Judge orders Trump to pay nearly $355 million in civil fraud trial

As a casual observer I would like to ask a question.

Is this judgement worse for the trump family than being barred from operating a charity ?
Or operating a fake university ?
Where does it rank ?
I dont think this judgement is going to stick on appeal. This judgement is likely nothing more than an annoying moment in time for Trump. In the end, he keeps his money.
So you think Trump should be above the law?

Not that he needs it but you DON’T think Biden ( or any Dem president) is above the law

because … cult
The "law" has done nothing but fuck him over. As a result, I will now vote for him even if he shoots someone in Time Square on live tv. You guys didnt have to make him a martyr by unfairly prosecuting him at every turn, but you did. Now you have to live with the results of that. :dunno:
Interesting legal precedent, for sure. A massive judgment over a "fraud" where no one was defrauded out of a plumb nickel.

It will be interesting to see the backlash of this politically motivated case as it reverberates through society.

BTW, considering the fact that so much of President Trump's investments are "other people's money", it will be interesting how these other people react to their investments being in the hands of bureaucrats.
The "law" has done nothing but fuck him over. As a result, I will now vote for him even if he shoots someone in Time Square on live tv. You guys didnt have to make him a martyr by unfairly prosecuting him at every turn, but you did. Now you have to live with the results of that. :dunno:
You would have anyway. You know it.

We all know it
I dont think this judgement is going to stick on appeal. This judgement is likely nothing more than an annoying moment in time for Trump. In the end, he keeps his money.
It seems to be quite sound to me.But my vision is not impaired by having my tongue up trumps arse.
Trump made this even worse for himself, of course, because he can't demonstrate any contrition. He can't admit a thing. Both to keep his rubes with him, and because he lacks the fundamental maturity and self esteem to do so.

Oh well.
We did not notice those qualities in Fani, in Letita and the New York judge either from your words. The almighty state is their god. Progs are so stupid they cannot even see the destruction of their areas they created. People from more and more neighborhoods affected from destruction and with the help of their votes can say they got the evil man while they take public transportation to travel many miles for food and medical supplies and everything to live.
Interesting legal precedent, for sure. A massive judgment over a "fraud" where no one was defrauded out of a plumb nickel.

It will be interesting to see the backlash of this politically motivated case as it reverberates through society.
Had Trump not fraudulently inflated the value of his properties, which are collateral for the loans he got, he would have had to pay a higher interest rate to the financial institutions he borrowed money from. Making the financial institutions the victim of his fraudulent scheme. Just as the state of NY is the victim because it did not collect the tax revenue it should have received by virtue of Trump fraudulently deflating the value of some properties for tax purposes. BTW, as a delicious sidebar, Engoron ruled Trump is barred from borrowing from NY based financial institutions due to his history of fraud.

Trump's sole defense, since he couldn't argue the case based on the facts, is to accuse the prosecution of political motivation AS HE HAS IN EVERY CASE. Because he knows the rubes......that would be folks like you.......believe everything he says without question.
Had Trump not fraudulently inflated the value of his properties, which are collateral for the loans he got, he would have had to pay a higher interest rate to the financial institutions he borrowed money from. Making the financial institutions the victim of his fraudulent scheme. BTW, as a delicious sidebar, Engoron ruled Trump is barred from borrowing from NY based financial institutions due to his history of fraud.

Trump's sole defense, since he couldn't argue the case based on the facts, is to accuse the prosecution of political motivation AS HE HAS IN EVERY CASE. Because he knows the rubes......that would be folks like you.......believe everything he says without question.

Big banks just don't take anyone's word for what collateral is worth. The banks made their own assessment of the value of the collateral and the worthiness of Trump as a borrower in their eyes and wouldn't have charged President 5 cents more in interest. Unless they wanted to lose the business entirely.
JUST IN: A judge has ordered former President Donald Trump and his companies to pay nearly $355 million in a ruling in the New York civil fraud case. The former president is also barred from serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation or other legal entity in the state for three years. Trump is expected to appeal the decision. Read the full ruling.

The lawsuit: The judge had already found Trump is liable for fraud in the civil case, but New York Attorney General Letitia James was seeking $370 million in damages. James was also looking to bar Trump from doing business in the state, alleging that the former president, his adult sons and his company defrauded banks and insurance companies by inflating the value of Trump’s assets.

Why it matters: The case is civil, not criminal, but threatens Trump's business in New York. The trial in this case has served as a precursor to the four criminal trials Trump faces this year as he campaigns to regain the presidency.

Judge orders Trump to pay nearly $355 million in civil fraud trial

Wow, that's a pleasant surprise! What do you think"?

The judgement is criminally disproportional, even if found guilty. Nobody was financially harmed and this left-wing, activist judge orders Trump to pay 355 million dollars. You lefties are ok with activism now, but it is a very slippery slope that everyone should be concerned about.
Loser? He is poised to become president AGAIN!!! :cuckoo:
Given the range of choices presently available that is not exactly a high bar... :auiqs.jpg:

There are a great many people in this country who would vote for a fence-post before they voted for joe Biden...

No... when I say "loser", I mean someone devoid of grace, class, foresight, diplomacy and selflessness...

For your Orange piece-of-$hit, it's all about him... not about the People... not about the Republic... he is not sane...
he would have had to pay a higher interest rate to the financial institutions he borrowed money from.

Pure speculation. The banks that lent him the money stated they wanted Trump as a client. They sugggested the rates would not have been higher, because Trump could have gone elsewhere for the loans. It isn’t the same as you or me going to the bank to get a loan. The bank also stated that they did what they felt was their due diligence and they were paid in full.
There are a great many people in this country who would vote for a fence-post before they voted for joe Biden...

And a great many that would vote for a demented, treasonous man before they voted for Donald Trump, not because of policy, but because he hurts their feelings.
Can't defeat him at the polls then sue his butt in the courts. There's always a way to cheat and win.
When a man like Trump who lacks any shred of human decency, humility or caring, is morally bankrupt, breathtakingly dishonest, lethally incompetent, and stunningly ignorant of virtually anything related to governing, history, geography, human events or world affairs, when a man like Trump who is a traitor and a malignancy in our nation and who represents a clear and present danger to our democracy and the rule of law, excuse me for not losing any sleep over how he is prevented from having his fingers on the nuke football. A man like Trump, a threat to US national security must be stopped by any legal and justifiable means, mindful that his crimes are coming home to roost, and he has brought it all on himself.

You know the old saying, you reap want you sew., the crows are coming home to roost, what goes around comes around, etc., etc., etc.

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