Judge Approves Trump's 'Special Master' Request

A federal judge has granted a request by former President Donald Trump’s legal team to appoint a special master to review documents seized by the FBI during a search of his Florida home last month.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge on Monday granted a request by former President Donald Trump’s legal team to appoint a special master to review documents seized by the FBI during a search of his Florida home last month.

The decision by U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon came despite the objections of the Justice Department, which said an outside legal expert was not necessary in part because officials had already completed their review of potentially privileged documents. The judge had previously signaled her inclination to approve a special master, asking a department lawyer during arguments this month, “What is the harm?”

The appointment may slow the pace of the department's investigation into the presence of top-secret information at Mar-a-Lago, but it is unlikely to affect any investigative decisions or the ultimate outcome of the probe.


Not a surprise from a Trump-appointed judge. However, this won't affect the final outcome. What do you think?
In other news...Man shuts barn door after the horse has bolted...
i said his personal things. The fbi has no need for them
If they say they need them for the investigation to show the context in which government documents were found there's not much Trump can do.
I guess the FBI and DOJ don't want an outsider checking their work. I wonder what they're trying to hide?

The FBI and DOJ aren't hiding anything.*** they are taking trump to task, and trump's examples are to delay, delay and delay. This time if people like you continue with the BIG LIES and Conspiracy Theories (aka: Fiction and Fantasies) an effort to make trump succeed would prevent him to be indicted until the election, and he hopes the GOP will be the majority of the Senate and House of Representatives who will rescue him.

***The entire affidavit will not be released for very good reasons, as an indictment will be forthcomings by a Criminal Grand Jury. Then and only then if the former President is indicted, all of the records will be released to trump's attorneys.

Trump already has them not redacted, why hasn't he had a rally and read the entire affidavit to his flock?
The dems wanted Trump to be the news just before and during the midterms... now the process will slow to a halt and they will have to defend their lousy record instead....
Good Luck with that bitches.....
Just proves the raid being all about the politics is false or they’d have done it closer to the election.
It's going to be interesting to hear if McConnell and the straight R's will be able to swallow this move by Trump and his judge?

It's noticed that some of Trump's supporters already have some reservations on it.

The FBI/DOJ have been ordered by a judge to stop the investigation.

Just so nobody has a wrong impression on what has happened!
The ‘special master’ is a red herring, the Justice Department having already reviewed the documents.

It’s also proof that the notion that Trump is being treated ‘unfairly’ by the government is a lie.
You mean the crime has already been committed. Garland and his thugs shouldn't have raided the president's home in the first place. They are just digging their own graves, not only will he be impeached, so will Biden, for this and other crimes.
The judge also stopped any further investigation and barred the FBI and DOJ from looking at the documents until the special master has completed their review... she also gave the special master the authority to send Trump's belongings back to him and to stop any future action by the DOJ over this issue....
Huge slap in the face to Garland and Wray... she just sent those two little boys home with notes to their parents.... Buuuuaaahahahaha
Wrong again... Attorney client privilege extends to all documents because THEY WERE DECLASSIFIED.... and once again were back at Did Trump declassify the docs, a question you refuse to answer.
He never declassified national security risk material. He can't, without going through the process in place to do such. ...which he did not do.

In fact, one of his approved by a judge, criminal probable causes on the warrant is him having this national security and SCI material taken by him and haphazardly held by him, in Mara Lago, and refusing to give it back, when legally subpoenaed in June for it.
The judge also stopped any further investigation and barred the FBI and DOJ from looking at the documents until the special master has completed their review... she also gave the special master the authority to send Trump's belongings back to him and to stop any future action by the DOJ over this issue....
Huge slap in the face to Garland and Wray... she just sent those two little boys home with notes to their parents.... Buuuuaaahahahaha
massive win for the rule of law

the demafasict are pissed
There's that, but mainly that the Special Master will only get what the DNC/DOJ/FBI chooses to show them.

Holding material back would make it hard to use it at trial, but since there is not going to be a trial, that's not relevant.

I do agree there will be no trial. Neither side benefits from one.
I think you are vastly overestimating what this special master can do for him.
The judge just gave the special master the ability to end this investigation if he or she see's fit to do so.... Garland got punked today... the judge was incredulous over his fighting a special master and the way this was handled....

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