Judge orders Trump to pay nearly $355 million in civil fraud trial

The 355 million will be appealed. However, if trump simply re-incorporates in another state, say, Florida..doesn’t that render half of the judgment irrelevant? Since it would no longer be a “New York” corporation? Did the judgment say he couldn’t have businesses in New York? Or that he just couldn’t be an officer in a New York based business?

Why Trump can’t just move his companies out of New York

The New York attorney general, aided by Judge Engoron, has had an answer in place for more than a year in Trump’s civil fraud case, where a verdict is imminent.
Given that quite a bit of the Trump Org.'s income is based on licensing agreements for the Trump brand, not direct ownership of properties, I wonder how many of these agreements will be ended now that the court has judged he is guilty of civil fraud?
He cannot be guilty of anything because it's another civil case. He can only be found liable.

Nevermind the fact that a case like this has no place in Egeron's court in the first place.

The former president's legal team said it was going to appeal even before Friday's ruling because of Engoron's pre-trial summary judgment. The legal team argued that most of the claims in James' lawsuit should have been dismissed for falling outside the statute of limitations.

"It's still New York, right?" Trump Jr. said. "So, you never know. You've got to remember that half of the [fine] that you're talking about ... was already ruled inadmissible because of statute of limitations in the [state] court of appeals.

"The court of appeals has already ruled that, and this judge simply decided to ignore that because, again, it's not about the law. It's not about the facts. It's about penalizing Trump, trying to hurt Joe Biden's No. 1 political rival.

"That couldn't be more clear. Imagine, just ignoring the appellate division that's already ruled on these things.

"They're just like, You know what? I'm going to pretend like they don't matter. ... It's just absolute insanity."

"The New York Court of Appeals which is the highest court may indeed come and give justice generally fines like this are reduced considerably, and that may very well happen in this case. But this tells us so much about the politicization of our justice system, the weaponization of our system and it’s so dangerous because it will mean that business people are not going to want to run for office because they know if they run for office, partisans are going to go after them, investigate them, figure out some way of getting them like overvaluating. You know, this is a judge, which over-evaluates when he wants to, $350 million for no damage, then under-evaluates when he wants to, Mar-a-Lago, $18 million. He’s just willing to manipulate the numbers to get him to the result he wanted. I hope the courts will look at this with a very, very, very stringent eye.”


Former acting U.S. Attorney General Matthew Whitaker criticized New York Judge Arthur Engoron's Friday ruling against former President Donald Trump, calling it a "ridiculous judgment by a ridiculous judge," in an interview on Newsmax.

Whitaker expressed his disbelief at the judgment: "This is a complete miscarriage of justice, as you can imagine."

Speaking on "American Agenda," Whitaker said, "I don't believe this will ultimately stand after appellate review, but right now, obviously, that puts him in a very serious situation."

He criticized the judge's handling of the case.

"This judge decided this case ... on the paper filings and didn't even take any witnesses or evidence or challenge any of the evidence that was presented by Letitia James, the attorney general of New York," he said. "And so I think there's a long legal path to go still for Mr. Trump and his businesses."

Whitaker predicted a lengthy legal battle ahead for Trump and his businesses, suggesting that an immediate injunction might be sought on the judgment to forestall execution.

A video explaining this is at the link below.

And a great many that would vote for a demented, treasonous man before they voted for Donald Trump, not because of policy, but because he hurts their feelings.
Ya know...

You Rump-Enablers (MAGA) make a great show of accusing Rump of "hurting their feelings" and serving-up "mean tweets"....

You are deluding yourselves...

Thought-capable Americans outside the Rumpian base routinely have a much different and valid perspective...

He summoned, incited and aimed an Insurrectionist Mob to assault the Congress of the United States on January 6, 2021.

He attempted to obstruct Congress in the midst of its constitutional duty to certify Electoral College results on that day.

He attempted to do so merely to hold onto personal political power - his massive ego could not stand the idea of losing.

He was willing to subvert the Constitution of the United States and abandon the Peaceful Transfer of Power tradition.

He spent four years tweeting idiocy at 2:00 in the morning and then his press people had to bat clean-up the next day.

He is a high-functioning con-man... a real-estate mogul and a television program entertainer... he is another P.T. Barnum.

He throws his people under the bus at the slightest hint of disagreement and many of them resigned to get away from him.

His own people... in very high offices in his administration... have rightfully called him "unfit to hold office" - and they're right.

No... it's not about "feelings" or "mean tweets"... it's about his profound intellectual and moral deficiencies and unfitness.

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe has phukked things up soooooo badly that even a disgraced derelict like your boy has another chance.

It's a "low bar" that your POS is up against, so I would not read too much into his "popularity"...

And it's a considerably "higher bar" that your political opposites hold-up, beyond "feelings" and "mean tweets"...
I remember back in the 1980s when Disney World had to pay millions in fines to the EPA and State for not adhering to air, water and hazardous waste environmental regulations.

They just wrote it off as a cost of doing business. That is how corporations roll.
He cannot be guilty of anything because it's another civil case. He can only be found liable.

Nevermind the fact that a case like this has no place in Egeron's court in the first place.

"The New York Court of Appeals which is the highest court may indeed come and give justice generally fines like this are reduced considerably, and that may very well happen in this case. But this tells us so much about the politicization of our justice system, the weaponization of our system and it’s so dangerous because it will mean that business people are not going to want to run for office because they know if they run for office, partisans are going to go after them, investigate them, figure out some way of getting them like overvaluating. You know, this is a judge, which over-evaluates when he wants to, $350 million for no damage, then under-evaluates when he wants to, Mar-a-Lago, $18 million. He’s just willing to manipulate the numbers to get him to the result he wanted. I hope the courts will look at this with a very, very, very stringent eye.”


Was it politicized when I gotz busted for weed?
Don's self proclaimed fortune is at further risk due to the pending IRS audit not conducted while he was prez.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The IRS failed to pursue mandatory audits of Donald Trump on a timely basis during his presidency, a congressional panel found on Tuesday, raising questions about statements by the former president and leading members of his administration who claimed he could not release his tax filings because of the ongoing reviews.

A report released by the Democratic majority on the House Ways and Means Committee indicated the Trump administration may have disregarded an IRS requirement dating back to 1977 that mandates audits of a president’s tax filings. The IRS only began to audit Trump’s 2016 tax filings on April 3, 2019, more than two years into Trump’s presidency and just months after Democrats took control of the House. That date coincides with Rep. Richard Neal, the panel chairman, asking the IRS for information related to Trump’s tax returns.

each of those items has been debunked.

Up in post #68 the poster 'The Hawk" offered the forum a meme alleging a lot of alarming numbers associated with alleged faulty ballots in the Georgia election.

Then shortly after (#75) another poster, dudmuck, rightly posted that all of those items Hawk offered us in his meme have been debunked.

I agree with dudmuck.

I listened just yesterday to a long interview on POTUS with Brad Raffensberger. He autopsied those items in Hawk's list. He thoroughly debunked 'em. I didn't take notes as I was driving but items that Hawk alleges like "10,315" dead people voted.....were thorough investigated by Georgia officials and they found that just "2" such incidents occurred.

I bring this meme-issue up not to sidetrack this thread but to point a finger at posters who offer the forum memes, or statements, or 'facts' that have been long proven to be false, misleading, if not dishonest. I point the finger with the expectation that posters here are responsible adults with a modicum of education and sense of duty to our country and to their own reputations for veracity.

Poster The Hawk.....failed us.
And himself, by posting such a misleading non-factual meme with, I suppose, the hope that he is scoring points against those people who scoff at the Election Denier segment of our population.

It is wrong to post such memes. It is careless. It is irresponsible.

  • And evidences either a lack of education and the ability to do due-diligence.
  • Or, more worrisome, it evidences the very real presence of mendacious intent.

Which is it, poster The Hawk?
This is one of the primary reasons they brought these cases against Trump.
It's simply to keep their base voting against Trump.

The judgement is criminally disproportional, even if found guilty. Nobody was financially harmed and this left-wing, activist judge orders Trump to pay 355 million dollars. You lefties are ok with activism now, but it is a very slippery slope that everyone should be concerned about.
The fine reflected the amount of money that they made through the fraud.Any less and they would have benefitted from their dishonesty.
A video explaining this is at the link below.

Notice the paid liar doesn't even make any argument as to why the ruling was bad. He just counts on his audience being abjectly ignorant of just about everything, especially of how summary judgments work.

"I mean, he just looked at the evidence and made a decision! Crazy!"

He is of course spot on that his audience is utterly ignorant.
Bull shit. This judge conspired with the AG and the White House before the case was brought before his court.
They made up a crime and based it all off of total bull shit and demanded ridiculous cash for a non-crime with no victims.
So you guys think it’s perfectly legal to file fraudulent documents with banks?

If it were one of us, we’d be prosecuted. Why do you want two systems of justice?
The fine reflected the amount of money that they made through the fraud.Any less and they would have benefitted from their dishonesty.
Bull Shit. The purpose of civil court is to correct injustices, not refuse due-process to a political enemy.

It's not up to our courts to punish people that they hate because they made money legally just because you don't like them making money legally.
So you guys think it’s perfectly legal to file fraudulent documents with banks?

If it were one of us, we’d be prosecuted. Why do you want two systems of justice?
They just don't care that it is illegal. Don't buy into this parade of red herrings. Not one of these amateur gaslighters gives a shit about any of the op-eds they are posting. They are furiously scrambling for items to present as cover, because they know they will embarrass themselves if they admit the truth:

They just do not care how many laws Trump breaks. They fully believe Trump should be allowed to break the law with impunity, and that their political opponents should go to jail regardless of the evidence of any crimes.

Any of them who say otherwise are LYING.
JUST IN: A judge has ordered former President Donald Trump and his companies to pay nearly $355 million in a ruling in the New York civil fraud case. The former president is also barred from serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation or other legal entity in the state for three years. Trump is expected to appeal the decision. Read the full ruling.

The lawsuit: The judge had already found Trump is liable for fraud in the civil case, but New York Attorney General Letitia James was seeking $370 million in damages. James was also looking to bar Trump from doing business in the state, alleging that the former president, his adult sons and his company defrauded banks and insurance companies by inflating the value of Trump’s assets.

Why it matters: The case is civil, not criminal, but threatens Trump's business in New York. The trial in this case has served as a precursor to the four criminal trials Trump faces this year as he campaigns to regain the presidency.

Judge orders Trump to pay nearly $355 million in civil fraud trial

Wow, that's a pleasant surprise! What do you think"?
For that much fraud, why was he only banned for 3 years?

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