Judge Sullivan Scrambles For A Lifeline To Bail HIMSELF Out Of Dropped Flynn Case

You going to charge Obama and his NSA for doing the same to Bush? It is part of the transition of power that takes place 30 days prior to the oath being taken. Maybe you should read up on the authorities of the President Elect during the peaceful transition of power.
Obama had no NSA prior to taking the oath of office.

Why make up bullshit?

What you are confusing is the presidential transition act, which gives the president elect spending authority to transition, and to receive classified briefings.

But you left out that all presidential candidates once they get the nomination of a major party, start to receive classified briefings.
As someone who has held security clearances in the past you better have Probable Cause before you strip anyone of their clearances. Only in matters of the highest levels of security clearances does a Reasonable Suspicion meet the criteria for suspension of privilege.

Well you just stepped in shit, because John Brennan had his security clearance stripped with no accusation of criminal or immoral activity at all, no less probable cause.

Divulging Top Secret information and leaking to news agencies was proven and are direct violations of the Espionage Act. The wavier you sign when you get your clearance states that your privileges can be suspended for cause and the moment they found Probable Cause to believe he violated his agreement they pulled his clearances.

You should really get you facts straight before you get tromped by them..

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DO you have any clue as to how much weight a stament made under duress has? Absolutlty NONE..

Except Flynn swore he was not under duress. His lawyers swore he was not under duress. And Flynn repeated in front of the judge, that he was not under duress.
Keep running in circles...

The facts coming out show that Flynn was threatened and the plea was coerced. Had he answered the judge in any other fashion they would have pursued his children and family. SO he lied to protect his family. Tell me, would you not do the same?

This is why the obtaining a plea under duress is so unethical.
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Except Flynn swore he was not under duress. His lawyers swore he was not under duress. And Flynn repeated in front of the judge, that he was not under duress.

The facts coming out show that Flynn was threatened and the plea was coerced. Had he answered in any other fashion they would have pursued his children and family.
That's because Flynn brought his son into FARA violations, unreported receipt of foreign payments, and involvement in a fraud and kidnapping scheme.

It wasn't duress, it was a plea agreement shielding him and others from prosecution. They do it with mob informants all the time, and it has never been ruled to be duress.
This is why the obtaining a plea under duress is so unethical.

Keep up with the law. The USSC has repeatedly upheld convictions where law enforcement "intentionally deceives" the accused. Stating that such deceptions are standard interrogation and investigatory techniques.

Hence they can't be "unethical" if the USSC approves of them.
This is why the obtaining a plea under duress is so unethical.

Keep up with the law. The USSC has repeatedly upheld convictions where law enforcement "intentionally deceives" the accused. Stating that such deceptions are standard interrogation and investigatory techniques.

Hence they can't be "unethical" if the USSC approves of them.
Threatening a family is not "deceiving"... IF one of my officers ever used this type of "technique" his ass would be charged with a crime. Keep on digging moron!

USSC prohibits threats and coercion... But you keep on believing....
Threatening a family is not "deceiving"... IF one of my officers ever used this type of "technique" his ass would be charged with a crime. Keep on digging moron!

Wrong. An example is in the prosecution of Robert Hanssen.

Dont' be stupid.
Except Flynn swore he was not under duress. His lawyers swore he was not under duress. And Flynn repeated in front of the judge, that he was not under duress.

The facts coming out show that Flynn was threatened and the plea was coerced. Had he answered in any other fashion they would have pursued his children and family.
That's because Flynn brought his son into FARA violations, unreported receipt of foreign payments, and involvement in a fraud and kidnapping scheme.

It wasn't duress, it was a plea agreement shielding him and others from prosecution. They do it with mob informants all the time, and it has never been ruled to be duress.

You just want to keep running in circles wit sharp objects..
Another "duress" plea agreement that was upheld.

In the last spy case of this magnitude, CIA operative Aldrich Ames pleaded guilty in 1994 to spying for Moscow and agreed to cooperate with intelligence agencies. In exchange, Ames' wife, Rosario, received a relatively lenient 63-month sentence despite accusations that she had helped her husband spy.
DO you have any clue as to how much weight a stament made under duress has? Absolutlty NONE..

Except Flynn swore he was not under duress. His lawyers swore he was not under duress. And Flynn repeated in front of the judge, that he was not under duress.
Keep running in circles...

The facts coming out show that Flynn was threatened and the plea was coerced. Had he answered the judge in any other fashion they would have pursued his children and family. SO he lied to protect his family. Tell me, would you not do the same?

This is why the obtaining a plea under duress is so unethical.

"The facts keep coming out" that nothing of the kind happened. Flynn signed a Plea Agreement that said he was not signing under duress. His lawyer signed the Plea Agreement that confirmed that his client was not under duress.

Flynn elocuted his guilt to the Judge when he plead guilty, as which time he confirmed that he made this plea with no duress, and he again, made that statement with own lawyer standing by his side and confirming that the plea was made voluntarily.

And again a second time Judge Sullivan asked Flynn if he was planning on withdrawing his plea last December and Flynn replied "No", and told Judge Sullivan that he was not withdrawing his guilty plea because he was, in fact guilt.

The Justice Department is dropping charges so Trump doesn't stupidly pardon Flynn before the election. Sullivan is going to drag this out until the election and General Flynn and the corruption surrounding the dropping of charges will be an election issue. If Trump is not elected, expect Sullivan to send Flynn to jail for a good long time. Sullivan is really disgusted by Flynn's unAmerican and traitorous behaviour.
Not even a perjury trap. That isn’t the charge.
There is no longer any 'charge' as the DOJ dropped its entire criminal case

Wow you seriously don't know what the fuck is going on- Flynn already pled guilty and DOJ's motion was HALTED.


I see "Thinker" is at it again. :rolleyes:

Flynn's case is still very much open, he can and probably will still get convicted. Let me know what part of that you are too stupid to understand.

Since there are no longer any charges, what will he be convicted for...Einstein.
There are still charges. The DOJ petioned the judge to drop them. It's his decision to make.
The case isn't the judge VS Michael Flynn.

The judge is there only to act as an arbiter of the facts of the case. He doesn't decide who gets charged or who doesn't. That's up to the State.

It’s a good point, and not an easy case. Flynn is already charged and already pled guilty. It’s unheard of that the charges get dropped in this manner without something new coming to light which materially changes the facts and that just hasn’t happened.

I do think the judge is not at liberty to decline the motion, I could be wrong. But I hope that he calls in the DoJ and demand answers about their shenanigans.

He is at liberty to decline the motion and proceed with sentencing, however, it would get appealed right away.

What this judge will do is carefully dismantle DOJ's motion, so DOJ can't claim it wasn't adequately dealt with on appeal.
Appeal what? He pled guilty.

Barr’s team is trying to argue that he pled to non-crime. That the lying to FBI was not illegal because it wasn’t material to the investigation.

Lead prosecutor on this case strongly disagreed and quit right before this motion was filed.Judge has also ruled that the lying was in fact material. He’ll just beat that horse into the ground now before sentencing.

WTF dood, judges don't prosecute...dumbass.

Moron, Lead Prosecutor and the Judge are two different people.

Exactly, and lead prosecutor has dropped charges. Get a fricken clue.

Barr and his unconfirmed, interim lackey have petitioned the court to drop the charges.
The motion was to vacate prosecution due to prosecutorial misconduct (Entrapment). Once informed of the misconduct Sullivan has no other recourse but to vacate the prosecution.
Prosecutorial misconduct is a serious accusation. The DoJ has not accused the prosecutors of misconduct.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
Cool story bro but you are straight out of your mind if you think ANYONE is buying your bs about Flynn simply not remembering anything about getting Russians to change their response to Obama's sanctions.

Only time sanctions EVER appears in that transcript, is when Flynn asked Kislyak "not to retaliate" on the sanctions.. Describe to me HOW the Obama Admin has a problem with "NOT get their diplomat corps kicked out of Russia????

You said this was all premediated. That was a leap of fantasy.. Flynn read in the WashPo the DAY BEFORE that the FBI had CLEARED him of anything Russia... That story was PLACED at the Washpo with "unnamed sources" as usual meaning that this was LEAKED out.. Whatchawanna bet that the leaking Comey placed it there to set the "tone" for the "sudden visit" the next day??

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017
The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

Now THATS how you set up an ambush... Amirite????

But wait there is more! He also pled guilty to lying about his work as an undeclared foreign agent for Turkey during the transition. Man, you really know how to pick your "victims".

Funny how all that other stuff GOT DROPPED in the guilty plea deal that Flynn originally agreed to isn't it?? The FARA violation never would have stuck in trial because FARA violations are usually resolved with CORRECTING the registrations. And Flynn's lawyers BOTCHED this process during the run up to the trial.. I might add MAYBE on purpose since they were screwing him every other way... And a PARTNER was involved in this who was NEVER even charged and had MORE to do with Turkey than HE did...

During the election, you had PODESTA group representing banks in Russia holding over 40% of ALL RUSSIAN ASSETS.. But no one seems to care.. Even tho that means that they representing the interests of 100s of dirty Russian Oligarchs including Putin himself... No big deal right? They had a FARA registration to DO that.... EVEN IF THE SENIOR PODESTA was running Hillary's campaign..

And guess who else was seated at the table with Putin besides Flynn at that RT Awards ceremony in Moscow??? None other than 2016 GREEN party candidate for Prez -- Jill Stein.. This ditzy woman than BRAGGED about Putin setting her up to TALK FOREIGN POLICY with high level diplomats the DAY AFTER the RT dinner.

Tell me -- WHY those 2 things dont even appear to bother you?????? Why does Jill Stein get to discuss HER Russia policy at the behest of PUTIN in Moscow -- and the media and the FBI and the INTEL agencies and the Obama Admin just took a nap on that....

You really have to DIG to find all that outrage about ONE COMMENT from Flynn asking Russia "not to retaliate".,.. Why would Obama be torqued about NO retaliation???"

Why did Flynn lie to FBI about his diplomatic wheeling and dealing during the transition?

Did someone make him do that?
It was hardly a lie

Flynn lied about talking to Russians about sanctions response and the United Nations vote. Not "hardly", not "kinda", but actual, brazen and illegal.

Look I'm with you when you say calling Flynn all out treasonous is over the top, but you make yourself look like an idiot when you try to deny Flynn lied his ass off to everyone and their mother.

Let me have a deep state liberal named TRUMP explain it to you AGAIN:

Why was the FBI going to close the investigation with no recommendations of charges after Flynn’s interview (mind you they already had the transcripts of the call)? They would have known about the “illegal lie” then.

I don't know what "closing" you are talking about. Agents conducting an interview (one of whom was Strzok) and their direct report (McCabe) were confused after the interview. On one hand, they picked up no body language indicating lying, on the other hand, they knew that what Flynn was telling them was directly contradicted by the information they had about the calls. Make no mistake about it, Flynn prepared extensively on delivering his lies.

All of this hay making is 100% moot because both the interview and conversations with Kysliak are ON TAPE. What FBI wanted or didn't want has nothing to with the ON TAPE fact that he lied.

Even Barr's motion to dismiss does not ever try to claim this ridiculous nonsense that Flynn supposedly didn't lie.
The FBI was going to close the investigation against Flynn. We have documented proof of this, a closure EC was filed which is one of the last steps in closing a case. This was some of the Brady evidence that is now being released. It was being closed until a text from storzk came in telling them not too, and that it was coming from floor 27 (the top brass). The original investigation opened on Flynn was checking in on his ties with any Russian collusion. That case was being closed. In order to prosecute for lying, that lie has to be material to a crime. If there was no Russian collusion on Flynn’s part, how can his “lie” be material? I also go back to my original question, why, if they were so certain he lied, did they decide to close the case?
Not solely a crime, but an official criminal investigation, right?

If the FBI are doing a criminal investigation in to a possible crime, you can not lie to an FBI investigator of that criminal investigation regarding that investigation.... that's the law.
So why were they closing the case if they knew he lied? Mind you we already have to evidence that this meeting was set up to a perjury trap, the agent wrote down his goal as “to get him to lie?”. So they were hypersensitive to sniffing out any lies, with the original transcripts in their possession. But they were going to close the case. No one on the left seems to be able to answer this question.
Oh, that's just right wing spin, that you chose to believe....

it was a conversation, of one on the team, who had agreed to proceeding in a certain way, of which is REDACTED.....

he comes in the next morning and says, you know what guys, I have been thinking about the way we discussed yesterday....REDACTED

''and I don't think we should do it this way...... I mean/ what is the purpose of this interview? Is it for this? or for that? Is it to get him to lie? etc.. How would that be going easy on Flynn?''

Those were his comments to get the other guys to go with his way.... they were all with question marks, not statements of what they were doing....

and it ends with

"Do it by the book"

OF WHICH ya'll fail to mention..... the final statement.... :rolleyes-41:
Still didn’t answer the question. Why were they closing the case if they had him “dead to rights” with a lie?
So you’re completely ignorant to all the exculpatory evidence that was released?

None of the evidence released is exculpatory. Nothing they released changes the facts that Flynn lied.
The fact that they were closing the case on the original investigation shows that anything he said would not be material to their investigation since they found no Russian ties or conspiracy or what have you. That’s more than just exculpatory, it proves his innocence. It was a perfectly legal conversation he had as part of the legal entity that is the Trump transition team. Exculpatory just means anything that could possibly cause the smallest shred of doubt. And it is the responsibility of the prosecution to turn it all over, or face a possible reversal or new trial. So it wasn’t just an oversight that all this Brady evidence wasn’t released to the defense.

That doesn’t really make any sense. Investigations are reopened when they have new information. If the initial investigation didn’t show anything bad, that doesn’t mean new information doesn’t need to be investigated. If the investigation had been closed BEFORE they learned about his lying to Pence, then they would have reopened it but they didn’t need to since it was never closed in the first place. The agents writing the memo to close the investigation hadn’t known about Flynn lying to Pence.

Regardless, that has no bearing on his innocence. Remember, he wasn’t found guilty of being a Russian asset. He was found guilty of lying to investigators.
Wasn’t material to the investigation they had open which was looking into russian collusion on Flynn’s part. No where near the same “lying” to pence. Boy it would be nice to have the original 302s wouldn’t it? The case should’ve thrown out had Flynn’s original lawyers not fucked him over. Flynn would’ve never taken the plea had they not threatened to go after his son. The investigation into Russian collusion/misdeeds was effectively closed. Flynn’s “lie” wasn’t material to that investigation. For lying to FBI officials it has to be material to their investigation. Therefore immaterial. You can’t divide zero by zero.

Hell yes it was material. He was lying about what he was saying to Russians. That’s awfully damn suspicious.
So it was illegal to ask them not to escalate, and not to vote for Israel UN resolution....Or Flynn just wasn’t hyper specific with his conversation with pence, and the FBI pressured Flynn through his son, to take a bogus guilty plea. A story got leaked, and Trump was informed about the coming charges, thus the trump administration is pressured into asking for Flynn’s resignation.

Is your claim seriously that it was illegal for Flynn to ask the Russians not to escalate?
Yes. Because it was behind the president of the united states back..... though the law has not been enforced, it is still the law... the Logan Act.

It weakens us, to have someone go to a foreign govt and work a deal, behind the President's back.

I am 100% certain that Trump would NOT tolerate such an action if it were done to him.

All Flynn needed to do is let the president know what he was going to do, or in the least, not lie about doing it, after he did it.....

Is that really asking too much from our future NSA director?
Cool story bro but you are straight out of your mind if you think ANYONE is buying your bs about Flynn simply not remembering anything about getting Russians to change their response to Obama's sanctions.

Only time sanctions EVER appears in that transcript, is when Flynn asked Kislyak "not to retaliate" on the sanctions.. Describe to me HOW the Obama Admin has a problem with "NOT get their diplomat corps kicked out of Russia????

You said this was all premediated. That was a leap of fantasy.. Flynn read in the WashPo the DAY BEFORE that the FBI had CLEARED him of anything Russia... That story was PLACED at the Washpo with "unnamed sources" as usual meaning that this was LEAKED out.. Whatchawanna bet that the leaking Comey placed it there to set the "tone" for the "sudden visit" the next day??

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017
The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

Now THATS how you set up an ambush... Amirite????

But wait there is more! He also pled guilty to lying about his work as an undeclared foreign agent for Turkey during the transition. Man, you really know how to pick your "victims".

Funny how all that other stuff GOT DROPPED in the guilty plea deal that Flynn originally agreed to isn't it?? The FARA violation never would have stuck in trial because FARA violations are usually resolved with CORRECTING the registrations. And Flynn's lawyers BOTCHED this process during the run up to the trial.. I might add MAYBE on purpose since they were screwing him every other way... And a PARTNER was involved in this who was NEVER even charged and had MORE to do with Turkey than HE did...

During the election, you had PODESTA group representing banks in Russia holding over 40% of ALL RUSSIAN ASSETS.. But no one seems to care.. Even tho that means that they representing the interests of 100s of dirty Russian Oligarchs including Putin himself... No big deal right? They had a FARA registration to DO that.... EVEN IF THE SENIOR PODESTA was running Hillary's campaign..

And guess who else was seated at the table with Putin besides Flynn at that RT Awards ceremony in Moscow??? None other than 2016 GREEN party candidate for Prez -- Jill Stein.. This ditzy woman than BRAGGED about Putin setting her up to TALK FOREIGN POLICY with high level diplomats the DAY AFTER the RT dinner.

Tell me -- WHY those 2 things dont even appear to bother you?????? Why does Jill Stein get to discuss HER Russia policy at the behest of PUTIN in Moscow -- and the media and the FBI and the INTEL agencies and the Obama Admin just took a nap on that....

You really have to DIG to find all that outrage about ONE COMMENT from Flynn asking Russia "not to retaliate".,.. Why would Obama be torqued about NO retaliation???"

Why did Flynn lie to FBI about his diplomatic wheeling and dealing during the transition?

Did someone make him do that?

We don't actually KNOW that her did.. There seems to be NO RECORDINGS of the actual interview.. Think you KNOW that.. So that the agents' notes and "302" reports are all we have to go on,... And there's been some hinky shit going on in revising that 302 without RETAINING the originals.. There were 2 agents attending the meeting.. ONE interviewed by counsel said that Flynn was totally cooperative and not trying to deceive when deposed..

The OTHER was Peter Strzok.. The guy who could "smell the Trump supporters at Walmart" and seems to BE EVERYWHERE where FBI and NAt Security procedures were broken here., Not ONLY WITH FLYNN -- but with every other INNOCENT VICTIM of this Russia witch hunt both domestically and abroad...

If they WANTED ACCURACY AND PRECISION -- maybe they should have put him under oath, asked him to retain a lawyer, and given him a copy of the transcript of the calls in question.. That's HOW A LEGAL proceeding is SUPPOSED to work in this country...

Who on Flynn’s legal team or Barr’s team has ever said that Flynn didn’t lie, that it was in fact multiple FBI agents that are criminally lying about his interview?

The extent of denial you wingers are capable of is straight mindbogling.
Cool story bro but you are straight out of your mind if you think ANYONE is buying your bs about Flynn simply not remembering anything about getting Russians to change their response to Obama's sanctions.

Only time sanctions EVER appears in that transcript, is when Flynn asked Kislyak "not to retaliate" on the sanctions.. Describe to me HOW the Obama Admin has a problem with "NOT get their diplomat corps kicked out of Russia????

You said this was all premediated. That was a leap of fantasy.. Flynn read in the WashPo the DAY BEFORE that the FBI had CLEARED him of anything Russia... That story was PLACED at the Washpo with "unnamed sources" as usual meaning that this was LEAKED out.. Whatchawanna bet that the leaking Comey placed it there to set the "tone" for the "sudden visit" the next day??

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017
The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

Now THATS how you set up an ambush... Amirite????

But wait there is more! He also pled guilty to lying about his work as an undeclared foreign agent for Turkey during the transition. Man, you really know how to pick your "victims".

Funny how all that other stuff GOT DROPPED in the guilty plea deal that Flynn originally agreed to isn't it?? The FARA violation never would have stuck in trial because FARA violations are usually resolved with CORRECTING the registrations. And Flynn's lawyers BOTCHED this process during the run up to the trial.. I might add MAYBE on purpose since they were screwing him every other way... And a PARTNER was involved in this who was NEVER even charged and had MORE to do with Turkey than HE did...

During the election, you had PODESTA group representing banks in Russia holding over 40% of ALL RUSSIAN ASSETS.. But no one seems to care.. Even tho that means that they representing the interests of 100s of dirty Russian Oligarchs including Putin himself... No big deal right? They had a FARA registration to DO that.... EVEN IF THE SENIOR PODESTA was running Hillary's campaign..

And guess who else was seated at the table with Putin besides Flynn at that RT Awards ceremony in Moscow??? None other than 2016 GREEN party candidate for Prez -- Jill Stein.. This ditzy woman than BRAGGED about Putin setting her up to TALK FOREIGN POLICY with high level diplomats the DAY AFTER the RT dinner.

Tell me -- WHY those 2 things dont even appear to bother you?????? Why does Jill Stein get to discuss HER Russia policy at the behest of PUTIN in Moscow -- and the media and the FBI and the INTEL agencies and the Obama Admin just took a nap on that....

You really have to DIG to find all that outrage about ONE COMMENT from Flynn asking Russia "not to retaliate".,.. Why would Obama be torqued about NO retaliation???"

Why did Flynn lie to FBI about his diplomatic wheeling and dealing during the transition?

Did someone make him do that?

We don't actually KNOW that her did.. There seems to be NO RECORDINGS of the actual interview.. Think you KNOW that.. So that the agents' notes and "302" reports are all we have to go on,... And there's been some hinky shit going on in revising that 302 without RETAINING the originals.. There were 2 agents attending the meeting.. ONE interviewed by counsel said that Flynn was totally cooperative and not trying to deceive when deposed..

The OTHER was Peter Strzok.. The guy who could "smell the Trump supporters at Walmart" and seems to BE EVERYWHERE where FBI and NAt Security procedures were broken here., Not ONLY WITH FLYNN -- but with every other INNOCENT VICTIM of this Russia witch hunt both domestically and abroad...

If they WANTED ACCURACY AND PRECISION -- maybe they should have put him under oath, asked him to retain a lawyer, and given him a copy of the transcript of the calls in question.. That's HOW A LEGAL proceeding is SUPPOSED to work in this country...
Is the left denying that this meeting was set up to be a perjury trap?

Bullshit, there was no "trap" except the one Flynn made for himself by lying to everyone and their mother. FBI asked the questions and Flynn instead of telling the truth ELECTED to lie. No one pressured him to lie, he wanted to and he did.

I don't get what is it with you rightwingers and twisting yourself into fancy pretzels to deny the most obvious.
Why did they close the case?
The case isn't closed. As of now, anyway, Flynn is still a convicted felon and the judge can still sentence him should he want to.
They filed a closure EC. Part of the Brady evidence. Meaning there was nothing material in a perfectly legal conversation.
The materiality comes when he starts lying about it to Pence.
To what investigation, what’s predicating. There was no investigation into whether or not Flynn was telling pence every exact detail of his conversations. Nor is would it be a crime for Flynn to do so unless there was a crime attached to the lie, which there wasn’t...therefore it’s not material. Do I need to start drawing pictures with crayons so y’all can see the problem Comey’s FBI has in this case, and why this was a political hit.
Lying to the FBI regarding a counter intelligence investigation in to a foreign country, is as much as a crime as lying to the FBI about a criminal investigation. That's the law.
Cool story bro but you are straight out of your mind if you think ANYONE is buying your bs about Flynn simply not remembering anything about getting Russians to change their response to Obama's sanctions.

Only time sanctions EVER appears in that transcript, is when Flynn asked Kislyak "not to retaliate" on the sanctions.. Describe to me HOW the Obama Admin has a problem with "NOT get their diplomat corps kicked out of Russia????

You said this was all premediated. That was a leap of fantasy.. Flynn read in the WashPo the DAY BEFORE that the FBI had CLEARED him of anything Russia... That story was PLACED at the Washpo with "unnamed sources" as usual meaning that this was LEAKED out.. Whatchawanna bet that the leaking Comey placed it there to set the "tone" for the "sudden visit" the next day??

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017
The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

Now THATS how you set up an ambush... Amirite????

But wait there is more! He also pled guilty to lying about his work as an undeclared foreign agent for Turkey during the transition. Man, you really know how to pick your "victims".

Funny how all that other stuff GOT DROPPED in the guilty plea deal that Flynn originally agreed to isn't it?? The FARA violation never would have stuck in trial because FARA violations are usually resolved with CORRECTING the registrations. And Flynn's lawyers BOTCHED this process during the run up to the trial.. I might add MAYBE on purpose since they were screwing him every other way... And a PARTNER was involved in this who was NEVER even charged and had MORE to do with Turkey than HE did...

During the election, you had PODESTA group representing banks in Russia holding over 40% of ALL RUSSIAN ASSETS.. But no one seems to care.. Even tho that means that they representing the interests of 100s of dirty Russian Oligarchs including Putin himself... No big deal right? They had a FARA registration to DO that.... EVEN IF THE SENIOR PODESTA was running Hillary's campaign..

And guess who else was seated at the table with Putin besides Flynn at that RT Awards ceremony in Moscow??? None other than 2016 GREEN party candidate for Prez -- Jill Stein.. This ditzy woman than BRAGGED about Putin setting her up to TALK FOREIGN POLICY with high level diplomats the DAY AFTER the RT dinner.

Tell me -- WHY those 2 things dont even appear to bother you?????? Why does Jill Stein get to discuss HER Russia policy at the behest of PUTIN in Moscow -- and the media and the FBI and the INTEL agencies and the Obama Admin just took a nap on that....

You really have to DIG to find all that outrage about ONE COMMENT from Flynn asking Russia "not to retaliate".,.. Why would Obama be torqued about NO retaliation???"

Why did Flynn lie to FBI about his diplomatic wheeling and dealing during the transition?

Did someone make him do that?
It was hardly a lie

Flynn lied about talking to Russians about sanctions response and the United Nations vote. Not "hardly", not "kinda", but actual, brazen and illegal.

Look I'm with you when you say calling Flynn all out treasonous is over the top, but you make yourself look like an idiot when you try to deny Flynn lied his ass off to everyone and their mother.

Let me have a deep state liberal named TRUMP explain it to you AGAIN:

Why was the FBI going to close the investigation with no recommendations of charges after Flynn’s interview (mind you they already had the transcripts of the call)? They would have known about the “illegal lie” then.

I don't know what "closing" you are talking about. Agents conducting an interview (one of whom was Strzok) and their direct report (McCabe) were confused after the interview. On one hand, they picked up no body language indicating lying, on the other hand, they knew that what Flynn was telling them was directly contradicted by the information they had about the calls. Make no mistake about it, Flynn prepared extensively on delivering his lies.

All of this hay making is 100% moot because both the interview and conversations with Kysliak are ON TAPE. What FBI wanted or didn't want has nothing to with the ON TAPE fact that he lied.

Even Barr's motion to dismiss does not ever try to claim this ridiculous nonsense that Flynn supposedly didn't lie.
The FBI was going to close the investigation against Flynn. We have documented proof of this, a closure EC was filed which is one of the last steps in closing a case. This was some of the Brady evidence that is now being released. It was being closed until a text from storzk came in telling them not too, and that it was coming from floor 27 (the top brass). The original investigation opened on Flynn was checking in on his ties with any Russian collusion. That case was being closed. In order to prosecute for lying, that lie has to be material to a crime. If there was no Russian collusion on Flynn’s part, how can his “lie” be material? I also go back to my original question, why, if they were so certain he lied, did they decide to close the case?
Not solely a crime, but an official criminal investigation, right?

If the FBI are doing a criminal investigation in to a possible crime, you can not lie to an FBI investigator of that criminal investigation regarding that investigation.... that's the law.
So why were they closing the case if they knew he lied? Mind you we already have to evidence that this meeting was set up to a perjury trap, the agent wrote down his goal as “to get him to lie?”. So they were hypersensitive to sniffing out any lies, with the original transcripts in their possession. But they were going to close the case. No one on the left seems to be able to answer this question.
Oh, that's just right wing spin, that you chose to believe....

it was a conversation, of one on the team, who had agreed to proceeding in a certain way, of which is REDACTED.....

he comes in the next morning and says, you know what guys, I have been thinking about the way we discussed yesterday....REDACTED

''and I don't think we should do it this way...... I mean/ what is the purpose of this interview? Is it for this? or for that? Is it to get him to lie? etc.. How would that be going easy on Flynn?''

Those were his comments to get the other guys to go with his way.... they were all with question marks, not statements of what they were doing....

and it ends with

"Do it by the book"

OF WHICH ya'll fail to mention..... the final statement.... :rolleyes-41:
Still didn’t answer the question. Why were they closing the case if they had him “dead to rights” with a lie?
So you’re completely ignorant to all the exculpatory evidence that was released?

None of the evidence released is exculpatory. Nothing they released changes the facts that Flynn lied.
The fact that they were closing the case on the original investigation shows that anything he said would not be material to their investigation since they found no Russian ties or conspiracy or what have you. That’s more than just exculpatory, it proves his innocence. It was a perfectly legal conversation he had as part of the legal entity that is the Trump transition team. Exculpatory just means anything that could possibly cause the smallest shred of doubt. And it is the responsibility of the prosecution to turn it all over, or face a possible reversal or new trial. So it wasn’t just an oversight that all this Brady evidence wasn’t released to the defense.

That doesn’t really make any sense. Investigations are reopened when they have new information. If the initial investigation didn’t show anything bad, that doesn’t mean new information doesn’t need to be investigated. If the investigation had been closed BEFORE they learned about his lying to Pence, then they would have reopened it but they didn’t need to since it was never closed in the first place. The agents writing the memo to close the investigation hadn’t known about Flynn lying to Pence.

Regardless, that has no bearing on his innocence. Remember, he wasn’t found guilty of being a Russian asset. He was found guilty of lying to investigators.
Wasn’t material to the investigation they had open which was looking into russian collusion on Flynn’s part. No where near the same “lying” to pence. Boy it would be nice to have the original 302s wouldn’t it? The case should’ve thrown out had Flynn’s original lawyers not fucked him over. Flynn would’ve never taken the plea had they not threatened to go after his son. The investigation into Russian collusion/misdeeds was effectively closed. Flynn’s “lie” wasn’t material to that investigation. For lying to FBI officials it has to be material to their investigation. Therefore immaterial. You can’t divide zero by zero.

Hell yes it was material. He was lying about what he was saying to Russians. That’s awfully damn suspicious.
So it was illegal to ask them not to escalate, and not to vote for Israel UN resolution....Or Flynn just wasn’t hyper specific with his conversation with pence, and the FBI pressured Flynn through his son, to take a bogus guilty plea. A story got leaked, and Trump was informed about the coming charges, thus the trump administration is pressured into asking for Flynn’s resignation.

Is your claim seriously that it was illegal for Flynn to ask the Russians not to escalate?
It was extremely improper. Everyone doubts the Logan Act is enforceable so I wouldn’t say it’s illegal.

For starters, this wasn’t Flynn failing to be hyper-specific. This was about Flynn saying he DID NOT do something that he DID do.

Next, you need to get your timeline straight. First Flynn lied to Pence and Pence went on TV repeating the lie. Second, the FBI interviews Flynn where he tells them the same lie. Third, the DoJ tells Trump that Flynn is lying to everyone. Fourth, Trump fired Flynn for said lies.

The charges and plea deal come much later.

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