Judge Approves Trump's 'Special Master' Request

The FBI’s case is so strong they need to leak lies about what they found. Which includes Melania’s top secret panties and top secret books from Barnes and Noble friends gave her.
Oh and don't forget laying empty folders marked "classified" on the floor, taking pictures of them, and leaking them to their propaganda distributors in the media. Like good little fascist thugs.
In the end this makes no difference.
i don’t disagree nothing was coming out of this regardless, but at least trump can ensure his personal material is returns.ed that the xiden admin took
A federal judge has granted a request by former President Donald Trump’s legal team to appoint a special master to review documents seized by the FBI during a search of his Florida home last month.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge on Monday granted a request by former President Donald Trump’s legal team to appoint a special master to review documents seized by the FBI during a search of his Florida home last month.

The decision by U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon came despite the objections of the Justice Department, which said an outside legal expert was not necessary in part because officials had already completed their review of potentially privileged documents. The judge had previously signaled her inclination to approve a special master, asking a department lawyer during arguments this month, “What is the harm?”

The appointment may slow the pace of the department's investigation into the presence of top-secret information at Mar-a-Lago, but it is unlikely to affect any investigative decisions or the ultimate outcome of the probe.


Not a surprise from a Trump-appointed judge. However, this won't affect the final outcome. What do you think?
Guessing the judge is going to give Trump and his defense a little leeway because if he does end up charged it will be one of the most examined cases in court history and the judge doesn't want any room for Trump to claim impropriety. Though that's hardly going to stop him and his supporters from doing so.
I am uncertain that attorney/client take the back seat you state
But there is no attorney client privilege between trump and his private attorneys with top secret or secret sci etc government marked documents....that I can imagine even in an alternative universe....

All exist in our govt safes or special systems already, as well.
A federal judge has granted a request by former President Donald Trump’s legal team to appoint a special master to review documents seized by the FBI during a search of his Florida home last month.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge on Monday granted a request by former President Donald Trump’s legal team to appoint a special master to review documents seized by the FBI during a search of his Florida home last month.

The decision by U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon came despite the objections of the Justice Department, which said an outside legal expert was not necessary in part because officials had already completed their review of potentially privileged documents. The judge had previously signaled her inclination to approve a special master, asking a department lawyer during arguments this month, “What is the harm?”

The appointment may slow the pace of the department's investigation into the presence of top-secret information at Mar-a-Lago, but it is unlikely to affect any investigative decisions or the ultimate outcome of the probe.


Not a surprise from a Trump-appointed judge. However, this won't affect the final outcome. What do you think?

I guess the FBI and DOJ don't want an outsider checking their work. I wonder what they're trying to hide?

YOU prove they didn't. It was the FBI who wanted all recording of their actions stopped??? Very suspect actions if you ask me. When we did search warrants, we wanted full recordings of what we were doing so we could prove in court what its we found and where we found it. The recordings would stop accusations of wrongdoing by police and affirm the evidence found by police. It is very odd they would want that protection turned off. what are they trying to hide? what did they plant?
All glamour shots of gorgeous Melanie will be retained for further study and returned only after exhaustive efforts to uncover any criminal content.

I imagine the lesbian ones will be popular.
What the FBI must have planted in those boxes all these weeks. Should have done this at first. But there is a good reason.
The ‘special master’ is a red herring, the Justice Department having already reviewed the documents.

It’s also proof that the notion that Trump is being treated ‘unfairly’ by the government is a lie.
i don’t disagree nothing was coming out of this regardless, but at least trump can ensure his personal material is returns.ed that the xiden admin took
The FBI can keep your stuff for as long as they need it but he'll never get back anything that is an official WH document.
But there is no attorney client privilege between trump and his private attorneys with top secret or secret sci etc government marked documents....that I can imagine even in an alternative universe....

All exist in our govt safes or special systems already, as well.
Wrong again... Attorney client privilege extends to all documents because THEY WERE DECLASSIFIED.... and once again were back at Did Trump declassify the docs, a question you refuse to answer.
Maybe now we'll get to the bottom of Trump's explanations, in chronological order:

1. There's nothing there!
2. The FBI planted them!
3. If only you had asked!
4. They're mine!
5. I declassified them!
6. They were for my library!
And not one of those reasons is illegal under the Presidential Records Act... gee whiz...
The FBI has already seen every scrap of paper they confiscated. What difference does it make now if a third party goes through it all and says they can't see some?
It doesn't. It was prosecutorial misconduct to take the attorney-client stuff in the first place. Reason number 1,032 that no case will go to trial.
The FBI has already seen every scrap of paper they confiscated. What difference does it make now if a third party goes through it all and says they can't see some?
i tees from makes you wonder why they fought so hard against it then if it doesn’t matter
Oh and don't forget laying empty folders marked "classified" on the floor, taking pictures of them, and leaking them to their propaganda distributors in the media. Like good little fascist thugs.
Drip, Drip, Drip of everything they think will damage Trump. AND hide with force anything exculpatory that will exonerate him...

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