Julius Caeser attacks school board

Only haters and bigots ridicule, like democrats who will swarm this site like JoeB to do just that towards this emperor of ours. (Please use the proper pronouns)

Haters is what they are.

Hate is all they have.

It's because they were never taught to respect themselves. This is what three generations of sick leftism have wrought.

It's going to be a sweet silence when their yammering is finally silenced.

Does any lib on this thread know what they are talking about?

I wonder

The man was mocking woke libs who accept the claims of transgenders who self identify as something they are not

“Does anybody here believe that? That I am Julius Caesar? Anybody believe that? No, of course not. It’s ridiculous," Guglielmo continued.
"Does anybody there care about this dude's idiotic attempt to make a point?" Its unlikely Gugliermo or whatever his/her name was can name any of his kid's teachers other than the PE coach. That is the main problem with education today. Parents look at it as a day care center and see educating their kids as "someone else's job".
"Does anybody there care about this dude's idiotic attempt to make a point?" Its unlikely Gugliermo or whatever his/her name was can name any of his kid's teachers other than the PE coach. That is the main problem with education today. Parents look at it as a day care center and see educating their kids as "someone else's job".
Groomers in the school system wish parents were not paying attention

But this parent obviously is awake but not woke like that lob teachers and school board
Groomers in the school system wish parents were not paying attention

But this parent obviously is awake but not woke like that lob teachers and school board

And it's an exponentially growing movement. We're just witnessing the beginning of it. Soon enough, parents will be besieging the school boards and throwing them out.

It's coming.

Think of how little of this movement we actually get to see on MSM.


But it's happening.


A man who self identifies as Julius Caeser protested the push for gender reassignment within schools at a recent school board meeting.

All I can say is, beware of the Ides of March my friend.
No son of the Julii would have worn a moustache.

A man who self identifies as Julius Caeser protested the push for gender reassignment within schools at a recent school board meeting.

All I can say is, beware of the Ides of March my friend.
I think the facial expressions of the woman in pink behind "Caesar" says all that needs to be said about this idiot.
Are you really so delusional that you think kids don't even think about being LGBTQ unless someone puts the idea in their head.
Having been a kid myself I know they dont unless they are exposed to the toxic liberal culture that promotes sexual confusion

Hate is all they have.
Some day, the bigots will speak with gay pride that the GOP was the first party to elect a tranny.

Just like the bigots brag today that the Republicans freed the slaves.
No, we get it. He's a transphobic bigot who can't mind his own business.

If a school that is supposed to be teaching his children important knowledge and life skills to prepare them to grow into functional, productive adults, is instead malfeasantly filling his children's heads with harmful, immoral, anti-scientific bullshit, how is this not his business?

What is interesting here, is your use of the term “bigot” directed at others, juxtaposed with your own deep and intense bigotry against anyone who is not a morally- and mentally-fucked-up freak like yourself.
Are you really so delusional that you think kids don't even think about being LGBTQ unless someone puts the idea in their head.

Do you remember being a child? How much thought, in your youngest years, did you give to homosexuality, transsexuality, or other fucked-up sexual deviancies?

Of course, back then, pedophiles were not openly feeding that shit to children.
Having been a kid myself I know they dont unless they are exposed to the toxic liberal culture that promotes sexual confusion

Uh, guy, there's no confusion. By your logic,

If a school that is supposed to be teaching his children important knowledge and life skills to prepare them to grow into functional, productive adults, is instead malfeasantly filling his children's heads with harmful, immoral, anti-scientific bullshit, how is this not his business?

Um, teaching the kid to not be a bigot... that's actually going to be more useful to him than the year the Battle of Waterloo happened.

Gay people exist. Trans people exist. No one becomes gay because they heard it was a thing.

What is interesting here, is your use of the term “bigot” directed at others, juxtaposed with your own deep and intense bigotry against anyone who is not a morally- and mentally-fucked-up freak like yourself.

Uh, the only mentally and morally fucked up freak is the person who is only "moral" because he lives in mortal fear of a Sky Fairy watching him all the time.

My morality is pretty simple. Is what I am doing harming or helping other people. No need for Gods or bibles or any of that shit.

The problem is that most of your arguments against LGBTQ are based on "I think it's icky" and "God Says it's bad".

Do you remember being a child? How much thought, in your youngest years, did you give to homosexuality, transsexuality, or other fucked-up sexual deviancies?

then by your "logic", there should have been no gay people back then if no one was teaching it. Except, of course there were.

I grew up Catholic. All the nuns were Lesbians and all the priests were gay men. That's what they did if you started demonstrating these tendencies, they shunted your ass into the "Holy Orders". Even made it a sacrament.

The ironic thing is that most us figured this out by the fifth grade, and had to listen to these self-loathing gay people tell us how being gay was bad.

Of course, back then, pedophiles were not openly feeding that shit to children.

Naw, back then they became priests and the Church covered up for them. That was so much better.
Um, teaching the kid to not be a bigot...

You know damn well that that is not what they are teaching, and that is not the intent or purpose of all this sick shit that the pedophiles are dumping into the heads of children.

I know that lying is so deeply ingrained in your very being, that you cannot help yourself. It's what you do. It's what you are.

But do not be fooled into thinking that you are actually fooling anyone, by openly supporting pedophiles and groomers, and trying top say that there is any benevolent motive behind what they are doing.

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