Judge orders Trump to pay nearly $355 million in civil fraud trial

JUST IN: A judge has ordered former President Donald Trump and his companies to pay nearly $355 million in a ruling in the New York civil fraud case. The former president is also barred from serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation or other legal entity in the state for three years. Trump is expected to appeal the decision. Read the full ruling.

The lawsuit: The judge had already found Trump is liable for fraud in the civil case, but New York Attorney General Letitia James was seeking $370 million in damages. James was also looking to bar Trump from doing business in the state, alleging that the former president, his adult sons and his company defrauded banks and insurance companies by inflating the value of Trump’s assets.

Why it matters: The case is civil, not criminal, but threatens Trump's business in New York. The trial in this case has served as a precursor to the four criminal trials Trump faces this year as he campaigns to regain the presidency.

Judge orders Trump to pay nearly $355 million in civil fraud trial

Wow, that's a pleasant surprise! What do you think"?
that corrupt ruling will never stand, it will be overturned on appeal.
I’m not suggesting that, the appeals process will decide that.
I agree he can transfer ownership of his New York State business to a new corporation out of New York but I'm not sure it be would worth it to him. He would still have to pay the fines. Just because a New York business is owned by an out of state corporation does not exempt the business from New York State laws, taxes and regulation. Independent monitoring of his business interest in New York would still exist as well as limits on his ability's to conduct business in New York.

The only way I see, that he can be completely free of New York's limitations on his businesses in New York is to sell all of his New York business interest and that would be pretty difficult. He would have to pay off the loans, break contracts, and leases.
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I agree he can transfer ownership of his New State business to a new corporation out of New York but I'm not sure it be would worth it to him
He cannot. He cannot even buy toilet paper for the 12th floor bathroom without the court monitor approving it. They are certainly not going to approve a move for him to hide his assets or operate the corporation, even indirectly.
How were the people of NY harmed?

Why weren’t these charges made years ago, prior to Trump becoming President?
You just quoted verbatim two of Trump's own fake news talking points.
#1. Read the statute.
According to the language "harm"
as in someone complaining of
being "ripped off" is not
necessary for enforcement of
this law. It is all about the state
of New York's responsibility
to regulate certain business

#2. This investigation was launched
years ago. This particular
snowflake whining point has
even less merit than #1.
Sure, that is fraud and the person who was supposed to be getting the money got shorted. The punishment for such actions is a returned check fee. At my bank It doesn’t matter if I wrote a check for $10,000, the return check fee is $10. In Trump’s case, NOBODY was harmed and no the bank would not have raised his interest rate had he lowered the evaluation for his properties. No evidence in this case suggests that and the bank in question didn’t suggest that. That was pure speculation by the prosecutor which was accepted by a very biased judge.

Why did they give him the loans? Every bank in the nation knows that people tend to inflate their net worth when applying for loans. Do you think a bank would give you $100k loan based solely on your claimed net worth? The answer is that they wouldn’t unless, as is the case with Trump, they were aware through other means that you owned property that far exceeds $100k. What if the bank knew for a fact that you owned a home worth at least $2mm, that you evaluated at $4mm. Would they care or would they give you your $100k loan? These are small numbers in comparison to Trump, but you get the idea. Banks would have even more reason to loan to Trump O. because they would stand to make a lot of money on the transaction and also potentially be the bank of choice for future large transactions. The bottom line is that virtually any bank that had the funds would have given him this loan because it was a huge win/win. Property evaluations are guesses and are all over the map. I sold a piece of property 5 years ago for 5 times the appraisal value that was done a few months before. No bank would rely solely on a loanees personal opinions of their property values. That is pure bunk. The judge knows it, the prosecutor knows it, everybody with a shred of common sense knows it.

The bank in question didn’t claim fraud. They didn’t feel like they were victims. They were not harmed, in fact, they had huge gains. It is as simple as that. I don’t think you want to go down the path of punishing everyone who has knowingly misrepresented facts to achieve a gain. This case and the judgement is selective justice based purely on politics.

I can’t and don’t read the NYT. This is behind a paywall. It is a ridiculously biased source as well.

Regardless, I was not aware that Cohen led to this. Thank you for that. Why do you think they started investigating Cohen in the first place? Mueller ring any bells? Hillary ring a bells? Fake dossier ring any bells? Yes, Democrats suddenly became very interested in all things Trump in 2016. I can’t imagine why. They spent 10s of millions of our dollars investigating him and virtually everyone around him. Bringing up that this lawsuit was ultimately born from the investigation that started in 2016 doesn’t help your case with regards to this being politically motivated.
The people of the State of New York are the plaintiff, not the banks. When Donald Trump grossly exaggerated the assets that were collateral in his loans (more than 200 times between 2011 and 2021), it allowed him to get lower interest on loans, better terms, and high limits on property insurance which was clearly a violation of state law.

According testimony in the trial by several bankers when applicants list multiple properties with complex ownership that are in state and out of state as Trump did, the bank has to consider the applicants statement of assets. Since most applicants for large loans apply at multiple banks, time to approve the loan is important. So banks have to consider the applicants statement of assets in their determination; that is they rely on state banking laws because the penalties are severe. Also, New York banks have clauses in loan applications that loans can be called if the applicant knowing falsifies the application.
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I agree he can transfer ownership of his New State business to a new corporation out of New York but I'm not sure it be would worth it to him. He would still have to pay the fines. Just because a New York business is owned by an out of state corporation does not exempt the business from New York State laws, taxes and regulation. Independent monitoring of his business interest in New York would still exist as well as limits on his ability's to conduct business in New York.

The only way I see, that he can be completely free of New York's limitations on his businesses in New York is sell all of his New York business interest and that would be pretty difficult. He would have pay off the loans, break contracts, and leases.
or the appeals court could vacate the foolish lower court ruling, which will happen.
JUST IN: A judge has ordered former President Donald Trump and his companies to pay nearly $355 million in a ruling in the New York civil fraud case. The former president is also barred from serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation or other legal entity in the state for three years. Trump is expected to appeal the decision. Read the full ruling.

The lawsuit: The judge had already found Trump is liable for fraud in the civil case, but New York Attorney General Letitia James was seeking $370 million in damages. James was also looking to bar Trump from doing business in the state, alleging that the former president, his adult sons and his company defrauded banks and insurance companies by inflating the value of Trump’s assets.

Why it matters: The case is civil, not criminal, but threatens Trump's business in New York. The trial in this case has served as a precursor to the four criminal trials Trump faces this year as he campaigns to regain the presidency.

Judge orders Trump to pay nearly $355 million in civil fraud trial

Wow, that's a pleasant surprise! What do you think"?
Good news.
All they did was make up something to keep Trump from running. Eventually they'll pay a price for this, and all of this will be overturned, but they figure if it keeps him off the ballot it will be worth it.

You always make this same mistake.

You are a thin skinned, unstable cultist.

But you think of yourself as normal, so you think others are like you.

So you think your post will bother somebody.

Others are not like you and your fellow cultists.

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