Judging Obama's Handling of the Budget and the Economy Fairly

Bush did call attention to the dangers of what Freddie and Fannie were doing with home loans, and Congressional Republicans tried to impose tougher regulations on them, but Democrats blocked all of their efforts.
That is a complete lie, but you knew that already. The MAJORITY Republicans blocked EVERY reform bill, the Dems were POWERLESS. Reform was only passed when the Dems took over Congress, but by then the GOP obstruction had already taken its toll.

The reform bills were blocked in COMMITTEE completely controlled by the GOP. The GOP had the chairmanship of every committee and two more voted then the Dems on the committee, the Dems were POWERLESS to block anything.

But they did. As the video shows, they fought tooth and nail to make sure there was no oversight committee for F and F. The Democrats in the video claimed there was no problem in the lending practices, and Republicans were hell bent on showing a problem emerging.
To be to totally accurate, the Bush administration did not stop the then-existing policy of pressuring/enticing lenders into lowering credit standards.
There was no "then-existing policy" of lowering lending standards, Bush owns that himself, but you knew that already. Under Obama, borrowers had to be qualified, and had to have a downpayment. Bush made no downpayment loans for more than the house was worth to borrowers with bad credit who earned 20% less than the average income of the neighborhood they were buying into with his ADDI.

There was no "then-existing policy" of lowering lending standards,

Except for Clinton forcing the GSEs to make 50% of their mortgage purchases subprime.
Not the same kind of subprime loans as Bush. You already posted this lie before and I explained the difference between Clinton's FIXED RATE subprime loans and Bush's ARM subprime loans, so you can't pretend you are lying here out of STUPIDITY, you KNOW you are lying.

From one of your fellow Right-wing racist poster's own link in this very thread:
"Under Fannie Mae's pilot program, consumers who qualify can secure a mortgage with an interest rate one percentage point above that of a conventional, 30-year fixed rate mortgage of less than $240,000 -- a rate that currently averages about 7.76 per cent. If the borrower makes his or her monthly payments on time for two years, the one percentage point premium is dropped."
Obama suing Chicago banks for not writing enough crappy mortgage loans, back when he was a community organizer.
Obama never sued for crappy mortgage loans, racists call them "crappy" because to racists no minority is EVER qualified for a loan, or anything else for that matter.

Obama never sued for crappy mortgage loans

Right, he sued because not enough people with great credit could get mortgages.
Not enough MINORITIES with QUALIFYING credit could not get mortgages after a HUD sting operation exposed the discrimination.

Hud `Sting` To Root Out Lending Bias

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development plans to begin using undercover ``sting`` operations to investigate banks for racial discrimination in mortgage lending.
The department will use its authority under fair-housing legislation to send ``matched pairs`` of minority and white testers posing as mortgage applicants into banks to uncover loan discrimination. The testers will have closely matched characteristics, such as income, credit history and bank balances.

The undercover operation follows the release last fall of a Federal Reserve study of all U.S. mortgage applications in 1990 showing blacks and Hispanics were far more likely to have their applications turned down than whites, even when their incomes were similar. Affluent blacks were rejected at essentially the same rate as poor whites, the study found.

I can't believe you actually posted this nonsense. Banks don't give loans on income alone, and your article highlights it as if income was all that mattered. Credit history is more important to a bank along with where a home is located.

All banks care about is getting their money back with interest. WTF would they care what color somebody was? Sorry, but yes, minorities do have worse credit histories than whites. And your article only said what they were going to do, not what they found. Now can you name me a major banking or lending institution that was prosecuted for racial discrimination in loan practices?
I can believe you never even read my pull quotes before you posted your lie!!!

From the pull quote I posted;
The testers will have closely matched characteristics, such as income, credit history and bank balances.

Actually I read the whole article. So what does "closely matched" mean? It doesn't mean exactly. And again I ask, what did they find and who did they sue over their findings?

When I bought my houses, I was asked a series of questions. For instance, how long I was employed at the same company? Where did the money in my savings account come from? And then there is the appraisal value of the home which I can't believe this investigation went that far. If the bank appraises a property less than the amount for the loan, they refuse it.

This hit piece seems to leave out a lot of information. All it really said is they planned on conducting an investigation.
Bush did call attention to the dangers of what Freddie and Fannie were doing with home loans, and Congressional Republicans tried to impose tougher regulations on them, but Democrats blocked all of their efforts.
That is a complete lie, but you knew that already. The MAJORITY Republicans blocked EVERY reform bill, the Dems were POWERLESS. Reform was only passed when the Dems took over Congress, but by then the GOP obstruction had already taken its toll.

The reform bills were blocked in COMMITTEE completely controlled by the GOP. The GOP had the chairmanship of every committee and two more voted then the Dems on the committee, the Dems were POWERLESS to block anything.

But they did. As the video shows, they fought tooth and nail to make sure there was no oversight committee for F and F. The Democrats in the video claimed there was no problem in the lending practices, and Republicans were hell bent on showing a problem emerging.

Agaiin, the GOP blocked everything IN COMMITTEE, which the GOP CONTROLLED and the Dems were POWERLESS. All the Dems could do was talk.
Repeating your lie does not make it any less of a lie, it only makes you a SERIAL LIAR.
Obama never sued for crappy mortgage loans, racists call them "crappy" because to racists no minority is EVER qualified for a loan, or anything else for that matter.

Obama never sued for crappy mortgage loans

Right, he sued because not enough people with great credit could get mortgages.
Not enough MINORITIES with QUALIFYING credit could not get mortgages after a HUD sting operation exposed the discrimination.

Hud `Sting` To Root Out Lending Bias

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development plans to begin using undercover ``sting`` operations to investigate banks for racial discrimination in mortgage lending.
The department will use its authority under fair-housing legislation to send ``matched pairs`` of minority and white testers posing as mortgage applicants into banks to uncover loan discrimination. The testers will have closely matched characteristics, such as income, credit history and bank balances.

The undercover operation follows the release last fall of a Federal Reserve study of all U.S. mortgage applications in 1990 showing blacks and Hispanics were far more likely to have their applications turned down than whites, even when their incomes were similar. Affluent blacks were rejected at essentially the same rate as poor whites, the study found.

I can't believe you actually posted this nonsense. Banks don't give loans on income alone, and your article highlights it as if income was all that mattered. Credit history is more important to a bank along with where a home is located.

All banks care about is getting their money back with interest. WTF would they care what color somebody was? Sorry, but yes, minorities do have worse credit histories than whites. And your article only said what they were going to do, not what they found. Now can you name me a major banking or lending institution that was prosecuted for racial discrimination in loan practices?
I can believe you never even read my pull quotes before you posted your lie!!!

From the pull quote I posted;
The testers will have closely matched characteristics, such as income, credit history and bank balances.

Actually I read the whole article. So what does "closely matched" mean? It doesn't mean exactly. And again I ask, what did they find and who did they sue over their findings?

When I bought my houses, I was asked a series of questions. For instance, how long I was employed at the same company? Where did the money in my savings account come from? And then there is the appraisal value of the home which I can't believe this investigation went that far. If the bank appraises a property less than the amount for the loan, they refuse it.

This hit piece seems to leave out a lot of information. All it really said is they planned on conducting an investigation.
Closely matched means CLOSELY MATCHED, meaning it closely matched yours.
To be to totally accurate, the Bush administration did not stop the then-existing policy of pressuring/enticing lenders into lowering credit standards.
There was no "then-existing policy" of lowering lending standards, Bush owns that himself, but you knew that already. Under Obama, borrowers had to be qualified, and had to have a downpayment. Bush made no downpayment loans for more than the house was worth to borrowers with bad credit who earned 20% less than the average income of the neighborhood they were buying into with his ADDI.

There was no "then-existing policy" of lowering lending standards,

Except for Clinton forcing the GSEs to make 50% of their mortgage purchases subprime.
Not the same kind of subprime loans as Bush. You already posted this lie before and I explained the difference between Clinton's FIXED RATE subprime loans and Bush's ARM subprime loans, so you can't pretend you are lying here out of STUPIDITY, you KNOW you are lying.

From one of your fellow Right-wing racist poster's own link in this very thread:
"Under Fannie Mae's pilot program, consumers who qualify can secure a mortgage with an interest rate one percentage point above that of a conventional, 30-year fixed rate mortgage of less than $240,000 -- a rate that currently averages about 7.76 per cent. If the borrower makes his or her monthly payments on time for two years, the one percentage point premium is dropped."

To my knowledge, there is no such thing as a fixed rate subprime loan. Subprime means exactly that--under prime.

The housing crash happened when interest rates went up for subprime loans. People who could barely make the mortgage found themselves helpless when the mortgage increased 25% or more.
Obama never sued for crappy mortgage loans

Right, he sued because not enough people with great credit could get mortgages.
Not enough MINORITIES with QUALIFYING credit could not get mortgages after a HUD sting operation exposed the discrimination.

Hud `Sting` To Root Out Lending Bias

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development plans to begin using undercover ``sting`` operations to investigate banks for racial discrimination in mortgage lending.
The department will use its authority under fair-housing legislation to send ``matched pairs`` of minority and white testers posing as mortgage applicants into banks to uncover loan discrimination. The testers will have closely matched characteristics, such as income, credit history and bank balances.

The undercover operation follows the release last fall of a Federal Reserve study of all U.S. mortgage applications in 1990 showing blacks and Hispanics were far more likely to have their applications turned down than whites, even when their incomes were similar. Affluent blacks were rejected at essentially the same rate as poor whites, the study found.

I can't believe you actually posted this nonsense. Banks don't give loans on income alone, and your article highlights it as if income was all that mattered. Credit history is more important to a bank along with where a home is located.

All banks care about is getting their money back with interest. WTF would they care what color somebody was? Sorry, but yes, minorities do have worse credit histories than whites. And your article only said what they were going to do, not what they found. Now can you name me a major banking or lending institution that was prosecuted for racial discrimination in loan practices?
I can believe you never even read my pull quotes before you posted your lie!!!

From the pull quote I posted;
The testers will have closely matched characteristics, such as income, credit history and bank balances.

Actually I read the whole article. So what does "closely matched" mean? It doesn't mean exactly. And again I ask, what did they find and who did they sue over their findings?

When I bought my houses, I was asked a series of questions. For instance, how long I was employed at the same company? Where did the money in my savings account come from? And then there is the appraisal value of the home which I can't believe this investigation went that far. If the bank appraises a property less than the amount for the loan, they refuse it.

This hit piece seems to leave out a lot of information. All it really said is they planned on conducting an investigation.
Closely matched means CLOSELY MATCHED, meaning it closely matched yours.

That's very subjective. One might say if I made 40K per year, somebody making 32K a year was closely matched. Credit scores are not "closely matched." Your credit score has a number. It's either the exact number or it isn't. If my number is 745, 720 could make the difference between being accepted for a loan or not. It's ambiguous.
Bush did call attention to the dangers of what Freddie and Fannie were doing with home loans, and Congressional Republicans tried to impose tougher regulations on them, but Democrats blocked all of their efforts.
That is a complete lie, but you knew that already. The MAJORITY Republicans blocked EVERY reform bill, the Dems were POWERLESS. Reform was only passed when the Dems took over Congress, but by then the GOP obstruction had already taken its toll.

The reform bills were blocked in COMMITTEE completely controlled by the GOP. The GOP had the chairmanship of every committee and two more voted then the Dems on the committee, the Dems were POWERLESS to block anything.

But they did. As the video shows, they fought tooth and nail to make sure there was no oversight committee for F and F. The Democrats in the video claimed there was no problem in the lending practices, and Republicans were hell bent on showing a problem emerging.

Agaiin, the GOP blocked everything IN COMMITTEE, which the GOP CONTROLLED and the Dems were POWERLESS. All the Dems could do was talk.
Repeating your lie does not make it any less of a lie, it only makes you a SERIAL LIAR.

Very well, show me this evidence that the Republicans blocked F and F oversight, or that they blocked any legislation to prevent the housing crash.
To be to totally accurate, the Bush administration did not stop the then-existing policy of pressuring/enticing lenders into lowering credit standards.
There was no "then-existing policy" of lowering lending standards, Bush owns that himself, but you knew that already. Under Obama, borrowers had to be qualified, and had to have a downpayment. Bush made no downpayment loans for more than the house was worth to borrowers with bad credit who earned 20% less than the average income of the neighborhood they were buying into with his ADDI.

There was no "then-existing policy" of lowering lending standards,

Except for Clinton forcing the GSEs to make 50% of their mortgage purchases subprime.
Not the same kind of subprime loans as Bush. You already posted this lie before and I explained the difference between Clinton's FIXED RATE subprime loans and Bush's ARM subprime loans, so you can't pretend you are lying here out of STUPIDITY, you KNOW you are lying.

From one of your fellow Right-wing racist poster's own link in this very thread:
"Under Fannie Mae's pilot program, consumers who qualify can secure a mortgage with an interest rate one percentage point above that of a conventional, 30-year fixed rate mortgage of less than $240,000 -- a rate that currently averages about 7.76 per cent. If the borrower makes his or her monthly payments on time for two years, the one percentage point premium is dropped."

To my knowledge, there is no such thing as a fixed rate subprime loan. Subprime means exactly that--under prime.

The housing crash happened when interest rates went up for subprime loans. People who could barely make the mortgage found themselves helpless when the mortgage increased 25% or more.
No, a subprime loan is any loan with a rate ABOVE prime conventional loans. They can be fixed rate or variable rate (ARM) loans. The Clinton loans were 1% above prime conventional loans and fixed rate. Bush's subprime loans were ARMs.
Obama suing Chicago banks for not writing enough crappy mortgage loans, back when he was a community organizer.
Obama never sued for crappy mortgage loans, racists call them "crappy" because to racists no minority is EVER qualified for a loan, or anything else for that matter.

Obama never sued for crappy mortgage loans

Right, he sued because not enough people with great credit could get mortgages.
Not enough MINORITIES with QUALIFYING credit could not get mortgages after a HUD sting operation exposed the discrimination.

Hud `Sting` To Root Out Lending Bias

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development plans to begin using undercover ``sting`` operations to investigate banks for racial discrimination in mortgage lending.
The department will use its authority under fair-housing legislation to send ``matched pairs`` of minority and white testers posing as mortgage applicants into banks to uncover loan discrimination. The testers will have closely matched characteristics, such as income, credit history and bank balances.

The undercover operation follows the release last fall of a Federal Reserve study of all U.S. mortgage applications in 1990 showing blacks and Hispanics were far more likely to have their applications turned down than whites, even when their incomes were similar. Affluent blacks were rejected at essentially the same rate as poor whites, the study found.

Not enough MINORITIES with QUALIFYING credit could not get mortgages after a HUD sting operation exposed the discrimination.

If minorities had to have better credit scores to get mortgages, they would have lower default rates on mortgages.


Mortgage Default Rates and Borrower Race on JSTOR

To be to totally accurate, the Bush administration did not stop the then-existing policy of pressuring/enticing lenders into lowering credit standards.
There was no "then-existing policy" of lowering lending standards, Bush owns that himself, but you knew that already. Under Obama, borrowers had to be qualified, and had to have a downpayment. Bush made no downpayment loans for more than the house was worth to borrowers with bad credit who earned 20% less than the average income of the neighborhood they were buying into with his ADDI.

There was no "then-existing policy" of lowering lending standards,

Except for Clinton forcing the GSEs to make 50% of their mortgage purchases subprime.
Not the same kind of subprime loans as Bush. You already posted this lie before and I explained the difference between Clinton's FIXED RATE subprime loans and Bush's ARM subprime loans, so you can't pretend you are lying here out of STUPIDITY, you KNOW you are lying.

From one of your fellow Right-wing racist poster's own link in this very thread:
"Under Fannie Mae's pilot program, consumers who qualify can secure a mortgage with an interest rate one percentage point above that of a conventional, 30-year fixed rate mortgage of less than $240,000 -- a rate that currently averages about 7.76 per cent. If the borrower makes his or her monthly payments on time for two years, the one percentage point premium is dropped."

To my knowledge, there is no such thing as a fixed rate subprime loan. Subprime means exactly that--under prime.

The housing crash happened when interest rates went up for subprime loans. People who could barely make the mortgage found themselves helpless when the mortgage increased 25% or more.
No, a subprime loan is any loan with a rate ABOVE prime conventional loans. They can be fixed rate or variable rate (ARM) loans. The Clinton loans were 1% above prime conventional loans and fixed rate. Bush's subprime loans were ARMs.

Bush nor Clinton tells the banks what kinds of mortgages to make. That's up to the bank--not the President.
To be to totally accurate, the Bush administration did not stop the then-existing policy of pressuring/enticing lenders into lowering credit standards.
There was no "then-existing policy" of lowering lending standards, Bush owns that himself, but you knew that already. Under Obama, borrowers had to be qualified, and had to have a downpayment. Bush made no downpayment loans for more than the house was worth to borrowers with bad credit who earned 20% less than the average income of the neighborhood they were buying into with his ADDI.

There was no "then-existing policy" of lowering lending standards,

Except for Clinton forcing the GSEs to make 50% of their mortgage purchases subprime.
Not the same kind of subprime loans as Bush. You already posted this lie before and I explained the difference between Clinton's FIXED RATE subprime loans and Bush's ARM subprime loans, so you can't pretend you are lying here out of STUPIDITY, you KNOW you are lying.

From one of your fellow Right-wing racist poster's own link in this very thread:
"Under Fannie Mae's pilot program, consumers who qualify can secure a mortgage with an interest rate one percentage point above that of a conventional, 30-year fixed rate mortgage of less than $240,000 -- a rate that currently averages about 7.76 per cent. If the borrower makes his or her monthly payments on time for two years, the one percentage point premium is dropped."

I explained the difference between Clinton's FIXED RATE subprime loans and Bush's ARM subprime loans

The GSEs bought 50% subprime mortgages under Clinton and then stopped buying those in order to buy 55% Bush subprimes? That doesn't make sense.

Do you have any backup for that claim?

"Under Fannie Mae's pilot program, consumers who qualify can secure a mortgage with an interest rate one percentage point above that of a conventional,

Wow! They must have made literally millions of dollars worth of those loans.
That is a complete lie, but you knew that already. The MAJORITY Republicans blocked EVERY reform bill, the Dems were POWERLESS. Reform was only passed when the Dems took over Congress, but by then the GOP obstruction had already taken its toll.

The reform bills were blocked in COMMITTEE completely controlled by the GOP. The GOP had the chairmanship of every committee and two more voted then the Dems on the committee, the Dems were POWERLESS to block anything.

But they did. As the video shows, they fought tooth and nail to make sure there was no oversight committee for F and F. The Democrats in the video claimed there was no problem in the lending practices, and Republicans were hell bent on showing a problem emerging.

Agaiin, the GOP blocked everything IN COMMITTEE, which the GOP CONTROLLED and the Dems were POWERLESS. All the Dems could do was talk.
Repeating your lie does not make it any less of a lie, it only makes you a SERIAL LIAR.

Very well, show me this evidence that the Republicans blocked F and F oversight, or that they blocked any legislation to prevent the housing crash.


2003‐05: The first effort during Republicans’ 12‐year control of Congress to reform the GSEs came in
2003, when then‐Financial Services Committee Chairman Mike Oxley (R‐OH) worked to pass a bill.
year, Oxley had scheduled a Financial Services Committee markup of the legislation, but had to cancel
the markup due to White House opposition.
The legislation would have established a stronger regulator
to ensure the GSEs’ safety and soundness. As CBS Marketwatch reported on October 7, 2003:

Strong opposition by the Bush administration forced a top Republican congressman to delay a
vote on a bill that would create a new regulator for mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie
. . . The vote on Rep. Michael Oxley’s bill to reform oversight of government‐sponsored
entities including Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
was scheduled for Wednesday. Oxley, an Ohio
Republican, is chairman of the House Financial Services Committee.xviii

In 2005 Oxley tried again and this time got a reform bill through the House. Democrats unanimously supported HR 1461 in the Financial Services Committee. A majority of Democrats supported it on the
floor, though Congressman Frank and others voted against it because of unrelated restrictions it placed on the Affordable Housing Trust Fund.
The bill passed the House, but the Bush administration and Senate Republicans opposed the Oxley bill. Senate Democrats offered the House‐passed Oxley bill in
that chamber, but Senate Republicans, who held the majority, lacked the votes to pass the bill. They
took no action on any bill.
No one on this forum has the economic credentials necessary to make such an assessment. To Trump’s red neck nation, Obama can’t do anything right. They have swallowed the Trump vendetta against Obama as based on genuine differences when in reality it’s just petty settling of personal grievances and race baiting. More red meat for red necks. I’m just content to wait for the chickens to come home to roost. Right now Trump has mobilized a coalition of sycophants, racists, and the just plain stupid to his irrational agenda, the Emperor Trump and his world. I think we all know where this narrative is headed and it’s inevitable failure. The only question is how much damage is done before he is removed from his position.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No one on this forum has the economic credentials necessary to make such an assessment. To Trump’s red neck nation, Obama can’t do anything right. They have swallowed the Trump vendetta against Obama as based on genuine differences when in reality it’s just petty settling of personal grievances and race baiting. More red meat for red necks. I’m just content to wait for the chickens to come home to roost. Right now Trump has mobilized a coalition of sycophants, racists, and the just plain stupid to his irrational agenda, the Emperor Trump and his world. I think we all know where this narrative is headed and it’s inevitable failure. The only question is how much damage is done before he is removed from his position.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Right now Trump has mobilized a coalition of sycophants, racists, and the just plain stupid to his irrational agenda

No fair!! Only Obama is allowed to mobilize a coalition of sycophants, racists, and the just plain stupid to his irrational agenda.
From your end of the spectrum, that's what I would expect.

Bush left behind the worst and most complex financial/business disaster of our lifetimes, but he was better.

Okay, sure.

There were a lot of hands in that cookie jar. Bush didn't force banks into much weaker lending practices, but he didn't do much to stop it either.

Bush didn't attack businesses like DumBama did. There is a difference between businesses not doing well because of the economy and businesses not doing well because they are targeted by a power hungry President.
Yeah, he only left a crater where our economy once stood.

Thank goodness Obama arrived to fill that crater with $9.3 trillion worth of hundreds, eh?
Much of that, if not most, was due to Bush's Great Recession, which killed federal revenue along with some 8 million jobs.

But I'm proud of you. You're doing your job of being a conservative. Ignore that the right once again dropped a nuclear bomb on our economy and then did nothing but bitch and moan at the left for taking too long to clean up their mess.


At least most Republicans are willing to admit Bush Fd up, but share the blame. You on the left are just BUT BUSH! BUT BUSH! failing to acknowledge the bubble and eventual bust was in the works for years before Bush even thought of running.

Bush was swayed by the positive numbers coming out about minority home ownership, and wanted to jump on the bandwagon. It was a huge mistake on his part. But again, it wasn't any of his programs that started it.
Few presidents performed worse than Bush. What, you think you deserve a cookie for for admitting it?
Bush didn't force banks into much weaker lending practices
Actually, he induced banks into much weaker lending practice.

To be to totally accurate, the Bush administration did not stop the then-existing policy of pressuring/enticing lenders into lowering credit standards. But Bush did call attention to the dangers of what Freddie and Fannie were doing with home loans, and Congressional Republicans tried to impose tougher regulations on them, but Democrats blocked all of their efforts.
WTF?? That’s anything but totally accurate. For one, you fail to mention how it was a Republican-led Congress to whom Bush called attention — and they did nothing. You also fail to mention Bush’s American Dream Downpayment Act. A huge contributor to the crash. You fail to mention Bush took credit for the housing boom before it went bust. You fail to mention Bush’s homeownership plan...

Bush Minority Homeownership Plan Rests Heavily on Fannie and Freddie

When President Bush announced his Minority Homeownership plans last week in Atlanta, his top priorities were new federal programs: a $2.4 billion tax credit to facilitate home purchases by lower-income first-time buyers, and a $200 million national downpayment grant fund.

But none of the new federal programs--if passed by Congress--will come even close to achieving the 5.5 million-household increase in minorityhomeownership the President set as his target.

Instead, most of the heavy lifting was assigned to two mortgage market players that have sometimes come under fire from Bush administration officials and Congressional Republicans: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Fannie's and Freddie's commitments are the bedrock core of the President's ambitious plans--but didn't get the headlines. Fannie Mae agreed to increase its already substantial lending efforts to minority families by targeting another $260 billion of mortgage purchases to them during the next nine years. Freddie Mac agreed to buy an additional $180 billion in minority-household home loans during the same period.

Besides its $180 billion mortgage purchase commitment, Freddie Mac gave President Bush a promise to implement a 25-point program aimed at increasing minority homeownership. Some of the points were cutting-edge. For example, as part of an effort to remove the fear of financial loss from first-time minority home buyers, Freddie committed itself to "explor(e) the viability of equity assurance products to protect home values in economically distressed areas."

Pressed for details on "equity assurance" by RealtyTimes, Freddie Mac vice president Craig S. Nickerson said the idea is still at an embryonic stage, but might involve limited guarantees or insurance coverage to protect buyers from the possibility of loss of their initial equity stakes should property values in their neighborhoods decline
To be to totally accurate, the Bush administration did not stop the then-existing policy of pressuring/enticing lenders into lowering credit standards.
There was no "then-existing policy" of lowering lending standards, Bush owns that himself, but you knew that already. Under Obama, borrowers had to be qualified, and had to have a downpayment. Bush made no downpayment loans for more than the house was worth to borrowers with bad credit who earned 20% less than the average income of the neighborhood they were buying into with his ADDI.

There was no "then-existing policy" of lowering lending standards,

Except for Clinton forcing the GSEs to make 50% of their mortgage purchases subprime.
Bullshit. While subprime loans were around for years, they weren’t a problem until about 2003...

Bush did call attention to the dangers of what Freddie and Fannie were doing with home loans, and Congressional Republicans tried to impose tougher regulations on them, but Democrats blocked all of their efforts.
That is a complete lie, but you knew that already. The MAJORITY Republicans blocked EVERY reform bill, the Dems were POWERLESS. Reform was only passed when the Dems took over Congress, but by then the GOP obstruction had already taken its toll.

The reform bills were blocked in COMMITTEE completely controlled by the GOP. The GOP had the chairmanship of every committee and two more voted then the Dems on the committee, the Dems were POWERLESS to block anything.

But they did. As the video shows, they fought tooth and nail to make sure there was no oversight committee for F and F. The Democrats in the video claimed there was no problem in the lending practices, and Republicans were hell bent on showing a problem emerging.

Republicans controlled the Congress. You idiot. In the House, there’s nothing Democrats could do to stop Republicans. But Republicans passed only one related bill in the House and it was so far off the mark, even Bush ripped it up. In the Senate, Democrats didn’t even have to filibuster these bills as Republican leadership never put single one on the legislative calendar for a full up/down vote.

You have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.
That is a complete lie, but you knew that already. The MAJORITY Republicans blocked EVERY reform bill, the Dems were POWERLESS. Reform was only passed when the Dems took over Congress, but by then the GOP obstruction had already taken its toll.

The reform bills were blocked in COMMITTEE completely controlled by the GOP. The GOP had the chairmanship of every committee and two more voted then the Dems on the committee, the Dems were POWERLESS to block anything.

But they did. As the video shows, they fought tooth and nail to make sure there was no oversight committee for F and F. The Democrats in the video claimed there was no problem in the lending practices, and Republicans were hell bent on showing a problem emerging.

Agaiin, the GOP blocked everything IN COMMITTEE, which the GOP CONTROLLED and the Dems were POWERLESS. All the Dems could do was talk.
Repeating your lie does not make it any less of a lie, it only makes you a SERIAL LIAR.

Very well, show me this evidence that the Republicans blocked F and F oversight, or that they blocked any legislation to prevent the housing crash.

Umm...no oversight bill passed in the Senate. Republicans controlled the Senate. The only bill to pass in the Senate came in 2008, by Democrats. But it was too late — the damage occurred years earlier.

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