Judge rules trump spent decades defeauding insurers and bankers

And it's still not like selling influence in the US government to the Chinese, assface.

"Trump Money Deals: Did Saudi Arabia Replace Russia?"

I knew about Trump's earlier deals with the Saudis, but hadn't considered their paying him short money to get him out of trouble on things he'd overpaid for, as bailing him out. But it appears on some level that this is exactly what they've been doing together -- each making Deals with what the other could call, the Devil.

View attachment 835348

Look at all the Trump people glowing while meeting the money men.


And it's still not like selling influence in the US government to the Chinese, assface.

The Two Faces of Mr. Trump. What he says while campaigning, and what he says to his friends, and how they actually work together.

time: 05:57 Trump promising "We will be sure to help our Saudi friends to get a good deal from our great American defense companies...This agreement will help the Saudi military."
The point you're missing, my commie compadre, is that that's actual business of producing and selling

physical goods.

What Biden was selling was influence in US government policy.

Trump lifted sanctions against ZTE to protect Chinese jobs.

He directed the COMMERCE DEPARTMENT to change US government policy.

All caught up now?

After all that wailing about China stealing our jobs on the campaign trail, Trump went out of his way to protect Chinese jobs! In exchange for the Chinese backing one of his licensing deals with half a billion dollars!

Just how much more in-your-face corruption do you need to overcome your willful blindness?
False. You lying asshole.

The partisan political misuse of the justice system by Potato and his handlers and his henchmen (like the incredibly vile AG) are directed against Trump.

You can’t see what’s happening right before your own eyes. You’re that committed to being a lying twat.

Under Trump's reign, the Justice Dept. Investigated Clinton Foundation Until Trump’s Final Days in Office​

Trump was going after a political opponent and tried to weaponized the DOJ. But the DOJ kept the faith and investigated, and told teh world Trump's Nothingburger lacked, lettuce, pickles, onions, meat...

President Donald J. Trump and his allies tried to cast the Clinton Foundation as corrupt. But the yearslong investigation sputtered to its conclusion without charges.

The Hill: Trump Justice Department kept Clinton Foundation case open until last days of presidency: report

The Hill: DOJ inquiry tied to Clinton, touted by Trump winds down with no tangible results: report
Even Casual digging into this is like picking one's
toe's in Poughkeepsie.From the legendary movie
- The French Connection - { 1971 }.
Making the asinine claim and backing it up with
some law charge.That Mar-a-lago worth as set by
the Appraiser-in-Chief of New York law { Letitia James }
be $ 18 Million.No sane person in the U.S. would buy that
purposeful lie even if in a dream.
I think Trump was offered like $ 250 Million for it
recently.This it the degree the Democrats are willing to
lower both themselves and the country to acheive their
Machiavellian goal of total power over We the people.

#1 James didn't come up with the $18 Million figure. It was from (A) the Palm Beach County Assessor, and (B) a 2011 figure.

#2 I believe the $250 Million figure isn't what he was offered, it's what the state is seeking actual and punitive damages.


Under Trump's reign, the Justice Dept. Investigated Clinton Foundation Until Trump’s Final Days in Office​

Trump was going after a political opponent and tried to weaponized the DOJ. But the DOJ kept the faith and investigated, and told teh world Trump's Nothingburger lacked, lettuce, pickles, onions, meat...

President Donald J. Trump and his allies tried to cast the Clinton Foundation as corrupt. But the yearslong investigation sputtered to its conclusion without charges.

The Hill: Trump Justice Department kept Clinton Foundation case open until last days of presidency: report

The Hill: DOJ inquiry tied to Clinton, touted by Trump winds down with no tangible results: report
Deep state.
Deep state.
Conspiracy Theory Alert!

According to an American political conspiracy theory, the deep state is a clandestine network of members of the federal government (especially within the FBI and CIA), working in conjunction with high-level financial and industrial entities and leaders, to exercise power alongside or within the elected United States government.[1]

The term deep state originated in the 1990s as a reference to an alleged longtime deep state in Turkey, but began to be used to refer to the American government as well, including during the Obama administration.[2] However, the theory reached mainstream recognition under the presidency of Donald Trump, who referenced an alleged "deep state" working against him and his administration's agenda. The use of Trump's Twitter account, combined with other elements of right-wing populist movements during his presidency, gave birth to numerous conspiracy theory groups, such as QAnon.[3][4]

All you MAGA MAGGOTS need to fucking do is read the fucking ruling.

The Orange Shit Stain P01135809 fraudulently increased the size of his apartment. He listed his apartment at 30,000 square feet when in fact his apartment was 11,000 square feet. In doing this, P01135809 committed fraud.

You are trying to way to hard on this. Denying that P01135809 did not do something that has proven in court to have happened will not change the fact that he did it.

The judge went so far as to fine P-1135809's shyters for their conduct during the bench trial.

Attacking the judge means nothing. Praising your hitler like god means nothing. He is guilty and will more than be found guilty many more times.
All you MAGA MAGGOTS need to fucking do is read the fucking ruling.

The Orange Shit Stain P01135809 fraudulently increased the size of his apartment. He listed his apartment at 30,000 square feet when in fact his apartment was 11,000 square feet. In doing this, P01135809 committed fraud.

You are trying to way to hard on this. Denying that P01135809 did not do something that has proven in court to have happened will not change the fact that he did it.

The judge went so far as to fine P-1135809's shyters for their conduct during the bench trial.

Attacking the judge means nothing. Praising your hitler like god means nothing. He is guilty and will more than be found guilty many more times.
This is a challenging case. We have never had a former Mafia Boss president before.
I find it really sad that those who chant "lock him up" for Trump, yet they see nothing wrong with what Biden & Co. has done and is doing both to the US and his highly questionable extracurricular activities. Where do you get the funds to own multiple multi-million dollar estates/properties on the salaries he's been on? It doesn't add up. But the Dems will always see that their cheer squad is catered for with lots of bullshit to wallow in.

Will this hurt his chances of gaining the repub nomination? Or will it bolster his standing with MAGA?
If this were the case (and maybe it is) wouldn't the banks and investors he defrauded be bringing the civil case vs Trump instead of the NY AG?
Conspiracy Theory Alert!

According to an American political conspiracy theory, the deep state is a clandestine network of members of the federal government (especially within the FBI and CIA), working in conjunction with high-level financial and industrial entities and leaders, to exercise power alongside or within the elected United States government.[1]

The term deep state originated in the 1990s as a reference to an alleged longtime deep state in Turkey, but began to be used to refer to the American government as well, including during the Obama administration.[2] However, the theory reached mainstream recognition under the presidency of Donald Trump, who referenced an alleged "deep state" working against him and his administration's agenda. The use of Trump's Twitter account, combined with other elements of right-wing populist movements during his presidency, gave birth to numerous conspiracy theory groups, such as QAnon.[3][4]

Holy cow. The retarded little Dainty has managed to grasp a concept. Well, at least a little bit
Holy cow. The retarded little Dainty has managed to grasp a concept. Well, at least a little bit

Ok KneeJerk. Whatever you say.

Long ago I believe I may have offered you a way out of the comedy people see when stumbling upon your postings. A big part of it has been your scream name(s), and avatar(s) over the years.

-- changing your scream name from BackAgain to KneeJerk.

and that pathetic Belushi thing? Fucking suicidal drug addict.

How Long Before KneeJerk changes his Bluto avatar?​

Ok KneeJerk. Whatever you say.

Long ago I believe I may have offered you a way out of the comedy people see when stumbling upon your postings. A big part of it has been your scream name(s), and avatar(s) over the years.

-- changing your scream name from BackAgain to KneeJerk.

and that pathetic Belushi thing? Fucking suicidal drug addict.

How Long Before KneeJerk changes his Bluto avatar?​

Dainty’s obsession with me is revolting

but at least he has nothing of value to say when he mindlessly repeats what he’s already posted several times.

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