Judge orders Trump to pay nearly $355 million in civil fraud trial

Bull shit. This judge conspired with the AG and the White House before the case was brought before his court.
They made up a crime and based it all off of total bull shit and demanded ridiculous cash for a non-crime with no victims.
Another great hoax on the people. Just like the stollen election. But ol mudwhistle isn't falling for it.
Yet, having established as a fact of law Trump’s dishonesty, corruption, and campaign of lies, Republicans are going to nominate Trump for president.

Such is the reprehensible right.
The crime is in his application for the loan. He lied and got the loan, a loan that might have gone to someone else who was honest. There is good reason for the law and good reason to enforce it.
I dont think this judgement is going to stick on appeal. This judgement is likely nothing more than an annoying moment in time for Trump. In the end, he keeps his money.
I can see the judge reducing the fine as excessive but I can see the verdict being overturned. The evidence is damming and Trump offer no real defense.
Big banks just don't take anyone's word for what collateral is worth. The banks made their own assessment of the value of the collateral and the worthiness of Trump as a borrower in their eyes and wouldn't have charged President 5 cents more in interest. Unless they wanted to lose the business entirely.
Maybe they reported what he did as they should. Someone must have and it seems the bank is certainly in a position to do as it's the bank that Trump was seeking to defraud.
I am well acquainted with the bullshit ruling the liberal court made.

However, it implies that banks and other lending institutions are incompetent at doing their own business in evaluating would be borrowers.
By law it is the applicants legal responsibility to provide truthful information to the bank. The degree that the bank evaluates borrowers is a matter of banking rules and procedure. It seems likely to me that when bank did investigate the application and found the properties where being grossly overvalued that they reported it at some point to the authorities.
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Not embarrassed at all. Trump is actually spot on.

The New York AG run on a platform of "get Trump", even before she reviewed the case.

As liberal lawman Lavrenty Beria of Georgia said "Show me the man, and I will show you the crime"

That's exactly what happened here.
If you know anything about New York city and Trump, then you should know he is generally regarded as being somewhere between an out right crook and a shady businessman. The AG promised to investigate Trump and his business which most New Yorkers thought was well overdo.
He cannot be guilty of anything because it's another civil case. He can only be found liable.

Nevermind the fact that a case like this has no place in Egeron's court in the first place.

"The New York Court of Appeals which is the highest court may indeed come and give justice generally fines like this are reduced considerably, and that may very well happen in this case. But this tells us so much about the politicization of our justice system, the weaponization of our system and it’s so dangerous because it will mean that business people are not going to want to run for office because they know if they run for office, partisans are going to go after them, investigate them, figure out some way of getting them like overvaluating. You know, this is a judge, which over-evaluates when he wants to, $350 million for no damage, then under-evaluates when he wants to, Mar-a-Lago, $18 million. He’s just willing to manipulate the numbers to get him to the result he wanted. I hope the courts will look at this with a very, very, very stringent eye.”


Why shouldn't Engoron have been the judge in the Trump case. He has been an acting judge in the New York Civil Court for 22 years and has served served in the Manhattan Supreme Court for 11 years.
The crime is in his application for the loan. He lied and got the loan, a loan that might have gone to someone else who was honest. There is good reason for the law and good reason to enforce it.

All that Ukraine money could have sheltered and fed every homeless American for 12 years.
The banks are in on that shit. They are after the huge loan orientation fees. They socialized their risk a long time ago. For poor folks they offer the reverse mortgage. What a joke but as long as people put up with it.....

They socialized their risk a long time ago.

How do you figure?
I mean what leadership qualities does Trump demonstrate? The MAGAs always talk about his strength. He's just a bully. And when he runs into a bigger bully like Putin he folds. That's the guy they cry over
I think it's best to look at that from the perspective of a middle school playground (the behaviors match too).

The weak kids want to be on the bully's side, so they stand behind him and cheer him on when he bullies someone else. Then they follow him around the playground because they now belong to the side with the bully. And, of course, they're too weak to call him out on any of his bullying (or anything else, such as the fact that he gets terrible grades) and they choose to believe all his lies, because they want to belong, and they hate some of the people he bullies.

I wish it were more nuanced than that, but it really isn't.
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Unless he changes his attitude, he is in for a tough time in his criminal trials. Criminal judges, particular Federal judges won't put up the shit he dosed out in his civil trial. They will hold in contempt and jail if necessary.
I truly don't think he has the capacity to change much. He's a spoiled, angry child. Spoiled, angry children can learn, and they can control themselves in spurts, but the rage is going to get out at some point.
We knew a grift was coming!


I can see the judge reducing the fine as excessive but I can see the verdict being overturned. The evidence is damming and Trump offer no real defense.
You think he didnt offer a good defense because, your left wing media doesnt tell you what his defenses even are. How about we start with the fact that he says in the loan request that his valuations may not be accurate and that the bank should take steps on their own to determine the values of his properties? Its literally in the fucking contract! The bank said "nah, your credit is good here. No need for that", then democrats said he committed fraud. Does that seem even remotely fair or just? Do you even care?
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Can't defeat him at the polls then sue his butt in the courts. There's always a way to cheat and win.

Trump has been defeated in the polls in every election he's run in. He's barely getting 50% of the vote in Republican primaries, and every time he opens his mouth and says something stupid, sane people run from him.

Trump had to cheat to win in 2016, and tried to overthrow the government when he lost in 2020.

Trump is the EASIEST candidate for Biden to beat because he was such a BAD President.
You think he didnt offer a good defense because, your left wing media doesnt tell you what his defenses even are. How about we start with the fact that he says in the loan request that his valuations may not be accurate and that the bank should take steps on their own to determine the values of his properties? Its literally in the fucking contract! The bank said "nah, your credit is good here. No need for that", then democrats said he committed fraud. Does that seem even remotely fair or just?

Yes, it is entirely fair and just.

Just because his financials contain a disclaimer doesn't let Trump off the hook because it's ILLEGAL to lie to your banker. Saying "I might be lying, you should check", doesn't make it OK to lie, nor does it get you off the legal hook for lying.

People who have left Deutches Banke have said that Trump's activities there were suspicious, and the bank has previously paid massive fines for money laundering:

Yes, it is entirely fair and just.

Just because his financials contain a disclaimer doesn't let Trump off the hook because it's ILLEGAL to lie to your banker. Saying "I might be lying, you should check", doesn't make it OK to lie, nor does it get you off the legal hook for lying.
Saying "i think my property is worth this much, but you should check on your own" isnt good enough? Why not?
Saying "i think my property is worth this much, but you should check on your own" isnt good enough? Why not?
Because he represented that he thought his property was worth a certain amount when he applied for loans and had a different valuation when it came to his taxes. That's fraud.

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