Judge Sullivan Scrambles For A Lifeline To Bail HIMSELF Out Of Dropped Flynn Case

Conversations he had the legal right to pursue.

On January 4 Obama and his top staff had a meeting in the oval office where his innocence was noted and then a plan to entrap him was generated.

The NSA intercepted a US citizen violating the Logan act, and provided that transcript (redacted) to the heads of government. They had the name of Citizen 1 unmasked, and upon finding out it was Michael Flynn questioned if due to his Logan act violation, and communications with foreign agents, if he could be trusted with the nations top secrets, including who and how the government was spying on russia.
The motion was to vacate prosecution due to prosecutorial misconduct (Entrapment). Once informed of the misconduct Sullivan has no other recourse but to vacate the prosecution.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

TO damn Funny!

Were gonna vacate the made up entrapment charges on you sir but I'm gonna charge you with perjury.... DO you realize how ignorant and stupid that is?
Another Dimwinger NOTHINGBURGER is blowing up in their faces, and they can’t handle it.

One would think they would be used to it by now.
Conversations he had the legal right to pursue.

On January 4 Obama and his top staff had a meeting in the oval office where his innocence was noted and then a plan to entrap him was generated.

The NSA intercepted a US citizen violating the Logan act, and provided that transcript (redacted) to the heads of government. They had the name of Citizen 1 unmasked, and upon finding out it was Michael Flynn questioned if due to his Logan act violation, and communications with foreign agents, if he could be trusted with the nations top secrets, including who and how the government was spying on russia.
Wow! All those blatant violations of the Logan Act. Cut and dried, open and shut case.

And yet, prosecutors just walked away from being the guys who made history by being the first ones to get a conviction on a 200 year old law.

doesn’t make sense to me, how’s about you?
Still don’t see anything about the FBI investigating an employee lying to his boss..

Security Clearance
A security clearance is different than a suitability review. A security clearance is designed to determine eligibility for access to classified national security information and entails an evaluation of whether an individual is a security threat (e.g. is the person likely to reveal classified information to a foreign government?).

In addition to the ethical implications of lying, an investigation may be conducted based on the forms, and dishonesty
Conversations he had the legal right to pursue.

On January 4 Obama and his top staff had a meeting in the oval office where his innocence was noted and then a plan to entrap him was generated.

The NSA intercepted a US citizen violating the Logan act, and provided that transcript (redacted) to the heads of government. They had the name of Citizen 1 unmasked, and upon finding out it was Michael Flynn questioned if due to his Logan act violation, and communications with foreign agents, if he could be trusted with the nations top secrets, including who and how the government was spying on russia.
Do I need to T Y P E S L O W E R for you?

There was NO VIOLATION of the Logan act. Flynn was acting under the authority of the President Elect.

The only crime was unmasking and then leaking Flynn's name as an act of slander.
Still don’t see anything about the FBI investigating an employee lying to his boss..

Security Clearance
A security clearance is different than a suitability review. A security clearance is designed to determine eligibility for access to classified national security information and entails an evaluation of whether an individual is a security threat (e.g. is the person likely to reveal classified information to a foreign government?).

In addition to the ethical implications of lying, an investigation may be conducted based on the forms, and dishonesty
Still nothing ther about an employee lying to his boss.

How many times are you gonna humiliate yourself by posting that?
So, you are saying he lied about lying to the FBI?

No Flynn committed Perjury, saying he lied about lying to the FBI.
You really should stop touting CNN bull shit. The Case is in shambles and the Judge is an Obama activist judge trying to salvage the Coup D'eTat. At this point he also needs to be charged in the Coup and disbarred.
without authority of the United States,
Flynn was the National Security Advisor of the PRESIDENT ELECT at that time.

Which gave him no more authority of the united states than if he was the barber of the president elect.

The constitution gives the president elect no legal authority.
Then you should prosecute Obama and his team when they did the same thing and every president before him has done.
You know that criminal activity is grounds for immediate suspension of security clearances. As is clandestine communication with foreign agents. Both of which the FBI investigates and reports back to the issuing authority.
What crime? Where is your probable cause?
Security clearance violations don't require probable cause, that's required for criminal prosecution. Security clearances are based on trusted behavior. Lying, gambling and other "moral" failures are grounds for denial or revocation. Even though all those activities are perfectly legal.
So, you are saying he lied about lying to the FBI?

No Flynn committed Perjury, saying he lied about lying to the FBI.
Gotcha. So you agree Flynn didn’t lie to the FBI.
This guy is going round and round in circles.. Its simply amazing how these people will contort themselves to keep their failed Coup alive..
The moron doesn’t even know what he has admitted to.
Security clearance violations don't require probable cause,
As someone who has held security clearances in the past you better have Probable Cause before you strip anyone of their clearances. Only in matters of the highest levels of security clearances does a Reasonable Suspicion meet the criteria for suspension of privilege.

As of January 4, 2017 Flynn had been cleared of all potential crimes, So tell me again where your probable cause was..
Do I need to T Y P E S L O W E R for you?

There was NO VIOLATION of the Logan act. Flynn was acting under the authority of the President Elect.
You need to find where the constitution grants the president elect any constitutional authority. Article 2 does not give any legal authority under the united states to the president elect. NO legal authority can be granted until they take the oath of office.
Do I need to T Y P E S L O W E R for you?

There was NO VIOLATION of the Logan act. Flynn was acting under the authority of the President Elect.
You need to find where the constitution grants the president elect any constitutional authority. Article 2 does not give any legal authority under the united states to the president elect. NO legal authority can be granted until they take the oath of office.

What an idiot...

You still dont get it.. Grasping at straws.

You going to charge Obama and his NSA for doing the same to Bush? It is part of the transition of power that takes place 30 days prior to the oath being taken. Maybe you should read up on the authorities of the President Elect during the peaceful transition of power.

As someone who has held security clearances in the past you better have Probable Cause before you strip anyone of their clearances. Only in matters of the highest levels of security clearances does a Reasonable Suspicion meet the criteria for suspension of privilege.

Well you just stepped in shit, because John Brennan had his security clearance stripped with no accusation of criminal or immoral activity at all, no less probable cause.
So, you are saying he lied about lying to the FBI?

No Flynn committed Perjury, saying he lied about lying to the FBI.
Gotcha. So you agree Flynn didn’t lie to the FBI.
Flynn also committed perjury, saying he lied to the FBI.
DO you have any clue as to how much weight a stament made under duress has? Absolutlty NONE.. Your case has fallen apart and you cant even see it. Flynn made the statment after Strozk threatend his family with imprisonment if he didnt confess. This case has blown up like an atom bomb and you idiots cant see it.

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