Judge strikes down North Carolina ultrasound abortion law

Speaking is part of their profession. They relay the information they find when they're testing to their patients.

What the baby killers expect is that they NOT do this, for women who are getting abortions ONLY. Because they do not want women getting abortions to be fully informed, or their care to be as assiduous, as women who are being treated by other doctors.

Because these women don't matter as much.
No, the law requires an ultrasound to be performed, and the results presented to the woman.

Nice try, though.

And forcing them to get one if they don't want one is big government, which you claim you don't support.

Nice try, though.

Wrong again. It's MEDICINE. Patients do not dictate to their doctors, "No you don't have to run this test or that test...I just want you to cut out my spleen anyway". Medicine has a protocol, and the medical community (except for abortionists) submit to it, and to strict oversight.

Ultrasounds when performing abortions are a safety precaution that will allow the procedure to be performed more safely, and the clinician to be more fully prepared. It also forces the clinicians to acknowledge the actual age of the fetus...which is the real reason baby killers are so adamant that it not take place.

Because it would blow the lie that late term abortions are *rare* right out of the water.

It would also blow the lie that the women who submit to abortion are the first priority.

How long you been a doctor? where you go to school? where do you work now?
50 million dead american babies and counting.....Hey women is this really what you think power is?

And what’s your solution to end it?

‘Banning’ abortion won’t end the practice, any more than your attacking people you disagree with over the issue.

Okay, let's repeal all laws against murder since murder stillhappens when it's against the law.
A woman should have a right to control what she does with her own body.....even after giving birth to a baby. If the mother decides that she does not want to feed the baby, bath the baby, or change the babies diapers, that's okay. The mother would be using her body to do these tasks. So what if the baby dies of starvation? If the baby is truly viable, then it can servive on its own without assistance from the mother's body. All hail the right of a woman to make decisions about what she does with her own body.....which trumps all issues of responsibility to others.
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50 million dead american babies and counting.....Hey women is this really what you think power is?

And what’s your solution to end it?

‘Banning’ abortion won’t end the practice, any more than your attacking people you disagree with over the issue.

Okay, let's repeal all laws against murder since murder stillhappens when it's against the law.

This is a false analogy fallacy.

Those who seek to ‘ban’ abortion do so absent any other viable solution, which means they’re either delusional in thinking ‘banning’ abortion will end the practice or they’re insincere in their desire to end it.
Just because it continues to happen doesn't mean the state must give their seal of approval.

And the analogy is perfect.
A woman should have a right to control what she does with her own body.....even after giving birth to a baby. If the mother decides that she does not want to feed the baby, bath the baby, or change the babies diapers, that's okay. The mother would be using her body to do these tasks. So what if the baby dies of starvation? If the baby is truly viable, then it can servive on its own without assistance from the mother's body. All hail the right of a woman to make decisions about what she does with her own body.....which trumps all issues of responsibility to others.

Prior to birth a woman’s rights are paramount, where the state may not dictate to a woman whether she may have a child or not; and prior to birth the embryo/fetus is not legally a person entitled to Constitutional protections.

These are settled and accepted fundamental facts of Constitutional case law, wisely and appropriately limiting the power and authority of the state.

With the power and authority of the state thus restricted, the people are at liberty to address the problem of abortion free from the concern that their civil liberties will indeed be violated by the state, allowing the people to find an actual, effective solution to the problem.
The platform is that abortion is murder, and women are being abused and killed by the industry for the express purpose of reducing the numbers of poor minorities...and to support the sex trade.

Do you ever lie awake at night, worrying about the toasty eternity awaiting you? After all, the commandment isn't "Though shalt not lie, unless attacking the dirty liberals, in which case lying is cool." God will not be accepting the excuse that you were lying for a the cause.

You think she will go to hell for not supporting infanticide?

tapatalk post
As we can see progressives are all for saving lives as long as they are not law abiding citizens, babies, police, soldiers, or those not like them

tapatalk post
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A woman should have a right to control what she does with her own body.....even after giving birth to a baby. If the mother decides that she does not want to feed the baby, bath the baby, or change the babies diapers, that's okay. The mother would be using her body to do these tasks. So what if the baby dies of starvation? If the baby is truly viable, then it can servive on its own without assistance from the mother's body. All hail the right of a woman to make decisions about what she does with her own body.....which trumps all issues of responsibility to others.

Prior to birth a woman’s rights are paramount, where the state may not dictate to a woman whether she may have a child or not; and prior to birth the embryo/fetus is not legally a person entitled to Constitutional protections.

These are settled and accepted fundamental facts of Constitutional case law, wisely and appropriately limiting the power and authority of the state.

With the power and authority of the state thus restricted, the people are at liberty to address the problem of abortion free from the concern that their civil liberties will indeed be violated by the state, allowing the people to find an actual, effective solution to the problem.
You planning on sticking by the fallacy?

You are making the claim that this is ridged, set in stone?

Because this statement is not absolute, is it? IF it is not absolute, then it falls under the category of dehumanization. There are many reasons to dehumanize people, none of them considered good by decent and moral societies.

None of this has any bearing on the ruling. The ruling speaks specifically to the power of the state to compel someone to act against their own morality. In this case, to attempt to force a doctor to speak for abortion, or against abortion.

No one in a sane frame of mind would find it acceptable to force someone to advocate for something they disagree with.
There are many reasons to dehumanize people, none of them considered good by decent and moral societies.

That's the same argument PETA uses to say meat is murder. It doesn't make any more or less sense when PETA uses it. There's really no difference between PETA and pro-life arguments.
Wrong again. It's MEDICINE.

No, dumb ass, it's a procedure and a completely unnecessary one

Patients do not dictate to their doctors, "No you don't have to run this test or that test...

Yes, you can and I have. There have been a couple of times I have refused a test because I didn't feel it was necessary and didn't want to pay for it.

And this is not a patient dictating to her doctor; this is a bunch of Republican men, most of whom are not doctors, who are the dictating to the doctors what to do.

Ultrasounds when performing abortions are a safety precaution that will allow the procedure to be performed more safely, and the clinician to be more fully prepared.

False. That is not the reason for this law and you know it.

It also forces the clinicians to acknowledge the actual age of the fetus...which is the real reason baby killers are so adamant that it not take place.

Like you said, force. Your word, not mine. Force = Big, Intrusive Government.
Hey dummy since when is a state keeping children from being slaughtered big government? What murder isn't a crime In small governments?

You know "thanatos" means "death" in English, right?

No shit

I just find a bit ironic that someone who is adamant about stepping on other people's civil liberties in order to protect the life of someone who hasn't been born yet would refer to himself as Death.
Wrong again. It's MEDICINE.

No, dumb ass, it's a procedure and a completely unnecessary one

Patients do not dictate to their doctors, "No you don't have to run this test or that test...

Yes, you can and I have. There have been a couple of times I have refused a test because I didn't feel it was necessary and didn't want to pay for it.

And this is not a patient dictating to her doctor; this is a bunch of Republican men, most of whom are not doctors, who are the dictating to the doctors what to do.

Ultrasounds when performing abortions are a safety precaution that will allow the procedure to be performed more safely, and the clinician to be more fully prepared.

False. That is not the reason for this law and you know it.

It also forces the clinicians to acknowledge the actual age of the fetus...which is the real reason baby killers are so adamant that it not take place.

Like you said, force. Your word, not mine. Force = Big, Intrusive Government.

A sober Dr is in truth big government as well right?

tapatalk post
As we can see progressives are all for saving lives as long ad they are not law abiding citizens, babies, police, soldiers, or those not like them

tapatalk post

And how can we see that, exactly?
A sober Dr is in truth big government as well right?

tapatalk post

Don't waste my time with obfuscating with childish hyperbole. If you lack that much common sense it's no wonder you're incapable of making a coherent argument.

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