Judge Jeanine to Trump Protesters: 'The Silent Majority Will Not Be Silenced'!

Facts are facts. If you guys go all fascist violent, you will have your heads broken by your opponents and the authorities.

Political militias will simply not be tolerated by LEO.
Facts are facts. If you guys go all fascist violent, you will have your heads broken by your opponents and the authorities.

Political militias will simply not be tolerated by LEO.
So says the JakeAss a HUGE supporter of the BLM rioters in Ferguson and Baltimore....all the same people and all paid by the same Soros organization
Facts are facts. If you guys go all fascist violent, you will have your heads broken by your opponents and the authorities.

Political militias will simply not be tolerated by LEO.
Your gonna break everyone's head.............and send us to the Gulag's..........how Stalin of you.
You want to act criminal and go unpunished. Not going to happen. You fascists will not get power.

I mean look at Vigi's silly lies. The American people know better than to trust your crowd or the far left. You are all gangsters.
Facts are facts. If you guys go all fascist violent, you will have your heads broken by your opponents and the authorities.

Political militias will simply not be tolerated by LEO.
Your gonna break everyone's head.............and send us to the Gulag's..........how Stalin of you.
You want to act criminal and go unpunished. Not going to happen. You fascists will not get power.
poor thing.................Where do you put Stalin's picture..................no concern at all for the Protesters............the BLM........poor things.........how they were abused by Trump supporters.............

Funny thing............I saw on a video.......Jerry Springer getting hit in the head by a police officer with a Billy Club.............Jerry tried to push through the police..........

Have you all seen the JakeAss's NEW avatar? He looks NEAT with that beanie!

And the wannabee fascists on the far right are looking very childish.

The silent majority rejects the Trumpeteers. The majority of the GOP rejects them.

Tis what is.
And the wannabee fascists on the far right are looking very childish.

The silent majority rejects the Trumpeteers. The majority of the GOP rejects them.

Tis what is.
The JakeAss has all the classical symptoms....

Vigilante, you are on the wrong side of the party and decency.

You're a DemoRAT "lite", of course I'm on the wrong side of you. You don't fight indecency with decency, you get down in the mud with the trash, and make THEM eat dirt!

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