Judge orders Trump to pay nearly $355 million in civil fraud trial

Ya know...

You Rump-Enablers (MAGA) make a great show of accusing Rump of "hurting their feelings" and serving-up "mean tweets"....

You are deluding yourselves...

Thought-capable Americans outside the Rumpian base routinely have a much different and valid perspective...

He summoned, incited and aimed an Insurrectionist Mob to assault the Congress of the United States on January 6, 2021.

He attempted to obstruct Congress in the midst of its constitutional duty to certify Electoral College results on that day.

He attempted to do so merely to hold onto personal political power - his massive ego could not stand the idea of losing.

He was willing to subvert the Constitution of the United States and abandon the Peaceful Transfer of Power tradition.

He spent four years tweeting idiocy at 2:00 in the morning and then his press people had to bat clean-up the next day.

He is a high-functioning con-man... a real-estate mogul and a television program entertainer... he is another P.T. Barnum.

He throws his people under the bus at the slightest hint of disagreement and many of them resigned to get away from him.

His own people... in very high offices in his administration... have rightfully called him "unfit to hold office" - and they're right.

No... it's not about "feelings" or "mean tweets"... it's about his profound intellectual and moral deficiencies and unfitness.

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe has phukked things up soooooo badly that even a disgraced derelict like your boy has another chance.

It's a "low bar" that your POS is up against, so I would not read too much into his "popularity"...

And it's a considerably "higher bar" that your political opposites hold-up, beyond "feelings" and "mean tweets"...
It's going to the appeals court.
You mean, Trump will file an appeal. That doesn't mean he will actually get an appeal hearing.

And if he does, Engoron has gone to lengths to ensure that his decisions and penalties are rock solid. Given the pile of fraud laid out in his court, he could have made an argument for a much higher dollar amount. But he stayed put on the rock solid documentary evidence.

So really, once again, the orange slob has received special treatment just by virtue of being the orange slob. Since it is such a sensitive matter, the judge imposed what was basically the minimum amount of a fine that the documents justify. James asked for AT LEAST $370 million, and she presented a mountain of evidence that it should be higher.
You mean, Trump will file an appeal. That doesn't mean he will actually get an appeal hearing.

And if he does, Engoron has gone to lengths to ensure that his decisions and penalties are rock solid. Given the pile of fraud laid out in his court, he could have made an argument for a much higher dollar amount. But he stayed put on the rock solid documentary evidence.

So really, once again, the orange slob has received special treatment just by virtue of being the orange slob. Since it is such a sensitive matter, the judge imposed what was basically the minimum amount of a fine that the documents justify. James asked for AT LEAST $370 million, and she presented a mountain of evidence that it should be higher.
I could be wrong, but I think all Trumps cases will go to SCOTUS, whether they hear the case or not.
I could be wrong, but I think all Trumps cases will go to SCOTUS, whether they hear the case or not.
No doubt, because he will lose every single one of them. I don't think it has quite sunk in, for most Americans, how overwhelming all of the cases are. Most have not read the indictments.

And given the quality of attorney that will actually represent Trump, the outcome of all of the cases seems to be in little doubt. Trump will no doubt also rely on that defense, after he loses: incompetent representation.
What’s funny is that in order to appeal Trump will have to put the award in escrow.

He’ll probably borrow it if he can find someone stupid enough to lend to him

But if he loses on appeal that money is GONE… and he’s on the hook for the loans
What’s funny is that in order to appeal Trump will have to put the award in escrow.

He’ll probably borrow it if he can find someone stupid enough to lend to him

But if he loses on appeal that money is GONE… and he’s on the hook for the loans
Trump is mortgaged to the eyeballs.

He had to beg a cultist to give him a loan that was a terrible decision for the bank, just to keep.from defaulting on his other loans.
No doubt, because he will lose every single one of them. I don't think it has quite sunk in, for most Americans, how overwhelming all of the cases are. Most have not read the indictments.

And given the quality of attorney that will actually represent Trump, the outcome of all of the cases seems to be in little doubt. Trump will no doubt also rely on that defense, after he loses: incompetent representation.
Like Alina Habba?
Like Alina Habba?
Yep. Her incompetence has been stunning to watch, in real time. She clearly has no qualifications or knowledge to be handling these civil trials. Trump sees that as a possible out. However, it isn't. He would have to demonstrate that she did not act on or present exculpatory evidence, or misrepresented his own words/wishes in the courtroom. Which he will not be able to do.
What ”crime” again? He got a loan and paid if off in full...

The real estate industry is panicking over this.
The RE industry is not panicking. You are. :auiqs.jpg:

The crimes?

What were the Trumps accused of?

The lawsuit laid out seven causes of actions — the claims of illegal conduct that James' office said entitled the state to claw back ill-gotten profits and warranted severe sanctions against the defendants:

Persistent and Repeated Fraud
Falsifying Business Records
Conspiracy to Falsify Business Records
Issuing False Financial Statements
Conspiracy to Falsify False Financial Statements
Insurance Fraud
Conspiracy to Commit Insurance Fraud

The claims revolve around financial statements given by Trump and his company to banks and insurers. The statements were prepared by accounting firms using spreadsheets of underlying data that included vast inflations of Trump property valuations.

The defendants lost on the first claim, persistent and repeated fraud, before the trial even started.
Yep. Her incompetence has been stunning to watch, in real time. She clearly has no qualifications or knowledge to be handling these civil trials. Trump sees that as a possible out. However, it isn't. He would have to demonstrate that she did not act on or present exculpatory evidence, or misrepresented his own words/wishes in the courtroom. Which he will not be able to do.
Indeed. It has been great fun watching MAGA Base folk hanging their hopes on such trivia... :abgg2q.jpg:
Yep. Her incompetence has been stunning to watch, in real time. She clearly has no qualifications or knowledge to be handling these civil trials. Trump sees that as a possible out. However, it isn't. He would have to demonstrate that she did not act on or present exculpatory evidence, or misrepresented his own words/wishes in the courtroom. Wheich he will not be able to do.
She is easy on the eyes!
Donald Trump and entities he controls own many valuable properties, including office buildings, hotels, and golf courses. Acquiring and developing such properties required huge amounts of cash Accordingly , the entities borrowed from banks and other lenders . The lenders required personal guarantees from Donald Trump, which were based on statements of financial condition compiled by accountants that Donald Trump engaged. The accountants created these compilations based on data submitted by the Trump entities. In order to borrow more and at lower rates, defendants submitted blatantly false financial data to the accountants, resulting in fraudulent financial statements. When confronted at trial with the statements, defendants fact and expert witnesses simply denied reality, and defendants failed to accept responsibility or to impose internal controls to prevent future recurrences . As detailed herein, this Court now finds defendants liable, continues the appointment of an Independent Monitor, orders the installation of an Independent Director of Compliance, and limits defendants right to conduct business in New York for a few years.

Good luck with that.

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