Judge Refuses To Disqualify Marjorie Greene from Ballot

It is up to the Georgia voters as to whether she goes back to Congress.

She'd get my vote!


So you straw manning it............Some of us said we would have threatened Russia...........I would have.............Biden is a joke.........he showed his hand before they even invaded.

Helped cause it...........They didn't invade under Trump and the story was TRUMP IS GONNA CAUSE WWIII.............didn't happen........and actually Putin might have not invaded for fear of that itself.

The misinformation everywhere continues to cause mass confusion. No trust anywhere.

But it appears Putin is gonna go after Odessa next and take all the water front property.
Fine, Vote against as you did last time. Tell, ya what. If you run some normal conservative republican instead of some anti-constitutional, pro-Russian, trumper asshole, I very well might vote with you. You guys used to have a decent party, constitutionally responsible party that was good for America, like in the 80s and 90s, but I can't support the crap you have had this century.
I'm sure you have a cut & snip quote about Trump totally taken out of context.....which is how the media has lied about Trump and his actual beliefs for years.

Nah. Not worth my time.
anti-constitutional, pro-Russian, trumper asshole

WHAT A LOAD OF BULL. The party violating the constitution left and right now are the Democrats, and there is nothing "pro-Russian" about Trump or his supporters.

I can't believe you even seriously try to float that crap. You must either be an idiot, or just another pierce of work from the partisan media.
WHAT A LOAD OF BULL. The party violating the constitution left and right now are the Democrats, and there is nothing "pro-Russian" about Trump or his supporters.

I can't believe you even seriously try to float that crap. You must either be an idiot, or just another pierce of work from the partisan media.
That's alright. I cannot believe you are still blind to it.:cool:
Show us that law.
I don't live in Georgia. I don't actually have a dog in that race, though I wouldn't vote for the bitch if she was in my state. If you are a Georgia voter, look your crap up yourself, it is Georgia rule, not Tennessee rule. If you are not a Georgia resident, just a nabob somewhere in the hinterland or without, you don't matter as Texas already proved in the supreme court, if you don't have standing, you ain't sh$t, regarding the rules or laws in other states.
So which kind of political warrior are you, honey? Come on, sing for us unless you are just cheap political whaling slut.
if you don't have standing
Standing, the biggest line of BS in our justice system, designed only to EXCLUDE people from the justice system! Some idiot judge tried to claim Trump didn't have standing in his own election! Everyone has standing, if they see an injustice or a crime, but the court is more interested in protecting their own maze of rules than finding real justice.
I don't live in Georgia. I don't actually have a dog in that race, though I wouldn't vote for the bitch if she was in my state. If you are a Georgia voter, look your crap up yourself, it is Georgia rule, not Tennessee rule. If you are not a Georgia resident, just a nabob somewhere in the hinterland or without, you don't matter as Texas already proved in the supreme court, if you don't have standing, you ain't sh$t, regarding the rules or laws in other states.
So which kind of political warrior are you, honey? Come on, sing for us unless you are just cheap political whaling slut.

Then your post was bullshit. Thanks for confirming it.
I don't think it's going to be that easy.
Personally.....I think all communists and socialists should be disqualified.
But, considering you don't have the slightest idea what either of those words mean, it's a good thing you aren't in charge of anything, anywhere.

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