July 4th: Trump hijacking Independence Day

I thought President Trump speech was the best presidential speech ever made. WOW, totally amazing.

I have already ordered my copy that includes a special introduction by Donald Trump, and a bonus video of President Trump's life and how he became worth over 635 billion starting with only $1 his dad loaned him to start his business at age of 10. What an amazing man.

Incredible salute to our military and America.
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Amazing 10 times a big as any of Obama's (Fake American).That is about the same size crowd as President Trump's inauguration where he had over 1 million people show up.
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Anything would be better than turning Independence Day into a NaziCon holiday.

Obviously you did not see ... or heed ... the words of the CNN commentator who savaged mentally un-stable Trump-hating Leftist Don Lemon, silencing Lemon in mid-sentence when he called the Trump administration 'Nazis' and called President Trump 'Hitler'...

The point was made that when mentally unstable, emotionally-manipulated, reality-denying, TDS-Suffering, Trump-hating Extremists / snowflakes make such comparisons / declarations 1) they show their complete ignorance of history, & 2) undermine actual criticism / critiques of President Trump's policy / action.

People who hear such insanity spewed by Trump-hating nutjobs STOP LISTENING, immediately recognizing what is being said as biased partisan insanity / intentional over-exaggeration.

The fact that the individual, like you, can not realistically verbally state what they specifically oppose and what law / regulation is being violated without irrationally, and inaccurately invoking 'Hitler' / 'Nazis' destroys any credibility they / you have.

As far as other intelligent, rational-thinking people are concerned, you might as well be wearing a STRAIGHT JACKET while making the comparison / statement...

Amazing 10 times a big as any of Obama's (Fake American).That is about the same size crowd as President Trump's inauguration where he had over 1 million people show up.
Waiting To Compare The Trash Pick-Up
Obama Events Looked Like It Snowed
Lakhota Are you triggered when the Air Force provides flyovers for sporting events? Or does your outrage only apply to when Trump is there?

Would you have been okay with President Obama hijacking Independence Day for political purposes - at taxpayer expense?
The last 2 times Obama used the US military Al Qaeda took over Libya, & Obama invaded Syria...
Can’t some libbie put up a fake picture from 7am and state nobody was there when President spoke.
Snowflakes forget the whole reason they can commit sedition, attack and undermine the President, protest, etc... is because of the US military, those who gave their lives defending their right to do so, and those still serving to ensure they keep those rights...
All the Democrats spent the entire 4th of July, using it to give campaign speeches in Iowa. The POTUS
spent the day Honoring America.

Who turned the 4th into a Political Event?

What a bunch of fucking dummies. They just have no clue about America and/or Americans.

The Donald owns the dems. It ain't even close. Wait til July 17th. That's when Mueller will give his testimony
to the House. It's only going to be 4 hours long and the GOP members are gonna hit him from every angle.
Then...that evening the POTUS will hold a campaign rally in Greenville, NC. Rest assured he will coordinate his
speech with Mueller's testimony.

The dems cannot get out of their own way.
So They Want Trump To Look Bad
And Take The Speeches Of The Previous Admin
To Pre-Create The Story

All You Have To Do
Is See Where You Might Say "Me" Or "I"
And Not Do It

I Forget Where I Watched It
But One Obama Speech Had An Active "Me" And "I" Clicker
They Knew He Was Going To Do It
Because Obama Couldn't Help Himself

In April, 2019
Barry Refers To "I" And "Me"
Almost 400 Times In A Berlin Speech

Washington Examiner:
Barack Obama refers to himself a record-breaking 392 times in Berlin speech

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Trump did not politicize the day at all his speech was solely about History and the Military. So much for the whines and crying from the left.
freedom is lost when it is taken for granted, like libs do.

protect it, wrestle with it, learn how to teach young people about it. it's a beautiful word: FREEEEEEEEDOM!
All the Democrats spent the entire 4th of July, using it to give campaign speeches in Iowa. The POTUS
spent the day Honoring America.

Who turned the 4th into a Political Event?

What a bunch of fucking dummies. They just have no clue about America and/or Americans.

The Donald owns the dems. It ain't even close. Wait til July 17th. That's when Mueller will give his testimony
to the House. It's only going to be 4 hours long and the GOP members are gonna hit him from every angle.
Then...that evening the POTUS will hold a campaign rally in Greenville, NC. Rest assured he will coordinate his
speech with Mueller's testimony.

The dems cannot get out of their own way.

As President Trump said thousand of times, If you're a democrat, you're a looser.

Even if he looses the election in 2020, he's already tweeted he had no plans to leave office. President Trump is here to stay indefinitely, so the loser Democrats better get use to him being president for as long as he wants. Putin would never step down, so President Trump plans to follow his lead. Democrats might whine and cry about it, but who cares, they can go have a group hug saying President Trump is being mean to them and won't leave office. Get over it. WAWW WAWW WAWW. Real men like Donald Trump, Putin, and Kim Jong-Un, don't give their power to anyone, you have to take it from them, and elections won't get in their way. And we already know what Putin and Jong-Un do to those who try to take their power... NA NA NA, hey hey, kiss him good bye!

Donald Trump pulled off the ultimate power play and Democrats didn't see it coming, and lost. Game over! As he has tweeted 1000s of times, there will be no more do overs.
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President Whose ‘Bone Spurs’ Kept Him Out Of War Finally Gets His Tank-Adorned Celebration

But the “nonpolitical” National Mall event’s tepid turnout is likely to trigger fresh anger from the criticism-sensitive Trump.

WASHINGTON ― The commander-in-chief who five decades ago claimed “bone spurs” to avoid a war because he was “never a fan” finally got the military celebration he has wanted since taking office ― but with tepid attendance and a low-energy speech whose reviews are likely to stoke a fresh round of pique from the man who delivered it.

“The First Lady and I wish each and every one of you a happy Independence Day on this truly historic Fourth of July,” President Donald Trump said Thursday from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, a pair of armored Bradley Fighting Vehicles staged in front of him.

Trump did not explain what made it “historic,” beyond his decision to inject himself into the capital city’s annual celebration that previous presidents have not taken part in. Thursday morning, he had bragged on Twitter: “People are coming from far and wide to join us today and tonight for what is turning out to be one of the biggest celebrations in the history of our Country.”

Much More: President Whose ‘Bone Spurs’ Kept Him Out Of War Finally Gets His Tank-Adorned Celebration

It was a super clusterfuck.
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Trump did not politicize the day at all his speech was solely about History and the Military. So much for the whines and crying from the left.
Its not for his lack of trying to politicize the day. He mixed up the revolutionary war and the 1812 war. Fort McHenry was the War of 1812. There were no airports back then, because airplanes werent invented yet. He's too stupid to be capable of politicizing.
After all that, he just got rained on:
i was at the celebrations where Trump spoke.

though i tried to seem casual, i couldn't help but wet myself.

THAT'S how much i love america! THAT'S HOW MUCH I LOVE AMERICA!

What had been a nonpolitical, nonpartisan celebration on the National Mall will now likely be a multimillion-dollar, taxpayer-financed political rally, critics worry.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump has hijacked what for decades had been a nonpolitical Independence Day celebration on the National Mall, packing his ticketed-event speech with political appointees and Republican donors.

The Republican National Committee has been offering major donors tickets to Trump’s speech, as have political appointees at the White House and executive branch agencies.

“He’s going to have tanks out there. It’s going to be cool,” joked one RNC fundraiser on condition of anonymity. He said he received an offer for the free tickets on Friday but did not request any. “He wants to have a parade like they have in Moscow or China or North Korea.”

Trump has been enamored of public displays of military might since he attended the Bastille Day festivities in Paris in 2017. His plan for a massive military parade last year was canceled after a Defense Department estimate became public showing that it would cost $92 million and damage the city’s roads because of the weight of tanks and other equipment.

The current plans for Thursday do not include a parade, but Trump is still pushing for tanks or other military vehicles to be displayed on the National Mall, The Washington Post reported, even though their weight is liable to damage the grass and roads. Flyovers by military planes ― including Air Force One and the Navy’s Blue Angels squadron ― are also planned.

More: RNC Giving Out Tickets To Trump’s Hijacked Fourth Of July Celebration

The Independence Day celebration has traditionally been a nonpartisan holiday. Now Trump is trying to turn it into a partisan political rally. I think that is ignorant. What do you think?

I saw the pictures of the event. It looked pretty sad. I’m happy it rained on the blob.
dudmuck said:
Its not for his lack of trying to politicize the day.
And Isn't That Really What It's All About
Democrats Were Campaigning In Iowa
Their Speeches Focus On Me, Me, I, I, I...
For Their Gim'ME' Free Stuff Socialist Constituents
He mixed up the revolutionary war and the 1812 war. Fort McHenry was the War of 1812. There were no airports back then, because airplanes werent invented yet. He's too stupid to be capable of politicizing.
You'll Have To Show Me
When President Trump Said There Are 57 States
Or Was Buzzed Multiple Times
For Going Over His Comment Time Allotment
At A Major International Conference

Or Can Refer To Himself Almost 400 Times
At A 90 Min Speech
Just Like Every Speech When He Was President For Eight Years
Barack Obama refers to himself a record-breaking 392 times in Berlin speech

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