Jordan Peterson admits all white people are racist

The Yankees are the team you minor league dildo. Being a Yankee fan means you root for the Yankees. If you were a little bit smarter, you’d make it to imbecile like Goonblow.
It’s “Yankees” fan not “Yankee” but it’s OK. I understand how you may be confused.
It’s “Yankees” fan not “Yankee” but it’s OK. I understand how you may be confused.
No. I’m a Yankee fan. I root for the Yankees. And I don’t much care if you disagree. But I do find you vapid.
No. I’m just curious as to what your diagnosis is? I suspect that you may have been born without frontal lobes.
You’re curious? Yet you don’t know it’s Yankees not Yankee.

You’re curious? Yet you don’t know it’s Yankees not Yankee.

I’m not curious at all. I don’t really care. I’m a Yankee fan. I root for the Yankees. Your linguistic pettiness is of no real concern.

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