Judge Approves Trump's 'Special Master' Request

A federal judge has granted a request by former President Donald Trump’s legal team to appoint a special master to review documents seized by the FBI during a search of his Florida home last month.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge on Monday granted a request by former President Donald Trump’s legal team to appoint a special master to review documents seized by the FBI during a search of his Florida home last month.

The decision by U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon came despite the objections of the Justice Department, which said an outside legal expert was not necessary in part because officials had already completed their review of potentially privileged documents. The judge had previously signaled her inclination to approve a special master, asking a department lawyer during arguments this month, “What is the harm?”

The appointment may slow the pace of the department's investigation into the presence of top-secret information at Mar-a-Lago, but it is unlikely to affect any investigative decisions or the ultimate outcome of the probe.


Not a surprise from a Trump-appointed judge. However, this won't affect the final outcome. What do you think?
Typical trump MO. Delay in hopes a treasonous repub will be in office to let him off the hook.
But there is no attorney client privilege between trump and his private attorneys with top secret or secret sci etc government marked documents....that I can imagine even in an alternative universe....

All exist in our govt safes or special systems already, as well.
You are certain “Top Secret ” vacates attorney cluent privledge and I doubt that
Read it... This judge suspects criminal misconduct by the DOJ and FBI.. This is about to get shut down with a hard slam of the door on the DOJ and FBI.
The judge is another MAGA cult member. The special master will change nothing.
He never declassified national security risk material. He can't, without going through the process in place to do such. ...which he did not do.
For the umpteenth time I respond to a Democrat claim of a "process" that they president has to follow or his declassification doesn't count by asking them to show me this supposed "process."

I expect crickets, for the umpteenth time.
In fact, one of his approved by a judge, criminal probable causes on the warrant is him having this national security and SCI material taken by him and haphazardly held by him, in Mara Lago, and refusing to give it back, when legally subpoenaed in June for it.
The subpoena called for documents with classified markings. Trump's attorney's stated that they had all been handed over. When we see the body cam footage of the raid, if it shows that the marked documents were there already and not brought in by the cargo pants wearing agents, Trump's attorney may be in trouble.
Guessing the judge is going to give Trump and his defense a little leeway because if he does end up charged it will be one of the most examined cases in court history and the judge doesn't want any room for Trump to claim impropriety. Though that's hardly going to stop him and his supporters from doing so.
The impropriety started six years ago, dumbass.
A note to the judge, showing the raid was a hope and poke will end in criminal indictments... so sure of their motives are you.... The special master returns some balance to this investigation.
That is not what the special master does IDIOT. A judge has already approved the search.
It isn't needed. Trump is delaying. That is his game plan.
well thankfully we have. a judicial branch to make such determinations and the court clearly thinks it is needed to deal with overreach of the xiden regime
Agreed the DOJ and the courts have zero credibility at this point.
Trump now claims that he wanted those documents for his "library". Hopefully, you retards don't believe that or donate money for it because Trump will figure out how to steal most of the donations. The only library that motherfucker will ever see is the one in a federal prison.

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