Judge Sullivan Scrambles For A Lifeline To Bail HIMSELF Out Of Dropped Flynn Case

As someone who has held security clearances in the past you better have Probable Cause before you strip anyone of their clearances. Only in matters of the highest levels of security clearances does a Reasonable Suspicion meet the criteria for suspension of privilege.

Well you just stepped in shit, because John Brennan had his security clearance stripped with no accusation of criminal or immoral activity at all, no less probable cause.

Divulging Top Secret information and leaking to news agencies was proven and are direct violations of the Espionage Act. The wavier you sign when you get your clearance states that your privileges can be suspended for cause and the moment they found Probable Cause to believe he violated his agreement they pulled his clearances.

You should really get you facts straight before you get tromped by them..

Don't confuse Jean with facts.
DO you have any clue as to how much weight a stament made under duress has? Absolutlty NONE..

Except Flynn swore he was not under duress. His lawyers swore he was not under duress. And Flynn repeated in front of the judge, that he was not under duress.
Keep running in circles...

The facts coming out show that Flynn was threatened and the plea was coerced. Had he answered the judge in any other fashion they would have pursued his children and family. SO he lied to protect his family. Tell me, would you not do the same?

This is why the obtaining a plea under duress is so unethical.

"The facts keep coming out" that nothing of the kind happened. Flynn signed a Plea Agreement that said he was not signing under duress. His lawyer signed the Plea Agreement that confirmed that his client was not under duress.

Flynn elocuted his guilt to the Judge when he plead guilty, as which time he confirmed that he made this plea with no duress, and he again, made that statement with own lawyer standing by his side and confirming that the plea was made voluntarily.

And again a second time Judge Sullivan asked Flynn if he was planning on withdrawing his plea last December and Flynn replied "No", and told Judge Sullivan that he was not withdrawing his guilty plea because he was, in fact guilt.

The Justice Department is dropping charges so Trump doesn't stupidly pardon Flynn before the election. Sullivan is going to drag this out until the election and General Flynn and the corruption surrounding the dropping of charges will be an election issue. If Trump is not elected, expect Sullivan to send Flynn to jail for a good long time. Sullivan is really disgusted by Flynn's unAmerican and traitorous behaviour.
Sullivan is going to drag this out until the election and General Flynn and the corruption surrounding the dropping of charges will be an election issue.

Stupid Canuck, that isn't the role of a judge. But thanks for admitting he is a hack and this is just a political prosecution.
Not even a perjury trap. That isn’t the charge.
There is no longer any 'charge' as the DOJ dropped its entire criminal case

Wow you seriously don't know what the fuck is going on- Flynn already pled guilty and DOJ's motion was HALTED.


I see "Thinker" is at it again. :rolleyes:

Flynn's case is still very much open, he can and probably will still get convicted. Let me know what part of that you are too stupid to understand.

Since there are no longer any charges, what will he be convicted for...Einstein.
There are still charges. The DOJ petioned the judge to drop them. It's his decision to make.
The case isn't the judge VS Michael Flynn.

The judge is there only to act as an arbiter of the facts of the case. He doesn't decide who gets charged or who doesn't. That's up to the State.

It’s a good point, and not an easy case. Flynn is already charged and already pled guilty. It’s unheard of that the charges get dropped in this manner without something new coming to light which materially changes the facts and that just hasn’t happened.

I do think the judge is not at liberty to decline the motion, I could be wrong. But I hope that he calls in the DoJ and demand answers about their shenanigans.

He is at liberty to decline the motion and proceed with sentencing, however, it would get appealed right away.

What this judge will do is carefully dismantle DOJ's motion, so DOJ can't claim it wasn't adequately dealt with on appeal.
Appeal what? He pled guilty.

Barr’s team is trying to argue that he pled to non-crime. That the lying to FBI was not illegal because it wasn’t material to the investigation.

Lead prosecutor on this case strongly disagreed and quit right before this motion was filed.Judge has also ruled that the lying was in fact material. He’ll just beat that horse into the ground now before sentencing.

WTF dood, judges don't prosecute...dumbass.

Moron, Lead Prosecutor and the Judge are two different people.

Exactly, and lead prosecutor has dropped charges. Get a fricken clue.

Barr and his unconfirmed, interim lackey have petitioned the court to drop the charges.
The motion was to vacate prosecution due to prosecutorial misconduct (Entrapment). Once informed of the misconduct Sullivan has no other recourse but to vacate the prosecution.
Prosecutorial misconduct is a serious accusation. The DoJ has not accused the prosecutors of misconduct.
There is a miniscule bit of doubt on what Gleeson will say after being tasked by Sullivan to make the argument for why the case against Flynn should be dismissed after the DOJ dropped the case, siting investigative and prosecutorial misconduct.

Sullivan KNOWS exactly what the Clinton-appointed. Trump-hating ex-Judge-turned Anti-Trump Op-Ed-author will say...which is EXACTLT why Sullivan ordered HIM to make the argument:

'Gleeson, a Clinton appointee who served as a federal judge in New York, has expressed suspicion that the DOJ’s move was tainted by political influence.'

Just several days ago, BEFORE being tapped by Sullivan to make the argument against the DOJ and Flynn, Gleeson wrote:

“Government motions to dismiss at this stage are virtually unheard of. There has been nothing regular about the department’s effort to dismiss the Flynn case. The record reeks of improper political influence.”


THis judge is losing credibility real fast. HIS unethical behavior is unprecedented. The moment the DOJ abandoned the prosecution it was over. If he persists he needs to be brought up on ethics charges and disbarred.

It's not unprecedented

Flynn pissed him off

Very typical judge behavior irrelevant of the poltiics involved. Sullivan went out of his way to make sure Flynn wasn't being coerced into the guilty plea.
DO you have any clue as to how much weight a stament made under duress has? Absolutlty NONE..

Except Flynn swore he was not under duress. His lawyers swore he was not under duress. And Flynn repeated in front of the judge, that he was not under duress.
Keep running in circles...

The facts coming out show that Flynn was threatened and the plea was coerced. Had he answered the judge in any other fashion they would have pursued his children and family. SO he lied to protect his family. Tell me, would you not do the same?

This is why the obtaining a plea under duress is so unethical.

"The facts keep coming out" that nothing of the kind happened. Flynn signed a Plea Agreement that said he was not signing under duress. His lawyer signed the Plea Agreement that confirmed that his client was not under duress.

Flynn elocuted his guilt to the Judge when he plead guilty, as which time he confirmed that he made this plea with no duress, and he again, made that statement with own lawyer standing by his side and confirming that the plea was made voluntarily.

And again a second time Judge Sullivan asked Flynn if he was planning on withdrawing his plea last December and Flynn replied "No", and told Judge Sullivan that he was not withdrawing his guilty plea because he was, in fact guilt.

The Justice Department is dropping charges so Trump doesn't stupidly pardon Flynn before the election. Sullivan is going to drag this out until the election and General Flynn and the corruption surrounding the dropping of charges will be an election issue. If Trump is not elected, expect Sullivan to send Flynn to jail for a good long time. Sullivan is really disgusted by Flynn's unAmerican and traitorous behaviour.
Sullivan is going to drag this out until the election and General Flynn and the corruption surrounding the dropping of charges will be an election issue.

Stupid Canuck, that isn't the role of a judge. But thanks for admitting he is a hack and this is just a political prosecution.

Yes it is if he's pissed off

Judge can do literally whatever he wants

Flynn wasted the court's and his time...Now he has to pay a price

Welcome to law
The motion was to vacate prosecution due to prosecutorial misconduct (Entrapment). Once informed of the misconduct Sullivan has no other recourse but to vacate the prosecution.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.
I don't see a perjury charge sticking. Pleading guilty doesn't necessarily mean you think you're guilty. People often plead guilty out of expediency, not guilt.
Hey Dummy, crimes are what FBI investigations are all about.

They don't investigate lies from an employee, ya raving lunatic.

The background investigation and records checks for Secret and Top Secret security clearance are mandated by Presidential Executive Order (EO).

the FBI conducts investigations on behalf of the White House, the White House security office makes the adjudicative decision.

The FBI investigates lies, it's their job in investigating security clearances.
Hey idiot, background checks are done before he was hired. Please show me the statute the FBI was trying to enforce when Flynn lied to his boss.

This should be fun. :p
They were conducting a national security investigation.

Michael Flynn - Wikipedia

On January 22, 2017, The Wall Street Journal reported that Flynn was under investigation by U.S. counterintelligence agents for his communications with Russian officials.

WTF does that have to do with my question?

Do you have the statute the FBI was investigating because he lied to his boss? That was your claim.

the logan act you simple bastard
The Logan Act says it is up to the FBI to investigate a govt employee who lies to his boss?

Please cut and paste the relevant part of The Logan Act that says that.

Yes, that's how they unmasked him

You stupid old man, lol

What other crime do you imagine they were investigating? And what makes you think the logan act is about lying to your boss you stupid old man? Hahahah

It's about subverting American foreign policy.
The motion was to vacate prosecution due to prosecutorial misconduct (Entrapment). Once informed of the misconduct Sullivan has no other recourse but to vacate the prosecution.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.
I don't see a perjury charge sticking. Pleading guilty doesn't necessarily mean you think you're guilty. People often plead guilty out of expediency, not guilt.

Sullivan went out of his way to ensure that's not what was going on, which is why he's so pissed

He spent a lot of time 99% of defendants don't get to avoid just that outcome, wasted the judges and court's time. You're not supposed to plead guilty if you're not. Even if it happens
DO you have any clue as to how much weight a stament made under duress has? Absolutlty NONE..

Except Flynn swore he was not under duress. His lawyers swore he was not under duress. And Flynn repeated in front of the judge, that he was not under duress.
Keep running in circles...

The facts coming out show that Flynn was threatened and the plea was coerced. Had he answered the judge in any other fashion they would have pursued his children and family. SO he lied to protect his family. Tell me, would you not do the same?

This is why the obtaining a plea under duress is so unethical.

"The facts keep coming out" that nothing of the kind happened. Flynn signed a Plea Agreement that said he was not signing under duress. His lawyer signed the Plea Agreement that confirmed that his client was not under duress.

Flynn elocuted his guilt to the Judge when he plead guilty, as which time he confirmed that he made this plea with no duress, and he again, made that statement with own lawyer standing by his side and confirming that the plea was made voluntarily.

And again a second time Judge Sullivan asked Flynn if he was planning on withdrawing his plea last December and Flynn replied "No", and told Judge Sullivan that he was not withdrawing his guilty plea because he was, in fact guilt.

The Justice Department is dropping charges so Trump doesn't stupidly pardon Flynn before the election. Sullivan is going to drag this out until the election and General Flynn and the corruption surrounding the dropping of charges will be an election issue. If Trump is not elected, expect Sullivan to send Flynn to jail for a good long time. Sullivan is really disgusted by Flynn's unAmerican and traitorous behaviour.
Sullivan is going to drag this out until the election and General Flynn and the corruption surrounding the dropping of charges will be an election issue.

Stupid Canuck, that isn't the role of a judge. But thanks for admitting he is a hack and this is just a political prosecution.

Yes it is if he's pissed off

Judge can do literally whatever he wants

Flynn wasted the court's and his time...Now he has to pay a price

Welcome to law
Show me that in the federal job description for a judge.
DO you have any clue as to how much weight a stament made under duress has? Absolutlty NONE..

Except Flynn swore he was not under duress. His lawyers swore he was not under duress. And Flynn repeated in front of the judge, that he was not under duress.
Keep running in circles...

The facts coming out show that Flynn was threatened and the plea was coerced. Had he answered the judge in any other fashion they would have pursued his children and family. SO he lied to protect his family. Tell me, would you not do the same?

This is why the obtaining a plea under duress is so unethical.

"The facts keep coming out" that nothing of the kind happened. Flynn signed a Plea Agreement that said he was not signing under duress. His lawyer signed the Plea Agreement that confirmed that his client was not under duress.

Flynn elocuted his guilt to the Judge when he plead guilty, as which time he confirmed that he made this plea with no duress, and he again, made that statement with own lawyer standing by his side and confirming that the plea was made voluntarily.

And again a second time Judge Sullivan asked Flynn if he was planning on withdrawing his plea last December and Flynn replied "No", and told Judge Sullivan that he was not withdrawing his guilty plea because he was, in fact guilt.

The Justice Department is dropping charges so Trump doesn't stupidly pardon Flynn before the election. Sullivan is going to drag this out until the election and General Flynn and the corruption surrounding the dropping of charges will be an election issue. If Trump is not elected, expect Sullivan to send Flynn to jail for a good long time. Sullivan is really disgusted by Flynn's unAmerican and traitorous behaviour.
Sullivan is going to drag this out until the election and General Flynn and the corruption surrounding the dropping of charges will be an election issue.

Stupid Canuck, that isn't the role of a judge. But thanks for admitting he is a hack and this is just a political prosecution.

Yes it is if he's pissed off

Judge can do literally whatever he wants

Flynn wasted the court's and his time...Now he has to pay a price

Welcome to law
Show me that in the federal job description for a judge.

Job description....Do you think federal judges apply in the same way you get a normal job? lol

God damn you are fucking stupid old man

You were white trash in 1975 you still are.
Hey Dummy, crimes are what FBI investigations are all about.

They don't investigate lies from an employee, ya raving lunatic.

The background investigation and records checks for Secret and Top Secret security clearance are mandated by Presidential Executive Order (EO).

the FBI conducts investigations on behalf of the White House, the White House security office makes the adjudicative decision.

The FBI investigates lies, it's their job in investigating security clearances.
Hey idiot, background checks are done before he was hired. Please show me the statute the FBI was trying to enforce when Flynn lied to his boss.

This should be fun. :p
They were conducting a national security investigation.

Michael Flynn - Wikipedia

On January 22, 2017, The Wall Street Journal reported that Flynn was under investigation by U.S. counterintelligence agents for his communications with Russian officials.

WTF does that have to do with my question?

Do you have the statute the FBI was investigating because he lied to his boss? That was your claim.

the logan act you simple bastard
The Logan Act says it is up to the FBI to investigate a govt employee who lies to his boss?

Please cut and paste the relevant part of The Logan Act that says that.

Yes, that's how they unmasked him

You stupid old man, lol

What other crime do you imagine they were investigating? And what makes you think the logan act is about lying to your boss you stupid old man? Hahahah

It's about subverting American foreign policy.
And what makes you think the logan act is about lying to your boss you stupid old man

I never said it was. I was calling out the bullshit claim that Flynn lying to Pence was why the FBI reopened the case using the Logan Act. You really need to find a 6 year old to help you keep up with the conversation, Simpleton.
DO you have any clue as to how much weight a stament made under duress has? Absolutlty NONE..

Except Flynn swore he was not under duress. His lawyers swore he was not under duress. And Flynn repeated in front of the judge, that he was not under duress.
Keep running in circles...

The facts coming out show that Flynn was threatened and the plea was coerced. Had he answered the judge in any other fashion they would have pursued his children and family. SO he lied to protect his family. Tell me, would you not do the same?

This is why the obtaining a plea under duress is so unethical.

"The facts keep coming out" that nothing of the kind happened. Flynn signed a Plea Agreement that said he was not signing under duress. His lawyer signed the Plea Agreement that confirmed that his client was not under duress.

Flynn elocuted his guilt to the Judge when he plead guilty, as which time he confirmed that he made this plea with no duress, and he again, made that statement with own lawyer standing by his side and confirming that the plea was made voluntarily.

And again a second time Judge Sullivan asked Flynn if he was planning on withdrawing his plea last December and Flynn replied "No", and told Judge Sullivan that he was not withdrawing his guilty plea because he was, in fact guilt.

The Justice Department is dropping charges so Trump doesn't stupidly pardon Flynn before the election. Sullivan is going to drag this out until the election and General Flynn and the corruption surrounding the dropping of charges will be an election issue. If Trump is not elected, expect Sullivan to send Flynn to jail for a good long time. Sullivan is really disgusted by Flynn's unAmerican and traitorous behaviour.
Sullivan is going to drag this out until the election and General Flynn and the corruption surrounding the dropping of charges will be an election issue.

Stupid Canuck, that isn't the role of a judge. But thanks for admitting he is a hack and this is just a political prosecution.

Yes it is if he's pissed off

Judge can do literally whatever he wants

Flynn wasted the court's and his time...Now he has to pay a price

Welcome to law
Show me that in the federal job description for a judge.

Job description....Do you think federal judges apply in the same way you get a normal job? lol

God damn you are fucking stupid old man

You were white trash in 1975 you still are.
So, you have nothing.

Run along, Prunehead.
Hey Dummy, crimes are what FBI investigations are all about.

They don't investigate lies from an employee, ya raving lunatic.

The background investigation and records checks for Secret and Top Secret security clearance are mandated by Presidential Executive Order (EO).

the FBI conducts investigations on behalf of the White House, the White House security office makes the adjudicative decision.

The FBI investigates lies, it's their job in investigating security clearances.
Hey idiot, background checks are done before he was hired. Please show me the statute the FBI was trying to enforce when Flynn lied to his boss.

This should be fun. :p
They were conducting a national security investigation.

Michael Flynn - Wikipedia

On January 22, 2017, The Wall Street Journal reported that Flynn was under investigation by U.S. counterintelligence agents for his communications with Russian officials.

WTF does that have to do with my question?

Do you have the statute the FBI was investigating because he lied to his boss? That was your claim.

the logan act you simple bastard
The Logan Act says it is up to the FBI to investigate a govt employee who lies to his boss?

Please cut and paste the relevant part of The Logan Act that says that.

Yes, that's how they unmasked him

You stupid old man, lol

What other crime do you imagine they were investigating? And what makes you think the logan act is about lying to your boss you stupid old man? Hahahah

It's about subverting American foreign policy.
And what makes you think the logan act is about lying to your boss you stupid old man

I never said it was. I was calling out the bullshit claim that Flynn lying to Pence was why the FBI reopened the case using the Logan Act. You really need to find a 6 year old to help you keep up with the conversation, Simpleton.

What does the claim Flynn lied have anything to do with the unmasking? It doesn't.

It has everythign to do with the logan act

The logan act was the beginning and end of their investigation.

Flynn getting fired for being a dumb **** liar is a separate issue...

And a judge has every right to defend the court's resources. Very typical shit. You bottom feeding white trash sack of shit
Conversations he had the legal right to pursue.

On January 4 Obama and his top staff had a meeting in the oval office where his innocence was noted and then a plan to entrap him was generated.

The NSA intercepted a US citizen violating the Logan act, and provided that transcript (redacted) to the heads of government. They had the name of Citizen 1 unmasked, and upon finding out it was Michael Flynn questioned if due to his Logan act violation, and communications with foreign agents, if he could be trusted with the nations top secrets, including who and how the government was spying on russia.
Do I need to T Y P E S L O W E R for you?

There was NO VIOLATION of the Logan act. Flynn was acting under the authority of the President Elect.

The only crime was unmasking and then leaking Flynn's name as an act of slander.
There's only one president at a time. A president-elect has no constitutional authority other than availability to be sworn in.
As someone who has held security clearances in the past you better have Probable Cause before you strip anyone of their clearances. Only in matters of the highest levels of security clearances does a Reasonable Suspicion meet the criteria for suspension of privilege.

Well you just stepped in shit, because John Brennan had his security clearance stripped with no accusation of criminal or immoral activity at all, no less probable cause.

Divulging Top Secret information and leaking to news agencies was proven and are direct violations of the Espionage Act. The wavier you sign when you get your clearance states that your privileges can be suspended for cause and the moment they found Probable Cause to believe he violated his agreement they pulled his clearances.

You should really get you facts straight before you get tromped by them..

What top secret information was leaked to the press by Brennan?

Reputable news link needed, please, to support your accusation...
Flynn pissed him off

What SHOULD have pissed Sullivan off is that:
- The very same FBI that committed egregious FISA Court violations

- The FBI Intentionally and KNOWINGLY used Russian Intelligence Service (RIS) counter-Intelligence propaganda provided to them by a foreign ex-spy working for Russians to commit FISA Court abuses, to illegally spy on a President and his team in an attempt to commit a political coup

- The FBI lied to the court / to Sullivan, withheld information from the court, withheld exculpatory information from the court and Flynn's defense team

- The FBI has 'misplaced' the original 302 AND neglected to mention at 1st that FBI agents leading the investigation reported they found no crime and was about to close the case, that Strzok and the FBI continued the investigation illegally (based on zero), ALLOWING the ambushed interview Comey bragged about that allowed the FBI to finally blackmail Flynn into agreeing to EVEN THOUGH FBI agents present at the interview stated they did not believe Flynn lied.

Sullivan; however, was pissed enough to consider rejecting the DOJ dropping the case - which he knows he ca nnot do legally, and thus has turned to his anti-Trump pal to help him argue for Flynn to he held in Contempt of Court for Perjury

It seems clearly the persons who should be singled out and rebuked / punished the most in this entire political sham should be 1) The FBI, 2) the Mueller Prosecutor (who has quit and gone into hiding, and Judge Sullivan himself.

Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Flynn pissed him off

What SHOULD have pissed Sullivan off is that:
- The very same FBI that committed egregious FISA Court violations

- The FBI Intentionally and KNOWINGLY used Russian Intelligence Service (RIS) counter-Intelligence propaganda provided to them by a foreign ex-spy working for Russians to commit FISA Court abuses, to illegally spy on a President and his team in an attempt to commit a political coup

- The FBI lied to the court / to Sullivan, withheld information from the court, withheld exculpatory information from the court and Flynn's defense team

- The FBI has 'misplaced' the original 302 AND neglected to mention at 1st that FBI agents leading the investigation reported they found no crime and was about to close the case, that Strzok and the FBI continued the investigation illegally (based on zero), ALLOWING the ambushed interview Comey bragged about that allowed the FBI to finally blackmail Flynn into agreeing to EVEN THOUGH FBI agents present at the interview stated they did not believe Flynn lied.

Sullivan; however, was pissed enough to consider rejecting the DOJ dropping the case - which he knows he ca nnot do legally, and thus has turned to his anti-Trump pal to help him argue for Flynn to he held in Contempt of Court for Perjury

It seems clearly the persons who should be singled out and rebuked / punished the most in this entire political sham should be 1) The FBI, 2) the Mueller Prosecutor (who has quit and gone into hiding, and Judge Sullivan himself.


None of that happened in his courtroom

Anyone who has ever been in court knows this is typical judge shit

Flynn basically spit in his eye, he's gonna shit on him if he can.

Pretending this is political is absurd, he's full of righteous fury
Flynn pissed him off

What SHOULD have pissed Sullivan off is that:
- The very same FBI that committed egregious FISA Court violations

- The FBI Intentionally and KNOWINGLY used Russian Intelligence Service (RIS) counter-Intelligence propaganda provided to them by a foreign ex-spy working for Russians to commit FISA Court abuses, to illegally spy on a President and his team in an attempt to commit a political coup

- The FBI lied to the court / to Sullivan, withheld information from the court, withheld exculpatory information from the court and Flynn's defense team

- The FBI has 'misplaced' the original 302 AND neglected to mention at 1st that FBI agents leading the investigation reported they found no crime and was about to close the case, that Strzok and the FBI continued the investigation illegally (based on zero), ALLOWING the ambushed interview Comey bragged about that allowed the FBI to finally blackmail Flynn into agreeing to EVEN THOUGH FBI agents present at the interview stated they did not believe Flynn lied.

Sullivan; however, was pissed enough to consider rejecting the DOJ dropping the case - which he knows he ca nnot do legally, and thus has turned to his anti-Trump pal to help him argue for Flynn to he held in Contempt of Court for Perjury

It seems clearly the persons who should be singled out and rebuked / punished the most in this entire political sham should be 1) The FBI, 2) the Mueller Prosecutor (who has quit and gone into hiding, and Judge Sullivan himself.

Now you're lying. The Inspector General did not conclude the FBI lied to the FISC. He found mistakes were made.
Not even a perjury trap. That isn’t the charge.
There is no longer any 'charge' as the DOJ dropped its entire criminal case

Wow you seriously don't know what the fuck is going on- Flynn already pled guilty and DOJ's motion was HALTED.


I see "Thinker" is at it again. :rolleyes:

Flynn's case is still very much open, he can and probably will still get convicted. Let me know what part of that you are too stupid to understand.

Since there are no longer any charges, what will he be convicted for...Einstein.
There are still charges. The DOJ petioned the judge to drop them. It's his decision to make.
The case isn't the judge VS Michael Flynn.

The judge is there only to act as an arbiter of the facts of the case. He doesn't decide who gets charged or who doesn't. That's up to the State.

It’s a good point, and not an easy case. Flynn is already charged and already pled guilty. It’s unheard of that the charges get dropped in this manner without something new coming to light which materially changes the facts and that just hasn’t happened.

I do think the judge is not at liberty to decline the motion, I could be wrong. But I hope that he calls in the DoJ and demand answers about their shenanigans.

He is at liberty to decline the motion and proceed with sentencing, however, it would get appealed right away.

What this judge will do is carefully dismantle DOJ's motion, so DOJ can't claim it wasn't adequately dealt with on appeal.
Appeal what? He pled guilty.

Barr’s team is trying to argue that he pled to non-crime. That the lying to FBI was not illegal because it wasn’t material to the investigation.

Lead prosecutor on this case strongly disagreed and quit right before this motion was filed.Judge has also ruled that the lying was in fact material. He’ll just beat that horse into the ground now before sentencing.

WTF dood, judges don't prosecute...dumbass.

Moron, Lead Prosecutor and the Judge are two different people.

Exactly, and lead prosecutor has dropped charges. Get a fricken clue.

Barr and his unconfirmed, interim lackey have petitioned the court to drop the charges.
The motion was to vacate prosecution due to prosecutorial misconduct (Entrapment). Once informed of the misconduct Sullivan has no other recourse but to vacate the prosecution.
The motion was to vacate prosecution due to prosecutorial misconduct (Entrapment). Once informed of the misconduct Sullivan has no other recourse but to vacate the prosecution.
The DoJ's petition says nothing of prosecutorial misconduct or entrapment.

It says that it doesn't matter if Flynn lied as the the investigation was not properly predicated and therefore was not valid in the first place.

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