Joni Ernst (Trump's possible VP) is very stupid

So I looked up infor about this Ernst person. She once said that she believed Iraq had WMD.
But they didn't have WMD at the time we went in
She believes Iraq had WMD before we went in.

So wait. We invaded a country that had already gotten rid of WMD at an unspecified point in time?
In conclusion, Joni Ernst is an idiot who would make Sarah Palin sound like Albert Einstein.

Joni Ernst - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I bet she's smart enough to know you don't put classified information on an insecure server in your basement.

Since government servers have been hacked, what is secure?

Can you ever come up with something that not trying to deflect form the point? Why do you regressives hate the military and women who refuse to toe your line?
Another failed thread by the regressive left. They can't stand any opinion that disagrees with their narrow world view.

That's a very narrow world view on your part.

Yes you do have a narrow viewpoint, thanks for your regressive opinion.

This thread is about Joni Ernst and how appropriate she would be as Trump's running mate.

Are you in the wrong thread?

Nope, the fact that your nutter buddy calls Joni stupid proves that you regressive leftist hate opinions that don't agree with your narrow viewpoint of the world.

He based his opinion on the same criteria which he excuses his candidate on. If one is stupid, based on his criteria, would not be both be stupid based on the same criteria?

Only one answer, the regressive can't stand people that have an opinion differing from their narrow viewpoint of the world.
So did Hillary Clinton.
When did Saddam get rid of the WMD used against the Kurds?

Probably at the time he was using them on the Kurds.

So did Hillary Clinton.
When did Saddam get rid of the WMD used against the Kurds?

Probably at the time he was using them on the Kurds.
Wait. Didn't Bush say Saddam had WMD at the time of the invasion? Reagan was long gone by then. You have some explaining to do.
This poster's abysmal ignorance of history is simply astounding... so much for our tax dollars being put to good use in the public schools...

He's a LaRaza shill, what do you expect.
So I looked up infor about this Ernst person. She once said that she believed Iraq had WMD.
But they didn't have WMD at the time we went in
She believes Iraq had WMD before we went in.

So wait. We invaded a country that had already gotten rid of WMD at an unspecified point in time?
In conclusion, Joni Ernst is an idiot who would make Sarah Palin sound like Albert Einstein.

Joni Ernst - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Both Bill and Hillary believed it.
So I looked up infor about this Ernst person. She once said that she believed Iraq had WMD.
But they didn't have WMD at the time we went in
She believes Iraq had WMD before we went in.

Sure hope you're not voting for Hillary Clinton
So we agree that 1) Hillary was an Iraq War haw, and 2) Joni is a dumbass.

Are you voting for Hillary? Yes or no.
Yes, because on other issues (economy, immigration, global warming, etc. Hillary is to the left of Joni and I'm a liberal. Did you think this was like a hard question or something? Now you must say whether Joni is or isn't a dumbass.

I don't know much about Joni Ernst, but I do think you are a dumbass and as I suspected a hypocrite and a partisan hack. You have absolutely no credibility on this subject so you can go back to your playpen with the other children
So did Hillary Clinton.
When did Saddam get rid of the WMD used against the Kurds?

Probably at the time he was using them on the Kurds.

So did Hillary Clinton.
When did Saddam get rid of the WMD used against the Kurds?

Probably at the time he was using them on the Kurds.
Wait. Didn't Bush say Saddam had WMD at the time of the invasion? Reagan was long gone by then. You have some explaining to do.
This poster's abysmal ignorance of history is simply astounding... so much for our tax dollars being put to good use in the public schools...

He's a LaRaza shill, what do you expect.
You need to pick, OKTexas. Cheney or Joni? You're not dodging this one.
So I looked up infor about this Ernst person. She once said that she believed Iraq had WMD.
But they didn't have WMD at the time we went in
She believes Iraq had WMD before we went in.

Sure hope you're not voting for Hillary Clinton
So we agree that 1) Hillary was an Iraq War haw, and 2) Joni is a dumbass.

Are you voting for Hillary? Yes or no.
Yes, because on other issues (economy, immigration, global warming, etc. Hillary is to the left of Joni and I'm a liberal. Did you think this was like a hard question or something? Now you must say whether Joni is or isn't a dumbass.

I don't know much about Joni Ernst, but I do think you are a dumbass and as I suspected a hypocrite and a partisan hack. You have absolutely no credibility on this subject so you can go back to your playpen with the other children
Dont, was Cheney lying when he said Iraq had WMD in 2002? Joni doesn't think WMD were there at the time of the invasion. Pick a dumbass, dummy.
So did Hillary Clinton.
When did Saddam get rid of the WMD used against the Kurds?

Probably at the time he was using them on the Kurds.

So did Hillary Clinton.
When did Saddam get rid of the WMD used against the Kurds?

Probably at the time he was using them on the Kurds.
Wait. Didn't Bush say Saddam had WMD at the time of the invasion? Reagan was long gone by then. You have some explaining to do.
This poster's abysmal ignorance of history is simply astounding... so much for our tax dollars being put to good use in the public schools...

He's a LaRaza shill, what do you expect.
Beaner Anchor Baby, all growed up?
When did Saddam get rid of the WMD used against the Kurds?

Probably at the time he was using them on the Kurds.

When did Saddam get rid of the WMD used against the Kurds?

Probably at the time he was using them on the Kurds.
Wait. Didn't Bush say Saddam had WMD at the time of the invasion? Reagan was long gone by then. You have some explaining to do.
This poster's abysmal ignorance of history is simply astounding... so much for our tax dollars being put to good use in the public schools...

He's a LaRaza shill, what do you expect.
You need to pick, OKTexas. Cheney or Joni? You're not dodging this one.

I don't need to pick shit, that's Trumps job. Why do you hate military people who are proud of their service? Dumb ass.
When did Saddam get rid of the WMD used against the Kurds?

Probably at the time he was using them on the Kurds.

When did Saddam get rid of the WMD used against the Kurds?

Probably at the time he was using them on the Kurds.
Wait. Didn't Bush say Saddam had WMD at the time of the invasion? Reagan was long gone by then. You have some explaining to do.
This poster's abysmal ignorance of history is simply astounding... so much for our tax dollars being put to good use in the public schools...

He's a LaRaza shill, what do you expect.
Beaner Anchor Baby, all growed up?

Nah, more likely an illegal.
Probably at the time he was using them on the Kurds.

Probably at the time he was using them on the Kurds.
Wait. Didn't Bush say Saddam had WMD at the time of the invasion? Reagan was long gone by then. You have some explaining to do.
This poster's abysmal ignorance of history is simply astounding... so much for our tax dollars being put to good use in the public schools...

He's a LaRaza shill, what do you expect.
Beaner Anchor Baby, all growed up?

Nah, more likely an illegal.
Roger that...
Sure hope you're not voting for Hillary Clinton
So we agree that 1) Hillary was an Iraq War haw, and 2) Joni is a dumbass.

Are you voting for Hillary? Yes or no.
Yes, because on other issues (economy, immigration, global warming, etc. Hillary is to the left of Joni and I'm a liberal. Did you think this was like a hard question or something? Now you must say whether Joni is or isn't a dumbass.

I don't know much about Joni Ernst, but I do think you are a dumbass and as I suspected a hypocrite and a partisan hack. You have absolutely no credibility on this subject so you can go back to your playpen with the other children
Dont, was Cheney lying when he said Iraq had WMD in 2002? Joni doesn't think WMD were there at the time of the invasion. Pick a dumbass, dummy.

Joni Ernst wasn't a member of Congress until 2015. Hillary was and voted for the war so apparently she didn't think Cheney was lying and you are the dishonest and dishonorable hack who just admitted you will vote for her anyway
Sadly, I had heard ramblings that Ernst may have some RINO in her. Sigh. Maybe Jeff Sessions would be better? Unless it has to be a chick? Again sighing......
Probably at the time he was using them on the Kurds.

Probably at the time he was using them on the Kurds.
Wait. Didn't Bush say Saddam had WMD at the time of the invasion? Reagan was long gone by then. You have some explaining to do.
This poster's abysmal ignorance of history is simply astounding... so much for our tax dollars being put to good use in the public schools...

He's a LaRaza shill, what do you expect.
You need to pick, OKTexas. Cheney or Joni? You're not dodging this one.

I don't need to pick shit, that's Trumps job. Why do you hate military people who are proud of their service? Dumb ass.
Dear OKTexas. Iraq either had WMD in 2003 or did not. Your beloved Cheney said Saddam had them, while Jodi says she can't make that assertion.

Don't be a chicken and tell us what you know about Iraqi WMD so we can figure out who's the liar.

Grow balls. Cheney or Joni?

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