Julius Caeser attacks school board

Parents consent? Is that why you loons are starting up sanctuary states so a minor can get the surgery they want without a parents consent. This right here is going to end your party. Just from the lawsuit itself. I would say I love it, but ruining children's lives forever is sick.

I'm not sure why you guys think Transphobia is a winning issue for you, maybe because you've just run out of people you can hate.

Here's how we know that you've already lost this issue. Big Corporations are completely on board with tolerance. They are issuing directives on pronouns and respecting people's life choices.

Thats not true

Parents are often being cut out of the process unless they agree

How often? Do you know what kind of hoops a teen has to jump through to be emancipated?
Parents consent? Is that why you loons are starting up sanctuary states so a minor can get the surgery they want without a parents consent. This right here is going to end your party. Just from the lawsuit itself. I would say I love it, but ruining children's lives forever is sick.

Joe actually said in another thread that, if one state makes youth transitioning illegal, the kid will just go to another state.

He’s either lying here, or there.

It is taught in second-hand fashion, but they won't ever let you know that any time you are learning English or a Romance language, you are learning Latin and Greek whether you want to or not.

True in a way; and amazing to see that 45% of English is Latin-based, so I read recently (95% of French and other modern Romance languages). However, there is nothing like learning Latin itself for a real eye-opener about linguistics and of course being able to actually read Latin stuff. But education has been dumbed down because a lot of the "youts" can't handle any difficult material. So kids who are smart enough to learn hard things are discriminated against.
Joe actually said in another thread that, if one state makes youth transitioning illegal, the kid will just go to another state.

He’s either lying here, or there.
As it should be.

Just like if a state makes abortion illegal, people will just go to a state where it is.

Now, because I don't like to deal in absolutes, I believe that in most cases, a parent should be involved in the process of transitioning, if a medical professional has determined that is the best case treatment.

Not everyone lives in an ideal situation. Every case is a bit different and needs to be judged on its own merits.
I'm not sure why you guys think Transphobia is a winning issue for you, maybe because you've just run out of people you can hate.

Here's how we know that you've already lost this issue. Big Corporations are completely on board with tolerance. They are issuing directives on pronouns and respecting people's life choices.

How often? Do you know what kind of hoops a teen has to jump through to be emancipated?
Big corporations are normally the first targets of lefty hate

Pandering to lib craziness is just a defense mechanism for corporations not a core belief
True in a way; and amazing to see that 45% of English is Latin-based, so I read recently (95% of French and other modern Romance languages). However, there is nothing like learning Latin itself for a real eye-opener about linguistics and of course being able to actually read Latin stuff. But education has been dumbed down because a lot of the "youts" can't handle any difficult material. So kids who are smart enough to learn hard things are discriminated against.

Thank you!

Probably the most important decision of my young life was to quit high school and study for my GED instead. I graduated far earlier than my classmates and had one very intuitive teacher who saw that I had a facility with language who suggested that I study Latin and Greek vocabulary.



No, we get it. He's a transphobic bigot who can't mind his own business.
You dumb Libtard

Just because a male dresses up as female doesn't mean he is a female. That is ridiculous. All it means it that he is sick in the mind.

You stupid uneducated science denying Moon Bats don't know any more about Biology than you know about Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution, do you?
Big corporations are normally the first targets of lefty hate

Pandering to lib craziness is just a defense mechanism for corporations not a core belief

Or they recognize the destructiveness of the culture wars. The thing is, if you got rid of the culture wars, most people would vote Democratic. There are more working class people than investor class, even with the lines being increasingly blurred.

The only reason why the GOP plays on your racial, religious and sexual fears is because they know that if they only made the vote about you working harder to make the rich richer, even you aren't stupid enough to vote for that. (Probably).

So they tell you the evil trannies are out to get your children, and you get all panicky about that.

But big corporations realize that they have to have diverse workplaces where everyone at least pretends to get along for 8 hours. Hence why they are nipping this shit in the bud and sending out memos telling you that you can use the pronouns of your choice.

Joe, your deflecting again. Sad.
Shush, the grownups are talking.
You dumb Libtard

Just because a male dresses up as female doesn't mean he is a female. That is ridiculous. All it means it that he is sick in the mind.

You stupid uneducated science denying Moon Bats don't know any more about Biology than you know about Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution, do you?

Yet you are the one going into hysterics about something that has no effect on your life and you can't do anything about.
Or they recognize the destructiveness of the culture wars. The thing is, if you got rid of the culture wars, most people would vote Democratic. There are more working class people than investor class, even with the lines being increasingly blurred.

The only reason why the GOP plays on your racial, religious and sexual fears is because they know that if they only made the vote about you working harder to make the rich richer, even you aren't stupid enough to vote for that. (Probably).

So they tell you the evil trannies are out to get your children, and you get all panicky about that.

But big corporations realize that they have to have diverse workplaces where everyone at least pretends to get along for 8 hours. Hence why they are nipping this shit in the bud and sending out memos telling you that you can use the pronouns of your choice.

Shush, the grownups are talking.

Grown ups don’t attack teens who were adversely effected by medical professionals Joe. And they surely don’t do it in such a way that reflect the same argument as rapists attack their victims by saying “the girl asked for it”, as you do.

So, you’ve avoided two questions I’ve asked several times.

1. What are your preferred pronouns?

2. Are you post or pre op?
I'm not sure why you guys think Transphobia is a winning issue for you, maybe because you've just run out of people you can hate.

Here's how we know that you've already lost this issue. Big Corporations are completely on board with tolerance. They are issuing directives on pronouns and respecting people's life choices.

How often? Do you know what kind of hoops a teen has to jump through to be emancipated?
I don't hate trans people. But getting children to transform is terrible. It's not a winning issue. But when these kids grow up and realize they were wrong and cannot go back. They are going to sue your party and these woke corporations out of existence. You loons just better hope I'm not on the jury.
Culture wars started by the left

Not at all. If the right had it's way, Gays would still be in the closet, women in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant, and black would be riding on the back of the bus.

The culture war was started when those groups objected, and your side pushed back instead of saying, "you know, that sounds reasonable."

Grown ups don’t attack teens who were adversely effected by
Come back when you have a grown up argument.

I don't hate trans people. But getting children to transform is terrible. It's not a winning issue. But when these kids grow up and realize they were wrong and cannot go back. They are going to sue your party and these woke corporations out of existence. You loons just better hope I'm not on the jury.

Actually, fairly unlikely. Less than 1% of people who transition seek to transition back, and usually it's because of outside social pressure, not because they realize they made a mistake.

I'm not sure how anyone would have a suit against the Democratic party or a corporation that gave its employees the option of a pronoun.

They barely have a case against the doctors who performed the operations, because the standard for malpractice is actually.. pretty high.

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