Judge: GOP voter purge Illegal

And does that insure he is a sellout?

You are aware that the market does better under democrats?

That would seem a very logical reason they would donate to the dem.
Without posting ALL the truth which would be immense .. search on "leon county florida hack" .. the short of it being that the software can easily be hacked .. then search on "diebold software negative votes" .. the short of it bbeing that unless there are negative voters, the siftware was designed for fraud. I know software and allowing for negative votes is not a mistake. A programmer would have to intentionally include the option to allow for negative votes to be counted.

There is a plethora of evidence on this which you appear to be unfamiliar with. I reccomend you take the time to study it.

Sure .. brilliant thinking .. worked wonders in Iraq.

In the meantime while we're chasing ghosts we continue to mass-murder innocent civilians. Brilliant thinking.

One thing that is absolutly proven .. you cannot defeat terrorism by using it.

Not sure if you're familiar with the Rand Corporation .. but they agree .. the "war on terror" is a hoax. Terrorism is best fought by law enforcement, not the military.

There are terrorists in Saudia Arabia .. whci also happens to be where most of the so-called hijackers were from. How soon do you anticipate an attack on Saudia Arabia?

That's exactly what I said .. is comprehension a problem?

There must be a point in this somewhere .. but it escapes me.

I don't have a clue what your point is, but mine is the Democratic Party has allowed republicans to be the sole proprietor of 80% of the American vote.

Perhaps in your pompous state you could attempt to address that .. AFTER you have educated yourself about what occured in your own damn state.

Educate yourself further by viewing "American Blackout" .. big daddy :eusa_angel:

Bradblog.com is a site dedicated to voting machines.

I don't even take republicans seriously anymore. Not about ANYTHING. They said we weren't in a recession, they said the war was/is going great, they said the fundamentals of our economy are strong. They said saddam had wmd's. So why would we believe the liars that they didn't steal the last two elections.

They have the balls to say Gore tried to steal Florida.

I just don't understand why Americans, especially such patriots as our conservative friends are, dont' give a rats ass about stolen elections.
The corporate media and the republican majority and politizing of the DOJ has made it near impossible to do anything substantive about this problem.

That is why Greg Palast had to go to the UK to get anything published on the subject.

I was called a nut by members of my own party back in 2000 and for years afterwards for trying to discuss the problem.
Bradblog.com is a site dedicated to voting machines.

I don't even take republicans seriously anymore. Not about ANYTHING. They said we weren't in a recession, they said the war was/is going great, they said the fundamentals of our economy are strong. They said saddam had wmd's. So why would we believe the liars that they didn't steal the last two elections.

They have the balls to say Gore tried to steal Florida.

I just don't understand why Americans, especially such patriots as our conservative friends are, dont' give a rats ass about stolen elections.

All most Americans care about is winning. This is true of democrats and republicans.

Where is the so-called "antiwar" crowd that correctly attacked Bush for beating his war drums .. but are absolutely silent on Obama as he beats his wardrums? How is it they aren't angry about Obama and Biden proposing giving one billion dollars to the president of Georgia for starting a conflict with Russia he knew he would lose in about 5 minutes? Where were they when Obama capitulated on FISA?

You should hear some of the vitriol I get from Obama supporters for even mentioning it.
This should be front page news.

The Republican party has been found to have tried to use an illegal tactic to disenfranchise voters a couplke of weeks before and election.

Just imagine that the MSM wont touch this story.
All most Americans care about is winning. This is true of democrats and republicans.

Where is the so-called "antiwar" crowd that correctly attacked Bush for beating his war drums .. but are absolutely silent on Obama as he beats his wardrums? How is it they aren't angry about Obama and Biden proposing giving one billion dollars to the president of Georgia for starting a conflict with Russia he knew he would lose in about 5 minutes? Where were they when Obama capitulated on FISA?

You should hear some of the vitriol I get from Obama supporters for even mentioning it.
Yeah, that bothers me as well. But not enough to vote for Palin.
No candidate is perfect.

Lets get him elected and benifit from all the things we do agree with and harrass him on the things we differ with.
The corporate media and the republican majority and politizing of the DOJ has made it near impossible to do anything substantive about this problem.

That is why Greg Palast had to go to the UK to get anything published on the subject.

I was called a nut by members of my own party back in 2000 and for years afterwards for trying to discuss the problem.

Leadership does not come in the wind or does it come easy. There is a thing called justice and doing what is the right thing to do.

Americans deserved George Bush .. every single fiber of his being because we demand that our politicians be actors and clowns. We make excuses for them .. "Aww, he's just saying what he has to to get elected." They lie and decieve and we celebrate it.

Greg is in the UK because Americans are swallowers. We will swallow anything the media sticks in out mouths .. without ever questioning.

If a known, proven. studied, and documented injustice that is devastating a community of people can't be addressed in America today, then what in the hell is the point of voting at all?

What would be the point of voting for someone who is just more of the same?
No candidate is perfect.

Lets get him elected and benifit from all the things we do agree with and harrass him on the things we differ with.

Not looking for perfect my wise sister.

Looking for honesty and courage.

I keep hearing about how democrats have to run to the right to get elected as president .. but why then are democrats such miserable failutes at getting elected president? Democrats have occupied the White House a grand total of three terms in the last 40 years .. and if one uses the "Nader did it" logic, then without Ross Perot there would be no Clinton era to talk about.

Embarrassing losses in 2000 when Gore should have been coasting on the back of Clinton's economic success to a landslide victory over an incompetent George Bush.

Nader was right .. if you can't beat an incompetent George Bush, do you really deserve to be the president. Nader didn't pick JOE LIEBERMAN .. now simply known as "snake"

More embarrassing losses in 2002

More embarrrassiung losses in 2004 even though the fraud of the invasion of Iraq was already proven.

In 2006, democratic voters and the left ignored the dictates of the DLC and swept democrats into office with surprising victories.

That very same force swept Obama into the nomination over the most powerful political family in America in the last 40 years .. founders of the DLC and believers in centrist politics.

Now, once the nomination was secure .. its abandon the left and run to the right again. Fortunately for democrats, they're running against the worst ticket in human history .. else Obama would lose again.

Had Mccain convinced Colin Powell to run with him Obama would be toast.

I remain forever amazed by democratic "strategy"
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what is your deal BAC?

You talk about election fraud and then like someone with a split personality you then lambast the dems for not winning?

The democrats have won the last elections and had them flipped by dishaonest pieces of shit in the R party.
what is your deal BAC?

You talk about election fraud and then like someone with a split personality you then lambast the dems for not winning?

The democrats have won the last elections and had them flipped by dishaonest pieces of shit in the R party.

ahhhh the speech of unification. I wonder if Democrats will want any support at all from Republicans if they win the presidency ? Maybe Obama really can do everything all by himself.
what is your deal BAC?

You talk about election fraud and then like someone with a split personality you then lambast the dems for not winning?

The democrats have won the last elections and had them flipped by dishaonest pieces of shit in the R party.

Fair elections have nothing to do with preference of political party. I didn't fight for fair elections for democrats .. I fought for what is best for America.

My problem with democrats is that they are incredibly weak and have ALLOWED republicans to run over them.

Do you have any doubt that republicans would have never allowed democrats to be the sole proprietor of the vote?

Here we are again .. after 2000 .. after 2004 .. and even though the fraud has been conclusively proven .. guess what you're going to vote on?

Are you saying that's not a problem that should be criticized?

How can you not be angry, knowing the results of the past two presidential elections?
keep hearing about how democrats have to run to the right to get elected as president .. but why then are democrats such miserable failutes at getting elected president? Democrats have occupied the White House a grand total of three terms in the last 40 years .. and if one uses the "Nader did it" logic, then without Ross Perot there would be no Clinton era to talk about.

Embarrassing losses in 2000 when Gore should have been coasting on the back of Clinton's economic success to a landslide victory over an incompetent George Bush.

Nader was right .. if you can't beat an incompetent George Bush, do you really deserve to be the president. Nader didn't pick JOE LIEBERMAN .. now simply known as "snake"

Back you are contridicting yourself.

How is it you blame them as not deserving because they didnt win a race when in fact you at other time seem to realize the race was stolen from them.

Beat the victim for being raped if you like but I just found it inconsistant.
keep hearing about how democrats have to run to the right to get elected as president .. but why then are democrats such miserable failutes at getting elected president? Democrats have occupied the White House a grand total of three terms in the last 40 years .. and if one uses the "Nader did it" logic, then without Ross Perot there would be no Clinton era to talk about.

Embarrassing losses in 2000 when Gore should have been coasting on the back of Clinton's economic success to a landslide victory over an incompetent George Bush.

Nader was right .. if you can't beat an incompetent George Bush, do you really deserve to be the president. Nader didn't pick JOE LIEBERMAN .. now simply known as "snake"

Back you are contridicting yourself.

How is it you blame them as not deserving because they didnt win a race when in fact you at other time seem to realize the race was stolen from them.

Beat the victim for being raped if you like but I just found it inconsistant.

Again, my criticism is that they ALLOWED it to happen .. and because democrtaic voters have not criticized them with me .. they are ALLOWING it to happen again.

Is it somehow out-of-bounds or politically incorrect to criticize your own party for their failures?

I'm not a democrat and I criticize both parties when they fail .. but it appears that democrats, like republicans, believe criticism of their party is bad.
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I am just trying to figure out why you see it both ways.

I dont think the Democrats KNEW about the vote fraud in 2000 until it was way to late.

They then were hoodwinked into the machines not realizing the level these owners would stoop to to secure an election.

Then they were blindsided by the events in Ohio.

All through this they had no real power in the government.

The fact that the media was complicit in this entire fraud by refusing to report anything about election fraud.

I had good friends who thought I was absolutely nuts whenever I tried to tell them the facts they were not hearing.

It wasnt just the Dem party heads it was the rank and file who thought it was all tin foil hat stuff for years.

I had democratic friends tell me to not bring it up because I was hurting the party.

It was just very well executed fraud and took along time to bring it to the surface.

Obama is the only chance this country has of returning it to a democracy in the next year.

I am not a socialist I am a democrat.

I want my country to be a democracy.
I am just trying to figure out why you see it both ways.

I dont think the Democrats KNEW about the vote fraud in 2000 until it was way to late.

They then were hoodwinked into the machines not realizing the level these owners would stoop to to secure an election.

Then they were blindsided by the events in Ohio.

All through this they had no real power in the government.

The fact that the media was complicit in this entire fraud by refusing to report anything about election fraud.

I had good friends who thought I was absolutely nuts whenever I tried to tell them the facts they were not hearing.

It wasnt just the Dem party heads it was the rank and file who thought it was all tin foil hat stuff for years.

I had democratic friends tell me to not bring it up because I was hurting the party.

It was just very well executed fraud and took along time to bring it to the surface.

Obama is the only chance this country has of returning it to a democracy in the next year.

I am not a socialist I am a democrat.

I want my country to be a democracy.

You're right my sister .. truth matters.

The fraud of electronic voting is not that difficult to figure out .. evidenced by the fact that you don't disagree that repoublicans would have never allowed it.

It's been at least 4 years since other people figured out for the democrats what was easy to figure out in the first place .. and still little to nothing has been done about it.

If they steal the election again .. who are you going to blame?

I am a democratic socialist, but what label does one have to carry to figure out the obvious. If you knew about the fraud .. why didn't they?

I fought with more democrats in georgia over this issue than I did republicans .. in fact, I went to a republican congressman .. make that conservative republican congressman to sponsor my bill .. which then passed in the republican House, but never made it out of committee in the democratic Senate.

Seriously, I don't get it. How is it that you condone such behavior?

If this election is as important as you say it is .. shouldn't we be sure that the election is at least FAIR?

This is one of the reasons why I am not a democrat ..
I am just trying to figure out why you see it both ways.

I dont think the Democrats KNEW about the vote fraud in 2000 until it was way to late.

They then were hoodwinked into the machines not realizing the level these owners would stoop to to secure an election.

Then they were blindsided by the events in Ohio.

All through this they had no real power in the government.

The fact that the media was complicit in this entire fraud by refusing to report anything about election fraud.

I had good friends who thought I was absolutely nuts whenever I tried to tell them the facts they were not hearing.

It wasnt just the Dem party heads it was the rank and file who thought it was all tin foil hat stuff for years.

I had democratic friends tell me to not bring it up because I was hurting the party.

It was just very well executed fraud and took along time to bring it to the surface.

Obama is the only chance this country has of returning it to a democracy in the next year.

I am not a socialist I am a democrat.

I want my country to be a democracy.

this country has never been a democracy. i'm pretty sure they cover this in 8th grade civics.

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