ernst’s father, Richard Culver, pocketed $38,395 in taxpayer money in the guise of corn subsidies.

But then, Ernst’s dad can’t hold a candle to his brother when it comes to receiving government redistribution of wealth as Senator Joni’s Uncle Dallas has pocketed a cool $370,000 in government subsidies.

Leftist hypocrites like you always go to the extremes. With the subsidy system the way it is now-a-days, farmers MUST take subsidies or fold! I don't blame them one bit for it, nor do I view Ernst as a hypocrite for wanting to cut spending!
Maybe you'd View her as A hypocrite because she doesn't cut spending only says she is for it?
She's been a senator for what, 3 weeks? How is she supposed to cut spending by herself in the Senate?
The more acreage you have the larger the subsidies were......Other nations subsidies agriculture. we have one of the worlds best farming products in the world, because of subsidies,,,now it is gone and the dairy farmers are going to go bust...
No, subsidies did not create American agriculture. Good land, good technology, and hard work created American agriculture. Subsidies are absurd payoffs to corporate interests that libs say they oppose. Get rid of them.
Don't forGet the outright communist land policy America had from 1790 to 1890.
What was the outright communist land policy?
The more acreage you have the larger the subsidies were......Other nations subsidies agriculture. we have one of the worlds best farming products in the world, because of subsidies,,,now it is gone and the dairy farmers are going to go bust...
Actually the US has among the worst farming products in the world most of it is chicken and pig feed which in the US gets turned into microwavable TV dinners And sold to fat people as diet food.

Shut your trap you don't know what you're Talking about and are dangerous to the people's health.
I'd ask for evidence but someone as obviously stupid as you are never has any. In any case, why is animal feed a bad product?

They are feeding Humans animal feed grade garbage ground into microwavableso

Ask yourself how does a microwaveable meal that is say....Salisbury steak Manage to be 70% carbohydrates when steak is 90% protein and 10% fat?

It's because that steak is actually ground corn.

Have you ever eaten an MRE?

It's a running joke in the fire service that as soon as you break out the MREs it's as gut bomb...I'm not sure how to describe it.

It literally is explosive constipation.

I have taken a constipated heinous as ecer....3 foot long logs...of multicolored black and peanutbutter colored shit....coming out first as a solid cord then as runny explosive diarrhea. ....

That is the quality of US farm products good ole GMO and super preserved.
The more acreage you have the larger the subsidies were......Other nations subsidies agriculture. we have one of the worlds best farming products in the world, because of subsidies,,,now it is gone and the dairy farmers are going to go bust...
No, subsidies did not create American agriculture. Good land, good technology, and hard work created American agriculture. Subsidies are absurd payoffs to corporate interests that libs say they oppose. Get rid of them.
Don't forGet the outright communist land policy America had from 1790 to 1890.
What was the outright communist land policy?
It was the rich people can't buy the land and the land is a few dollars per hundred acres communist land policy that led to 3/4th of Americans owning their own land in 1900.

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