Judge Strikes Down Mississippi Christian Sharia Ban on Gay Adoption

I could care less if homo's want to adopt kids, every kid needs a good home, and I sure as hell cant afford anymore.

That being said, I don't care if its a homo or a priest, anyone molesting a child should be strung up, until they are dead, and left for the birds to eat, they don't deserve a plot.

Anyone who disagrees with that, must like molesting children, and deserves to die, horribly.

How is child molestation remotely related to this topic?
That must really suck to have a good shot at being adopted by a normal family (traditional mother and father) only to be adopted by to homos that stick their junk in each other's @ss. Nothing can replace the positive influence of a mother and father. But on the other side of the argument, if you have no chance of being adopted and a gay family is your only chance it makes sense. So I have no issue with gay adoption.
I could care less if homo's want to adopt kids, every kid needs a good home, and I sure as hell cant afford anymore.

That being said, I don't care if its a homo or a priest, anyone molesting a child should be strung up, until they are dead, and left for the birds to eat, they don't deserve a plot.

Anyone who disagrees with that, must like molesting children, and deserves to die, horribly.

How is child molestation remotely related to this topic?
If you think that most people who oppose gay's adopting children, is not driven by the fact that they see gay's as perverts, then I cant explain it to you.

People assume that a gay person will have a higher propensity to molest a child, and I don't think that's true at all, most gay people I know are very humble and respectful and it seems to me that they would make good parents.

The actual perverts are the people who are bi-sexual. All they want is to get off and they don't care who does the job, as long as they enjoy it. Those are the people who don't need to be raising kids.
That must really suck to have a good shot at being adopted by a normal family (traditional mother and father) only to be adopted by to homos that stick their junk in each other's @ss. Nothing can replace the positive influence of a mother and father. But on the other side of the argument, if you have no chance of being adopted and a gay family is your only chance it makes sense. So I have no issue with gay adoption.
Thing is, it would be hard on a kid to have 2 moms or 2 dads, even in today's world. Bully's still exist in schools and they will until the world ends. You could always homeschool a kid, but that is just putting a bandaid on the still bleeding wound that needs stiches.
"Judge Strikes Down Mississippi Christian Sharia Ban on Gay Adoption"

"Christian Sharia" refers to the fact that most on the social right – Christian fundamentalists in particular – seek to conjoin church and state by codifying religious dogma into secular law in violation of the Framers' mandate that church and state remain separate.

In this case the errant, wrongheaded Mississippi law prohibiting gay Americans from adopting, a law devoid of facts or merit, predicated solely on bigotry toward gay Americans.

There is no objective documented evidence that gay parents are ‘unfit’ to adopt, or that children placed with gay parents are in any sort of ‘jeopardy’ – in fact, gay Americans are just as capable of being good parents as anyone else.

The Mississippi law is lacks a rational basis, lacks objective, documented evidence in support, and pursues no proper legislative end – it seeks only to disadvantage gay Americans for no other reason than who they are, in violation of the 14th Amendment.

Moreover, the states have no ‘right’ or ‘authority’ to decide who will or will not have his protected liberties, one’s civil rights are not subject to ‘popular vote,’ and one does not ‘forfeit’ is rights merely as a consequence of this state of residence.

Gay Americans are first and foremost citizens of the United States, residents of their states subordinate to that, with the right to move freely about the country, their rights and protected liberties moving with them to their jurisdiction of residence, immune from attack by the states.

The Mississippi statute was invalidated in accordance with the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.
Shari'a operates as the religious model for which government must be modeled. Muslims do it, the Orthodox Jews in Israel are trying to do it. So would our socons, like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, love to do it using the Bible
That must really suck to have a good shot at being adopted by a normal family (traditional mother and father) only to be adopted by to homos that stick their junk in each other's @ss. Nothing can replace the positive influence of a mother and father. But on the other side of the argument, if you have no chance of being adopted and a gay family is your only chance it makes sense. So I have no issue with gay adoption.
So...when you think about or see gay people, the first thing that comes to your mind is how they have sex? How odd.
That must really suck to have a good shot at being adopted by a normal family (traditional mother and father) only to be adopted by to homos that stick their junk in each other's @ss. Nothing can replace the positive influence of a mother and father. But on the other side of the argument, if you have no chance of being adopted and a gay family is your only chance it makes sense. So I have no issue with gay adoption.
Thing is, it would be hard on a kid to have 2 moms or 2 dads, even in today's world. Bully's still exist in schools and they will until the world ends. You could always homeschool a kid, but that is just putting a bandaid on the still bleeding wound that needs stiches.
Same excuse was used in relation to inter-racial couples and their kids. SSDD
That must really suck to have a good shot at being adopted by a normal family (traditional mother and father) only to be adopted by to homos that stick their junk in each other's @ss. Nothing can replace the positive influence of a mother and father. But on the other side of the argument, if you have no chance of being adopted and a gay family is your only chance it makes sense. So I have no issue with gay adoption.
Thing is, it would be hard on a kid to have 2 moms or 2 dads, even in today's world. Bully's still exist in schools and they will until the world ends. You could always homeschool a kid, but that is just putting a bandaid on the still bleeding wound that needs stiches.
Same excuse was used in relation to inter-racial couples and their kids. SSDD
Bit of a difference since inter-racial couples have a mom and pop.

But, If you think race is the same as sexual orientation, more power to you, I know some African-Americans that disagree, and some Native Americans, and some Latino Americans... You know, they seem to be getting tired of used by homo's as race is the same as sexual orientation...
That must really suck to have a good shot at being adopted by a normal family (traditional mother and father) only to be adopted by to homos that stick their junk in each other's @ss. Nothing can replace the positive influence of a mother and father. But on the other side of the argument, if you have no chance of being adopted and a gay family is your only chance it makes sense. So I have no issue with gay adoption.
So...when you think about or see gay people, the first thing that comes to your mind is how they have sex? How odd.

Lesbians yes - especially if they're hot. All I can think is I want to jump in the middle. However two men, I would throw up if I thought about it for more than 2 seconds.
WTF is "Christian Sharia"? LOL :cuckoo:

Christian Sharia means not baking a cake for a gay wedding.

Muslim Sharia means beheading, stoning, or hanging a gay person.

To the Leftwing-Prog Loons, the former is much worse.
Give the ffar right Christians the opportunity to enforce by violence their Biblical view of the world, and many many would do just that.

Really? Where have modern day Christians done this?

In reality, ISIS is conducting a campaign of Genocide against Christians, but the Left-Progs would rather demonize Christians for Nogoodbadthink for not supporting the LGBT agenda.
That must really suck to have a good shot at being adopted by a normal family (traditional mother and father) only to be adopted by to homos that stick their junk in each other's @ss. Nothing can replace the positive influence of a mother and father. But on the other side of the argument, if you have no chance of being adopted and a gay family is your only chance it makes sense. So I have no issue with gay adoption.
So...when you think about or see gay people, the first thing that comes to your mind is how they have sex? How odd.

Lesbians yes - especially if they're hot. All I can think is I want to jump in the middle. However two men, I would throw up if I thought about it for more than 2 seconds.
How odd that your mind automatically defaults to thinking about people having sex. Is that a hetero thing? Or just you?
WTF is "Christian Sharia"? LOL :cuckoo:

Christian Sharia means not baking a cake for a gay wedding.

Muslim Sharia means beheading, stoning, or hanging a gay person.

To the Leftwing-Prog Loons, the former is much worse.
Give the ffar right Christians the opportunity to enforce by violence their Biblical view of the world, and many many would do just that.

Really? Where have modern day Christians done this?

In reality, ISIS is conducting a campaign of Genocide against Christians, but the Left-Progs would rather demonize Christians for Nogoodbadthink for not supporting the LGBT agenda.
How many abortion killings in the last year because of far right Christian belief?

Don't play silly, boedicaa, it is not becoming of you.
That must really suck to have a good shot at being adopted by a normal family (traditional mother and father) only to be adopted by to homos that stick their junk in each other's @ss. Nothing can replace the positive influence of a mother and father. But on the other side of the argument, if you have no chance of being adopted and a gay family is your only chance it makes sense. So I have no issue with gay adoption.
Thing is, it would be hard on a kid to have 2 moms or 2 dads, even in today's world. Bully's still exist in schools and they will until the world ends. You could always homeschool a kid, but that is just putting a bandaid on the still bleeding wound that needs stiches.
‘Thing is,’ this is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant, subjective opinion only, devoid of facts or merit.

In fact, children with same-sex parents fare just as well as those with a single parent or opposite-sex parents.
WTF is "Christian Sharia"? LOL :cuckoo:

Christian Sharia means not baking a cake for a gay wedding.

Muslim Sharia means beheading, stoning, or hanging a gay person.

To the Leftwing-Prog Loons, the former is much worse.
And here we have another example of the ignorance, fear, and bigotry common to most on the right, the propensity of most conservatives to lie, and the inability of most on the right to engage in rational thought, as this post fails as a false comparison fallacy.

That a business owner would refuse to accommodate a patron for no other reason than the patron’s sexual orientation is consistent with the bigotry and hate common to many in all religions – including Christianity and Islam; the bigotry and hate is practiced by the individuals, not their religion, nor is it ‘representative’ of their religion.

And it is of course a ridiculous lie that liberals believe the bigotry of a business owner refusing to accommodate a gay patron is ‘worse’ than beheading, stoning, or hanging a gay person – hence the false comparison fallacy; liberals correctly condemn all manifestations of bigotry and hate, as practiced by both Christians and Muslims.
I could care less if homo's want to adopt kids, every kid needs a good home, and I sure as hell cant afford anymore.

That being said, I don't care if its a homo or a priest, anyone molesting a child should be strung up, until they are dead, and left for the birds to eat, they don't deserve a plot.

Anyone who disagrees with that, must like molesting children, and deserves to die, horribly.

How is child molestation remotely related to this topic?
If you think that most people who oppose gay's adopting children, is not driven by the fact that they see gay's as perverts, then I cant explain it to you.

People assume that a gay person will have a higher propensity to molest a child, and I don't think that's true at all, most gay people I know are very humble and respectful and it seems to me that they would make good parents.

The actual perverts are the people who are bi-sexual. All they want is to get off and they don't care who does the job, as long as they enjoy it. Those are the people who don't need to be raising kids.

WTF is "Christian Sharia"? LOL :cuckoo:

Christian Sharia means not baking a cake for a gay wedding.

Muslim Sharia means beheading, stoning, or hanging a gay person.

To the Leftwing-Prog Loons, the former is much worse.
Give the ffar right Christians the opportunity to enforce by violence their Biblical view of the world, and many many would do just that.

Really? Where have modern day Christians done this?

In reality, ISIS is conducting a campaign of Genocide against Christians, but the Left-Progs would rather demonize Christians for Nogoodbadthink for not supporting the LGBT agenda.
How many abortion killings in the last year because of far right Christian belief?

Don't play silly, boedicaa, it is not becoming of you.

Please compare the body counts of abortion killings (not the babies, but the abortionists) to the number of people murdered by ISIS or other adherents of Sharia law.

And please link to a legitimate Christian church which has a policy of executing gay people (or abortionists).
WTF is "Christian Sharia"? LOL :cuckoo:

Christian Sharia means not baking a cake for a gay wedding.

Muslim Sharia means beheading, stoning, or hanging a gay person.

To the Leftwing-Prog Loons, the former is much worse.
And here we have another example of the ignorance, fear, and bigotry common to most on the right, the propensity of most conservatives to lie, and the inability of most on the right to engage in rational thought, as this post fails as a false comparison fallacy.

That a business owner would refuse to accommodate a patron for no other reason than the patron’s sexual orientation is consistent with the bigotry and hate common to many in all religions – including Christianity and Islam; the bigotry and hate is practiced by the individuals, not their religion, nor is it ‘representative’ of their religion.

And it is of course a ridiculous lie that liberals believe the bigotry of a business owner refusing to accommodate a gay patron is ‘worse’ than beheading, stoning, or hanging a gay person – hence the false comparison fallacy; liberals correctly condemn all manifestations of bigotry and hate, as practiced by both Christians and Muslims.

Thank you for proving my point!

Enjoy your moral relativistic swill!

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