Judge Approves Trump's 'Special Master' Request

Prove you wrong?
What did trump do with the contents of the empty folders?

Is your SPIN:

1). The folders were always empty, and trump stole empty folders?
2). The FBI took out the contents, the FBI stole back the stolen documents, because the contents that were originally in the folders was damaging to the FBI.
What did trump do with the contents of the empty folders?

Is your SPIN:

1). The folders were always empty, and trump stole empty folders?
2). The FBI took out the contents, the FBI stole back the stolen documents, because the contents that were originally in the folders was damaging to the FBI.
You are a schmuck.
Try reading the news everyday.
But when he’s entitled to take the car then the point is moot.
It's like leasing a car for three years. And once the lease expires, you hold onto the car. When the company comes to pick it up, you tell them you have it stored safely.
And tell the car company they have to negotiate it's return. And so far it's been a year, and the negotiations are ongoing.

I'm sure you can see how ridiculous the argument of negotiation is. The car company would come back with the sheriff, and a search warrant, and seize the car.
The photo, if we are to believe the FBI, is of classified documents. This is a clear violation of the espionage act. Why would a judge allow criminal behavior of this magnitude?
With all due respect, Billy Bob? Does the FBI deserve "belief"? Their track record doesn't support that! Just saying...
The DOJ and the FBI saw it and looked in the boxes and found empty folders.
It's called reading news.
Why would Trump steal empty folders? Is there any evidence to suggest they were empty when they were stolen by Trump?
The video of boxes filled with folders that the FBI discovered later discovered has nothing inside the folders.
Does anything embarrass you?

The DOJ and the FBI saw it and looked in the boxes and found empty folders.
It's called reading news.
You said there was "The Video of boxes..........." ^^^^quote from above.

And then you say "The DOJ and the FBI saw it...... ^^^^ quote from above.

Sucks to be caught in a LIE, very trumpian of you.
So.......you're back to denying reality. Good for you. It certainly is your comfort zone.
i’m just telling you the facts. There was never any intent…so no harm

you don’t. even know if this material was already there when he left office. He did a lot of work there.

sounds like a judge has already listen to the evidence and sees some massive overreach from the xiden regime
Why would Trump steal empty folders? Is there any evidence to suggest they were empty when they were stolen by Trump?
All that matters is the fact that the FBI showed up without warning.
The FBI threw box covers and a few empty folders on the floor and took a picture.
The FBI then took all the boxes and discovered that all the folders were empty.

This is your brain on BULLSHIT.
Judge shopping for a judge you appointed, for no other reason than to buy time, in a situation you are not going to win in the end anyway, is the definition of politicizing the entire thing dimwit.
As if going to a magistrate judge who had been vocal in his prior criticisms of Trump wasn’t politicizing this shit in the first place, you imbecile?
All while the biggest criminal president to ever disgrace the office and the country, continues politicizing it in another whine and cry rally.
President Trump is the victim of the Brandon Administration’s politicization your jerkoff. He’s allowed to defend himself and object to the insidiously inappropriate behavior of the Administration and DOJ. Why the hell wouldn’t President Trump point it all out?
Whining, crying, lying, and politicizing. It's what he does.
Bullshit. Calling bullshit on the scumbag Administration and Garland’s DOJ isn’t crying or lying and it’s not politicizing. It was already politicized. You jackass.
And dimwits like you shit on the country, and suck his dick.
Responding to your dishonesty isn’t shutting on our country, you hack bitch troll and it isn’t performing what you do with Brandon. Stop projecting you lying twat.
It's what you do.
I expose dishonest morons like you. When you’re done tossing Brandon’s salad, does your breath stink just like his loaded diapers?
You are a schmuck.
Try reading the news everyday.
I do.
You avoid answering questions.

Did trump steal/take/whatever "Empty Folders"?
Did the FBI take out the contents?
Did trump take out the contents?
You said there was "The Video of boxes..........." ^^^^quote from above.

And then you say "The DOJ and the FBI saw it...... ^^^^ quote from above.

Sucks to be caught in a LIE, very trumpian of you.
Post 331.
It's like leasing a car for three years. And once the lease expires, you hold onto the car. When the company comes to pick it up, you tell them you have it stored safely.
And tell the car company they have to negotiate it's return. And so far it's been a year, and the negotiations are ongoing.

I'm sure you can see how ridiculous the argument of negotiation is. The car company would come back with the sheriff, and a search warrant, and seize the car.
That's a terrible analogy, Gene. Presidents have left the White House with documents in their possession that belong to the National Archive but never in our history has an Administration used the FBI to raid the home of that former President to embarrass a political rival! Negotiations should STILL be ongoing! That raid was unprecedented.
Why would Trump steal empty folders? Is there any evidence to suggest they were empty when they were stolen by Trump?
Actually that would require Trump to ask one of his aides to order a bunch of empty classified document folders.

Which actually suggests that Trump got the folders in order to hide things like his phonecall with the Ukraine president away from prying eyes.
Actually that would require Trump to ask one of his aides to order a bunch of empty classified document folders.

Which actually suggests that Trump got the folders in order to hide things like his phonecall with the Ukraine president away from prying eyes.
Post 331.
The FBI then took all the boxes and discovered that all the folders were empty.
This is NOT true. >>>>>>>. "All the folders were empty."

You mean the FBI found nothing but empty folders?
Is that ^^^^^ your belief?
All that matters is the fact that the FBI showed up without warning.
The FBI threw box covers and a few empty folders on the floor and took a picture.
The FBI then took all the boxes and discovered that all the folders were empty.

This is your brain on BULLSHIT.
WASHINGTON — The F.B.I.’s search of former President Donald J. Trump’s Florida club and residence last month turned up 48 empty folders marked as containing classified information, a newly disclosed court filing shows, raising the question of whether the government had fully recovered the documents or any remain missing.
The filing, a detailed list of items retrieved in the search, was unsealed on Friday as part of the court fight over whether to appoint an independent arbiter to review the materials taken by federal agents when they descended on Mr. Trump’s estate, Mar-a-Lago, on Aug. 8.

Along with the empty folders with classified markings, the F.B.I. discovered 40 more empty folders that said they contained sensitive documents the user should “return to staff secretary/military aide,” according to the inventory. It also said that agents found seven documents marked as “top secret” in Mr. Trump’s office and 11 more in a storage room.


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