Judge sets absurd trial date for Trump case

The grand jury found it wasn't legal at all.

The courts did rule: every Big Lie case that ever hit the courts was laughed out of it. The electoral college had already met. The electors had already voted.

Trump and his co-conspirators conspired to stop the official proceeding (with Trump's attorney admitting to it), forge fradulent election documents and compel the VP to violate the law to overturn a lawful election.

They failed.

And there are consequences for the conspiracy.
The courts ruled. Trump lost. So why is the left determined to charge him with a crime because he challenged an election that many American's (rightly or wrongly) feel was tainted?
The courts ruled. Trump lost. So why is the left determined to charge him with a crime because he challenged an election that many American's (rightly or wrongly) feel was tainted?

Because there's strong evidence he committed very real crimes in trying to overthrow a lawful election.
Because there's strong evidence he committed very real crimes in trying to overthrow a lawful election.
No there is not. The indictments are based on charges that are reaches at best brought by far left prosecutors in liberal locales. For what? They'll be thrown out on appeal even if the judges the left has shopped for gives them the verdict they're looking for in DC, New York and Atlanta.
The courts ruled. Trump lost. So why is the left determined to charge him with a crime because he challenged an election that many American's (rightly or wrongly) feel was tainted?
December 14, 2020 is the pivotal date.
Electors Meet to Cast Their Votes
The Twelfth Amendment requires the electors to meet to cast their votes “by ballot” for President and Vice President “in their respective states.” Federal law specifies that the electors meet and cast their votes “on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December” following election day at a location “in each State as the legislature of such State shall direct.”

December 14, 2020 All fifty states certified their election

December 14, 2020 The election was over according to the Constitution and Federal Law.

December 14, 2020 Was the day Donald J Trump began packing his shit and prepare to get out of the WhiteHouse.

December 14, 2020 meant when Trump told his assembled mob on January 6th if Pence did the right thing (cite fake electors as cause to declare Trump the winner.) . . . . . WE WIN!!!!!!!!

When tied to the fake elector documents conspiracy to commit fraud against the Congress on January 6th Trump committed a crime.

There was zero way legally that Trump/ Pence could win.

There is evidence that Trump was involved in the fake electors plot which went beyond saying he won. Trump was involved in actions that enacted a plot to defraud the people of the United States fur the purpose of overturning the election he lost.

Mike Pence foiled the plot. The plot is still a crime even though the plot was foiled,

You’re very resistant to actual facts, logic and the law.

All facts above your quote Saint BackAgain and an explanation that LEGAL challenges ended on December 14fh for reasons expressed

nf.23.09.01 #1,026
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December 14, 2020 is the pivotal date.
Electors Meet to Cast Their Votes
The Twelfth Amendment requires the electors to meet to cast their votes “by ballot” for President and Vice President “in their respective states.” Federal law specifies that the electors meet and cast their votes “on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December” following election day at a location “in each State as the legislature of such State shall direct.”

December 14, 2020 All fifty states certified their election

December 14, 2020 The election was over according to the Constitution and Federal Law.

December 14, 2020 Was the day Donald J Trump began packing his shit and prepare to get out of the WhiteHouse.

December 14, 2020 meant when Trump told his assembled mob on January 6th if Pence did the right thing (cite fake electors as cause to declare Trump the winner.) . . . . . WE WIN!!!!!!!!

When tied to the fake elector documents conspiracy to commit fraud against the Congress on January 6th Trump committed a crime.

There was zero way legally that Trump/ Pence could win.

There is evidence that Trump was involved in the fake electors plot which went beyond saying he won. Trump was involved in actions that enacted a plot to defraud the people of the United States fur the purpose of overturning the election he lost.

Mike Pence foiled the plot. The plot is still a crime even though the plot was foiled,


All facts above your quote Saint BackAgain and an explanation that LEGAL challenges ended on December 14fh for reasons expressed

nf.23.09.01 #1,026
Key words are "as the legislature of each state shall direct". And Trump had just that.
And Biden ? He had "electors" selected by rogue Democrat election officials (same ones who implemented all the fraud.

Pence made a huge mistake by allowing the Democrat plot to go foward and succeed.
You misguided idiot
Here's the truth. You were told something and you believed it because you wanted to believe it. You have no idea if it's true or not but you were told to believe it so you do.

There's no section of the ECA that allows the vice president to "send it back to the states". It's not in there. It never was in there. It makes no sense. It's stupid.

You can't show any law that says anything about it because Trump and his cronies made it up. You know you can't show any part of the law that says that. It's obvious.

But that's not going to stop you from calling me a misguided idiot and scrambling to attempt to hide this fact.

That's the truth.
Again, when was Jack Smith supposed to convene a grand jury?

You're avoiding the question for a reason.
Historically not that quick, and knowing context that Trump is a presidential candidate, not the day before Super Tuesday.

You can play dumb, that’s your right, but i sincerely hope you’re just participating in the norm of leftists automatically (without thought) being 180 degrees opposed to anything Trump (no matter how ridiculous) and aren’t that naive. If so, you’d make the worst detective on planet earth, and I have a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell you.

Oh, and im Nigerian prince who is a billionaire, give me your bank account info and I’ll send you $500,000. I can’t write you a check, I need to sign into your account to transfer the money
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ECA Class - 01 nf-a Instructor.

December 14, 2020 is the pivotal date.
Electors Meet to Cast Their Votes
The Twelfth Amendment requires the electors to meet to cast their votes “by ballot” for President and Vice President “in their respective states.” Federal law specifies that the electors meet and cast their votes “on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December” following election day at a location “in each State as the legislature of such State shall direct.”

ECA Class - 01 prtctnst-a #1,027
Key words are "as the legislature of each state shall direct". And Trump had just that.

ECA Class - 01 prtctnst-b #1,027
And Biden ? He had "electors" selected by rogue Democrat election officials (same ones who implemented all the fraud.

ECA Class - 01 prtctnst-c #1,027
Pence made a huge mistake by allowing the
Democrat plot to go foward and succeed.

ECA Class - 01 mrnr-a (Asst Professor)
There's no section of the ECA that allows the vice president to "send it back to the states". It's not in there. It never was in there. It makes no sense. It's stupid.

ECA Class - 01 nf-b (Instructor.)

As late as Jan. 2, Trump convened a conference call for 300 state legislators in which he, Giuliani and lawyer John Eastman encouraged them to convene special sessions and appoint new electors. Despite the pressure and an alliance with numerous GOP legislators, no legislative body voted to endorse alternate electors. The alternate electors had no legal standing, but some Trump supporters, notably Eastman and attorney Jenna Ellis, argued that Vice President Mike Pence could simply choose to recognize these alternate electors instead of the official ones on Jan. 6.

In reference to prtctnst-c what saint protectionist is referring to as the Democratic plot “going forward” is none other than the entire presidential election on November 3, 2020

The beginnings of Saint protectionist’s arguments for American citizens self rule by lies and propaganda by the election loser, appears in prtctnst-b when he mentions Biden’s rogue Democrat election officials are the ones who implemented all the fraud.

Here we have witnessed the actual knee-jerk on the spot out of the ass creation of a MAGA election fraud conspiracy right before our eyes.

We can tell that Saint protectionist instantly made this theory up on the fly because of his response in prtctnst-a where he cited the language of the ECA that I provided in nf-a.

He has absolutely missed the point of the key words "as the legislature of each state shall direct" with an outright lie that Trump had some kind of direction from the actual legislatures of seven states that he lost that they wanted time after January 6 to decertify the election and revote and name Trump/Pence is the winners

We know that Saint protectionist is an ignorant human being with zero intellectual curiosity because he didn’t even try to look into the language of the ECA to comprehend legally what the following sentence means.
” Federal law specifies that the electors meet and cast their votes “on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December” following election day at a location “in each State as the legislature of such State shall direct.”
According to the constitution, each state is required to have their state legislature pass laws regarding the roles of electors in a presidential election. Those laws must be in place prior to when the voting begins on election day. A date that is set by each state legislature as well.

When the electors met on December 14, in the legal place to cast there vote for the winner of the 2020 election they had to follow the laws that the state legislatures directed them to follow. In every state, the president and vice president who receives the most votes from the people are declared the winner, and the electors are bound to cast their vote for that candidate.

It is absolutely absurd that Saint protectionist wants people to believe that if a state controlled by Republicans in the legislature does not like what the voters in the state decided, they can just tell the loser that he won.

The criminal acts of those indicted in Trumps criminal enterprise to overturn the election as a minimum the law against solicitation of public officials to violate their oath of office. The evidence that the criminals in the Trump criminal enterprise did just that is overwhelming

Class will be continued as necessary to save the American democratic republic from Trumpism and sore losers, like Saint protectionist.

nf.23.09.01 #1,032
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Historically not that quick, and knowing context that Trump is a presidential candidate, not the day before Super Tuesday.

Jack didn't wait until the day before super Tuesday to convene grand juries. He did that earlier this year. I think you're transposing Jack Smith's grand juries and the actual trial date under Judge Chutkan.
Key words are "as the legislature of each state shall direct". And Trump had just that.

No he didn't. The State legislatures elected their electors and sent in their list using a certificate of ascertainment.

Trump conspired to create fraudlent and forged election documents that lied about who the State had elected.

By your insane logic, a person become a judge if they wear a moo-moo. Because it kinda looks like what judges wears.

Lying about being an elector doesn't make you an elector. Creating a forged document doesn't make that document legitimate.
And Biden ? He had "electors" selected by rogue Democrat election officials (same ones who implemented all the fraud.

What fraud? Every state stands behind the integrity of their elections. Democrat, Republican, all of them. Every count, every recount, hand count, machine count, official tally, certificate of ascertainment, and electoral vote all show the same winner; Biden.

Both of Trump's private investigations showed no meaningful fraud. Every law enforcement investigation, state or federal, showed no meaningful fraud. Every court to hear your Big Lie nonsense has laughed it out the door. 0-63 I think was your record, last time I checked.

Your record of failure....is perfect. Your delusions simply aren't a legal standard. And they certainly aren't a legal defense for fraud and obstruction.
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He challenged the election. That isn't a crime. Or at least it's never been a crime before when Stacy Abrams did it...when Hillary Clinton did it...or when Al Gore did it.

Let's be quite clear here! If there ever was the possibility of Trump "stealing" the election? That possibility was dealt with by the courts. Our system worked. So why have you on the left suddenly decided that we need to set the very dangerous precedent of a sitting President using the DOJ that he controls to try and put his biggest political rival in jail! Do you all not grasp how this can be used against liberals somewhere down the line? It's wrong and it's disgusting that leaders in the Democratic Party didn't have enough spine to resist doing it!

Trying to send fake electors from 7 states to Congress to flip the election is NOT challenging it. It's trying to steal it.
In the unlikely event proceedings start this soon, they MIGHT have a jury picked by 2025 or so...
I know if I had irrefutable proof that would totally exonerate me, so much so that I was willing to stage an event to show it just a few weeks ago -- it makes sense to delay delay delay delay as long as possible.....because of how sure I am of all of that irrefutable proof I have that will totally exonerate me.

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