Judge Sullivan Scrambles For A Lifeline To Bail HIMSELF Out Of Dropped Flynn Case

Not even a perjury trap. That isn’t the charge.
There is no longer any 'charge' as the DOJ dropped its entire criminal case

Wow you seriously don't know what the fuck is going on- Flynn already pled guilty and DOJ's motion was HALTED.


I see "Thinker" is at it again. :rolleyes:

Flynn's case is still very much open, he can and probably will still get convicted. Let me know what part of that you are too stupid to understand.

Since there are no longer any charges, what will he be convicted for...Einstein.
What made you think there are no longer any charges? We Americans don’t live in a KING or DICTATORS form of governments. We have a constitution.

Just imagine if a fucking President or AG can just come in and dissolve any case because they are their friends? That is how a King and Dictator rule a country. Why is that acceptable?

In just 3 short years. How did we become so dumb and ignorant and supporter of a Traitor General?

Good to know you don't have a fricken clue. The DOJ made the charges and dropped the charges. If for some reason you feel Sullivan will pursue charges, he'll need to take off his robe to pursue whatever fricken fantasy you or he wants to.
Not even a perjury trap. That isn’t the charge.
There is no longer any 'charge' as the DOJ dropped its entire criminal case

Wow you seriously don't know what the fuck is going on- Flynn already pled guilty and DOJ's motion was HALTED.


I see "Thinker" is at it again. :rolleyes:

Flynn's case is still very much open, he can and probably will still get convicted. Let me know what part of that you are too stupid to understand.

Since there are no longer any charges, what will he be convicted for...Einstein.
Likely criminal contempt -> perjury.
Barr has no control over Gleeson.

Flynn chose to plead guilty to lying to avoid prosecution for more serious crimes, including acting as an undisclosed paid agent of foreign governments while he was working on President Trump’s campaign

You fricken idiots are too much.
I’m ext
"D.C. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan issued an order Tuesday indicating that he'll soon accept "amicus curiae," or "friend of the court" submissions, in the case of former national security adviser Michael Flynn -- essentially allowing the court to use an "ask the audience" lifeline in what has already proved to be an unpredictable and chaotic prosecution.

Sullivan's minute order indicated that an upcoming scheduling order would clarify the parameters of who specifically could submit the amicus briefs, which are submissions by non-parties that claim an interest in the case. Sullivan specifically said he anticipates that "individuals and organizations" will file briefs "for the benefit of the court."

The move attracted immediate criticism -- and a planned ethics complaint against Sullivan, who had previously refused to hear amicus briefs in the case. ("Options exist for a private citizen to express his views about matters of public interest, but the Court's docket is not an available option," Sullivan wrote in the past.)

"Judge Sullivan, who denied leave to file amicus briefs when he knew third parties would have spoken favorably of Flynn, now solicits briefs critical of Flynn," independent journalist Michael Cernovich wrote on Twitter. "This is a violation of the judicial oath and applicable ethical rules."

It appears Sullivan, who viciously rebuked Flynn in court based on the lies presented in court now doesn't want to simply drop the case and walk away with egg on his face.

The easiest thing to do to make this all go away quietly would have been to allow the case to be dropped....but it appears Sullivan wants the circus to continue...


I’m extremely very proud of Judge Sullivan for not allowing this kind of corruption in his court. He is not intimidated and tough. This is a slap to the face of Barr’s corruption.
This is a corruption clear and simple by this administration against American justice system to the core.

Entrapments, coerced or any of that defending Flynn is just totally hogwash.


And, once again, you've proven to be the poster child for ignorance.

"Who was Brady, anyhow? We ask because of the incredible evidence “suggesting,” as the Wall Street Journal puts it, that the FBI withheld exculpatory information from General Michael Flynn when President Trump’s first national security adviser was being maneuvered into the guilty plea that he is now trying to withdraw. The obligation of prosecutors to disclose exculpatory material is called the “Brady Rule.” Hence our question.

It turns out that John Leo Brady was a 25-year-old murderer from Maryland. He entered the pantheon of precedent because of a Supreme Court case called Brady v. Maryland, decided in 1963. Brady and a 24-year-old companion were convicted of murdering a man they knew, William Brooks. The prosecution withheld from Brady’s defense that his companion had not only admitted doing the killing but also that he’d done it alone.

The Supreme Court, in a decision written by Justice William O. Douglas, decided that Brady’s due process right had been violated. It gave him a new sentencing hearing, which spared him the death sentence he was originally given and jailed him for life. Brady eventually was paroled. The precedent, though, has been in use since and the rule has even, in some jurisdictions (including New York) been tightened.

Judge Emmet Sullivan has so far seemed reluctant to credit a Brady defense for the general. Yet the judge heroically overturned the case against Senator Ted Stevens over Brady violations. Will the new material in General Flynn be enough?

We’ve long since called on Judge Sullivan to reject General Flynn’s guilty plea. Our concern then — December 2018 —was the use by prosecutors of section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code, a notoriously vague law that invites abuse. Add to that the Brady issues. The phrase the Journal uses to describe the government’s failure to hand over information in the prosecution of General Flynn is “beyond dispute.”

The thing that gets us here is the failure of the liberal press. It has long loved the Brady Rule. The New York Times has been particularly eloquent when it comes to Brady violations by, say, prosecutors in New Orleans. On the 50th anniversary of Brady, the Times backed “open files reform,” under which prosecutors’ files would be generally opened. Yet Brady abuses in the Flynn case have found the liberal papers loath to speak up for their own principles in the Trump era."
What crimes?
What law was broken?
Flynn crossed The Black Messiah somehow.

Why the enmity?
One simple reason.....Flynn opposed Hussein Obama's signature foreign policy aim: to nuclear arm his co-religionists in the 7th century barbarian kingdom. Flynn saw through the absurd plan to arm the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, and advance a deal that never had any inspections of the murderous blood-drenched savages.

"Obama Allies Torpedoed Flynn to Protect Iran Deal
...moving behind the scenes to kneecap someone they've long viewed as a threat to the future of their signature accord.
... include former Obama administration adviser Ben Rhodes—the architect of a separate White House effort to create what he described as a pro-Iran echo chamber—included a small task force of Obama loyalists who deluged media outlets with stories aimed at eroding Flynn's credibility, multiple sources revealed."

Oh My: Did Obama Allies Torpedoed Michael Flynn to Protect the Iran Deal?


That is just a load of nonsense. Most or all GOPs opposed all of Obama’s policies. These GOPs even allowed Bibi to speak against Obama Iran Nuclear program in Congress.
So why should Obama even care about Flynn disagreements?

Did Obama told Flynn to call ambassador Kislyak? That is where Flynn got himself in trouble. Your IRAN bullshit has nothing to do with your nonsense.

Here are two questions that will both reveal your ignorance, and will leave you speechless.

What law did Flynn break?

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
Not even a perjury trap. That isn’t the charge.
There is no longer any 'charge' as the DOJ dropped its entire criminal case

Wow you seriously don't know what the fuck is going on- Flynn already pled guilty and DOJ's motion was HALTED.


I see "Thinker" is at it again. :rolleyes:

Flynn's case is still very much open, he can and probably will still get convicted. Let me know what part of that you are too stupid to understand.

Since there are no longer any charges, what will he be convicted for...Einstein.
What made you think there are no longer any charges? We Americans don’t live in a KING or DICTATORS form of governments. We have a constitution.

Just imagine if a fucking President or AG can just come in and dissolve any case because they are their friends? That is how a King and Dictator rule a country. Why is that acceptable?

In just 3 short years. How did we become so dumb and ignorant and supporter of a Traitor General?

Profanity is the effort of a feeble mind to express itself forcefully.
What Sullivan is doing is highly unusual...to bring in a bunch of anti Trump attorneys and allow them to write briefs is just a way to keep the Trump bashing going and to keep the Obama crimes off the front page....
Well Bud. What Barr has done is very unusual to begin with. Why is he heavily involved in Trump’s friends case??? . It’s unprecedented that garnered 2,000 signatures against Barr’s tyrannical actions.

No it isn't.

“President Obama Declares “There Is No Precedent That Anybody Can Find” For The Flynn Motion [He May Want To Call Eric Holder]

"Without doubting the exhaustive search referenced by President Obama, he might have tried calling one “alum”: former Attorney General Eric Holder. Holder moved to dismiss such a case based on prosecutorial errors in front of the very same judge, Judge Emmet Sullivan. [Notably, CNN covered the statements this morning without noting the clearly false claim over the lack of any precedent for the Flynn motion]”
President Obama Declares “There Is No Precedent That Anybody Can Find” For The Flynn Motion [He May Want To Call Eric Holder]

Remember the last time you were right about anything?

Me neither.
I did that. A TRAITOR. Not a single one supported traitor Gen. Flynn. This a US General sitting next to Putin eating dinner. Ask any military personnel retired or active if that is acceptable? They want to fry him. Why and since when that is acceptable? Then a dumb moron president hired him as NSA. God deng that is scary.

Don’t tell me Obama sent Flynn to Putin.

That is what you are good at. What tells us about you? Posting wrong nonsense picture. I’ll be embarrassed if I were you. a good example of creating and planting wrong information for the sake of Trump. Is that mean ALL your post is as fake as your picture? Because that is what you are proving your self here.

You’ve ALWAYS been a big LIAR and ignorant.

Where did I post the "wrong nonsense picture"? Where too did I say there was anything wrong with President Obama dining and toasting each other?

Why do you disdain countries with opposing goals talking to each other? How is that a good thing?

Is this photo fake too? The first one, as you know, is NOT.

Exactly. This pandemic is a plague that god has put on us.

Many would argue that is EXACTLY what Obama and his most criminal administration in US history was....
Yeah right! Like WHAtT? You accused Obama of murder killing a whistle blower without any proof of evidence. Dude and you are here talking nonsense BULLSHIT and pumping lies. Dude get real. Something is wrong with you.
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It’s unprecedented that garnered 2,000 signatures against Barr’s tyrannical actions.

Are they the same 2,000 signatures who swore that 97% of scientists supported Global Warming?

Keep it up, but you're embarrassing yourself!
It’s unprecedented that garnered 2,000 signatures against Barr’s tyrannical actions.

Are they the same 2,000 signatures who swore that 97% of scientists supported Global Warming?

Keep it up, but you're embarrassing yourself!
Well my dear the whole world. The WHOLE world supports climate change. Except USA because of ignorance by you and the president.
WHAT the hell is global warming has anything to do with with your ignorance and fake picture?

im blasting your ignorance and stupidity why an I embarrassing myself?
You lie like Flynn. He was negotiating a deal with the Russian ambassador to not retaliate against the US over Obama's sanctions. And Russia complied.

You must have forgotten to include the reliable source and working link.

You really should do some research on your own and stop parroting what you are fed by CNN, MSNBC, VOX, DailyKOS, MoveOn.org and others!

You've put your finger on how Liberals/Democrats function.

They simply plagiarize the sources you've mentioned, but don't state who what they are parroting.

It goes without saying, they can neither explain nor defend the agendas they repeat.
Actually you got that backwards my dear. You are on the defensive side trying to protect a tyranny and corruption.
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What crimes?
What law was broken?
Flynn crossed The Black Messiah somehow.

Why the enmity?
One simple reason.....Flynn opposed Hussein Obama's signature foreign policy aim: to nuclear arm his co-religionists in the 7th century barbarian kingdom. Flynn saw through the absurd plan to arm the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, and advance a deal that never had any inspections of the murderous blood-drenched savages.

"Obama Allies Torpedoed Flynn to Protect Iran Deal
...moving behind the scenes to kneecap someone they've long viewed as a threat to the future of their signature accord.
... include former Obama administration adviser Ben Rhodes—the architect of a separate White House effort to create what he described as a pro-Iran echo chamber—included a small task force of Obama loyalists who deluged media outlets with stories aimed at eroding Flynn's credibility, multiple sources revealed."

Oh My: Did Obama Allies Torpedoed Michael Flynn to Protect the Iran Deal?


That is just a load of nonsense. Most or all GOPs opposed all of Obama’s policies. These GOPs even allowed Bibi to speak against Obama Iran Nuclear program in Congress.
So why should Obama even care about Flynn disagreements?

Did Obama told Flynn to call ambassador Kislyak? That is where Flynn got himself in trouble. Your IRAN bullshit has nothing to do with your nonsense.

Here are two questions that will both reveal your ignorance, and will leave you speechless.

What law did Flynn break?

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

Flynn accepted payments exceeding $65,000 from companies linked to Russia in 2015 – $45,000 of which was Flynn’s speaking fee paid by RT, the Russian government’s English language television channel. This is a problem. Under federal law, former military officers need to get approval for foreign employment. And while there is a charming photo of Flynn sitting next to Vladimir V. Putin at the RT gala following Flynn’s speech, there isn’t any paper trail of Flynn’s having asked permission before his keynote.

Flynn’s failure to request the necessary permission is just the prelude to the theme, though. In January 2016, while Flynn was applying for renewal of his security clearance, he filled out form SF-86. That would have been the time for him to disclose the whole $45K-for-a-Russian-speech thing; yet, any mention of the speech was conspicuously absent from the form.

“The failure to properly report the RT payment on his SF-86 is potentially the most significant issue for Flynn from a criminal context. Knowing and willful failure to provide relevant and material information on security paperwork is a felony under 18 USC 1001, punishable by up to 5 years in prison.”

Now shut the fuck up and Obama did no such thing.
What Sullivan is doing is highly unusual...to bring in a bunch of anti Trump attorneys and allow them to write briefs is just a way to keep the Trump bashing going and to keep the Obama crimes off the front page....
Well Bud. What Barr has done is very unusual to begin with. Why is he heavily involved in Trump’s friends case??? . It’s unprecedented that garnered 2,000 signatures against Barr’s tyrannical actions.
Barr is involved because of action Flynn's attorney has taken...what do you mean "Trumps friend"?....they never knew each other until Trump ran for office...listen to yourself...defending illegal corrupt police work just because Obama ordered it....how disgusting....
Oh BULLSHIT. Surprise me river.... How and why is he even involved with Flynn and Roger Stone case? Flynn and Stone are both part of Trump goons/friends. If they are not goons of Trump. Do you think Barr will even get involved?

Did Obama ordered Flynn to go talk to Kislyak? You are using Obama as your excuses is just laughable.
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You lie like Flynn. He was negotiating a deal with the Russian ambassador to not retaliate against the US over Obama's sanctions. And Russia complied.

You must have forgotten to include the reliable source and working link.

You really should do some research on your own and stop parroting what you are fed by CNN, MSNBC, VOX, DailyKOS, MoveOn.org and others!

You've put your finger on how Liberals/Democrats function.

They simply plagiarize the sources you've mentioned, but don't state who what they are parroting.

It goes without saying, they can neither explain nor defend the agendas they repeat.
Actually you got that backwards my dear. You are on the defensive side trying to protect a tyranny and corruption.

I admit, I didn't think you could provide a stupider post than the earlier one.

Yet.....effortlessly......you did.
Not even a perjury trap. That isn’t the charge.
There is no longer any 'charge' as the DOJ dropped its entire criminal case

Wow you seriously don't know what the fuck is going on- Flynn already pled guilty and DOJ's motion was HALTED.


I see "Thinker" is at it again. :rolleyes:

Flynn's case is still very much open, he can and probably will still get convicted. Let me know what part of that you are too stupid to understand.

Since there are no longer any charges, what will he be convicted for...Einstein.
What made you think there are no longer any charges? We Americans don’t live in a KING or DICTATORS form of governments. We have a constitution.

Just imagine if a fucking President or AG can just come in and dissolve any case because they are their friends? That is how a King and Dictator rule a country. Why is that acceptable?

In just 3 short years. How did we become so dumb and ignorant and supporter of a Traitor General?

Profanity is the effort of a feeble mind to express itself forcefully.
Use of profanity is the disdain for ignorance posted consistently by people like you.
You lie like Flynn. He was negotiating a deal with the Russian ambassador to not retaliate against the US over Obama's sanctions. And Russia complied.

You must have forgotten to include the reliable source and working link.

You really should do some research on your own and stop parroting what you are fed by CNN, MSNBC, VOX, DailyKOS, MoveOn.org and others!

You've put your finger on how Liberals/Democrats function.

They simply plagiarize the sources you've mentioned, but don't state who what they are parroting.

It goes without saying, they can neither explain nor defend the agendas they repeat.
Actually you got that backwards my dear. You are on the defensive side trying to protect a tyranny and corruption.

I admit, I didn't think you could provide a stupider post than the earlier one.

Yet.....effortlessly......you did.
“The failure to properly report the RT payment on his SF-86 is potentially the most significant issue for Flynn from a criminal context. Knowing and willful failure to provide relevant and material information on security paperwork is a felony under 18 USC 1001, punishable by up to 5 years in prison.”
What crimes?
What law was broken?
Flynn crossed The Black Messiah somehow.

Why the enmity?
One simple reason.....Flynn opposed Hussein Obama's signature foreign policy aim: to nuclear arm his co-religionists in the 7th century barbarian kingdom. Flynn saw through the absurd plan to arm the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, and advance a deal that never had any inspections of the murderous blood-drenched savages.

"Obama Allies Torpedoed Flynn to Protect Iran Deal
...moving behind the scenes to kneecap someone they've long viewed as a threat to the future of their signature accord.
... include former Obama administration adviser Ben Rhodes—the architect of a separate White House effort to create what he described as a pro-Iran echo chamber—included a small task force of Obama loyalists who deluged media outlets with stories aimed at eroding Flynn's credibility, multiple sources revealed."

Oh My: Did Obama Allies Torpedoed Michael Flynn to Protect the Iran Deal?


That is just a load of nonsense. Most or all GOPs opposed all of Obama’s policies. These GOPs even allowed Bibi to speak against Obama Iran Nuclear program in Congress.
So why should Obama even care about Flynn disagreements?

Did Obama told Flynn to call ambassador Kislyak? That is where Flynn got himself in trouble. Your IRAN bullshit has nothing to do with your nonsense.

Here are two questions that will both reveal your ignorance, and will leave you speechless.

What law did Flynn break?

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

Flynn accepted payments exceeding $65,000 from companies linked to Russia in 2015 – $45,000 of which was Flynn’s speaking fee paid by RT, the Russian government’s English language television channel. This is a problem. Under federal law, former military officers need to get approval for foreign employment. And while there is a charming photo of Flynn sitting next to Vladimir V. Putin at the RT gala following Flynn’s speech, there isn’t any paper trail of Flynn’s having asked permission before his keynote.

Flynn’s failure to request the necessary permission is just the prelude to the theme, though. In January 2016, while Flynn was applying for renewal of his security clearance, he filled out form SF-86. That would have been the time for him to disclose the whole $45K-for-a-Russian-speech thing; yet, any mention of the speech was conspicuously absent from the form.

“The failure to properly report the RT payment on his SF-86 is potentially the most significant issue for Flynn from a criminal context. Knowing and willful failure to provide relevant and material information on security paperwork is a felony under 18 USC 1001, punishable by up to 5 years in prison.”

Now shut the fuck up and Obama did no such thing.

Sooooo......why isn't this the charge by the FBI?

"The revelations of corruption by the FBI to intentionally frame Gen. Flynn for crimes the FBI manufactured piles on with each new production of documents," said Sidney Powell, a former federal prosecutor who took over Flynn’s defense last summer. “Unequivocally, the documents prove the egregious extent to which those involved violated the constitutional rights of the national security adviser of the United States of America and a military hero, who put his life on the line for over three decades to preserve those very rights for every American citizen."

[Even though the] FBI document repeatedly stated that the bureau turned up “no derogatory information” on Flynn since the inquiry began in the summer of 2016.
But the same day that the FBI was closing the Flynn case, texts from Strzok reveal he intervened to keep it open.

The disclosures are among the trove of redacted FBI documents, emails, and text messages released on Thursday that have been touted by Flynn's lawyers as exculpatory evidence heretofore concealed from the defense team.” Peter Strzok blocked FBI from closing Flynn investigation after it found no 'derogatory information'
Not even a perjury trap. That isn’t the charge.
There is no longer any 'charge' as the DOJ dropped its entire criminal case

Wow you seriously don't know what the fuck is going on- Flynn already pled guilty and DOJ's motion was HALTED.


I see "Thinker" is at it again. :rolleyes:

Flynn's case is still very much open, he can and probably will still get convicted. Let me know what part of that you are too stupid to understand.

Since there are no longer any charges, what will he be convicted for...Einstein.
What made you think there are no longer any charges? We Americans don’t live in a KING or DICTATORS form of governments. We have a constitution.

Just imagine if a fucking President or AG can just come in and dissolve any case because they are their friends? That is how a King and Dictator rule a country. Why is that acceptable?

In just 3 short years. How did we become so dumb and ignorant and supporter of a Traitor General?

Good to know you don't have a fricken clue. The DOJ made the charges and dropped the charges. If for some reason you feel Sullivan will pursue charges, he'll need to take off his robe to pursue whatever fricken fantasy you or he wants to.

Who made you the DICTATOR?
DOJ under Barr’s has been compromised with corruption and undermined his own DoJ.

This a corruption in an epic scale. Sad isn’t it.
What crimes?
What law was broken?
Flynn crossed The Black Messiah somehow.

Why the enmity?
One simple reason.....Flynn opposed Hussein Obama's signature foreign policy aim: to nuclear arm his co-religionists in the 7th century barbarian kingdom. Flynn saw through the absurd plan to arm the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, and advance a deal that never had any inspections of the murderous blood-drenched savages.

"Obama Allies Torpedoed Flynn to Protect Iran Deal
...moving behind the scenes to kneecap someone they've long viewed as a threat to the future of their signature accord.
... include former Obama administration adviser Ben Rhodes—the architect of a separate White House effort to create what he described as a pro-Iran echo chamber—included a small task force of Obama loyalists who deluged media outlets with stories aimed at eroding Flynn's credibility, multiple sources revealed."

Oh My: Did Obama Allies Torpedoed Michael Flynn to Protect the Iran Deal?


That is just a load of nonsense. Most or all GOPs opposed all of Obama’s policies. These GOPs even allowed Bibi to speak against Obama Iran Nuclear program in Congress.
So why should Obama even care about Flynn disagreements?

Did Obama told Flynn to call ambassador Kislyak? That is where Flynn got himself in trouble. Your IRAN bullshit has nothing to do with your nonsense.

Here are two questions that will both reveal your ignorance, and will leave you speechless.

What law did Flynn break?

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

Flynn accepted payments exceeding $65,000 from companies linked to Russia in 2015 – $45,000 of which was Flynn’s speaking fee paid by RT, the Russian government’s English language television channel. This is a problem. Under federal law, former military officers need to get approval for foreign employment. And while there is a charming photo of Flynn sitting next to Vladimir V. Putin at the RT gala following Flynn’s speech, there isn’t any paper trail of Flynn’s having asked permission before his keynote.

Flynn’s failure to request the necessary permission is just the prelude to the theme, though. In January 2016, while Flynn was applying for renewal of his security clearance, he filled out form SF-86. That would have been the time for him to disclose the whole $45K-for-a-Russian-speech thing; yet, any mention of the speech was conspicuously absent from the form.

“The failure to properly report the RT payment on his SF-86 is potentially the most significant issue for Flynn from a criminal context. Knowing and willful failure to provide relevant and material information on security paperwork is a felony under 18 USC 1001, punishable by up to 5 years in prison.”

Now shut the fuck up and Obama did no such thing.

Sooooo......why isn't this the charge by the FBI?

"The revelations of corruption by the FBI to intentionally frame Gen. Flynn for crimes the FBI manufactured piles on with each new production of documents," said Sidney Powell, a former federal prosecutor who took over Flynn’s defense last summer. “Unequivocally, the documents prove the egregious extent to which those involved violated the constitutional rights of the national security adviser of the United States of America and a military hero, who put his life on the line for over three decades to preserve those very rights for every American citizen."

[Even though the] FBI document repeatedly stated that the bureau turned up “no derogatory information” on Flynn since the inquiry began in the summer of 2016.
But the same day that the FBI was closing the Flynn case, texts from Strzok reveal he intervened to keep it open.

The disclosures are among the trove of redacted FBI documents, emails, and text messages released on Thursday that have been touted by Flynn's lawyers as exculpatory evidence heretofore concealed from the defense team.” Peter Strzok blocked FBI from closing Flynn investigation after it found no 'derogatory information'

Flynn agreed to cooperate with the government to save his ass from prison. And now he's played himself. The Washington Examiner is not a credible source. You are citing fake news, which is your standard operating procedure.

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