Judge Refuses To Disqualify Marjorie Greene from Ballot

Then your post was bullshit. Thanks for confirming it.
If you are a dude, you sound like you need to go get the facts.
Nobody in Washington supports Putin.....except maybe secretly.
Clearly Biden acts like he supports him because he slow-walks everything they send to Ukraine.
I'd like to know what the rest of NATO is doing to help.
Why must the US be the only country left to defend Europe?
Somebody needs to draw up a comprehensive inventory list of aide different countries have sent to fight Russia.

NATO doesn't want Zalensky to be successful....that simple.
Standing, the biggest line of BS in our justice system, designed only to EXCLUDE people from the justice system! Some idiot judge tried to claim Trump didn't have standing in his own election! Everyone has standing, if they see an injustice or a crime, but the court is more interested in protecting their own maze of rules than finding real justice.
Talk to the Supremes. It is a conservative court with trump appointed people signing on to the decision. Sometimes you guys don't do any better with courts even trump heavy courts, than you do with hand-picked trump lawyers. Hey, did Rudy ever get his license back. Whatever happened to the crazy chick that got booted from her law firm to release the kraken on the courthouse step, but go down faster than a hooker wanting a dime-ball in front of a judge?
You just don't get it. We are not talking democrats here where you are guaranteed 100% siding with the party, with conservatives, you get much more a ruling strictly by the letter of the law, regardless of which party you belong to.
That's alright, you guys got you asses handed to you in courts appoint by Democrats, too. You lost in all the courts, sometimes refusing to call fraud in front of judge, though that was charged on the courthouse steps and right wing TV. You guys are a joke, dude, after trying every harebrained stunt, even Don Junior could think of.
When CNN is now calling the Insurrection a Riot is when you know the left is losing ground on this subject…

Let me be clear I have no love for Laser Beam Barbie but what the left is attempting to do is very dangerous!

If able to disqualify any candidate over what happened on January 6th 2021 without any criminal conviction will open the door for the Republican Party to abuse the same system if someone on the left is found in support of ANTIFA or BLM!

Think long and hard before opening that pandora box because once opened there is no turning back!

Of course the left never thinks, so they will regret what they have done if they get their way!

Let the voter decide if they want to keep that person or not!

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