Julian Assange says he will provide evidence Russia narrative is false in exchange pardon

Yo................Forkup.................the OP is a troll who thinks that the tv series "24" is a political documentary, and InfoWars is fact based journalism.
Yea, I've seen him around. I just couldn't resist to actually answer him like he is worthy of the respect that someone who sees the world different than me deserves. Luckily he immediately cured me of such delusions. I can deal with other political beliefs, another planet were even what is written down in a short post is completely disregarded is too much for me.
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Yo................Forkup.................the OP is a troll who thinks that the tv series "24" is a political documentary, and InfoWars is fact based journalism.
Yea, I've seen him around. I just couldn't resist to actually answer him like he is worthy of the respect that someone who sees the world different than me. Luckily he immediately cured me of such delusions. I can deal with other political beliefs, another planet were even what is written down in a short post is completely disregarded is too much for me.

Interestingly enough, Blind Whore isn't a dude, she's a chick. And, if you call her a dude, she will go off on you BIGLY!

She also thinks that Trump is the greatest president evah.
julian assange is a high tech terrorist.

...of the DNC.

no, that's a 9th inning false narrative created by pre-election fake news peddlers...

mr assange is an anti American terrorist...

an anti American terrorist who long ago conspired to damage the integrity of all USA institutions...

an anti American terrorist who got a big assist from that useful idiot Traitor Trump...


the guided charlatan just wanted that power grab so badly, he was willing to sell out his own country...
Yo................Forkup.................the OP is a troll who thinks that the tv series "24" is a political documentary, and InfoWars is fact based journalism.
Yea, I've seen him around. I just couldn't resist to actually answer him like he is worthy of the respect that someone who sees the world different than me deserves. Luckily he immediately cured me of such delusions. I can deal with other political beliefs, another planet were even what is written down in a short post is completely disregarded is too much for me.

Interestingly enough, Blind Whore isn't a dude, she's a chick. And, if you call her a dude, she will go off on you BIGLY!

She also thinks that Trump is the greatest president evah.
Well. Mindwars I apologize for making you a male. Just look at it is a compliment to the female of the species that I consider this kind of stupid male.
Julian Assange Says He Will Provide Evidence Russia Narrative Is False in Exchange for Pardon

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has offered to provide evidence that the Russian collusion narrative is false in exchange for a pardon from President Trump.

The president, apparently, has not yet gotten the message. On Saturday, President Trump told reporters that he has “never heard” of Assange’s offer to make a deal.


Julian has helped prove just how crooked this POS government is and has been. Sucking their sheep in too. LMAO you can tell those who think they can't function without governmental parents too.
They all hate Trump .
First this. NewsWars - Media Bias/Fact Check
This is your source.
Second, lets assume for a second that the story is true. Unlikely because it states that there is some kind of conspiracy to keep the president out of the loop. What would he prove? Both facebook and twitter have confirmed that they identified Russian subsidised fake news accounts influenced the election. More importantly, Trump JR confirmed that the Trump campaign was at least interested in colluding with Russia. So motive, means and opportunity have all been established already.

Greater legal minds than yours have already shown that gathering opposition research during an election from any source would never stand up in a court of law as collusion. That's just wishful thinking on the left.
Julian Assange Says He Will Provide Evidence Russia Narrative Is False in Exchange for Pardon

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has offered to provide evidence that the Russian collusion narrative is false in exchange for a pardon from President Trump.

The president, apparently, has not yet gotten the message. On Saturday, President Trump told reporters that he has “never heard” of Assange’s offer to make a deal.


Julian has helped prove just how crooked this POS government is and has been. Sucking their sheep in too. LMAO you can tell those who think they can't function without governmental parents too.
They all hate Trump .
First this. NewsWars - Media Bias/Fact Check
This is your source.
Second, lets assume for a second that the story is true. Unlikely because it states that there is some kind of conspiracy to keep the president out of the loop. What would he prove? Both facebook and twitter have confirmed that they identified Russian subsidised fake news accounts influenced the election. More importantly, Trump JR confirmed that the Trump campaign was at least interested in colluding with Russia. So motive, means and opportunity have all been established already.

Greater legal minds than yours have already shown that gathering opposition research during an election from any source would never stand up in a court of law as collusion. That's just wishful thinking on the left.
Greater legal minds than me have also claimed the opposite. I also want to point out that something being legal doesn't make it right. You have no problem with a presidential candidate getting opposition research from an adversarial foreign government? Think about that logically, it at the very least creates the expectation of preferential treatment.

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