Julius Caeser attacks school board

Hard science
Hard Science has proven that transgender brains are wired differently than cisgendered brains. I've posted the articles for you many times. You don't want to believe them because the upset your world view.
Common sense.

Common sense...Hmmm... hating on people you don't know because they don't act the way you want them to or you think their sex practices are icky.
Got it.
You seem awfully obsessed with other people's sex lives, it's kind of weird.

Common decency. Basic standards of morality and ethics.
My version of common decency is you don't treat people like shit because they are different. But this is probably an alien concept to you.
(I do not extend this to what you choose to believe, so political and religious views are fair game!)

Principles that are abhorrent to you and your fucked-up kind.
Um, coming from a guy who thinks he's wearing magic underwear and God lives on a planet called Kolob, I really don't put a lot of stock in what you think is fucked up.
Joe actually said in another thread that, if one state makes youth transitioning illegal, the kid will just go to another state.
He’s either lying here, or there.

This is Incel Joe about which we are talking. Lying is one of its most defining traits. Even where it occasionally appears to be telling the truth, you can know that somewhere below that, there is a lie on which it is based.
Because you aren't a role model for anybody.


I'm a veteran, homeowner, I own a business, I've been very successful in my career and I am active in my community. I am boringly average.

This is about which we are talking. Lying is one of its most defining traits. Even where it occasionally appears to be telling the truth, you can know that somewhere below that, there is a lie on which it is based.
Bob, I almost feel I need to be paying rent for living inside your head as much as I do.

I'm almost feeling bad about it, because it's clear you are becoming a little obsessed.

Look, man, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings by pointing out the sordid history of your Church. I realize this is the only human connection you had and I've kind of ruined it for you.
You do not speak for the grownups.
People who agree with me would say otherwise.

The only “people” that would agree with you would be other mentally- and morally-fucked up sociopathic pieces of subhuman shit similar to yourself.

Any creature that agrees with you is automatically discredited, as far as any sane person is concerned.
Not at all. If the right had it's way, Gays would still be in the closet, women in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant, and black would be riding on the back of the bus.

The culture war was started when those groups objected, and your side pushed back instead of saying, "you know, that sounds reasonable."

Come back when you have a grown up argument.

Actually, fairly unlikely. Less than 1% of people who transition seek to transition back, and usually it's because of outside social pressure, not because they realize they made a mistake.

I'm not sure how anyone would have a suit against the Democratic party or a corporation that gave its employees the option of a pronoun.

They barely have a case against the doctors who performed the operations, because the standard for malpractice is actually.. pretty high.

I’m back.

What’s your preferred pro noun Joe.

Are you pre op or post op
People who agree with me would say otherwise.

Then there are people who let me live in their heads because I made fun of their Church.

I doubt many people believe 13 year olds that were victimized by adults “were asking for it”. If those are the your friends, what are the visiting hours?
Not at all. If the right had it's way, Gays would still be in the closet, women in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant, and black would be riding on the back of the bus.

The culture war was started when those groups objected, and your side pushed back instead of saying, "you know, that sounds reasonable."

Come back when you have a grown up argument.

Actually, fairly unlikely. Less than 1% of people who transition seek to transition back, and usually it's because of outside social pressure, not because they realize they made a mistake.

I'm not sure how anyone would have a suit against the Democratic party or a corporation that gave its employees the option of a pronoun.

They barely have a case against the doctors who performed the operations, because the standard for malpractice is actually.. pretty high.
Libs want to tear down America and then rebuild it in the most disgusting image they can think of
The only “people” that would agree with you would be other mentally- and morally-fucked up sociopathic pieces of subhuman shit similar to yourself.

Any creature that agrees with you is automatically discredited, as far as any sane person is concerned.

Uh, yeah, hey, how is God doing on the Planet Kolob?

I’m back.
Shush, the grownups are talking.

Libs want to tear down America and then rebuild it in the most disgusting image they can think of

Funny, I'm sure that the Klansman said the same thing about Lincoln when he freed the slaves.
Or the courts when they allowed mixed race marriages.

Ask joe about the Roman Polanski case, and what he thinks of that.
I'm still wondering why you think that Roman Polanski did was bad, and Joseph Smith did was okay.

Because this is what set you off, when I pointed out that your beloved Prophet was doing the exact same thing that Polanski did.

My view on Roman Polanski is what he did was wrong, but he admitted his guilt and entered into a plea agreement with prosecutors, which a judge violated by threatening to sentence him to more time than he and the prosecutors agreed to.

This was a massive abuse of authority, the kind of thing that you supposed "libertarians" are supposedly against.

For the record, I also think it was wrong for a lynch mob to storm the jail and murder Smith and his brother. But still fucking hilarious.

Not at all. If the right had it's way, Gays would still be in the closet, women in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant, and black would be riding on the back of the bus.

The culture war was started when those groups objected, and your side pushed back instead of saying, "you know, that sounds reasonable."

Come back when you have a grown up argument.

Actually, fairly unlikely. Less than 1% of people who transition seek to transition back, and usually it's because of outside social pressure, not because they realize they made a mistake.

I'm not sure how anyone would have a suit against the Democratic party or a corporation that gave its employees the option of a pronoun.

They barely have a case against the doctors who performed the operations, because the standard for malpractice is actually.. pretty high.
You're probably talking about the 18 year old and above. But you sick shits are going after minors. You deserve death.
Uh, yeah, hey, how is God doing on the Planet Kolob?

Shush, the grownups are talking.

Funny, I'm sure that the Klansman said the same thing about Lincoln when he freed the slaves.
Or the courts when they allowed mixed race marriages.

I'm still wondering why you think that Roman Polanski did was bad, and Joseph Smith did was okay.

Because this is what set you off, when I pointed out that your beloved Prophet was doing the exact same thing that Polanski did.

My view on Roman Polanski is what he did was wrong, but he admitted his guilt and entered into a plea agreement with prosecutors, which a judge violated by threatening to sentence him to more time than he and the prosecutors agreed to.

This was a massive abuse of authority, the kind of thing that you supposed "libertarians" are supposedly against.

For the record, I also think it was wrong for a lynch mob to storm the jail and murder Smith and his brother. But still fucking hilarious.

View attachment 764846
Need to repent.
You're probably talking about the 18 year old and above. But you sick shits are going after minors. You deserve death.

We have an estimated 300,000 transgender people ages 12-17.

Only about 5000 people ages 12-17 are on puberty blockers, and most of them are getting treatment for early onset puberty.

If anything, youth gender dysphoria is under treated.

Need to repent.

I repented to C'Thulhu this morning, and he didn't destroy the world.


You can thank me later.
I'm still wondering why you think that Roman Polanski did was bad, and Joseph Smith did was okay.

For one thing, Roman Polanski actually did what he was accused, of, even admitted to it.

Only in the darkest, most twisted depths of your fucked-up imagination did Joseph Smith do any such thing. You are lying when you claim he did, and you know damn well that you are lying, and everyone else knows that you are lying as well.
We have an estimated 300,000 transgender people ages 12-17.

Only about 5000 people ages 12-17 are on puberty blockers, and most of them are getting treatment for early onset puberty.

If anything, youth gender dysphoria is under treated.

I repented to C'Thulhu this morning, and he didn't destroy the world.

View attachment 764868
You can thank me later.
You loons said it wasn't happening at all a few months ago. So you can probably triple those numbers. Anyway not one minor should be transitioning.
For one thing, Roman Polanski actually did what he was accused, of, even admitted to it.

And Joseph Smith did it with at least 8 women who were underage.

Only in the darkest, most twisted depths of your fucked-up imagination did Joseph Smith do any such thing. You are lying when you claim he did, and you know damn well that you are lying, and everyone else knows that you are lying as well.

Uh, dude, the fact he married underaged girls is a matter of historical record.

Even the Mormon Church finally acknowledged this in 2014. (Why it took them 170 years is another issue.)

If you are going to argue that a teenage girl can't meaningfully consent to have sex, or to get gender-affirming therapy, then you should also admit that a teenage girl was in no position to enter into marriage with a cult leader whose parents have been absolutely convinced by a charismatic con man to hand you off to him to get you into an imaginary heaven. If anything, that is a higher level of coercion than anything that happened to Chloe Brockman or Samantha Gailley.

The pattern actually sounds like what we often see in cults - Jim Jones, David Koresh - where the cult leader claims all the available females for himself.

My view of Smith is that he was a two-bit con man who started to believe his own con, as Cult leaders often do.

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