Jude 1 of The Bible's NT vs Gays: A Tutorial On Baking Cakes & Adoption

All should be arrested if children are present. And I suspect that gays have infiltrated the ranks, making it "look ok because the straights are doing it too.".

LOL- yes- those are all gays in that parade in Japan.

Arrested for what Silhouette? What is the crime that was committed there?

And if you are so certain that crimes are being committed at Pride Parades- how come you never are there to report the crimes to the police?

Why don't you ever report these 'crimes' you claim are occurring?
Do you have something to offer about the OP or are you going to keep lying about gay pride parades? As if people don't have eyes and google. It's like trying to lie about the desert having sand or lying about the traffic in LA's rush hour "not being that bad". It's just sad. I feel sorry for you.
I notice the conversation on other threads is steering towards obfuscation on a very clear matter. The gist of it is that LGBT cult bloggers are now saying if we let Christians object to serving gay marriage, it will lead towards a precedent (and they should know about where precedents lead, eh?) where people of faith can deny service to people based on race rejection.

To that I say this:

1. If LGBTers are so engrossed with precedent opening other doors, shouldn't polygamy already be legal by the strictest interpretation of Obergefell giving new class protection to deviant sex behaviors and the 14th Amendment thereafter being used, unable to deny polyamorists (polygamists) the same right under the 14th's umbrella of equality? I keep asking their various payroll bloggers here this question and they all in unison have dodged it using diversions, strawmen and ad hominem or just plain avoidance.

2. LGBT has used a false premise to usher in precedent they believe will protect them here. They've asserted that "gay is inborn" while we know it is not. It is no more inborn that eating disorder compulsions or drug addiction. All started from normal behaviors gone haywire after birth via imprinting, tampering, conditioning and numbing compulsive behaviors. So deviant sex behaviors (except polygamy for some reason?) vs Christians is really a story of "no protection at all under the US Constitution, especially not if arbitrary (polygamy excluded?)" vs "protection in spades under the US Constitution."

3. Race is never a reason to discriminate. No matter what. I'll make this very clear for the reader and the courts to put into opinion. A black man and woman walk into a Christian bakery and they are denied a wedding cake because they are black. Lawsuit, put the baker out of business with my blessing. Two black men walk into a Christian bakery and they are denied a wedding cake because the baker fears eternal damnation for using the vehicle of marriage to "normalize" homosexuality into the mainstream culture: protected. The two gay (black) men get no cake and have no recourse. This is true especially if there are five bakeries down the road who will participate in spreading homosexuality throughout our culture using the important icon vehicles of marriage, education and adoption (raising/educating new generations to see it as "normal") (as strictly forbidden under Jude 1 under promise of eternal soul death and torture for failing).
Because this is not a theocracy and if he has his doors open for business he can't discriminate. We can go on but once discrimination is allowed for businesses , there will be no end.

Go to church if you want religion, I am big time in separation of church and state, and you zealot Christians think for some reason Church means Christianity and it does not. I want freedom from religion in public and in business, religion is for home and church.

I'm not a zealot Christian. My interest is more in law. I understand though that Jude 1 and Romans 1 is the "law" of Christians forbidding them from enabling the spread of homosexuality in a culture using the important social vehicles or icons of marriage, education or adoption. If they fail to stop enabling that spread, the Bible, their law, is clear that God will punish their immortal soul for eternity.

I think it is important in the OP for everyone to understand the commandment of Jude 1. It is not a commandment to hate individual sinners, but the sin and more importantly facilitating the spread of the sin itself using "smooth speech, manipulation" and social icons to do so. Folks need to understand the Christian objection to get why Christian bakers may actually love their gay clients but CANNOT bake them a gay wedding cake, no matter what. And, you can't force a Christian to choose between eternal soul death or going out of business.
I notice the conversation on other threads is steering towards obfuscation on a very clear matter. The gist of it is that LGBT cult bloggers are now saying if we let Christians object to serving gay marriage, it will lead towards a precedent (and they should know about where precedents lead, eh?) where people of faith can deny service to people based on race rejection..

The gist of the Christian cult bloggers is that Christians shouldn't have to follow the same law that applies to Jews and Muslims and everyone else.
Because this is not a theocracy and if he has his doors open for business he can't discriminate. We can go on but once discrimination is allowed for businesses , there will be no end.

Go to church if you want religion, I am big time in separation of church and state, and you zealot Christians think for some reason Church means Christianity and it does not. I want freedom from religion in public and in business, religion is for home and church.

I'm not a zealot Christian. My interest is more in law. .

You are just a a zealot. Your interest is more in attacking homosexuals in America.

The topic is rather immaterial- as long as you can attack gays.
Bake the fucking cake. You aren't a church. Thanks so much.

Spoken like a true blue Nazi!
You do realize that Jews were forced to play music for the Nazis as their brethren were marched into the ovens?

Just play the fucking music, Jew. You aren't a church. Thanks so much.

There weren't any ovens.

Yeah they were marched into gas chambers.

And then reduced to ashes something that wasn't an oven.

Jews- and gays.
Because this is not a theocracy and if he has his doors open for business he can't discriminate. We can go on but once discrimination is allowed for businesses , there will be no end.

Go to church if you want religion, I am big time in separation of church and state, and you zealot Christians think for some reason Church means Christianity and it does not. I want freedom from religion in public and in business, religion is for home and church.

I'm not a zealot Christian. My interest is more in law. I understand though that Jude 1 and Romans 1 is the "law" of Christians forbidding them from enabling the spread of homosexuality in a culture using the important social vehicles or icons of marriage, education or adoption. If they fail to stop enabling that spread, the Bible, their law, is clear that God will punish their immortal soul for eternity.

I think it is important in the OP for everyone to understand the commandment of Jude 1. It is not a commandment to hate individual sinners, but the sin and more importantly facilitating the spread of the sin itself using "smooth speech, manipulation" and social icons to do so. Folks need to understand the Christian objection to get why Christian bakers may actually love their gay clients but CANNOT bake them a gay wedding cake, no matter what. And, you can't force a Christian to choose between eternal soul death or going out of business.

Well this is not a theocracy. If you want that move to Saudi Arabia. Most know Jude 1 but also realize there probably was not a Jude and the bible was wrote by men.

Bake the cake or close shop.
Well this is not a theocracy. If you want that move to Saudi Arabia. Most know Jude 1 but also realize there probably was not a Jude and the bible was wrote by men.

Bake the cake or close shop.

How can Jude be a brother to James if he's a woman? You make no sense at all. So according to you, none of the gospels were real in the NT, so "out with Christianity altogether!"? :lmao: Have fun presenting that as our argument in court.

Might want to read the passages you're debating before you start. If this isn't a country that protects religious freedoms, founded on them actually in protest to King George of England at the time and his active witch-hunting of those not cowing to the Church of England, the what's all that stuff about protecting people of faith in the Constitution?

It's your word against the written words of the Constitution. I'll bet on the Constitution winning on this one.
^^ Apparently since Jesus himself doesn't have a Gospel in the Bible, then the whole books of eyewitnesses are just bunk eh jillian? Put that in a brief and submit it to the court. Good luck.

Look at what those perverted heterosexuals do..

All should be arrested if children are present. And I suspect that gays have infiltrated the ranks, making it "look ok because the straights are doing it too."

The lewd pride-identity parades have set a precedent that others are following. Shut it all the fuck down. Nice try Syriusly.
You are smoking some GOOD shit today...
All should be arrested if children are present. And I suspect that gays have infiltrated the ranks, making it "look ok because the straights are doing it too.".

LOL- yes- those are all gays in that parade in Japan.

Arrested for what Silhouette? What is the crime that was committed there?

And if you are so certain that crimes are being committed at Pride Parades- how come you never are there to report the crimes to the police?

Why don't you ever report these 'crimes' you claim are occurring?
Restraining orders? :dunno:
Well this is not a theocracy. If you want that move to Saudi Arabia. Most know Jude 1 but also realize there probably was not a Jude and the bible was wrote by men.

Bake the cake or close shop.

How can Jude be a brother to James if he's a woman? You make no sense at all. So according to you, none of the gospels were real in the NT, so "out with Christianity altogether!"? :lmao: Have fun presenting that as our argument in court..

LOL- now Silhouette fantasizes that the Supreme Court will be arguing about what is real in the New Testament
It's your word against the written words of the Constitution. I'll bet on the Constitution winning on this one.

It is absolutely your word against the written words of the Constitution. I will always bet on the Constitution and frankly anything- other than your interpretation of anything.

Remember- you are the one who keeps making up crap you say is in the 14th Amendment.
It's your word against the written words of the Constitution. I'll bet on the Constitution winning on this one.

It is absolutely your word against the written words of the Constitution. I will always bet on the Constitution and frankly anything- other than your interpretation of anything.

Remember- you are the one who keeps making up crap you say is in the 14th Amendment.

Oh, excuse me. I thought you were talking to 2015's United States Supreme Court Justices. :lmao:
It's your word against the written words of the Constitution. I'll bet on the Constitution winning on this one.

It is absolutely your word against the written words of the Constitution. I will always bet on the Constitution and frankly anything- other than your interpretation of anything.

Remember- you are the one who keeps making up crap you say is in the 14th Amendment.

Oh, excuse me. I thought you were talking to 2015's United States Supreme Court Justices.

Nope- just talking to the idiot who lies about what is in the Constitution.
Silly's record is UNBLEMISHED. Whatever she proclaims, it is an absolute certainty it will NOT happen.

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