Judge Sullivan Scrambles For A Lifeline To Bail HIMSELF Out Of Dropped Flynn Case

Cool story bro but you are straight out of your mind if you think ANYONE is buying your bs about Flynn simply not remembering anything about getting Russians to change their response to Obama's sanctions.

Only time sanctions EVER appears in that transcript, is when Flynn asked Kislyak "not to retaliate" on the sanctions.. Describe to me HOW the Obama Admin has a problem with "NOT get their diplomat corps kicked out of Russia????

You said this was all premediated. That was a leap of fantasy.. Flynn read in the WashPo the DAY BEFORE that the FBI had CLEARED him of anything Russia... That story was PLACED at the Washpo with "unnamed sources" as usual meaning that this was LEAKED out.. Whatchawanna bet that the leaking Comey placed it there to set the "tone" for the "sudden visit" the next day??

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017
The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

Now THATS how you set up an ambush... Amirite????

But wait there is more! He also pled guilty to lying about his work as an undeclared foreign agent for Turkey during the transition. Man, you really know how to pick your "victims".

Funny how all that other stuff GOT DROPPED in the guilty plea deal that Flynn originally agreed to isn't it?? The FARA violation never would have stuck in trial because FARA violations are usually resolved with CORRECTING the registrations. And Flynn's lawyers BOTCHED this process during the run up to the trial.. I might add MAYBE on purpose since they were screwing him every other way... And a PARTNER was involved in this who was NEVER even charged and had MORE to do with Turkey than HE did...

During the election, you had PODESTA group representing banks in Russia holding over 40% of ALL RUSSIAN ASSETS.. But no one seems to care.. Even tho that means that they representing the interests of 100s of dirty Russian Oligarchs including Putin himself... No big deal right? They had a FARA registration to DO that.... EVEN IF THE SENIOR PODESTA was running Hillary's campaign..

And guess who else was seated at the table with Putin besides Flynn at that RT Awards ceremony in Moscow??? None other than 2016 GREEN party candidate for Prez -- Jill Stein.. This ditzy woman than BRAGGED about Putin setting her up to TALK FOREIGN POLICY with high level diplomats the DAY AFTER the RT dinner.

Tell me -- WHY those 2 things dont even appear to bother you?????? Why does Jill Stein get to discuss HER Russia policy at the behest of PUTIN in Moscow -- and the media and the FBI and the INTEL agencies and the Obama Admin just took a nap on that....

You really have to DIG to find all that outrage about ONE COMMENT from Flynn asking Russia "not to retaliate".,.. Why would Obama be torqued about NO retaliation???"

Why did Flynn lie to FBI about his diplomatic wheeling and dealing during the transition?

Did someone make him do that?

We don't actually KNOW that her did.. There seems to be NO RECORDINGS of the actual interview.. Think you KNOW that.. So that the agents' notes and "302" reports are all we have to go on,... And there's been some hinky shit going on in revising that 302 without RETAINING the originals.. There were 2 agents attending the meeting.. ONE interviewed by counsel said that Flynn was totally cooperative and not trying to deceive when deposed..

The OTHER was Peter Strzok.. The guy who could "smell the Trump supporters at Walmart" and seems to BE EVERYWHERE where FBI and NAt Security procedures were broken here., Not ONLY WITH FLYNN -- but with every other INNOCENT VICTIM of this Russia witch hunt both domestically and abroad...

If they WANTED ACCURACY AND PRECISION -- maybe they should have put him under oath, asked him to retain a lawyer, and given him a copy of the transcript of the calls in question.. That's HOW A LEGAL proceeding is SUPPOSED to work in this country...

Who on Flynn’s legal team or Barr’s team has ever said that Flynn didn’t lie, that it was in fact multiple FBI agents that are criminally lying about his interview?

The extent of denial you wingers are capable of is straight mindbogling.
Cool story bro but you are straight out of your mind if you think ANYONE is buying your bs about Flynn simply not remembering anything about getting Russians to change their response to Obama's sanctions.

Only time sanctions EVER appears in that transcript, is when Flynn asked Kislyak "not to retaliate" on the sanctions.. Describe to me HOW the Obama Admin has a problem with "NOT get their diplomat corps kicked out of Russia????

You said this was all premediated. That was a leap of fantasy.. Flynn read in the WashPo the DAY BEFORE that the FBI had CLEARED him of anything Russia... That story was PLACED at the Washpo with "unnamed sources" as usual meaning that this was LEAKED out.. Whatchawanna bet that the leaking Comey placed it there to set the "tone" for the "sudden visit" the next day??

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017
The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

Now THATS how you set up an ambush... Amirite????

But wait there is more! He also pled guilty to lying about his work as an undeclared foreign agent for Turkey during the transition. Man, you really know how to pick your "victims".

Funny how all that other stuff GOT DROPPED in the guilty plea deal that Flynn originally agreed to isn't it?? The FARA violation never would have stuck in trial because FARA violations are usually resolved with CORRECTING the registrations. And Flynn's lawyers BOTCHED this process during the run up to the trial.. I might add MAYBE on purpose since they were screwing him every other way... And a PARTNER was involved in this who was NEVER even charged and had MORE to do with Turkey than HE did...

During the election, you had PODESTA group representing banks in Russia holding over 40% of ALL RUSSIAN ASSETS.. But no one seems to care.. Even tho that means that they representing the interests of 100s of dirty Russian Oligarchs including Putin himself... No big deal right? They had a FARA registration to DO that.... EVEN IF THE SENIOR PODESTA was running Hillary's campaign..

And guess who else was seated at the table with Putin besides Flynn at that RT Awards ceremony in Moscow??? None other than 2016 GREEN party candidate for Prez -- Jill Stein.. This ditzy woman than BRAGGED about Putin setting her up to TALK FOREIGN POLICY with high level diplomats the DAY AFTER the RT dinner.

Tell me -- WHY those 2 things dont even appear to bother you?????? Why does Jill Stein get to discuss HER Russia policy at the behest of PUTIN in Moscow -- and the media and the FBI and the INTEL agencies and the Obama Admin just took a nap on that....

You really have to DIG to find all that outrage about ONE COMMENT from Flynn asking Russia "not to retaliate".,.. Why would Obama be torqued about NO retaliation???"

Why did Flynn lie to FBI about his diplomatic wheeling and dealing during the transition?

Did someone make him do that?

We don't actually KNOW that her did.. There seems to be NO RECORDINGS of the actual interview.. Think you KNOW that.. So that the agents' notes and "302" reports are all we have to go on,... And there's been some hinky shit going on in revising that 302 without RETAINING the originals.. There were 2 agents attending the meeting.. ONE interviewed by counsel said that Flynn was totally cooperative and not trying to deceive when deposed..

The OTHER was Peter Strzok.. The guy who could "smell the Trump supporters at Walmart" and seems to BE EVERYWHERE where FBI and NAt Security procedures were broken here., Not ONLY WITH FLYNN -- but with every other INNOCENT VICTIM of this Russia witch hunt both domestically and abroad...

If they WANTED ACCURACY AND PRECISION -- maybe they should have put him under oath, asked him to retain a lawyer, and given him a copy of the transcript of the calls in question.. That's HOW A LEGAL proceeding is SUPPOSED to work in this country...
Is the left denying that this meeting was set up to be a perjury trap?

Bullshit, there was no "trap" except the one Flynn made for himself by lying to everyone and their mother. FBI asked the questions and Flynn instead of telling the truth ELECTED to lie. No one pressured him to lie, he wanted to and he did.

I don't get what is it with you rightwingers and twisting yourself into fancy pretzels to deny the most obvious.
Why did they close the case?
The case isn't closed. As of now, anyway, Flynn is still a convicted felon and the judge can still sentence him should he want to.
They filed a closure EC. Part of the Brady evidence. Meaning there was nothing material in a perfectly legal conversation.
The materiality comes when he starts lying about it to Pence.
To what investigation, what’s predicating. There was no investigation into whether or not Flynn was telling pence every exact detail of his conversations. Nor is would it be a crime for Flynn to do so unless there was a crime attached to the lie, which there wasn’t...therefore it’s not material. Do I need to start drawing pictures with crayons so y’all can see the problem Comey’s FBI has in this case, and why this was a political hit.
So someone has access to our nations most closely held secrets, a position of great trust and privilege. And this is lying to his boss about official conversations he had with his Russian counterparts.

And you don’t think that warrants an investigation?

Why not?
A. Pence says he doesn’t think that Flynn intentionally lied to him. Also, what in gods green earth would be the motivation behind lying? Again, did we want russia to escalate, and Flynn went against the administration. We already know that kushner asked Flynn to ask kysliak about vetoing. So that’s not it.

B. What concerns me infinitely more is that an outgoing presidential administration wire-tapped an incoming administration, and continued to do so even after the FBI they tasked with this (going off of basically nothing but a bogus dossier they knew was littered with holes) was closing the case on the guy. They continued the wire taps after that. Brought him up on charges of lyingon something they had zero justification to do. They also tried to throw the Logan act at him. The fucking incoming NSA, they tried to nab with the Logan act...because he asked Russia not escalate? That’s should scream that this a political hit.
A. Pence is saying what Trump tells him to say. The idea that Flynn forgot the topic of conversation with Kislyak is stupid. There are a few possibilities as to why he lied. One, they all know Flynn had the conversation (since it was coordinated from the Trump transition team) but decided to publicly deny it. Pence lies on TV. Flynn now is part of a lie and continues to tell the lie to keep the story consistent. The lie is exposed publicly and instead of making Pence admit he lied, Trump blames it all on Flynn. I believe this is the most likely explanation by far because Trump is an asshole and doesn’t actually care about people that work for him.

Another possibility is that Pence never really knew anything and was kept out of the loop and this was run by wonder boy Jared. They trotted Pence out for plausible deniability and didn’t even bother to tell him he was telling a flat out lie. Pence is now saying Flynn didn’t lie to him because he has no divinity and is doing what a Trump wants.

B. They didn’t wiretap Flynn. They wiretapped Kislyak. Supposedly Flynn knew this. No one should be the least bit surprised that we had Kislyak tapped. Has nothing to do with faulty FISA warrants. Nothing to do with the Steele Dossier. The charges are justified because he did it. He lied. No one threw the Logan Act at him. They hit him with lying because he lied.
Oh no they tapped Flynn too.

I love how you grab little bits and pieces of topics you are completely clueless about and then try to construct wishful fantasies to deny the obvious
Would you care to explain how the FBI got this call? If it was FISA surveillance on Kislyak, well no one unmasked Flynn on this particular occasion, so how did they know it was flynn. We know it wasn’t a “wiretap” done by they FBI. That leaves 2 other options, neither of them look good at all. The CIA was sharing information with the FBI on not only a US citizen but the incoming NSA. Not only is it against the law for them to do this, but they also shared a perfectly legal call with no shady business which begs the question why. If you want to argue that asking Russia to not escalate and veto the UN resolution is shady business, be my guest. The other option is that Obama requested this surveillance and lynch signed off on it. This would’ve been after operation crossfire hurricane turned up nothing. So what exactly was Obama’s justification for such extreme measures, and again why was this perfectly legal call shared with the FBI?
Cool story bro but you are straight out of your mind if you think ANYONE is buying your bs about Flynn simply not remembering anything about getting Russians to change their response to Obama's sanctions.

Only time sanctions EVER appears in that transcript, is when Flynn asked Kislyak "not to retaliate" on the sanctions.. Describe to me HOW the Obama Admin has a problem with "NOT get their diplomat corps kicked out of Russia????

You said this was all premediated. That was a leap of fantasy.. Flynn read in the WashPo the DAY BEFORE that the FBI had CLEARED him of anything Russia... That story was PLACED at the Washpo with "unnamed sources" as usual meaning that this was LEAKED out.. Whatchawanna bet that the leaking Comey placed it there to set the "tone" for the "sudden visit" the next day??

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017
The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

Now THATS how you set up an ambush... Amirite????

But wait there is more! He also pled guilty to lying about his work as an undeclared foreign agent for Turkey during the transition. Man, you really know how to pick your "victims".

Funny how all that other stuff GOT DROPPED in the guilty plea deal that Flynn originally agreed to isn't it?? The FARA violation never would have stuck in trial because FARA violations are usually resolved with CORRECTING the registrations. And Flynn's lawyers BOTCHED this process during the run up to the trial.. I might add MAYBE on purpose since they were screwing him every other way... And a PARTNER was involved in this who was NEVER even charged and had MORE to do with Turkey than HE did...

During the election, you had PODESTA group representing banks in Russia holding over 40% of ALL RUSSIAN ASSETS.. But no one seems to care.. Even tho that means that they representing the interests of 100s of dirty Russian Oligarchs including Putin himself... No big deal right? They had a FARA registration to DO that.... EVEN IF THE SENIOR PODESTA was running Hillary's campaign..

And guess who else was seated at the table with Putin besides Flynn at that RT Awards ceremony in Moscow??? None other than 2016 GREEN party candidate for Prez -- Jill Stein.. This ditzy woman than BRAGGED about Putin setting her up to TALK FOREIGN POLICY with high level diplomats the DAY AFTER the RT dinner.

Tell me -- WHY those 2 things dont even appear to bother you?????? Why does Jill Stein get to discuss HER Russia policy at the behest of PUTIN in Moscow -- and the media and the FBI and the INTEL agencies and the Obama Admin just took a nap on that....

You really have to DIG to find all that outrage about ONE COMMENT from Flynn asking Russia "not to retaliate".,.. Why would Obama be torqued about NO retaliation???"

Why did Flynn lie to FBI about his diplomatic wheeling and dealing during the transition?

Did someone make him do that?

We don't actually KNOW that her did.. There seems to be NO RECORDINGS of the actual interview.. Think you KNOW that.. So that the agents' notes and "302" reports are all we have to go on,... And there's been some hinky shit going on in revising that 302 without RETAINING the originals.. There were 2 agents attending the meeting.. ONE interviewed by counsel said that Flynn was totally cooperative and not trying to deceive when deposed..

The OTHER was Peter Strzok.. The guy who could "smell the Trump supporters at Walmart" and seems to BE EVERYWHERE where FBI and NAt Security procedures were broken here., Not ONLY WITH FLYNN -- but with every other INNOCENT VICTIM of this Russia witch hunt both domestically and abroad...

If they WANTED ACCURACY AND PRECISION -- maybe they should have put him under oath, asked him to retain a lawyer, and given him a copy of the transcript of the calls in question.. That's HOW A LEGAL proceeding is SUPPOSED to work in this country...

Who on Flynn’s legal team or Barr’s team has ever said that Flynn didn’t lie, that it was in fact multiple FBI agents that are criminally lying about his interview?

The extent of denial you wingers are capable of is straight mindbogling.
Cool story bro but you are straight out of your mind if you think ANYONE is buying your bs about Flynn simply not remembering anything about getting Russians to change their response to Obama's sanctions.

Only time sanctions EVER appears in that transcript, is when Flynn asked Kislyak "not to retaliate" on the sanctions.. Describe to me HOW the Obama Admin has a problem with "NOT get their diplomat corps kicked out of Russia????

You said this was all premediated. That was a leap of fantasy.. Flynn read in the WashPo the DAY BEFORE that the FBI had CLEARED him of anything Russia... That story was PLACED at the Washpo with "unnamed sources" as usual meaning that this was LEAKED out.. Whatchawanna bet that the leaking Comey placed it there to set the "tone" for the "sudden visit" the next day??

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017
The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

Now THATS how you set up an ambush... Amirite????

But wait there is more! He also pled guilty to lying about his work as an undeclared foreign agent for Turkey during the transition. Man, you really know how to pick your "victims".

Funny how all that other stuff GOT DROPPED in the guilty plea deal that Flynn originally agreed to isn't it?? The FARA violation never would have stuck in trial because FARA violations are usually resolved with CORRECTING the registrations. And Flynn's lawyers BOTCHED this process during the run up to the trial.. I might add MAYBE on purpose since they were screwing him every other way... And a PARTNER was involved in this who was NEVER even charged and had MORE to do with Turkey than HE did...

During the election, you had PODESTA group representing banks in Russia holding over 40% of ALL RUSSIAN ASSETS.. But no one seems to care.. Even tho that means that they representing the interests of 100s of dirty Russian Oligarchs including Putin himself... No big deal right? They had a FARA registration to DO that.... EVEN IF THE SENIOR PODESTA was running Hillary's campaign..

And guess who else was seated at the table with Putin besides Flynn at that RT Awards ceremony in Moscow??? None other than 2016 GREEN party candidate for Prez -- Jill Stein.. This ditzy woman than BRAGGED about Putin setting her up to TALK FOREIGN POLICY with high level diplomats the DAY AFTER the RT dinner.

Tell me -- WHY those 2 things dont even appear to bother you?????? Why does Jill Stein get to discuss HER Russia policy at the behest of PUTIN in Moscow -- and the media and the FBI and the INTEL agencies and the Obama Admin just took a nap on that....

You really have to DIG to find all that outrage about ONE COMMENT from Flynn asking Russia "not to retaliate".,.. Why would Obama be torqued about NO retaliation???"

Why did Flynn lie to FBI about his diplomatic wheeling and dealing during the transition?

Did someone make him do that?

We don't actually KNOW that her did.. There seems to be NO RECORDINGS of the actual interview.. Think you KNOW that.. So that the agents' notes and "302" reports are all we have to go on,... And there's been some hinky shit going on in revising that 302 without RETAINING the originals.. There were 2 agents attending the meeting.. ONE interviewed by counsel said that Flynn was totally cooperative and not trying to deceive when deposed..

The OTHER was Peter Strzok.. The guy who could "smell the Trump supporters at Walmart" and seems to BE EVERYWHERE where FBI and NAt Security procedures were broken here., Not ONLY WITH FLYNN -- but with every other INNOCENT VICTIM of this Russia witch hunt both domestically and abroad...

If they WANTED ACCURACY AND PRECISION -- maybe they should have put him under oath, asked him to retain a lawyer, and given him a copy of the transcript of the calls in question.. That's HOW A LEGAL proceeding is SUPPOSED to work in this country...
Is the left denying that this meeting was set up to be a perjury trap?

Bullshit, there was no "trap" except the one Flynn made for himself by lying to everyone and their mother. FBI asked the questions and Flynn instead of telling the truth ELECTED to lie. No one pressured him to lie, he wanted to and he did.

I don't get what is it with you rightwingers and twisting yourself into fancy pretzels to deny the most obvious.
Why did they close the case?
The case isn't closed. As of now, anyway, Flynn is still a convicted felon and the judge can still sentence him should he want to.
They filed a closure EC. Part of the Brady evidence. Meaning there was nothing material in a perfectly legal conversation.
The materiality comes when he starts lying about it to Pence.
To what investigation, what’s predicating. There was no investigation into whether or not Flynn was telling pence every exact detail of his conversations. Nor is would it be a crime for Flynn to do so unless there was a crime attached to the lie, which there wasn’t...therefore it’s not material. Do I need to start drawing pictures with crayons so y’all can see the problem Comey’s FBI has in this case, and why this was a political hit.
So someone has access to our nations most closely held secrets, a position of great trust and privilege. And this is lying to his boss about official conversations he had with his Russian counterparts.

And you don’t think that warrants an investigation?

Why not?
A. Pence says he doesn’t think that Flynn intentionally lied to him. Also, what in gods green earth would be the motivation behind lying? Again, did we want russia to escalate, and Flynn went against the administration. We already know that kushner asked Flynn to ask kysliak about vetoing. So that’s not it.

B. What concerns me infinitely more is that an outgoing presidential administration wire-tapped an incoming administration, and continued to do so even after the FBI they tasked with this (going off of basically nothing but a bogus dossier they knew was littered with holes) was closing the case on the guy. They continued the wire taps after that. Brought him up on charges of lyingon something they had zero justification to do. They also tried to throw the Logan act at him. The fucking incoming NSA, they tried to nab with the Logan act...because he asked Russia not escalate? That’s should scream that this a political hit.
A. Pence is saying what Trump tells him to say. The idea that Flynn forgot the topic of conversation with Kislyak is stupid. There are a few possibilities as to why he lied. One, they all know Flynn had the conversation (since it was coordinated from the Trump transition team) but decided to publicly deny it. Pence lies on TV. Flynn now is part of a lie and continues to tell the lie to keep the story consistent. The lie is exposed publicly and instead of making Pence admit he lied, Trump blames it all on Flynn. I believe this is the most likely explanation by far because Trump is an asshole and doesn’t actually care about people that work for him.

Another possibility is that Pence never really knew anything and was kept out of the loop and this was run by wonder boy Jared. They trotted Pence out for plausible deniability and didn’t even bother to tell him he was telling a flat out lie. Pence is now saying Flynn didn’t lie to him because he has no divinity and is doing what a Trump wants.

B. They didn’t wiretap Flynn. They wiretapped Kislyak. Supposedly Flynn knew this. No one should be the least bit surprised that we had Kislyak tapped. Has nothing to do with faulty FISA warrants. Nothing to do with the Steele Dossier. The charges are justified because he did it. He lied. No one threw the Logan Act at him. They hit him with lying because he lied.
Oh no they tapped Flynn too. Not in this particular case but that brings up another problem. There was no unmasking for Flynn for this specific call. So how exactly did the FBI know who “American 1” was in this call?

And do you have a source for this claim? It’s counter to everything I’ve read about the case.
Cool story bro but you are straight out of your mind if you think ANYONE is buying your bs about Flynn simply not remembering anything about getting Russians to change their response to Obama's sanctions.

Only time sanctions EVER appears in that transcript, is when Flynn asked Kislyak "not to retaliate" on the sanctions.. Describe to me HOW the Obama Admin has a problem with "NOT get their diplomat corps kicked out of Russia????

You said this was all premediated. That was a leap of fantasy.. Flynn read in the WashPo the DAY BEFORE that the FBI had CLEARED him of anything Russia... That story was PLACED at the Washpo with "unnamed sources" as usual meaning that this was LEAKED out.. Whatchawanna bet that the leaking Comey placed it there to set the "tone" for the "sudden visit" the next day??

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017
The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

Now THATS how you set up an ambush... Amirite????

But wait there is more! He also pled guilty to lying about his work as an undeclared foreign agent for Turkey during the transition. Man, you really know how to pick your "victims".

Funny how all that other stuff GOT DROPPED in the guilty plea deal that Flynn originally agreed to isn't it?? The FARA violation never would have stuck in trial because FARA violations are usually resolved with CORRECTING the registrations. And Flynn's lawyers BOTCHED this process during the run up to the trial.. I might add MAYBE on purpose since they were screwing him every other way... And a PARTNER was involved in this who was NEVER even charged and had MORE to do with Turkey than HE did...

During the election, you had PODESTA group representing banks in Russia holding over 40% of ALL RUSSIAN ASSETS.. But no one seems to care.. Even tho that means that they representing the interests of 100s of dirty Russian Oligarchs including Putin himself... No big deal right? They had a FARA registration to DO that.... EVEN IF THE SENIOR PODESTA was running Hillary's campaign..

And guess who else was seated at the table with Putin besides Flynn at that RT Awards ceremony in Moscow??? None other than 2016 GREEN party candidate for Prez -- Jill Stein.. This ditzy woman than BRAGGED about Putin setting her up to TALK FOREIGN POLICY with high level diplomats the DAY AFTER the RT dinner.

Tell me -- WHY those 2 things dont even appear to bother you?????? Why does Jill Stein get to discuss HER Russia policy at the behest of PUTIN in Moscow -- and the media and the FBI and the INTEL agencies and the Obama Admin just took a nap on that....

You really have to DIG to find all that outrage about ONE COMMENT from Flynn asking Russia "not to retaliate".,.. Why would Obama be torqued about NO retaliation???"

Why did Flynn lie to FBI about his diplomatic wheeling and dealing during the transition?

Did someone make him do that?

We don't actually KNOW that her did.. There seems to be NO RECORDINGS of the actual interview.. Think you KNOW that.. So that the agents' notes and "302" reports are all we have to go on,... And there's been some hinky shit going on in revising that 302 without RETAINING the originals.. There were 2 agents attending the meeting.. ONE interviewed by counsel said that Flynn was totally cooperative and not trying to deceive when deposed..

The OTHER was Peter Strzok.. The guy who could "smell the Trump supporters at Walmart" and seems to BE EVERYWHERE where FBI and NAt Security procedures were broken here., Not ONLY WITH FLYNN -- but with every other INNOCENT VICTIM of this Russia witch hunt both domestically and abroad...

If they WANTED ACCURACY AND PRECISION -- maybe they should have put him under oath, asked him to retain a lawyer, and given him a copy of the transcript of the calls in question.. That's HOW A LEGAL proceeding is SUPPOSED to work in this country...

Who on Flynn’s legal team or Barr’s team has ever said that Flynn didn’t lie, that it was in fact multiple FBI agents that are criminally lying about his interview?

The extent of denial you wingers are capable of is straight mindbogling.
Cool story bro but you are straight out of your mind if you think ANYONE is buying your bs about Flynn simply not remembering anything about getting Russians to change their response to Obama's sanctions.

Only time sanctions EVER appears in that transcript, is when Flynn asked Kislyak "not to retaliate" on the sanctions.. Describe to me HOW the Obama Admin has a problem with "NOT get their diplomat corps kicked out of Russia????

You said this was all premediated. That was a leap of fantasy.. Flynn read in the WashPo the DAY BEFORE that the FBI had CLEARED him of anything Russia... That story was PLACED at the Washpo with "unnamed sources" as usual meaning that this was LEAKED out.. Whatchawanna bet that the leaking Comey placed it there to set the "tone" for the "sudden visit" the next day??

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017
The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

Now THATS how you set up an ambush... Amirite????

But wait there is more! He also pled guilty to lying about his work as an undeclared foreign agent for Turkey during the transition. Man, you really know how to pick your "victims".

Funny how all that other stuff GOT DROPPED in the guilty plea deal that Flynn originally agreed to isn't it?? The FARA violation never would have stuck in trial because FARA violations are usually resolved with CORRECTING the registrations. And Flynn's lawyers BOTCHED this process during the run up to the trial.. I might add MAYBE on purpose since they were screwing him every other way... And a PARTNER was involved in this who was NEVER even charged and had MORE to do with Turkey than HE did...

During the election, you had PODESTA group representing banks in Russia holding over 40% of ALL RUSSIAN ASSETS.. But no one seems to care.. Even tho that means that they representing the interests of 100s of dirty Russian Oligarchs including Putin himself... No big deal right? They had a FARA registration to DO that.... EVEN IF THE SENIOR PODESTA was running Hillary's campaign..

And guess who else was seated at the table with Putin besides Flynn at that RT Awards ceremony in Moscow??? None other than 2016 GREEN party candidate for Prez -- Jill Stein.. This ditzy woman than BRAGGED about Putin setting her up to TALK FOREIGN POLICY with high level diplomats the DAY AFTER the RT dinner.

Tell me -- WHY those 2 things dont even appear to bother you?????? Why does Jill Stein get to discuss HER Russia policy at the behest of PUTIN in Moscow -- and the media and the FBI and the INTEL agencies and the Obama Admin just took a nap on that....

You really have to DIG to find all that outrage about ONE COMMENT from Flynn asking Russia "not to retaliate".,.. Why would Obama be torqued about NO retaliation???"

Why did Flynn lie to FBI about his diplomatic wheeling and dealing during the transition?

Did someone make him do that?

We don't actually KNOW that her did.. There seems to be NO RECORDINGS of the actual interview.. Think you KNOW that.. So that the agents' notes and "302" reports are all we have to go on,... And there's been some hinky shit going on in revising that 302 without RETAINING the originals.. There were 2 agents attending the meeting.. ONE interviewed by counsel said that Flynn was totally cooperative and not trying to deceive when deposed..

The OTHER was Peter Strzok.. The guy who could "smell the Trump supporters at Walmart" and seems to BE EVERYWHERE where FBI and NAt Security procedures were broken here., Not ONLY WITH FLYNN -- but with every other INNOCENT VICTIM of this Russia witch hunt both domestically and abroad...

If they WANTED ACCURACY AND PRECISION -- maybe they should have put him under oath, asked him to retain a lawyer, and given him a copy of the transcript of the calls in question.. That's HOW A LEGAL proceeding is SUPPOSED to work in this country...
Is the left denying that this meeting was set up to be a perjury trap?

Bullshit, there was no "trap" except the one Flynn made for himself by lying to everyone and their mother. FBI asked the questions and Flynn instead of telling the truth ELECTED to lie. No one pressured him to lie, he wanted to and he did.

I don't get what is it with you rightwingers and twisting yourself into fancy pretzels to deny the most obvious.
Why did they close the case?
The case isn't closed. As of now, anyway, Flynn is still a convicted felon and the judge can still sentence him should he want to.
They filed a closure EC. Part of the Brady evidence. Meaning there was nothing material in a perfectly legal conversation.
The materiality comes when he starts lying about it to Pence.
To what investigation, what’s predicating. There was no investigation into whether or not Flynn was telling pence every exact detail of his conversations. Nor is would it be a crime for Flynn to do so unless there was a crime attached to the lie, which there wasn’t...therefore it’s not material. Do I need to start drawing pictures with crayons so y’all can see the problem Comey’s FBI has in this case, and why this was a political hit.
So someone has access to our nations most closely held secrets, a position of great trust and privilege. And this is lying to his boss about official conversations he had with his Russian counterparts.

And you don’t think that warrants an investigation?

Why not?
A. Pence says he doesn’t think that Flynn intentionally lied to him. Also, what in gods green earth would be the motivation behind lying? Again, did we want russia to escalate, and Flynn went against the administration. We already know that kushner asked Flynn to ask kysliak about vetoing. So that’s not it.

B. What concerns me infinitely more is that an outgoing presidential administration wire-tapped an incoming administration, and continued to do so even after the FBI they tasked with this (going off of basically nothing but a bogus dossier they knew was littered with holes) was closing the case on the guy. They continued the wire taps after that. Brought him up on charges of lyingon something they had zero justification to do. They also tried to throw the Logan act at him. The fucking incoming NSA, they tried to nab with the Logan act...because he asked Russia not escalate? That’s should scream that this a political hit.
A. Pence is saying what Trump tells him to say. The idea that Flynn forgot the topic of conversation with Kislyak is stupid. There are a few possibilities as to why he lied. One, they all know Flynn had the conversation (since it was coordinated from the Trump transition team) but decided to publicly deny it. Pence lies on TV. Flynn now is part of a lie and continues to tell the lie to keep the story consistent. The lie is exposed publicly and instead of making Pence admit he lied, Trump blames it all on Flynn. I believe this is the most likely explanation by far because Trump is an asshole and doesn’t actually care about people that work for him.

Another possibility is that Pence never really knew anything and was kept out of the loop and this was run by wonder boy Jared. They trotted Pence out for plausible deniability and didn’t even bother to tell him he was telling a flat out lie. Pence is now saying Flynn didn’t lie to him because he has no divinity and is doing what a Trump wants.

B. They didn’t wiretap Flynn. They wiretapped Kislyak. Supposedly Flynn knew this. No one should be the least bit surprised that we had Kislyak tapped. Has nothing to do with faulty FISA warrants. Nothing to do with the Steele Dossier. The charges are justified because he did it. He lied. No one threw the Logan Act at him. They hit him with lying because he lied.
Oh no they tapped Flynn too. Not in this particular case but that brings up another problem. There was no unmasking for Flynn for this specific call. So how exactly did the FBI know who “American 1” was in this call?

And do you have a source for this claim? It’s counter to everything I’ve read about the case.
Good stuff. Thanks! It would seem the most likely explanation that there was a FISA warrant for Flynn, however given the attention paid to the issue by Horowitz, it does not seem as though any deficiencies were found.

I was incorrect. Thanks for the info.
Cool story bro but you are straight out of your mind if you think ANYONE is buying your bs about Flynn simply not remembering anything about getting Russians to change their response to Obama's sanctions.

Only time sanctions EVER appears in that transcript, is when Flynn asked Kislyak "not to retaliate" on the sanctions.. Describe to me HOW the Obama Admin has a problem with "NOT get their diplomat corps kicked out of Russia????

You said this was all premediated. That was a leap of fantasy.. Flynn read in the WashPo the DAY BEFORE that the FBI had CLEARED him of anything Russia... That story was PLACED at the Washpo with "unnamed sources" as usual meaning that this was LEAKED out.. Whatchawanna bet that the leaking Comey placed it there to set the "tone" for the "sudden visit" the next day??

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017
The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

Now THATS how you set up an ambush... Amirite????

But wait there is more! He also pled guilty to lying about his work as an undeclared foreign agent for Turkey during the transition. Man, you really know how to pick your "victims".

Funny how all that other stuff GOT DROPPED in the guilty plea deal that Flynn originally agreed to isn't it?? The FARA violation never would have stuck in trial because FARA violations are usually resolved with CORRECTING the registrations. And Flynn's lawyers BOTCHED this process during the run up to the trial.. I might add MAYBE on purpose since they were screwing him every other way... And a PARTNER was involved in this who was NEVER even charged and had MORE to do with Turkey than HE did...

During the election, you had PODESTA group representing banks in Russia holding over 40% of ALL RUSSIAN ASSETS.. But no one seems to care.. Even tho that means that they representing the interests of 100s of dirty Russian Oligarchs including Putin himself... No big deal right? They had a FARA registration to DO that.... EVEN IF THE SENIOR PODESTA was running Hillary's campaign..

And guess who else was seated at the table with Putin besides Flynn at that RT Awards ceremony in Moscow??? None other than 2016 GREEN party candidate for Prez -- Jill Stein.. This ditzy woman than BRAGGED about Putin setting her up to TALK FOREIGN POLICY with high level diplomats the DAY AFTER the RT dinner.

Tell me -- WHY those 2 things dont even appear to bother you?????? Why does Jill Stein get to discuss HER Russia policy at the behest of PUTIN in Moscow -- and the media and the FBI and the INTEL agencies and the Obama Admin just took a nap on that....

You really have to DIG to find all that outrage about ONE COMMENT from Flynn asking Russia "not to retaliate".,.. Why would Obama be torqued about NO retaliation???"

Why did Flynn lie to FBI about his diplomatic wheeling and dealing during the transition?

Did someone make him do that?

We don't actually KNOW that her did.. There seems to be NO RECORDINGS of the actual interview.. Think you KNOW that.. So that the agents' notes and "302" reports are all we have to go on,... And there's been some hinky shit going on in revising that 302 without RETAINING the originals.. There were 2 agents attending the meeting.. ONE interviewed by counsel said that Flynn was totally cooperative and not trying to deceive when deposed..

The OTHER was Peter Strzok.. The guy who could "smell the Trump supporters at Walmart" and seems to BE EVERYWHERE where FBI and NAt Security procedures were broken here., Not ONLY WITH FLYNN -- but with every other INNOCENT VICTIM of this Russia witch hunt both domestically and abroad...

If they WANTED ACCURACY AND PRECISION -- maybe they should have put him under oath, asked him to retain a lawyer, and given him a copy of the transcript of the calls in question.. That's HOW A LEGAL proceeding is SUPPOSED to work in this country...

Who on Flynn’s legal team or Barr’s team has ever said that Flynn didn’t lie, that it was in fact multiple FBI agents that are criminally lying about his interview?

The extent of denial you wingers are capable of is straight mindbogling.
Cool story bro but you are straight out of your mind if you think ANYONE is buying your bs about Flynn simply not remembering anything about getting Russians to change their response to Obama's sanctions.

Only time sanctions EVER appears in that transcript, is when Flynn asked Kislyak "not to retaliate" on the sanctions.. Describe to me HOW the Obama Admin has a problem with "NOT get their diplomat corps kicked out of Russia????

You said this was all premediated. That was a leap of fantasy.. Flynn read in the WashPo the DAY BEFORE that the FBI had CLEARED him of anything Russia... That story was PLACED at the Washpo with "unnamed sources" as usual meaning that this was LEAKED out.. Whatchawanna bet that the leaking Comey placed it there to set the "tone" for the "sudden visit" the next day??

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017
The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

Now THATS how you set up an ambush... Amirite????

But wait there is more! He also pled guilty to lying about his work as an undeclared foreign agent for Turkey during the transition. Man, you really know how to pick your "victims".

Funny how all that other stuff GOT DROPPED in the guilty plea deal that Flynn originally agreed to isn't it?? The FARA violation never would have stuck in trial because FARA violations are usually resolved with CORRECTING the registrations. And Flynn's lawyers BOTCHED this process during the run up to the trial.. I might add MAYBE on purpose since they were screwing him every other way... And a PARTNER was involved in this who was NEVER even charged and had MORE to do with Turkey than HE did...

During the election, you had PODESTA group representing banks in Russia holding over 40% of ALL RUSSIAN ASSETS.. But no one seems to care.. Even tho that means that they representing the interests of 100s of dirty Russian Oligarchs including Putin himself... No big deal right? They had a FARA registration to DO that.... EVEN IF THE SENIOR PODESTA was running Hillary's campaign..

And guess who else was seated at the table with Putin besides Flynn at that RT Awards ceremony in Moscow??? None other than 2016 GREEN party candidate for Prez -- Jill Stein.. This ditzy woman than BRAGGED about Putin setting her up to TALK FOREIGN POLICY with high level diplomats the DAY AFTER the RT dinner.

Tell me -- WHY those 2 things dont even appear to bother you?????? Why does Jill Stein get to discuss HER Russia policy at the behest of PUTIN in Moscow -- and the media and the FBI and the INTEL agencies and the Obama Admin just took a nap on that....

You really have to DIG to find all that outrage about ONE COMMENT from Flynn asking Russia "not to retaliate".,.. Why would Obama be torqued about NO retaliation???"

Why did Flynn lie to FBI about his diplomatic wheeling and dealing during the transition?

Did someone make him do that?

We don't actually KNOW that her did.. There seems to be NO RECORDINGS of the actual interview.. Think you KNOW that.. So that the agents' notes and "302" reports are all we have to go on,... And there's been some hinky shit going on in revising that 302 without RETAINING the originals.. There were 2 agents attending the meeting.. ONE interviewed by counsel said that Flynn was totally cooperative and not trying to deceive when deposed..

The OTHER was Peter Strzok.. The guy who could "smell the Trump supporters at Walmart" and seems to BE EVERYWHERE where FBI and NAt Security procedures were broken here., Not ONLY WITH FLYNN -- but with every other INNOCENT VICTIM of this Russia witch hunt both domestically and abroad...

If they WANTED ACCURACY AND PRECISION -- maybe they should have put him under oath, asked him to retain a lawyer, and given him a copy of the transcript of the calls in question.. That's HOW A LEGAL proceeding is SUPPOSED to work in this country...
Is the left denying that this meeting was set up to be a perjury trap?

Bullshit, there was no "trap" except the one Flynn made for himself by lying to everyone and their mother. FBI asked the questions and Flynn instead of telling the truth ELECTED to lie. No one pressured him to lie, he wanted to and he did.

I don't get what is it with you rightwingers and twisting yourself into fancy pretzels to deny the most obvious.
Why did they close the case?
The case isn't closed. As of now, anyway, Flynn is still a convicted felon and the judge can still sentence him should he want to.
They filed a closure EC. Part of the Brady evidence. Meaning there was nothing material in a perfectly legal conversation.
The materiality comes when he starts lying about it to Pence.
To what investigation, what’s predicating. There was no investigation into whether or not Flynn was telling pence every exact detail of his conversations. Nor is would it be a crime for Flynn to do so unless there was a crime attached to the lie, which there wasn’t...therefore it’s not material. Do I need to start drawing pictures with crayons so y’all can see the problem Comey’s FBI has in this case, and why this was a political hit.
So someone has access to our nations most closely held secrets, a position of great trust and privilege. And this is lying to his boss about official conversations he had with his Russian counterparts.

And you don’t think that warrants an investigation?

Why not?
A. Pence says he doesn’t think that Flynn intentionally lied to him. Also, what in gods green earth would be the motivation behind lying? Again, did we want russia to escalate, and Flynn went against the administration. We already know that kushner asked Flynn to ask kysliak about vetoing. So that’s not it.

B. What concerns me infinitely more is that an outgoing presidential administration wire-tapped an incoming administration, and continued to do so even after the FBI they tasked with this (going off of basically nothing but a bogus dossier they knew was littered with holes) was closing the case on the guy. They continued the wire taps after that. Brought him up on charges of lyingon something they had zero justification to do. They also tried to throw the Logan act at him. The fucking incoming NSA, they tried to nab with the Logan act...because he asked Russia not escalate? That’s should scream that this a political hit.
A. Pence is saying what Trump tells him to say. The idea that Flynn forgot the topic of conversation with Kislyak is stupid. There are a few possibilities as to why he lied. One, they all know Flynn had the conversation (since it was coordinated from the Trump transition team) but decided to publicly deny it. Pence lies on TV. Flynn now is part of a lie and continues to tell the lie to keep the story consistent. The lie is exposed publicly and instead of making Pence admit he lied, Trump blames it all on Flynn. I believe this is the most likely explanation by far because Trump is an asshole and doesn’t actually care about people that work for him.

Another possibility is that Pence never really knew anything and was kept out of the loop and this was run by wonder boy Jared. They trotted Pence out for plausible deniability and didn’t even bother to tell him he was telling a flat out lie. Pence is now saying Flynn didn’t lie to him because he has no divinity and is doing what a Trump wants.

B. They didn’t wiretap Flynn. They wiretapped Kislyak. Supposedly Flynn knew this. No one should be the least bit surprised that we had Kislyak tapped. Has nothing to do with faulty FISA warrants. Nothing to do with the Steele Dossier. The charges are justified because he did it. He lied. No one threw the Logan Act at him. They hit him with lying because he lied.
Oh no they tapped Flynn too.

I love how you grab little bits and pieces of topics you are completely clueless about and then try to construct wishful fantasies to deny the obvious
Would you care to explain how the FBI got this call? If it was FISA surveillance on Kislyak, well no one unmasked Flynn on this particular occasion, so how did they know it was flynn. We know it wasn’t a “wiretap” done by they FBI. That leaves 2 other options, neither of them look good at all. The CIA was sharing information with the FBI on not only a US citizen but the incoming NSA. Not only is it against the law for them to do this, but they also shared a perfectly legal call with no shady business which begs the question why. If you want to argue that asking Russia to not escalate and veto the UN resolution is shady business, be my guest. The other option is that Obama requested this surveillance and lynch signed off on it. This would’ve been after operation crossfire hurricane turned up nothing. So what exactly was Obama’s justification for such extreme measures, and again why was this perfectly legal call shared with the FBI?

:rolleyes: You got nothing better to wreck your know nothing head about intelligence ways-means-regulations?

You seriously think Trump’s Roy Cohn with full access to all the intelligence info you could only dream about would not investigate and prosecute if there was any illegality here?

Barr's team already filed the motion to dismiss and it contains NOTHING about FBI's access to Kysliak's conversations with Flynn or any unmasking improprieties.
Barr already came out and said he doesn’t really see anything to investigate Obama or Biden for. So you can erect your little theories but they are one-way ticket to nowhere.
Last edited:
You say that like you imagine prosecutors ever turn over everything.....
The prosecutors by law have to turn over exculpatory evidence. The FBI withheld such evidence in order to engage in illegal spying and to justify their actions, whether found to be extreme abuse of power or criminal. An independent / objective US AG was selected to investigate, and he reportedly found BOTH.

As far as Martha Stewart goes, that opens up a whole new discussion about Insider Trading that should be discussed in a completely separate thread.
The Swamp runs deep.

But GOD WINS this time (it always does really).:thup: Bless Trump Bless all patriots.
This pandemic is an act of god. Pay attention to how the US has been hit the hardest. God is not pleased with the US most of all and trump is the reason why.
God's displeasure with America is Trump's fault? Dude, you're so far off base. I can name a whole lot of things about America that displease God that have nothing to do with and far predate Trump.
You say that like you imagine prosecutors ever turn over everything.....
The prosecutors by law have to turn over exculpatory evidence. The FBI withheld such evidence in order to engage in illegal spying and to justify their actions, whether found to be extreme abuse of power or criminal. An independent / objective US AG was selected to investigate, and he reportedly found BOTH.

As far as Martha Stewart goes, that opens up a whole new discussion about Insider Trading that should be discussed in a completely separate thread.

Again, never happens

Any conviction that has ever gone through a trial in the history of america. Never got ALL the exculpatory evidence.
You say that like you imagine prosecutors ever turn over everything.....
The prosecutors by law have to turn over exculpatory evidence. The FBI withheld such evidence in order to engage in illegal spying and to justify their actions, whether found to be extreme abuse of power or criminal. An independent / objective US AG was selected to investigate, and he reportedly found BOTH.

As far as Martha Stewart goes, that opens up a whole new discussion about Insider Trading that should be discussed in a completely separate thread.

Again, never happens

Any conviction that has ever gone through a trial in the history of america. Never got ALL the exculpatory evidence.
Withholding exculpatory evidence is CRIME.

Just as the FISA Court.

Just ask the previous Deputy US AG Rosenstein, who arrogantly testified under oath before Congress and declared intentionally withholding exculpatory evidence is a crime that carries serious legal consequences......

I remember Mueller withheld exculpatory evidence and sent several innocent men - who he KNEW were innocent - to prison.

Withholding exculpatory evidence is not legal just because you get away with it and is not especially when you get caught doing it, no matter what you say.
You say that like you imagine prosecutors ever turn over everything.....
The prosecutors by law have to turn over exculpatory evidence. The FBI withheld such evidence in order to engage in illegal spying and to justify their actions, whether found to be extreme abuse of power or criminal. An independent / objective US AG was selected to investigate, and he reportedly found BOTH.

As far as Martha Stewart goes, that opens up a whole new discussion about Insider Trading that should be discussed in a completely separate thread.

Again, never happens

Any conviction that has ever gone through a trial in the history of america. Never got ALL the exculpatory evidence.
Withholding exculpatory evidence is CRIME.

Just as the FISA Court.

Just ask the previous Deputy US AG Rosenstein, who arrogantly testified under oath before Congress and declared intentionally withholding exculpatory evidence is a crime that carries serious legal consequences......

I remember Mueller withheld exculpatory evidence and sent several innocent men - who he KNEW were innocent - to prison.

Withholding exculpatory evidence is not legal just because you get away with it and is not especially when you get caught doing it, no matter what you say.

You live in a fantasy world if you imagine all exculpatory evidence is provided to you

Have you ever been charged with a crime? lol

Google a bit about it, prosecutors can get away with hiding a lot more than what they did
You say that like you imagine prosecutors ever turn over everything.....
The prosecutors by law have to turn over exculpatory evidence. The FBI withheld such evidence in order to engage in illegal spying and to justify their actions, whether found to be extreme abuse of power or criminal. An independent / objective US AG was selected to investigate, and he reportedly found BOTH.

As far as Martha Stewart goes, that opens up a whole new discussion about Insider Trading that should be discussed in a completely separate thread.

Again, never happens

Any conviction that has ever gone through a trial in the history of america. Never got ALL the exculpatory evidence.
Withholding exculpatory evidence is CRIME.

Just as the FISA Court.

Just ask the previous Deputy US AG Rosenstein, who arrogantly testified under oath before Congress and declared intentionally withholding exculpatory evidence is a crime that carries serious legal consequences......

I remember Mueller withheld exculpatory evidence and sent several innocent men - who he KNEW were innocent - to prison.

Withholding exculpatory evidence is not legal just because you get away with it and is not especially when you get caught doing it, no matter what you say.

You live in a fantasy world if you imagine all exculpatory evidence is provided to you

Have you ever been charged with a crime? lol

Google a bit about it, prosecutors can get away with hiding a lot more than what they did
People "get away" with crimes every day.
You say that like you imagine prosecutors ever turn over everything.....
The prosecutors by law have to turn over exculpatory evidence. The FBI withheld such evidence in order to engage in illegal spying and to justify their actions, whether found to be extreme abuse of power or criminal. An independent / objective US AG was selected to investigate, and he reportedly found BOTH.

As far as Martha Stewart goes, that opens up a whole new discussion about Insider Trading that should be discussed in a completely separate thread.

Again, never happens

Any conviction that has ever gone through a trial in the history of america. Never got ALL the exculpatory evidence.
Withholding exculpatory evidence is CRIME.

Just as the FISA Court.

Just ask the previous Deputy US AG Rosenstein, who arrogantly testified under oath before Congress and declared intentionally withholding exculpatory evidence is a crime that carries serious legal consequences......

I remember Mueller withheld exculpatory evidence and sent several innocent men - who he KNEW were innocent - to prison.

Withholding exculpatory evidence is not legal just because you get away with it and is not especially when you get caught doing it, no matter what you say.

You live in a fantasy world if you imagine all exculpatory evidence is provided to you

Have you ever been charged with a crime? lol

Google a bit about it, prosecutors can get away with hiding a lot more than what they did
People "get away" with crimes every day.

Judges aren't overturning these convictions when it's found out that all exculpatory evidence wasn't provided

you'd have to release every inmate in our prison system, lawyers would just be combing the system for such evidence to get their clients a second trial at least.

Nor are prosecutors punished for it unless it's extremely egregious
You say that like you imagine prosecutors ever turn over everything.....
The prosecutors by law have to turn over exculpatory evidence. The FBI withheld such evidence in order to engage in illegal spying and to justify their actions, whether found to be extreme abuse of power or criminal. An independent / objective US AG was selected to investigate, and he reportedly found BOTH.

As far as Martha Stewart goes, that opens up a whole new discussion about Insider Trading that should be discussed in a completely separate thread.

Again, never happens

Any conviction that has ever gone through a trial in the history of america. Never got ALL the exculpatory evidence.
Withholding exculpatory evidence is CRIME.

Just as the FISA Court.

Just ask the previous Deputy US AG Rosenstein, who arrogantly testified under oath before Congress and declared intentionally withholding exculpatory evidence is a crime that carries serious legal consequences......

I remember Mueller withheld exculpatory evidence and sent several innocent men - who he KNEW were innocent - to prison.

Withholding exculpatory evidence is not legal just because you get away with it and is not especially when you get caught doing it, no matter what you say.

You live in a fantasy world if you imagine all exculpatory evidence is provided to you

Have you ever been charged with a crime? lol

Google a bit about it, prosecutors can get away with hiding a lot more than what they did
People "get away" with crimes every day.

Judges aren't overturning these convictions when it's found out that all exculpatory evidence wasn't provided

you'd have to release every inmate in our prison system, lawyers would just be combing the system for such evidence to get their clients a second trial at least.

Nor are prosecutors punished for it unless it's extremely egregious

That was easy.................

A judge appointed by a Republican president with no negatives attached to him over the years, being ripped because of political party fights. Sad.

Sidney Powell Delivers Writ of Mandamus to Correct Judge Sullivan’s Unauthorized Actions in General Flynn Case – Orders Dismissal of Case Against Gen. Flynn

"Petitioner respectfully requests that this Court order the district court immediately to (1) grant the Justice Department’s Motion to Dismiss; (2) vacate its order appointing amicus curiae; and (3) reassign the case to another district judge as to any further proceedings."

With any luck the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit will grant / sign the Writ of Mandamus, grant the DOJ's motion to dismiss the case against Flynn, will vacate the USSC decision-violating amicus curia, and will strip the case from Sullivan's hands and give it to a less political judge who will wrap up this case.

You say that like you imagine prosecutors ever turn over everything.....
The prosecutors by law have to turn over exculpatory evidence. The FBI withheld such evidence in order to engage in illegal spying and to justify their actions, whether found to be extreme abuse of power or criminal. An independent / objective US AG was selected to investigate, and he reportedly found BOTH.

As far as Martha Stewart goes, that opens up a whole new discussion about Insider Trading that should be discussed in a completely separate thread.

Again, never happens

Any conviction that has ever gone through a trial in the history of america. Never got ALL the exculpatory evidence.
Do you know what exculpatory means? If that’s every trial in America then there’s a huge systemic problem with our justice system...but that’s not the case. Cases have been dropped for less even when the person is dead to rights guilty. The prosecution is required to turn over ALL exculpatory evidence. And they do because they don’t want to loose. A Brady violation isn’t the prosecution had a case of the Monday’s and misspelled a name. It’s withholding evidence you’re supposed to turn over because it weakens your case. I’m mean sure they’re a few cases of the prosecution or investigators didn’t realize something was as important as it should be, but that’s extremely rare. Do you know how severely the defense would’ve torn up the prosecution with this evidence? It would’ve been a blood bath. They never would have brought this to trial. Which is why they A. Hid this, and B. Threatened to go after Flynn’s son if he didn’t take a guilty plea.

Also, do you care to tell me what was illegal in the phone call?
Cool story bro but you are straight out of your mind if you think ANYONE is buying your bs about Flynn simply not remembering anything about getting Russians to change their response to Obama's sanctions.

Only time sanctions EVER appears in that transcript, is when Flynn asked Kislyak "not to retaliate" on the sanctions.. Describe to me HOW the Obama Admin has a problem with "NOT get their diplomat corps kicked out of Russia????

You said this was all premediated. That was a leap of fantasy.. Flynn read in the WashPo the DAY BEFORE that the FBI had CLEARED him of anything Russia... That story was PLACED at the Washpo with "unnamed sources" as usual meaning that this was LEAKED out.. Whatchawanna bet that the leaking Comey placed it there to set the "tone" for the "sudden visit" the next day??

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017
The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

Now THATS how you set up an ambush... Amirite????

But wait there is more! He also pled guilty to lying about his work as an undeclared foreign agent for Turkey during the transition. Man, you really know how to pick your "victims".

Funny how all that other stuff GOT DROPPED in the guilty plea deal that Flynn originally agreed to isn't it?? The FARA violation never would have stuck in trial because FARA violations are usually resolved with CORRECTING the registrations. And Flynn's lawyers BOTCHED this process during the run up to the trial.. I might add MAYBE on purpose since they were screwing him every other way... And a PARTNER was involved in this who was NEVER even charged and had MORE to do with Turkey than HE did...

During the election, you had PODESTA group representing banks in Russia holding over 40% of ALL RUSSIAN ASSETS.. But no one seems to care.. Even tho that means that they representing the interests of 100s of dirty Russian Oligarchs including Putin himself... No big deal right? They had a FARA registration to DO that.... EVEN IF THE SENIOR PODESTA was running Hillary's campaign..

And guess who else was seated at the table with Putin besides Flynn at that RT Awards ceremony in Moscow??? None other than 2016 GREEN party candidate for Prez -- Jill Stein.. This ditzy woman than BRAGGED about Putin setting her up to TALK FOREIGN POLICY with high level diplomats the DAY AFTER the RT dinner.

Tell me -- WHY those 2 things dont even appear to bother you?????? Why does Jill Stein get to discuss HER Russia policy at the behest of PUTIN in Moscow -- and the media and the FBI and the INTEL agencies and the Obama Admin just took a nap on that....

You really have to DIG to find all that outrage about ONE COMMENT from Flynn asking Russia "not to retaliate".,.. Why would Obama be torqued about NO retaliation???"

Why did Flynn lie to FBI about his diplomatic wheeling and dealing during the transition?

Did someone make him do that?

We don't actually KNOW that her did.. There seems to be NO RECORDINGS of the actual interview.. Think you KNOW that.. So that the agents' notes and "302" reports are all we have to go on,... And there's been some hinky shit going on in revising that 302 without RETAINING the originals.. There were 2 agents attending the meeting.. ONE interviewed by counsel said that Flynn was totally cooperative and not trying to deceive when deposed..

The OTHER was Peter Strzok.. The guy who could "smell the Trump supporters at Walmart" and seems to BE EVERYWHERE where FBI and NAt Security procedures were broken here., Not ONLY WITH FLYNN -- but with every other INNOCENT VICTIM of this Russia witch hunt both domestically and abroad...

If they WANTED ACCURACY AND PRECISION -- maybe they should have put him under oath, asked him to retain a lawyer, and given him a copy of the transcript of the calls in question.. That's HOW A LEGAL proceeding is SUPPOSED to work in this country...

Who on Flynn’s legal team or Barr’s team has ever said that Flynn didn’t lie, that it was in fact multiple FBI agents that are criminally lying about his interview?

The extent of denial you wingers are capable of is straight mindbogling.
Cool story bro but you are straight out of your mind if you think ANYONE is buying your bs about Flynn simply not remembering anything about getting Russians to change their response to Obama's sanctions.

Only time sanctions EVER appears in that transcript, is when Flynn asked Kislyak "not to retaliate" on the sanctions.. Describe to me HOW the Obama Admin has a problem with "NOT get their diplomat corps kicked out of Russia????

You said this was all premediated. That was a leap of fantasy.. Flynn read in the WashPo the DAY BEFORE that the FBI had CLEARED him of anything Russia... That story was PLACED at the Washpo with "unnamed sources" as usual meaning that this was LEAKED out.. Whatchawanna bet that the leaking Comey placed it there to set the "tone" for the "sudden visit" the next day??

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017
The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

Now THATS how you set up an ambush... Amirite????

But wait there is more! He also pled guilty to lying about his work as an undeclared foreign agent for Turkey during the transition. Man, you really know how to pick your "victims".

Funny how all that other stuff GOT DROPPED in the guilty plea deal that Flynn originally agreed to isn't it?? The FARA violation never would have stuck in trial because FARA violations are usually resolved with CORRECTING the registrations. And Flynn's lawyers BOTCHED this process during the run up to the trial.. I might add MAYBE on purpose since they were screwing him every other way... And a PARTNER was involved in this who was NEVER even charged and had MORE to do with Turkey than HE did...

During the election, you had PODESTA group representing banks in Russia holding over 40% of ALL RUSSIAN ASSETS.. But no one seems to care.. Even tho that means that they representing the interests of 100s of dirty Russian Oligarchs including Putin himself... No big deal right? They had a FARA registration to DO that.... EVEN IF THE SENIOR PODESTA was running Hillary's campaign..

And guess who else was seated at the table with Putin besides Flynn at that RT Awards ceremony in Moscow??? None other than 2016 GREEN party candidate for Prez -- Jill Stein.. This ditzy woman than BRAGGED about Putin setting her up to TALK FOREIGN POLICY with high level diplomats the DAY AFTER the RT dinner.

Tell me -- WHY those 2 things dont even appear to bother you?????? Why does Jill Stein get to discuss HER Russia policy at the behest of PUTIN in Moscow -- and the media and the FBI and the INTEL agencies and the Obama Admin just took a nap on that....

You really have to DIG to find all that outrage about ONE COMMENT from Flynn asking Russia "not to retaliate".,.. Why would Obama be torqued about NO retaliation???"

Why did Flynn lie to FBI about his diplomatic wheeling and dealing during the transition?

Did someone make him do that?

We don't actually KNOW that her did.. There seems to be NO RECORDINGS of the actual interview.. Think you KNOW that.. So that the agents' notes and "302" reports are all we have to go on,... And there's been some hinky shit going on in revising that 302 without RETAINING the originals.. There were 2 agents attending the meeting.. ONE interviewed by counsel said that Flynn was totally cooperative and not trying to deceive when deposed..

The OTHER was Peter Strzok.. The guy who could "smell the Trump supporters at Walmart" and seems to BE EVERYWHERE where FBI and NAt Security procedures were broken here., Not ONLY WITH FLYNN -- but with every other INNOCENT VICTIM of this Russia witch hunt both domestically and abroad...

If they WANTED ACCURACY AND PRECISION -- maybe they should have put him under oath, asked him to retain a lawyer, and given him a copy of the transcript of the calls in question.. That's HOW A LEGAL proceeding is SUPPOSED to work in this country...
Is the left denying that this meeting was set up to be a perjury trap?

Bullshit, there was no "trap" except the one Flynn made for himself by lying to everyone and their mother. FBI asked the questions and Flynn instead of telling the truth ELECTED to lie. No one pressured him to lie, he wanted to and he did.

I don't get what is it with you rightwingers and twisting yourself into fancy pretzels to deny the most obvious.
Why did they close the case?
The case isn't closed. As of now, anyway, Flynn is still a convicted felon and the judge can still sentence him should he want to.
They filed a closure EC. Part of the Brady evidence. Meaning there was nothing material in a perfectly legal conversation.
The materiality comes when he starts lying about it to Pence.
To what investigation, what’s predicating. There was no investigation into whether or not Flynn was telling pence every exact detail of his conversations. Nor is would it be a crime for Flynn to do so unless there was a crime attached to the lie, which there wasn’t...therefore it’s not material. Do I need to start drawing pictures with crayons so y’all can see the problem Comey’s FBI has in this case, and why this was a political hit.
So someone has access to our nations most closely held secrets, a position of great trust and privilege. And this is lying to his boss about official conversations he had with his Russian counterparts.

And you don’t think that warrants an investigation?

Why not?
A. Pence says he doesn’t think that Flynn intentionally lied to him. Also, what in gods green earth would be the motivation behind lying? Again, did we want russia to escalate, and Flynn went against the administration. We already know that kushner asked Flynn to ask kysliak about vetoing. So that’s not it.

B. What concerns me infinitely more is that an outgoing presidential administration wire-tapped an incoming administration, and continued to do so even after the FBI they tasked with this (going off of basically nothing but a bogus dossier they knew was littered with holes) was closing the case on the guy. They continued the wire taps after that. Brought him up on charges of lyingon something they had zero justification to do. They also tried to throw the Logan act at him. The fucking incoming NSA, they tried to nab with the Logan act...because he asked Russia not escalate? That’s should scream that this a political hit.
A. Pence is saying what Trump tells him to say. The idea that Flynn forgot the topic of conversation with Kislyak is stupid. There are a few possibilities as to why he lied. One, they all know Flynn had the conversation (since it was coordinated from the Trump transition team) but decided to publicly deny it. Pence lies on TV. Flynn now is part of a lie and continues to tell the lie to keep the story consistent. The lie is exposed publicly and instead of making Pence admit he lied, Trump blames it all on Flynn. I believe this is the most likely explanation by far because Trump is an asshole and doesn’t actually care about people that work for him.

Another possibility is that Pence never really knew anything and was kept out of the loop and this was run by wonder boy Jared. They trotted Pence out for plausible deniability and didn’t even bother to tell him he was telling a flat out lie. Pence is now saying Flynn didn’t lie to him because he has no divinity and is doing what a Trump wants.

B. They didn’t wiretap Flynn. They wiretapped Kislyak. Supposedly Flynn knew this. No one should be the least bit surprised that we had Kislyak tapped. Has nothing to do with faulty FISA warrants. Nothing to do with the Steele Dossier. The charges are justified because he did it. He lied. No one threw the Logan Act at him. They hit him with lying because he lied.
Concerning B. If they weren’t tapping Flynn, but kislyak, then the FBI has nothing to charge Flynn with since there’s no crime committed in the phone call. By either Flynn or Kysliak. There was never an investigation into Flynn and no investigation into kysliak that we know of. So the interview was nothing but a perjury trap without the required materiality. You also said Flynn knew they were tapping convos with Kysliak, which he most certainly did as incoming NSA. It’s common knowledge in these intel communities. So what was his motivation for lying to the FBI who he knew they had the transcripts of this call? Perfectly legal normal call I might add? None of this makes any sense, unless it was a sheer political hit. We know Obama fired Flynn for “insubordination”, maybe rightfully so. From what I heard Flynn wasn’t onboard with how the administration was handling things overseas. Obama’s prerogative does whatever. We also knew that Obama told trump not to hire Flynn, which isn’t his prerogative, that’s pretty narcissistic. And naive thinking an even bigger narcissistic would say yes to such a ridiculous request. It’s like a school yard rival giving advice to his biggest hater. It’s pretty clear that Obama really fucking hated Flynn.

Sidney Powell Delivers Writ of Mandamus to Correct Judge Sullivan’s Unauthorized Actions in General Flynn Case – Orders Dismissal of Case Against Gen. Flynn

"Petitioner respectfully requests that this Court order the district court immediately to (1) grant the Justice Department’s Motion to Dismiss; (2) vacate its order appointing amicus curiae; and (3) reassign the case to another district judge as to any further proceedings."

With any luck the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit will grant / sign the Writ of Mandamus, grant the DOJ's motion to dismiss the case against Flynn, will vacate the USSC decision-violating amicus curia, and will strip the case from Sullivan's hands and give it to a less political judge who will wrap up this case.

Sullivan needs to be removed from the bench and lose his pension.

Sidney Powell Delivers Writ of Mandamus to Correct Judge Sullivan’s Unauthorized Actions in General Flynn Case – Orders Dismissal of Case Against Gen. Flynn

"Petitioner respectfully requests that this Court order the district court immediately to (1) grant the Justice Department’s Motion to Dismiss; (2) vacate its order appointing amicus curiae; and (3) reassign the case to another district judge as to any further proceedings."

With any luck the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit will grant / sign the Writ of Mandamus, grant the DOJ's motion to dismiss the case against Flynn, will vacate the USSC decision-violating amicus curia, and will strip the case from Sullivan's hands and give it to a less political judge who will wrap up this case.

Sullivan needs to be removed from the bench and lose his pension.

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